The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Crossing The Rubicon

There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

To the dreamers... and to my Muse, it’s nice to see you again, it’s been a long time and I missed you terribly.

As always, this is a personal fantasy for adults only and it is possible because with hypnosis almost anything is. The rest, well, that’s up to your imagination.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated at the email address above.

Have fun, always...

* * *

Chapter 2

“It’s really an amazing evening, isn’t it, Sam?” Kess asked, provoking him into a response. “Look around for me, see it all, take it all in, take a deep breath and smell the trees, the air, see the clouds, so beautiful and relaxing, aren’t they?”

Sam, responding as she hoped, slowly but surely turned his head away from her, then slightly up, then forward, directly ahead of him, then slightly right, up, then down. As instructed, he took in a deep breath, filled his lungs, and then let it go as he simply said:


“Remember, Sam, you can speak with me as if you were awake, even though you’re actually not awake. The words, the thoughts, you can respond to me as if you were awake, Sam,” Kess whispered, hoping to get more from his calm peaceful mind.

“Kess...” he whispered, in a low deep tone that sent the hairs of her own neck standing up.

“Yes, Sam?”

“Am... am I really... hyp-hypnotized?”

“Yes, Sam, you really truly are, very deeply hypnotized, and you’re a wonderful subject. I always knew you would be, and you are, an amazing one,” she offered. She wanted to give it her best to assure him on as many levels as she could, both by her slow soft squeezing of his hand, the tone of her voice, and everything she could in terms of positive energy.

“This is... so co-cool...” he replied, “I always wondered, am I doing OK, really?”

“Yes, you’re doing fantastic, I promise.” Another soft squeeze, and as she stared at Sam’s face, she noted the beginnings of a smile, faintly, so she squeezed more slowly but a bit tighter. He smiled even more.

“You really love this feeling, don’t you, Sam?”

“Yeah, so long, so many times I dreamed of this, so many fail... fai—... mistakes...”

“Sam, look at me, look at me now, please,” Kess asked softly.

As he turned to face her, he was captured by those eyes once again as they became the entire focus of his world. Everything narrowed to just those eyes and he heard her speaking very clearly:

“Sam, what’s in the past is no longer important. You know, on many levels, even at this moment as I’m speaking to you, that you are indeed a very capable and very talented hypnotic subject. You’ve worked at it for a long time, and the reward for your efforts is the deep trance you find yourself in right this very moment, do you understand?”

“Yes,” he replied, that breathy response ticking the back of her neck once more.

“You’re doing just fine, Sam, and you’re going to be just fine. The more you allow yourself to experience this level of trance, the more easily you’ll be able to go into trance in the future. Soon, very soon you’ll be able to go so deep, so fast, that almost anything becomes possible simply because your wonderfully creative imagination will make it happen for you, if you really want it.”

She purposely left the statement there and decided not to end it as a question but to let him consider it, on a deep level inside, before prompting him further. After a few seconds, she noticed a deep breath in, a few blinks, and then he exhaled in a sigh. Kess asked the next very important question in their journey together:

“You do want to go deeper, and experience more, and trust me to guide you along the way. Do you want that, Sam?”

“Yes, I want it.”

“Wonderful, now let’s make our way to my home, we still have some talking to do. When we get to my place, I’m going to awaken you for a short time so we can talk, face-to-face, no hypnosis, just you and me. Afterward, I’ll put you back to sleep if you want at that time and give you some instructions on how to make me just as sleepy and relaxed. I believe that I can trust you, Sam, and I want you to know that, on both your conscious and unconscious levels.”

She really hoped that her admission of believing in Sam would hit home, and it did. He smiled softly at the words as she spoke them, but especially at the point where she mentioned the trust aspect.

They walked hand in hand at a leisurely pace across the grassy area they’d covered earlier at a much faster one. She thought back to those moments only a short time ago wondering if he would have had any idea of how he’d be returning, under her spell, led by the hand, following every word, blinking slowly, breathing deeply, walking softly and with attention to her setting the pace.

Upon reaching the dorms, they entered through the same side door and turned to face the staircase and at that moment Kess had a great idea.

“Sam, before you there’s a staircase. I’m sure that in your practice with hypnosis that you’ve encountered many different inductions and you have some experience with staircase deepeners, do you not?” Kess asked softly. In the quiet of the dorm hall foyer, her voice could have been heard from quite a distance so she instantly realized she needed to be even more careful about the actual level of sound.

Sam’s whispered “Yes” response had no such echoes.

She leaned directly into his ear, going into that whisper mode once more:

“You can, even in your deeply hypnotized state, see the staircase before you. There’s no need to use your imagination this time, it’s actually happening to you, in reality, and now you’re going to make use of it. In a moment I’ll tell you to take the first step on the staircase, and as you do your mind will relax more deeply, and as you take each additional step, your mind will relax twice as deep as the previous step.”

Slow nodding as Sam’s already rather blank mind accepted the suggestions willingly.

“With each additional step, twice as deeply mentally relaxed. Your body is already so very relaxed but we need to get you to my room. Now it’s time to really allow your mind to just let go, deeper and deeper, more and more mentally relaxed with each step as your thoughts just drift away. By the time you reach the top of this staircase, holding my hand, you’ll be so blank, so utterly empty that any and all thoughts of any and all kinds will simply be gone.”

Nod, nod, nod, just a steady stream of nods responding to her suggestions.

“At the top of the staircase, holding my hand, blank, empty, mindless, and very happy to be there, deeply hypnotized, for me. You will do this for me, Sam, will you not?”

“Yessss...” with a slight delay was the response Kess got, and it truly made her go slightly wobbly as her knees almost buckled to hear it.

“You’re doing exceptionally well, Sam, thank you for trusting me. I’d like you to take that first step, with me... now.“

Kess had no idea, of course, that in his own mind, even as deep as he was at that moment, the concept of taking that first step was a major major hurdle for Sam, it always had been. The recent decision to take that first step and attend the hypnocon coming to his area was a huge one, but since he’d only just revealed that info to Gary earlier that day there was no way that Kess or anyone else could know about it yet.

But when her words sank into his open, willing and flat out perfectly accepting obedient mind, he took that first step without any hesitation at all. None in his heart, none in his body, none in his very soul, and absolutely none in his mind.

As Kess led him up the staircase the thoughts of the day just drifted out of his mind like feathers in a hurricane. They would make their presence known for just a brief instant and then were swept away like they never really existed at all. More thoughts, concerns, worries, all of it, brushed away by a silent invisible hand, each step allowing him to open up more and more.

By the next to the last step, Sam wasn’t there anymore, at least not from any reasonable perspective. Sam was simply a body being led to wherever Kess wanted to take him, and upon reaching that final step and standing there at the top of those stairs, the body known to be Sam simply took one long glorious deep breath, and as the breath was let go, so was Sam.

Kess was there beside him, of course, and had been holding his hand the entire time, but two things happened when Sam let go in that manner.

First, he truly did let go, visually and mentally, but also physically in some respects because Kess felt his hand relax to the point where he physically released his grip on her and his hand and arm simply dropped limp, loose and relaxed at his side.

Second, Kess, after seeing him let go, after feeling him relax to that point where his hand let go and that arm dropped to his side, realized it was the single hottest thing she’d ever thought she’d been a part of, and the dampness between her legs was quite a bit of evidence to prove it.

She herself had seen people let go many times: at stage shows she attended with Janine, in person as Janine dropped someone with a rapid induction, and in the rec room and library a few times with Janine as well.

She even saw herself let go while watching a recording that Janine made of one of their earliest sessions together. Up till that moment when she saw herself being put to sleep so easily. It was like Janine literally owned her and simply flipped an off-switch in her mind, and she never really believed of her own self reaching that point and surrendering. She couldn’t help but fantasize about it after the experience and after watching the video just the same.

It was fucking hot, period, and she knew it.

Kess had hypnotized only a few other people in the recent past under the careful and very watchful eyes of Janine beside her: learning what to do, what not to do, when to say what needed to be said, when to be utterly silent and let the subject respond in their own frame of time. What to watch for, like the minute muscle contractions indicating unconscious action and response as the unconscious does all the time, all those little signals that can be noticed so easily if you know what you’re looking for, and so on.

All the little things that can make a good hypnotist a really great one if they’re allowing themselves to take in the subject fully and not just sitting there babbling on at them but instead going into a level of trance with them at the same time.

Janine had told her that creating and building a strong rapport with someone was in and of itself a form of trance between two people communicating on the unconscious levels. When such communication happens, especially in the hypnotist-subject relationship, both participants experience trance on multiple levels for the benefit of everyone involved.

Kess didn’t consider herself a hypnotist, at least not to the level that Janine was at, and she wasn’t absolutely certain she ever really wanted to be that good. She understood very well that the basics weren’t all that difficult to get a grasp on and could be learned in a few days by most people.

It is a tremendously useful skill to have, and a lot of fun and games and enjoying what others could make happen because of their imaginations running wild without that critical factor involved. But hypnosis was also as a useful tool for personal change, the help with schooling, concentration, everything really.

But as she stood there, watching the body-known-as-Sam, blank and empty, only waiting to be given an instruction, so completely willing to obey it and follow it and only waiting to have another one then another and another, she had somewhat of a paradigm shift inside her own mind and came to realize that perhaps she could be really good at this after all.

She had asked Janine on several occasions in the recent past why she was so interested in hypnosis, and Janine almost always said: “Because it’s fucking hot, and I’m not kidding.” Kess understood it, on many levels, and found herself aroused on many occasions in the past.

Janine worked with various people now and again as part of her curriculum, even if it was just for pure therapy in some situations—helping with some emotional issues with other students, break-ups, study issues, sleeping problems, sports performance issues, that sort of thing.

Technically she wasn’t a therapist so in some instances the work had to be done in the clinical sense. In such instances, she would work with someone under the watchful eye of her instructor, the Professor in charge of the Psych program at the school since he was a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist and instructor. She knew better than to just work with anyone that crossed her path, especially for the more severe emotional or traumatic issues; those she’d immediately refer to her Professor for professional counseling as required.

But Janine learned very quickly and had a natural talent for hypnosis, and her instructor knew it. Janine had told Kess in absolute confidence that she and that Professor had worked together, and that he trusted her with his mind once. She crossed a line herself by asking him while he was deeply hypnotized if he had any feelings towards her in that way. While he admitted that he did, he was a married man and would never act upon those desires.

After Janine emerged him from trance, he told her he was somewhat disappointed in what she’d done. He understood why she had done it, but he was slightly disappointed that she hadn’t realized if he trusted her with his mind that he would have answered her questions honestly out of trance just the same.

It damaged her confidence for some time, but the Professor got her back into the swing of things with some new students to work with. He also gave her more responsibility and asked more of her in terms of handling things that her skills were more than capable of taking care of, and she responded by performing better than he’d imagined.

Regardless of all that, Janine always answered Kess the same way, very bluntly, very simply, and straight to the point:

Because it’s so fucking hot.

At that moment, as she stared at Sam, knowing he was there because of her, waiting for her, completely dependent on her and whatever she chose to command, instruct, or suggest him to do, she really understood it more than ever before.

And yes, it was insanely fucking hot.

A very silent, practically unspoken “Thank you, Mistress” escaped her own lips, and a smile followed because she herself now finally truly understood it from this experience working with Sam.

“Take my hand, and come with me,” she said, knowing full well he would obey.

Upon reaching her door she simply said “Stand and wait” and nothing more. The body-known-as-Sam stood in place, blinking very slowly, his glazed eyes staring in the somewhat general direction of the door frame more than the door itself, and perfectly mindlessly content to do it.

Entering the room, Kess headed to the fridge to put the two meals away then decided to try and spruce the place up as quickly as she could. Some clothes here and there, on the loveseat against the inner wall behind the door—she peeked out and smiled at the body-known-as-Sam still there exactly where she knew he’d be—and tossed the clothing items in the corner between the loveseat and the couch. She grabbed some of the magazines from the coffee table in front of the couch and tossed those into the clothing hamper.

After a moment she came to realize what she was doing, at how insanely silly it was considering he was so deep he wouldn’t even notice the mess or care on any level whatsoever. She simply wasn’t thinking about anything at all except Sam. She laughed a nice soft happy laugh standing there looking around and not really knowing exactly what to do.

She laughed again at the idea of her being the focus of his entire world at that moment just as he’d become the focus of hers to various degrees.

The room, more like an apartment really since the original purpose for this particular dorm facility was faculty and not students, was much larger than typical dorm rooms by far. It had a larger bathroom with a full tub—an old classic cast iron one that Kess absolutely adored spending time in, both in and out of trance under Janine’s always amazing ministrations. There was also a kitchen with an actual gas-powered stove, a full fridge, even a small freezer for additional items if needed.

Kess caught her breath, laughed one final time at just how unbelievably utterly insane it was considering what she had already done, and what was still to come. She decided that she herself had already taken that first step, then went to the body-known-as-Sam and took his hand and told him to follow her inside.

Sam trailed along as the mindless automaton he was not noticing much of anything on any level. He didn’t hear the door close behind him but heard her distinct voice whispering once more which took the strength from his legs. He fell back into something that caught him, and after a few more whispers the body-known-as-Sam was allowed to drift, eyes closed, for a little while longer.

Now that Sam was comfortable in the loveseat with his legs up on the ottoman, Kess decided it was time to get out of her rather soaked apparel. She noted with great satisfaction that she was indeed incredibly aroused, pretty much since the moment she spoke to Sam at the cafeteria. His reaction, at that time, seemed a bit odd, the sudden tensing up as she whispered in his ear, and she even considered asking him about it but decided to let it go in favor of other more interesting questions to come.

She stripped off the hoodie top and took off her sports bra which allowed her 34C breasts to get some much-needed fresh air. The room was a bit chillier than the outside temps so she developed the goosebumps that were par for the course there. The entire building had some old heating and cooling system that wasn’t controlled on a room by room basis so, either the whole building was too cold or too hot and it was hardly ever perfect for the few residents at any given time.

Nipples, check. Breasts, check. She felt good to go at that point.

Looking at herself in the mirror she didn’t think she looked bad at all. Stripping down the yoga pants, then the panties, “Yep, drenched, good lord, Sam, what are you doing to me?” she thought aloud and laughed at that odd silly insanity once more.

She grabbed a long sleeve oversized sweatshirt with some fraternity crest on it and slid into it, the large size obviously covering most of her frame as it hung loosely on her shoulders. Turning to the mirror, seeing herself in that outfit, the image that came to her own imagination immediately was the scene in the movie “Flashdance” where Jennifer Beales’ character strips off her clothes completely and ends up wearing a similar very large oversized sweatshirt.

Of course, she didn’t have the same body type that Beales had, nor the same poodle style hairdo—she had to admit that Beales was fucking hot in that movie—and even knowing that there was a professional dancer in a wig doing the dance scenes didn’t douse just how hot Beales really was in that role.

Kess turned around and looked at herself over her own shoulder. She knew she wasn’t the woman of every man’s dreams but perhaps she could be that woman for the one now relaxing deeper and deeper into the loveseat only a few feet away.

Again, she whispered to herself: “Thank you, Mistress.”

She stepped close to the mirror, looked into her own eyes, took in a long deep fulfilling breath, and winked, smiling as she did so.

Kess strolled casually into the living area where she wondered how best to emerge Sam from wherever he was. She thought about using touch to withdraw him slowly, stroking his arms to bring him back to himself, but she eventually settled on what she believed created the strongest bond with Sam:

Her soft voice, whispering into his mind, close, so he could feel her breath on his ear, just as she’d done at Panda Express.

Stepping around the ottoman she slowly slid onto the loveseat beside him, taking up a position on his right side, making herself sit a bit higher so she had a slight angle-of-attack more or less looking down onto the body-known-as-Sam’s face. He looked so peaceful, so content in that state as everyone does, and she really did hate to bring him back but it was time to get some things out of the way before the real fun began.

She giggled at herself and mentally said “Who the fuck are you kidding, girl, just say the fucking hot sex and be done with it...” and laughed a bit louder knowing that the body-known-as-Sam might not hear it on some level but on another he’d pick up on it just the same.

She very gently slid her left hand along the top of the loveseat, slipping it between the loveseat material and the back of the body-known-as-Sam’s neck, being as gentle as she could as the palm of her hand made contact with that soft fleshy spot just below his hairline. Janine had taught her that, for most people, having someone touching them, especially that spot on the neck just below the hairline, was a very powerful anchor for relaxation. In her own experience which was still rather limited the results absolutely supported what Janine had explained and she loved to surrender to that touch on her own neck.

She’d wanted to softly take Sam’s neck and stroke it earlier at the cafeteria but she wasn’t sure if he’d be OK with that kind of contact. In fact, as she thought of that earlier experience, she remembered the drink sitting between his legs. She also realized he might have reacted in a spasm-like manner, jerking his neck forward away from her if she did it completely by surprise, with the drink ending up all over him and perhaps ruining the possibilities that were now—quite literally—in the palm of her hand.

Kess thanked herself silently for trusting her instincts as Janine had been teaching her and realized that yes, she made the right decision in not making physical contact with him at that moment in the cafeteria. She was quite certain that after she’d seen his reaction to her soft whispers multiple times so far in their time together that she’d found her way “in” meaning the sure-fire way to get his attention, arrest it, and bring all his focus on her.

She glanced towards the kitchen, saw the clock over the stove and it said almost 7 PM, so time to get things moving she reminded herself.

Leaning into the body-known-as-Sam’s right ear, softly squeezing his neck with her even softer warm palm, she began to whisper to her enthralled companion’s open mind:

“Sam, I know you can hear me speaking to you, even as deeply hypnotized as you are. I know you feel so wonderful being so incredibly deep for me, but it’s time to awaken. I’m going to bring you back now so I want you to follow my instructions. In a moment I’m going to count from 1 to 10, and when I count 10 and not before I count 10 you will find yourself back to full awakening consciousness, aware of your surroundings, knowing that you’re safe sitting beside me, in my home. Any memories of your experience so far with me are there for your conscious mind to remember if your unconscious mind wishes them to be remembered.”

The slightest stirring under the palm of her hand was noted, just a twitch really, but Kess took it as a sign of understanding and acceptance.

“That’s right, Sam, so deep and relaxed, but now it’s time to come back to me so we can talk, just you and I, face-to-face, having a heart to heart conversation. I’m sure that you’ll find it very easy to answer any questions that I have, even though you’ll be completely awake and out of trance at the count of 10 and not before the count of 10.”

Another slight twitch after she stopped whispering, another sign of acceptance.

“I like you, Sam, I like you very much, and I want your deepest self to know this, right here and right now, and I’ll be honest with you when you awaken and tell you exactly the same, so you’re aware of it on every level that you need to be. But now it’s time to come back... 1.”

Slight twitches in the neck felt by her palm, a twitch or two on his face at the eyelids.

“2... coming up slowly, but it’s happening and you feel it happening, both in your body and in your mind.”

“3... still so very relaxed, still deep but rising more quickly now, feeling your body returning to your control, like waking from a deep natural sleep.”

“4... even faster now, breathing becoming shallower as your body awakens along with your mind.”

“5... sensing the material under your arms, feelings returning to your skin, warming up a bit.”

“6... allowing your mind to stay relaxed and yet knowing that at the count of 10 you’ll be fully awake once more.”

“7... almost there now, coming up, take a deep breath in and push it out just a little stronger this time.”

“8... so close now, knowing that I’m here right beside you, feeling my hand on the back of your neck, feeling my hand on your heart.” Kess placed her hand directly over Sam’s heart, pressing into his chest gently but with just enough force to make him completely aware of it as it happened.

“9... allowing your fingers and your toes to move, stretching the muscles in your hands and arms slowly, now.”

“And... 10, open your eyes, returning to full awakening consciousness, feeling wonderful.”

“Ok, so now the big moment...” Kess said to herself internally. She took one quick deep breath in and pursed her lips as to focus the breath in front of her and not directly on Sam’s ear.

There was a real struggle for Sam to get those eyelids back open, as with most people who go really deep and spend a portion of time down there. He really was turning out to be a great subject, but she’d have more time to work with those aspects later after their talk and presuming Sam would be willing to proceed, wherever that might lead the both of them.

His arms jerked just a bit, almost startling her but she still had the hand on the back of his neck so she gave it a very slight squeeze and spoke: “You’re doing great, Sam, wake up, wake up, Sam, now.“

With the utterance of the now Sam came back to himself, fully in place, beside her but not having a clue where that was exactly.

She was afraid that he might be somewhat agitated over the change of venue so, she used a line she’d heard from Janine in the past.

“You know, Sam, a lot of people that are new to hypnosis tend to have the same ideas about what hypnosis is and what it’s not. One thing a lot of subjects have in common is a sign, some proof to their conscious minds that yes, they were indeed hypnotized to some level, and until they get that sign, that proof, they will practically never allow themselves that opportunity to let go again in the future and become even better at trance.”

Sam blinked a few times, shaking his forearms and hands out, lifting one leg and twirling a foot on the ankle, then the other. He lifted his arms fully up into the air for a moment or two and then yawned, believe it or not.

“You wanted a sign, I’m sure, and you had it earlier, do you remember what that sign was?” she asked.

A look of concentration passed over his face, then he turned slightly to look into her eyes.

“My arm, at the restaurant,” and as he said those words, he lifted his right arm and looked at it, shook it, laughed softly about it, then said “Amazing.”

“And now you have an even more powerful sign, if you still need some convincing. Paying attention, yet?” she said with a smile.

With a quick glance around he took in his surroundings, then a slight shift as he lifted both legs to place his feet flat on the floor. He leaned forward from the back of the loveseat to a more upright position.

“Obviously this isn’t Panda Express, and obviously you didn’t carry me here so, I’m guessing I was pretty deep for all that to have happened and without me recalling it which I seem unable to do at this moment. Did you—

“No, I gave you absolutely no suggestions to directly forget anything from your experience. I suggested that your conscious mind would remember anything that your unconscious mind was OK with it remembering, but I didn’t put in anything for amnesia. Whatever you’re able to remember at this moment is entirely of your unconscious mind’s doing, but as time passes you will more than likely remember every single moment of our little excursion from the restaurant back here.”

“OK, I’m OK with that, I trust you, I know that I can trust you now. You understand that earlier I was going on instinct when I first told you that I’d trust you, and on some level, I really did or else I doubt I’d have ended up here where I’m at now, which is... where exactly?” Sam asked, gazing around at the somewhat dark interior of the room. He took a breath in through the nose and noted various smells, odors, and the place just smelled old.

“Yes, it’s got that smell, old antique and there’s nothing we’ve been able to do about it since I’ve been living here with Mistress. We don’t even notice it really and if you spend more time here, you’ll come to ignore it just as we do.”

“Before we go further, I need to ask one question upfront,” Sam stated. “It’s rather important so bear with me. Have you ever hypnotized me before today, because I don’t understand why I’ve responded to you so, well, strongly I suppose is the right word, maybe? I’m not even sure if I’m asking the right question, I really don’t, but from the moment I heard your voice standing in the doorway of my dorm room there’s just been this something I can’t quite explain, like, when you spoke the hair—

“On the back of your neck, I know the feeling all too well, Sam,” Kess interjected, “and as I said earlier, being completely honest with you, no, I have never hypnotized you before a short time ago. Having said that, and following Mistress’ commands I’m going to answer the next question I’m sure you’ll have which is has Janine hypnotized you before, and the answer to that is yes.”

A slight shift in his posture alerted Kess that Sam wasn’t too pleased with that. He didn’t directly pull away from her but shifted in place just a tad so she finally released the back of his neck the instant she detected the tension return.

“It’s not what you think, and I can explain it all if you’re willing to listen, but it will take some time because I can’t leave out any details. I myself am under a post-hypnotic suggestion to tell you anything you desire to know, so in some respects, my mind is wide open for you to peel back and get those answers I promised you earlier. I cannot answer some things that only Mistress can, and since I had never even met you in person till earlier today then such questions will have to be answered by her alone.”

Sam allowed his head to drop down as he stared at the rather old carpet on the floor, with odd concentric patterns, almost hypnotic in some respects, which was a pretty ironic thing at that moment.

“I’m not sure what this is all about, I’m not sure there’s an explanation I’ll be satisfied with. It feels like a violation, to be honest, and since I don’t recall ever really meeting Janine face to face or alone at all either it didn’t happen when we were alone together—if that’s ever happened. Or it happened and she purposely made me forget it so, how can I really be sure of anything?”

“Sam, I told you earlier that I didn’t provide you with any suggestions for direct amnesia. I don’t want anything hidden from you but you have to understand—and Janine knows more about this than I do from an expert point-of-view—that some subjects naturally experience hypnotic amnesia because of the levels of trance they’re able to achieve.”

This was nothing new to Sam and pretty basic information about hypnosis and how some subjects react: some people are just better subjects from their very first trance, having a natural talent for it, and along with that ability often comes a natural talent for developing an amnesia for those trances without any suggestions for it at all.

Other subjects can work on having an amnesia for years and never really feel comfortable enough to allow some memories to be misplaced, for lack of a better phrase. Nothing is really forgotten even with suggestions; the memories are always there, just misplaced like a file folder in the wrong drawer of a file cabinet for a period of time one could say, especially with respect to using hypnosis and suggestions for amnesia.

They return when the suggestions that caused the amnesia either wear off because of long periods of not working with the hypnotist that gave them so there’s no active reinforcement. Or sometimes whatever time period they were coupled with expires as in someone is given a suggestion to forget their name during a stage hypnosis show and when that’s over the suggestion’s effectiveness dissipates and then disappears.

Of course, in such a case the stage performer should be someone that knows this and makes sure to negate any of the suggestions provided to the participants of the show before they ever leave the stage after it’s all over.

Since people are the result of their own experiences and memories, there’s a natural fear involved with not being able to remember “yourself” or some aspects of your own life, even if it’s just a temporary thing.

“People can be deathly afraid to lose a memory or memories, and it’s something that every hypnotist, including myself, must be acutely aware of with regards to memory play,” Janine had once reminded Kess after working with a patient who had suffered some extreme traumatic events in their life.

Sam was absolutely having such a reaction at that moment, concerned that someone—apparently Janine herself—had tampered with his memories of meeting her at some point for who knows what reason or reasons. It was a perfectly natural reaction even if Kess wasn’t seeing it quite from his perspective, but she continued:

“I will volunteer one thing Janine told me about you which was this: in the experience she had with you, and I don’t have any idea when that was in the recent past, she tested you for what you might recall and she felt confident that the work she did with you would stay deep inside, and reveal itself when you were at a point where you were consciously ready to understand it. Does that make sense?” Kess asked, with a slight pleading in her voice.

Sam took a breath and let it go with a sigh.

“I get that, Kess, I really do, and I think that’s a good thing actually, at least from what my research into hypnosis has shown me over the years. Aside from that, right now I don’t know for sure that anything is just a natural side-effect of my abilities, whatever they are, or something that Janine—or even you—might have done with my mind. Is that something you can understand?“

Kess recoiled a bit at the accented you he blurted out, taking it directly for what it was: a doubt cast at her specifically. This wasn’t something she had been prepped for by her Mistress, wasn’t something she was sure she could handle all by herself.

For a moment, her only thought was that perhaps she should call Janine and ask her to come home sooner than expected. She knew Janine wouldn’t hesitate to return home if needed, but Kess also knew it would damage her own confidence on many levels and Janine might be less confident in her as well which simply would not do.

The sheer notion of disappointing her Mistress became the very motivation that pushed her to action.

“Sam, what can I do to help? I have to know. I need you to tell me exactly what I can do, right now, to help. All I want to do is get to know you, and for you to get to know me. I’ll do whatever you ask of me that I’m capable of doing, so please, take a moment and consider if there’s something I can do to ease your concerns.”

Without missing a beat Sam fired back:

“I’d like to know exactly what’s going on, why I’m really here, how I really got here and I don’t mean from earlier at the restaurant. I mean this has all been a setup of some kind, I never met Janine before today that I know of or can remember, my best friend suddenly today seems to be under her spell, now I’m falling under your spell, and no I’m not too comfortable at the moment but I really do need answers. Hell, I need some food, I don’t even remember eating really, did I eat anything at Panda Express?”

He’s distracting himself, Kess thought, that could be a good thing and she realized she didn’t eat much either come to think of it.

“The food is in the fridge, the microwave is fairly simple to operate, the food isn’t really all that cold as we’ve been back here for...” she leaned back to see the clock just off the kitchen cabinet “about 45 minutes or so, it’s almost 8 PM. I really need to pee, to be perfectly honest, and the forks are in the drawer under the microwave.”

It’s now or never she decided for herself as she leaned towards Sam and whispered in his ear:

“Please, stay, let me answer your questions...” and then she rose and made her way to the bathroom without bothering to look back.

As Kess closed the door of the bathroom behind her, all those emotions she’d been keeping in check for the past few minutes were let go as she crumpled herself into a little ball against the door. Sobbing softly, she wasn’t sure if she could handle it even in spite of never wanting to disappoint or let her Mistress down. She realized her phone was in the bedroom, laying on the bed where she’d tossed it after removing the hoodie, and regretted not having it within arm’s reach.

She heard some noises from the other side of the door, heard the all-too-familiar “beep beep BEEP hmmm...” sound of the microwave, felt a little bit better, then heard more noises, silverware, clinking of plates, glasses, then a “POP!” sound which had to be—“Oh no, he didn’t!” she thought. She climbed to her feet and stepped to the mirror, noting the tears as they had streamed down her cheeks and wiped them away with a hand towel. She straightened her hair the best she could, took a deep breath, then headed out.

As she walked out, she met Sam, carrying a makeshift tray apparently made from Mistress’ Ouija board and with the two containers from Panda Express double-stacked next to the forks and the glasses and Mistress’ bottle of red wine.

“Oh, no, no, no...” Kess began to mumble, and upon hearing it Sam stopped, looked down and began to wonder what he’d done wrong. Before he could really speak, she spoke instead:

“The wine, it was a gift from her Dad, something he left her before he passed away, she was saving it for graduation.”

The look on Kess’ face was enough to break his heart, after feeling so bad himself just a few minutes earlier. She hadn’t really done anything to him in their time together; he knew all hypnosis is self-hypnosis so anything she whispered to him had apparently just registered on some level deep inside and he responded. In some respects, he became “that guy” set free from the limitations imposed on him daily by that consciousness he wanted to just brush aside from time to time.

He wouldn’t get answers about what Janine had done till she came home in the morning or at least that was the presumption based on what she said at the cafeteria. Sam wondered at that moment just what Gary had gotten himself into, probably Janine at the moment actually, but there would never be a way to know.

Regardless, Sam took a cue from a memory of a yoga class with a crazy hot instructor a long time ago that gave him a new appreciation for how the body can bend and the power of focused intent. He decided to set not only that makeshift tray and the bottle off to the side but his own concerns as well and focus on what was right there in front of him:


He stepped back to her after sliding the tray onto the kitchen counter, put his hands on her shoulders, expecting her to look up from wherever she was, still silently mumbling something he couldn’t quite make out under her breath. With a gentle squeeze of each shoulder simultaneously he spoke:

“Kess. Look at me, Kess.”

Her head turned up, some tears happened, her eyes met his. He was completely unsure of what to say, unsure of what to do, and so he pulled her close and simply hugged her. Not too tightly, not too loosely, just what he felt she needed and that’s when the tears really made themselves known as Kess gave in to the emotions that she’d been trying to hold in for some time.

“It’s OK, Kess, really, it’ll be OK, it’ll be fine, we’ll be fine, no worries, you’re going to be just fine and so am I,” Sam offered, trying to keep his voice soft and low but not having a great deal of success with it.

After a few minutes, Kess finally stopped crying, pulled back enough to be able to wipe the sniffles away from her nose with the upper edge of the sweatshirt then finished with a long wipe from one sleeve. Sam found it unbelievably cute the way she did it and couldn’t help but giggle which of course made Kess giggle to some degrees. Without really caring to think about it, Sam reached up with both hands, cradled Kess’ face in them, and gave her a very soft kiss.

Right in the middle of the kiss, unbidden and rising from the depths of either Sam’s or Kess’ stomach, came a “rawr...” sound that made both of them instantly laugh out loud, seriously laughing in just a few seconds time. Finally, they made their way back to the loveseat to enjoy some food in a much better atmosphere overall.

After they sampled just a taste of each other’s food, the real conversation began.

“So, is Kess the name or...” Sam started.

“Kessandra, actually, like Cassandra but with the Ke and not the Ca at the beginning,” Kess replied.

“Makes sense. First time Jason said it my immediate thought was—

“Kes, from Star Trek: Voyager, yes I get that one quite often but I’m Kess with two s’ so now you know,” she stated, stabbing a broccoli sprout with her fork.

The wine was actually quite delicious, even in spite of the leftovers. Sam really did feel absolutely terrible about consuming it, but once it was opened that was the end of it or at least the beginning of the consumption that ended it. He swore to himself to do everything he could to make it right with Janine in the morning, whatever it might take.

“Why me, Kess, why out of all the possible people on this campus, why me?” Sam asked before stabbing his own fork into a piece of teriyaki chicken.

“Ah, the question, the big one, the big enchilada, the big... well anyway, to be perfectly honest only Mistress can answer that one. She’s never revealed to me precisely why she chose you, or her reasoning. There are quite a few things that only Mistress can explain because she’s the only one with those answers, so please don’t be upset with either of us for that, but I can tell you one thing I know for sure.“

“OK, hit me,” Sam offered up in between bites of chow mein and a sip of the wine.

“Somehow, she was pointed in your direction by Jason, not Gary as I understand things. Gary had that crush on Mistress from afar as all men do, and Jason has known Mistress since basically day one here at school. They both take Psych and are at roughly the same points in their time here but Jason’s focus is more towards clinical psychology itself and we both know from what I told you earlier—you do remember that information, right?”

“Yes, Janine has the Psych major, focusing on clinical hypnotherapy, that much I do recall before you so casually took control of my arm, thanks,” Sam jokingly offered.

“My pleasure. Anyway, I’m not 100% certain of this but I’m pretty sure that Jason is effectively one of Mistress’ ‘victims’ more or less, a practice partner for their hypnosis studies. Jason might even be one of the very few people I know of that Mistress will let go with, guess I’ll have to learn more about that myself. Mistress is very picky about who she trusts with her mind, and it’s not necessarily that she’s afraid but it’s something she’ll have to discuss with you herself if she wishes to do so.“

“Understandable, but I have to ask: have you seen or witnessed her working with someone else? I mean them hypnotizing her, ever?”

“Yes, but it wasn’t Jason, it was her Professor. Even in spite of the issues in their working relationship because of what Mistress did, questioning his ethics in the way she did, she trusts him with her mind explicitly. I’ve seen her working with him in his office, and without even realizing it she slips into a trance and develops that intense focus she has on something she’s working on.”

Some sips of wine, more bites of food, and Kess continued:

“I stopped by one time to drop off lunch for her and I saw her Professor taking her down, it was—OK, here I go again—seriously fucking hot because it is seriously fucking hot. I’d never seen Mistress let go like that, not at home, not when she’s practicing self-hypnosis, not ever. He just glazed her and dropped her and she was so utterly sexy and beautiful, so blank and empty.“

Sam noted the wistful expression on Kess’ face, even in spite of the rather crappy lighting in that room they were seated in. Still, a very attractive image even in the poor lighting, that much he was sure of.

“So, I’m standing outside the office, looking in on them, seeing him trancing her, watching her drop for him, surrendering so completely, and he was standing there in front of her, with her so mindless and waiting on whatever he would tell her to do. I swear to some higher power I half expected him to whip out his cock and just fuck her mouth for however long he could stand it, but of course, that was just my brain going absolutely nuts over the way she looked. Did I say it was fucking hot?” Kess blurted out, stabbing the last broccoli sprout in her take-out container.

“Yes, and I like pretty much anyone else with a hypnofetish will agree: seeing anyone surrender to trance, watching them let go in that way, watching the eyes glaze, the face smooth out and relax, that blank stare, it’s some fairly intense stuff. I have to ask this and of course I already know the answer, but earlier I know you said that my unconscious might be withholding a few memories of the journey from there...” and he pointed at her Panda Express take-out container lid which had the logo on the top “to here, and while that is more than likely true it doesn’t lessen my curiosity in the slightest so, care to help a brother out with some tidbits, please?“

The mock look of prayer was enough to get a giggle from Kess which of course made Sam smile in return.

“Funny you ask that. Originally I was just going to help you find that sign you were looking for, and Mistress will cover more of that tomorrow. But you were so utterly fascinated by your own arm just being there, outside of your conscious control, that I decided to see how far I could lead you inside, so I took a leap of faith and—

Sam laughed out loud when Kess said it, and she laughed as well:

“Wait, what did I say, or do I suppose, tell me?” as she playfully punched him in the arm.

“This has been a truly strange day, and I remember earlier in the restaurant that I was trying to explain what was going on in my mind and not being able to find the right words. That’s always been tough for me, transcribing my feelings into words and spoken language, it’s a very difficult thing to do.”

“Yes, it is, so, take a deep breath and let it go, then just tell me what you need to say,” Kess offered.

Sam took a deep breath, let it go, put down his fork, took a sip of the wine and then set the glass down. Another short breath and he began:

“My mind is a strange thing sometimes, I see things, events, incidents, moments, that seem totally unconnected but if one can or could step back and see the totality of them together the connections make themselves pretty obvious. Follow?” he asked.

“Yes, actually I do, and I have some idea of what you’re about to say but do go on,” Kess replied.

“Earlier today when I first met you back at the dorm, your voice really seriously and I mean seriously hit me pretty hard. I have a fetish for great voices and yours, at that moment, was like the proverbial ‘velvet hammer’ kind of reaction. It hit me hard but with a softness that really just fired up those hairs...” as he reached back to finger on the back of his own neck.

“Yes, you started to mention that earlier, and believe me, I know the feeling myself, I’m sure most people do. That warm tingling buzzing sensation is one of the very simplest pleasures we experience as humans, it’s why I was holding you that way when I brought you back after our journey here,” Kess replied.

“You did?” Sam asked, “because I don’t remember that, wow. Well, wait, you were holding the back of my neck earlier, I think, I’m not really sure at the moment.” He poked at the very last piece of honey walnut shrimp in her take-out container.

“Yep, I was, because it’s a nice way to let a subject know that there’s someone there with them, even if they’re not registering it on the conscious level. The touch, even something that simple, just a soft warm hand on the back of someone’s neck can mean so much to them internally. It helps the hypnotist by allowing the physical contact for responses. We all know the neck muscles are the last to let go, for almost every subject, so tension there can be indicative of someone having resistance to whatever work is being done.”

Sam looked at Kess for a few moments and she just couldn’t pick up what the facial expression was so she asked:

“OK, what, do I have something on my face, what?”

He smiled and asked:

“Are you sure you’re not a hypnotist?“

“Oh, yet another big question. Honestly, at this precise moment, I’m not entirely sure. A few hours ago, I would have told you, and I think I did tell you, that no, I’m not the hypnotist, Mistress is. But that was a few hours ago, and I didn’t know you, so if that sounds a bit odd, I can understand it. Something happened earlier on the way back here from the restaurant and, well, no no no, back to you, we’ll get to this is you want to know but you need to finish what you were starting on.”

She took a sip of her wine and waved him on prompting him to speak.

“Ok, so, earlier, I met you, you spoke, hairs on my neck, etc., but then you shifted there in the doorway and I saw that tattoo...” Sam said, reaching towards Kess slowly and she picked up on his intention so she leaned forward a bit so he’d be able to make physical contact. She was, in essence, exposing her neck for him, and accepting his touch willingly hoping that he’d understand that “yes, it’s OK to touch me, anytime you want, anywhere you want…”—that’s the signal she was firing back at him at that moment and Sam picked up on it.

“There’s something about that rose and I don’t know what it is, but it’s like I’ve seen it somewhere before and I can’t quite put my finger on it” even as he was actually in that moment physically putting his finger on it, right there on the side of her neck.

“Seems like you’re doing just fine to me,” Kess sighed, enjoying the contact even in this most simplistic way.

With a slight twist to his wrist, Sam decided to do exactly what he’d been wanting to do for some time that evening: he wanted to stroke the back of her neck, as softly as he could, and watch her reaction. He asked her first:

“May I?”

Kess nodded her consent, and very slightly allowed her head to come a bit forward as Sam’s hand slid just over her left shoulder, just under the edge of her hair, along the left inside of her clavicle, up towards the trapezius muscle and then grazing against that muscle then slightly back inside the very back of her neck allowing his palm to come to rest directly on that spot, right there, just below the hairline on that wonderfully soft fleshy part.

His thumb happily landed directly on that rose, almost as if her neck was tailor made to fit his hand precisely.

Kess literally exploded with goosebumps at the touch, relishing the sensation for those few precious moments as that buzz thrummed through every part of her being, head to toe and everywhere in between. Sam noted it, noted the suddenly blissed-out expression on her face, her mouth forming that “O” shape even as he began to tent his shorts—something he was well aware of as it occurred—so he squeezed very slightly as she breathed out and decided to take yet another leap:

“Kess, relax.”

She quite literally collapsed into him, but since he was not expecting it to happen to that degree, Sam had a tough time grabbing her just in time. She would have ended up landing hard on his tented pants which really tented even more because of her reaction.

Hand still on the back of her neck, he leaned forward to gain better leverage so his other hand could lift her apparently boneless body back to a moderately straight up seated position. Her completely relaxed body simply wouldn’t cooperate, so thinking of nothing else to do he fell back to what he believed would work:

“Kess, in a moment I’ll count from 1 to 3, at the count of 3 you’ll awaken, feeling wonderful, refreshed, and fully conscious once more, allowing that amazing feeling of those goosebumps you just experienced to return and be twice as strong at the count of 3 when you awaken. 1... 2... 3, wide awake.”

Kess snapped back into herself even as the intense wave of self-generating pleasure hit: oodles and oodles of goosebumps as she rode the experience out till it was finally done. She opened her eyes and smiled bright and wide at Sam.

“Thank you, that was pretty damned intense.”

“You’re welcome, I didn’t have any idea you’d drop like that, I really didn’t...” Sam started.

“It’s fine, you simply discovered one of the triggers I have which Mistress created for me. While she never specifically restricted its use for her and her alone, she did make it conditional that I would only accept it and respond to it if I trusted the person making the attempt. I trust you, Sam. Completely.”

So now she said it, but before he had a chance to respond she said:

“And I made you a promise when you were so very deep earlier, so deep where you’ll probably never consciously recall when it happened. The promise was that I’d tell you something when you were awake so before another moment passes so here goes: I like you, Sam, I like you a lot. And I want to get to know you better, and that’s why you’re here with me, now, to the best of my own knowledge. I don’t know what Mistress had or has planned, we’ll find out soon enough I suppose, but I really do like you quite a bit.”

She was blushing as a nice pink flush washed over her head to toe, and yes Sam noted some flaring of her nostrils as well. He kept wondering if she’d noticed the tent in his pants that he wasn’t having much luck with controlling.

“I like you, as well, Kess, a great deal, and I trust you, as you already know. Maybe Janine has something to do with this, maybe there’s some level of influence going on but even in spite of my lack of experience with hypnosis face-to-face. I’m fairly confident that I wouldn’t be here if I, meaning that deeper part of me, didn’t want to be, and having said that I’ll say that this higher part of me absolutely wants to be here, so thank you.”

Sam reached over and took both of her hands in his, drawing them to his mouth he gently kissed both of them across the backs of her fingers.

“You’re welcome. Now tell me what made you laugh earlier, what did I say?” Kess asked.

Sam laughed again to a low degree:

“Oh that, well, earlier we met, you spoke, the hair again, yadda yadda yadda, and then you left with Gary and Jason and... uhmmm... Traci if I remember correctly.”

“Traci indeed, impressive,” Kess replied and then she took the last sip of wine in her glass as she reached for the bottle. A momentary look of disdain appeared on her face, but it passed because of what he’d said earlier that everything would be fine.

“So, you all left and I waited a few moments but then I looked out the window to see you walking away and I felt like shit that I’d created some excuse to avoid the contact. There was something about you walking away that just kind of, I don’t know if it’s the right word, but it triggered something in me and it wouldn’t let go. At one point you turned around and looked right at our window, I don’t know how you knew which one was ours from out there but you were looking right at me. I knew you were, and through the blinds I swear I heard you say the word ‘Come?’ as though you were asking me to come with you even though you were already gone.“

“I did,” she replied almost instantly. “That’s exactly what I said, I was mentally projecting it to you as well as I could, hoping the thoughts might find you. I suppose they did.”

“Yes, but you don’t know what happened after that, and it’s kind of crazy that I’m going to tell you this but...” Sam was speaking and then just kind of stopped for a moment.

“Let me guess, the rose, right?” she asked.

“Yes! Exactly, how did you... wait, Janine? Maybe?” he wondered out loud.

“I won’t put it past her and while I don’t know all the specifics, one thing I do know: I got the tattoo only last week, at her request, but she wouldn’t tell me the precise reason for it. I don’t mind it; I’ve had a lot of great compliments over it so far so it’s a keeper obviously. I really wanted it on my shoulder but for some reason but she insisted on it here...” even as she turned her neck, exposing it once more. Sam remembered what happened only a few minutes prior and decided to not go that route a second time.

“Well I can’t imagine it’s related but one of my favorite hypnoerotic writers is named Wiseguy, and he wrote a story a long time ago called ‘Sign of the Rose’ and—

“Yes, I know the story, and I can almost bet you that’s where the idea came from because Mistress loves those stories, absolutely adores them, has everything Wiseguy has ever posted at the archive and at his other site, the ASSTR one I think, printed out nicely and in a binder on her desk. I’ve read most of them, and I do recall that one story and what happened in it. I have to wonder, however, if Mistress had some intentions of using the tattoo to have some post-hypnotic effects on you.“

Sam nodded, thinking back to what happened earlier, of watching Kess walk away, of her mouthing the word “Come?” and still not being able to tell whether or not it was her telling him to come as in terms of an orgasm (or cum for that matter since they look the same as someone reads lips) or pleading with him to come and be with her physically.

Regardless, he wanted to be honest with Kess so he told her what happened, how he reacted, the thoughts running through his mind at that moment and how utterly out of control he was when that orgasm hit and then finally that message on his phone.

“You... had an orgasm, thinking about me, telling you to come, as though you were under my spell, OK, I can imagine that,” and she had, multiple times already but this was something new to work with “and then what, you got a message on your phone practically as you were still having the orgasm and the message said what, exactly?”

“Leap, and the net will appear.”

“So that’s why you laughed when I was talking about my own leap of faith earlier. I get that now, that actually is pretty funny, somewhat ironic as well,” Kess revealed.

Kess smiled, turned her head and noted it was closer to 8:30 PM by then and she had plans for this magnificent subject now smiling back at her, plans he didn’t know about but was probably trying to imagine becoming a reality.

“No,” she reminded herself in that inner voice we all have, “that cock of his hasn’t gone down for roughly the past twenty minutes, and ever since he stroked the back of your neck it’s just been right there. He knows he’s got a hard-on but he doesn’t really try to hide it, then again, he’s not being overbearing and pushy. He’s waiting for something, probably because that deeper part of him heard what you said to that girl and you haven’t even mentioned her yet. Tell him about the girl, get him aroused, ask him if he’s willing to give himself to you, and get this show on the road.”

“Sam, back at the restaurant, do you remember that table of girls sitting off beside us?”

“Vaguely, maybe four girls, it’s kind of hazy. I do recall some silly giggling going on somewhere but from what I can recall the only thing I had any reason to focus on was you and your eyes.”

He almost wanted to allow himself to stare and drift into her eyes once more but still he—

“Kess, what the hell is that color your eyes appear to be?” he was finally able to get off his chest.

“Well, to be honest, they’re actually contacts, and it’s a slight variation of amber with a few more brown flecks involved. I got the idea from watching one of the Jurassic Park movies and noticed one of the raptors had such a color combination, so I had a friend capture that frame, analyze the color values, and ordered some contacts that matched it, more or less.”

“That’s actually quite cool, so that means you wear glasses, maybe, or is it always the contacts? And yes, what’s your natural eye color?” Sam added.

“Got a thing for girls with glasses, huh?” she said rather sexily. As she said it, Sam reacted like he was cold busted of a crime, and without even realizing it his cock pulsed quite noticeably in his pants.

Kess didn’t miss it.

“Yes, I do have some glasses around here someplace, haven’t put them on in a while so maybe we’ll see,” and she altered her voice to a low whisper, “pun very much intended.”

Sam laughed, took a sip of the wine, and said: “I can’t wait to—no, no, I won’t say it, it’s just too punny. So, the color?”

Now Kess laughed and poked him again in the arm.

“I think it’s technically considered to be hazel, or something close to it. Would you like to see my eyes, Sam, my real eyes, nothing in between my eyes and yours?” she began, already knowing where this could lead, not really sure she wanted to take him down just yet but knowing if she even really nudged him in that direction that he would give in, surrender, and let go in a heartbeat.

For a few moments, Sam understood what was about to happen. He felt it, felt himself start to sway towards her, hoping to get a better glance of her real eyes with nothing in between her eyes and his. Ready to let those wonderful eyes become the focus of his entire world once more, and most of all he wanted it to happen more than anything else in the world.

“Kess, I know what’s about to happen, I really do, and I really want it, more than I can adequately express, but I think there’s a reason you started to tell me about those girls. I’m fairly confident it’s related to what I’m feeling in this moment, so...”

“You’re right,” Kess admitted, “one of the things I suggested to you was that my eyes would become the focus of your entire world, which I feel confident in saying that you just had some thoughts about a moment ago, didn’t you?”


“Wide awake, Sam, awake and alert.”

“I’m here, really, but I was close, thank you.” He smiled, she smiled, and then she continued.

“The girls were giggling as I sent you spiraling deeper into my eyes, and after a minute or two of taking you deeper, I told you that your arm would slowly return to your side. I added a deepener to even that action itself, I think.”

Sam nodded: “I don’t recall that but of course it seems I’m a good subject.”

“A very good subject,” Kess replied, “but the girls were giggling and sure enough one of them came over to the table and asked me if you were hypnotized. I told her, yes, and she asked me flat-out what I was going to do with you. I figured I’d give her something to dream about, so I dropped down into hypnotist mode, slowed my speech down a bit...”

“Like you’re doing right now I notice, it’s definitely pulling on me even now which is pretty cool honestly,” Sam managed to get out. “I’ve read so many research papers about this kind of effect, read it in so many hypnoerotic stories and wondered for so long what that kind of pull actually felt like and, well, this really is better than I imagined.”

Kess smiled knowing he was learning so much from the experience of actually being tranced and letting go that he would become an even more capable subject with lots and lots of practice between her and her Mistress.

“I told her that I was going to bring you home, tend to your every need, bathe you, dry you, and drop you into a very deep delicious trance. I’d enjoy you for as long as I could and then whisper you to sleep in my arms with dreams of what may yet come.”

“I... I’m not even sure...” Sam tried to say but the utter confusion inside his head coupled with that tented situation once more only served to stifle the rest of what he was attempting to speak out loud.

“It’s OK, Sam, really, it’ll happen soon, very soon indeed, but that girl, she basically shocked herself right into a trance when I told her that my overall intention was to fuck your brains out. I had to block her view of you to get her attention, but I did and when she became focused on me, I fired off a round of suggestions that will have that young girl screaming her lungs out tonight when she gets into that bed of hers.”

At that precise moment Sam just decided to go with whatever was happening to him and so he sat there, breathing deeply, staring into Kess’ eyes once again, with no prompting from her whatsoever and trancing himself using her eyes as the fixation point. He didn’t notice the smile on Kess’ face by that point as she recalled her little impromptu trancework with that young girl. He didn’t notice Kess reaching out to stroke the side of his face softly, didn’t really feel it very much either.

Sam didn’t notice much of anything at that point because of Kess’ eyes. He did have some level of understanding as his own eyes locked so very tightly onto hers and once again, they became the focus of his entire world. As one hand softly palmed the side of Sam’s face, Kess very lightly traced a circle on his left temple and got no reaction at all physically but she knew the touch was giving him exactly what he needed: contact.

With the slightest touch she could manage, she used her free hand to reach behind Sam’s neck and squeezed softly as she pulled him gently into her. She was standing at that moment with him sitting forward on the edge of the loveseat; she was in between his legs, finding that perfect position to hold him there in her arms. Looking down into his wide-open eyes, seeing that look of total surrender, of absolute trust, so utterly helpless to her whims, it sent shockwaves of tingles through Kess from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

It’s just so fucking hot.

There was one thing that Sam would have really loved to have been able to take note of, however.

He would have been really happy to see himself there in Kess’ arms, with that wonderful blissed-out look as he let go, something he’d longed to happen for many years and had finally found. But Kess had other things in mind and not a lot of time to make some magic happen so she set herself to purpose and spoke:

“Sam, sleep.”