The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Crossing The Rubicon

There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

To the dreamers... and to my Muse, it’s nice to see you again, it’s been a long time and I missed you terribly.

As always, this is a personal fantasy for adults only and it is possible because with hypnosis almost anything is. The rest, well, that’s up to your imagination.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated at the email address above.

Have fun, always...

* * *

Chapter 5

Smells again, and sounds as Sam opened his eyes, staring at pretty much the same spot on the ceiling. The plasterwork must have been time-consuming to be done in that manner, he wondered.

He sat up and took in a deep breath to fill his lungs slowly. It was the same apartment or room, that much was fairly obvious, and he was really going to have to find out what the ladies considered the place to be, probably just “home” more than anything else.

He scooted to the foot of the bed naked but he felt it wasn’t a thing anymore and let it go. Hearing a clank sound, then an “Oh shit...” in a mumbled fashion, he figured somebody was busy making a meal so, standing and stretching, he made his way to the kitchen.

Upon rounding the partition wall, he saw Janine, naked herself now, and took all of her in even as she was apparently haphazardly trying to scrape the contents out of a pan with a spatula. Shoulder length blonde hair, graceful strong shoulders, a really long neck, teardrop breasts that seemed to be pretty much perfect to Sam so he didn’t care what anyone else thought. A very nice ass—he twitched just a bit at that sight thinking she’d said they would be together at some point. Sam just wanted to make sure he didn’t forget the experience whenever it happened.

Long legs, that full-body all over tan, her skin seemed to even have that glow to it, a slight shine as well that just captured the available light and held onto it for anyone around to admire. Just as he noticed her feet Janine turned and caught him standing there gawking at her. Busted, he also became aware that once again he was somewhat erect but didn’t feel any of the inhibitions he’d had earlier the first time Janine saw him standing beside the bed.

“So, do I measure up?” she asked.

“Absolutely, Mistress.”

He heard himself say it, out loud, and knew it wasn’t being done because of any post-hypnotic suggestion, nor having any kind of external reward attached to it. Sam did it for one reason: it made Janine feel good to hear it and it made him happy to say it for her. He really did feel comfortable saying it without hesitation or mental reservations of any kind for that reason.

“Thank you, Sam, really. Hungry?”

“Famished, actually, what time is...” as he looked around for a clock in the kitchen area. Janine nodded forward a bit and Sam leaned towards her then to his left, taking note of the LED clock on the front of the stove which read 1:15 PM.

He thought back to what happened earlier, tugged at those memories he now had full access to, and asked the first question that came to mind:

“Mistress, I suppose I should be wondering exactly what happened earlier but I presume if you want me to know I’ll have it revealed at your discretion. As for our work together over the past few weeks, I’m wondering how you found out about my interest in hypnosis? I remember you saying that Jason pointed you in my direction, and I’ll have to thank him for that when I next see him, but I still don’t understand how he could have known. He’s great friends with Gary, not me, at least not in the same degrees, and I’ve only met him a few times.”

Janine put the skillet and the spatula down, lifted the two plates of food, and nodded towards the table. Sam grabbed the utensils, napkins, glasses, and then some jelly from the fridge and sat down beside her.

“Before we go any further, I need to lay out some ground rules. The relationship that Kess and I share is very special to me, so I need you to understand the things I’m about to say completely and without any deception at all, understand?”

Sam nodded and took a bite of the sandwich she’d made, grilled turkey on whole wheat, some lettuce, tomatoes, no bacon this time, however, with some tortilla chips and salsa on the side. The sandwich was fantastic and quite delicious as Janine continued.

“Kess is very special to me, and while I do not consider myself to be a lesbian, there was something absolutely magical about that girl, the way she opened up for me when we first met. Pure chance, total moment of destiny meets fate and has a drink kind of situation, really. I was at a restaurant downtown waiting for someone that got delayed, and just as I was about to leave and head back home in walked Kess, what a mess.”

Janine giggled at the thought inwardly, but it showed on her face even so and Sam asked:

“What, you’re a poet and don’t know it?”

“No, no, nothing that obvious. Kess, she really was a mess back then, was it so long ago...” she wondered out loud, staring up and to her left as she pulled some visual memories of that experience. “It was lightly raining outside, she was wearing her typical fare meaning a hoodie of whatever color, shape and size, and of course it was soaked telling me she’d been walking or standing outside for a long period of time.”

He took several of the chips on his plate and dipped them into the salsa:

“So, what happened to actually bring you two together?”

“Kess was pretty upset over something and made her way towards me just as I was standing. As someone that practices hypnosis basically all the time, it’s always there in the back of my mind, gears turning, looking for possibilities to make use of it. I saw one and decided to act on it—I’m really big on following instincts, I wish more people would, it would really help the world.”

Janine took a bite of her sandwich, and Sam handed her a napkin to wipe the tomato juice that ran down the side of her chin, nodding her thanks to him as she did.

“So, she’s a few feet from me, and I am well aware of the effect I have on a lot of men and a lot of women too. I’m grateful for my appearance but I’m not so self-conscious that my attraction factor is pretty high. And as a hypnotist, I’ve worked very hard to develop ‘that voice’ I use, because I think it matters and I’ve never had anyone complain. So, as Kess approached she was literally fighting her own hoodie since it was so wet and somewhat sticky on her body even as she was trying to remove it.”

“She got about a foot away from me before she even realized I was standing there in her path, and knowing what was about to happen I was prepped for it and acted accordingly. Kess stopped, realized I was there, turned her head up to face me and as she started to speak, I interrupted her by whispering ‘Relax...’ right to her face. It had the intended effect and caught her totally off-guard, and you know that reaction from your studies, right?”

“The startle response, the momentary window of opportunity to inject a suggestion into someone’s mind as they struggle to get a conscious grip on what’s happening. If it’s the right suggestion at the right moment delivered calmly the unconscious will lock on to it and make it a reality,” Sam offered up, hoping it would pass muster. “There’s some big clinically technical term for the response, I just can’t remember it at this moment, trans-something or other.”

“Not bad at all, actually, and yes, the ‘clinically technical’ name for the response is transderivational search which is an overly fancy way of simply saying a search for meaning. Confusion is the seat of magic, that’s where it comes from. Confusion means something new is happening, something unexpected, something that was unprepared for, there’s no background to it.”

She took a long sip of her sweet iced tea and continued:

“There’s no mental history, no mental records, nothing to draw upon for such an experience for those oh so important moments, sometimes no more than a second with some people, others perhaps two or three seconds at best. Their conscious and even their unconscious to some degrees are wide open and will learn or act upon anything you provide. At that moment, the suggestion to ‘Relax’ for Kess had precisely the intended effect.”

Sam had another chip with salsa on it as he remained intensely focused on everything Janine was explaining. She was a really great teacher, he realized, calm and relaxed, patient and freely offering up the knowledge she had gained in her own studies and experience.

“Kess froze up for just a brief moment, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. That look on her face, instantly accepting my suggestion, and just the sexiest most intensely arousing almost unnoticed tilt of her head to the left really captured me—she had me in that moment and I knew it. Yes, it was fucking sexy, but it was more than that for me, and as she drifted there for those precious moments, I almost forgot that she was the one in trance so I had to act fast.”

One chip doused in salsa and the lesson went on:

“For so many of us hypnotists, the fact that we practice these situations so often, in reality as well as in our imagination, it’s almost as if time slows down for some of us as we focus so intently on the subject, reading everything we can from the subject in those moments between the ticks of a clock.”

“She really is a poet,” thought Sam as he wiped his mouth and smiled at Janine. He felt proud of himself for the fact that he hadn’t ogled her body with his eyes, not once, even in spite of the desire to do so. He felt comfortable with her, there face to face, having a nice chat about what obviously was a sincere passion for her. As more moments passed, he began to greatly appreciate the opportunity she’d created for him.

“Thank you, Mi—Janine. This time I needed to say your name, to thank you for taking a chance on me weeks ago. I know there’s a lot still to be dealt with, but really, I am very grateful for all the time you’ve spent on me.”

He reached across the table and Janine responded as expected. No games, no gimmicks, no tricks, just a soft hand offered up without hesitation as Sam took it gently and kissed her across the mid-finger area just above the knuckles. Sam noted with pleasure that seriously awesome reaction for Janine: goosebumps, shooting up her arm, across her chest, her breasts, and the most delightful look on her face as she softly smiled back.

“Sam, want to know a secret?” Janine asked softly.

“Sure,” he said as he let go of her hand and allowed himself to just see Janine, a radiant beauty if there ever was one.

“You are ‘that guy,’ even if you don’t seem to grasp it consciously. I know it can be tough, insanely tough, to be authentic in today’s world. So many of us wear so many masks: ones for our friends, ones for our family, co-workers, a mask to wear in public as we make our way through our lives. For the very luckiest of us,” and as she said “us” she nodded at Sam and he understood exactly what she meant “we’re presented with the rare opportunity to be able to be who we really are. Hypnosis isn’t magic but it can certainly make magic happen, right?”

Sam smiled and nodded.

“So,” she continued, “I had Kess, right there, open and waiting, and I suggested she have a seat and relax even more and that she’d like to talk with me, that was it, I didn’t offer anything else, just that: sit, relax, talk. She opened up like a flower to me, really, and again at that point I don’t know precisely why I kept going but I did, there was something so right about the moments we shared talking. I suppose having her under my spell to some degree helped me deal with it, but looking back I suppose in some respects it was overstepping my bounds, my ethics.”

She looked down at the table and took a deep breath.

“I decided after only a few minutes to emerge her, and I offered some suggestions for being calm and relaxed, not quite so stressed out. That whatever was happening that day would work itself out and pass, that tomorrow would be a brighter day for her. You know, the typical positive suggestions that should always be offered to clients and subjects whenever possible because they matter so very much.”

“It’s completely understandable given the situation, but I have a feeling things didn’t go quite as you’d hoped—I mean, I’m sure at that point you honestly felt like once she was conscious once again she’d probably be rather incensed at what you’d done, right?” Sam asked.

“Yes, actually that’s it, I felt worse by the moment thinking that I’d interjected myself into her life at that moment. I had no right to have done that even in spite of thinking somewhere in the back of my mind that perhaps I could help someone. She seemed so upset at the world when she walked into that restaurant, and I thought maybe, just maybe I could help. Is that so wrong?”

A tear formed along one cheek of Janine’s face as Sam reached for it to brush it away with a soft swipe of his thumb.

“You were thinking of helping someone, that was your first instinct and it was the correct one. What happened?” he asked.

“I gave her the suggestions, counted her up, and the most amazing thing happened: she yawned, seriously.”

Janine laughed as she recalled the memory, prompting Sam to laugh as well.

“A big huge arm raising stretching yawn, dare I say it was a glorious thing to behold. She smiled and reached both arms across the table to take my hands in hers after which she said ‘Thank you, I really needed that.’ I swear I must have been the one startled and waiting for someone to give the moment some meaning.”

Sam nodded: “I can only imagine.”

“She knew what I had done, she knew I’d tranced her on the spot and apparently was thanking me for it. We started talking and she revealed her boyfriend was—and I’m really surprised you hadn’t picked up on this yet—Jason.”

Talk about a startle response, now Sam was the one baffled by the reveal of this new never-heard-before information.

“Say what? Jason, Gary’s friend, that Jason? How the hell could I not know that?” Sam asked out loud.

“This was almost 14 months ago, Sam, you hadn’t even met Jason yet as I understand things. He and Gary only met several months ago and at that time Jason and Kess were no longer in that relationship. They parted ways but they’re still friends of course. Jason originally met Kess at a BDSM event up-state and when they both realized they were students here they decided to see what might happen. They’re just too different for anything long term to come of it.”

She reached across and took Sam’s hand in hers:

“Sam, I know that you’re aware that I like to be called Mistress, and I meant to say this earlier when we started meaning part of the ground rules, but I need you to understand I’m not that kind of Mistress. I mean, look around, do you see anything that hardcore? Whips, chains, any bondage related items at all? You can check the closets if you wish, I won’t stop you,” Janine said as she grinned widely.

“No, I get that much, I’ve never had that feeling about you, it’s not a concern for me really,” Sam commented. “The whole Master and Mistress side of things, to me it’s just a word but there is a whole culture behind the idea, sure. I won’t lie about the fact that on some levels having someone call me Master might be pretty cool, but I’m not sure it’s for me as a long-term kind of thing.”

“Kess doesn’t belong to me,” Janine said. “If that’s what you’re leaning towards. I consider myself a Mistress of her mind, of the minds of those I invite inside my sphere of influence and it obviously isn’t for everyone. My intention isn’t to change people, it’s never been that side or potential going down that ‘mind control’ path, it’s just not who I am. She’s a free spirit that I couldn’t control on those levels even if I gave it my best shot—she is here with me by choice, her choice, always, just as you are sitting here talking with me at this very moment.”

“I’m grateful to have been given the chance and choice, Mistress,” Sam replied with a bow of his head. “My mind is yours, to play with as you wish, but also I hope you’ll teach me. I know you have been teaching me, but now I’m realizing there’s just so much to take in, and I want it all, as much as you’re willing to share with me, if that’s possible.”

Janine leaned into the table and shifted her gaze to that look, her eyes pulling Sam clean out of his seat or at least that’s what he felt happening.

“With hypnosis,” she whispered to his mind, “almost anything is possible.”

The tugging, the pulling, it was a totally palpable experience for Sam as Janine’s eyes swirled before him, something about the focus of his entire world floating through what little his conscious mind could offer up before slipping away itself. Calm, relaxed, peaceful, blank and empty, and so very deep already, Sam closed his eyes.

He had a faint glimpse of himself, from outside himself, standing at the foot of the bed. He felt the stroke of skin against his skin, felt that buzz in his mind as it overwhelmed him and drove him deeper, always deeper. Feeling a hand on his cock, a hand on the back of his neck, those whispers he desperately just wanted to surrender himself to.

The visual of seeing himself changed from standing to lying on the bed, so soft, melting into it, nothing but softness from head to toe.

Sam simply became the softness as he let go to the blackness.


Sam opened his eyes slowly as he came back to himself, staring at that ceiling once again but this time he wasn’t alone. A very slight lifting of his head put him face to face with Janine, on top of him, and it felt really damned good.

“Hi,” he softly replied.

“So, you come around here much?” she offered, smiling widely as she did.

“To be honest, I think I’d like to come around here a lot more, if you get my drift, and soon,” he added as the awareness of his cock against her sex reminded him of what she’d said earlier in the day. “What time is it, Mistress?”

“It’s just a few minutes after 2 PM. Kess called a short time ago while you were drifting to check in as she’d been told to do. I told her to give us till 4 PM, so, what would you like to do, Sam?”

He let his neck muscles relax allowing his head to drop back into the softness of the pillows. After a moment he asked:

“I haven’t made love to Kess yet, that I’m aware of, right, that’s an accurate memory?”

Janine was swirling a fingertip over one of his nipples, not something he’d ever considered an arousing part of his body but at the moment it wasn’t half bad.

“No, you haven’t made love to her yet, but you pretty much made her love you with that trick last night, the pleasure ball thing. She must have raved about that for five solid minutes this morning as we made breakfast. I think I’m going to have to have you hit me with one sometime.”

“That can be arranged,” he smirked. “I want to make love with you, Mistress, but not in trance, at least not at first. I want to know the experience of you, in my arms, wide awake and fully aware, and hopefully I’ll be able to please you as much as you’ve pleased me today. I’m still processing all those memories you returned to me earlier, I don’t think I’ll have a firm grasp on all of what’s happened for at least a few days but for now, can we just make love?”

Janine pushed herself up and spoke:

“There’s a gift I’ve given you that you need to be aware of. Kess will now respond to you if you use her “Pause” and “Live” triggers, and they’re very particular in use but you can have a lot of fun with her if you’re creative.”

“Particular in what way?”

“Have you ever heard of time-stop play?” she asked as she stroked his upper chest back and forth with her fingernails, raking them very softly to draw out the goosebumps.

“It sounds familiar, like the pause thing, as if someone was responding to the remote-control effect?”

“Yes, and no, and what I mean by particular is that when you say pause to Kess, she will not consciously hear the word. Her unconscious mind gets it, masks it from the conscious mind and then acts on it as instructed. You have to be careful with that trigger, Sam, and the reason is because when you pause her, time literally stops for her. The only thing she will respond to after that is the word ‘Live’ as in ‘Is it live, or is it Memorex?’—she will not consciously be aware of anything you say or do, at all, on any level.”

“Really, that seems... interesting,” Sam softly replied, reaching up to stroke Janine’s left arm from shoulder to elbow, noting the goosebumps she was more than capable of producing.

“Quite powerful, actually, because when you say pause, Kess is gone, completely gone in a manner that the regular suggestions don’t quite adequately compare with. Because of how it works and the magic of our imaginations, when you pause her time stops in a literal sense which means she is unaware of the passage of time. She cannot move and her body is frozen in whatever position it was in the moment you issued the trigger.”

Sam nodded, slowly placing a hand on her breast, the ones he’d admired earlier in the kitchen, now realizing that yes, they fit his hands perfectly.

“I mean it, she’s really gone at that point. She will not respond to suggestions or directions of any kind. You can pose her in different positions, being very careful not to put her off-balance at any time where she might fall. That means don’t issue the trigger when she’s walking or doing anything that requires her fine motor skills to keep her upright. If she’s sitting or lying down, most any situation can be a lot of fun, but if she’s on both feet you have to be extremely careful not to ever put her in danger of falling. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Sam replied as he twisted one of her nipples softly which prompted a soft “ohhh...” to escape her lips.

She’d been very gently rocking back and forth for some time as they’d been speaking and doing their casual exploration of each other’s bodies, and Sam was very hard sliding against her and it was pushing both of them pretty close to the point of no return.

“Sam, make love to me, now.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Janine lifted up slowly, reached down between her legs and pulled his cock to the point where the tip slid right into place on her opening and then she eased herself down on him very slowly. She took in the sensations of that wonderful hard cock as it hit all the right spots. It felt incredible as she used her body weight to bring herself all the way down until he was, as the saying goes, balls deep inside her.

“Soooo nice...” she whispered as Sam reached for both her hips. She leaned forward to place her arms along his shoulders, her hands on the bed as her hair dropped across the sides of her face and lightly brushed across Sam’s.

She rose up, keeping him to the point where the head of his cock could be felt almost slipping out, then dropped on him, and so she began to ride him with passion. Up and down, up and down, finding her rhythm on that hard cock, using it for all it was worth. Sam felt her need, let her explore it, just enjoying the sensations and thinking for some reason about Gary and if Gary had found himself in this situation. He’d have to ask later on after this experience and whatever else Janine and Kess had in mind for him ended.

Sam had no expectations of this situation he found himself in being a long-term type of relationship, no major concerns about it, actually thinking it could be approached more as a “fuck buddies with hypnosis” type thing. Of course, he did secretly wish it could be more fulfilling but so far it was everything he hoped it could be.

He realized that was probably because of the weeks of preparation Janine had spent with him before offering the chance to take that leap of faith.

He whispered “Thank you, Mistress” once more and was greeted by a snapping back of her head so hard her hair cleared her face:

“Shut up and fuck me, Sam, as hard as you can, now.”

His hips bucked up off the bed all by themselves, now matching her down strokes with his forced upstrokes. She impaled herself on his cock again, again, and again for some period of time as Sam lay there happy to be with her. The focus of his entire world became Janine and bringing her the pleasure she deserved, that much he was absolutely certain of.

Groans, whimpers, and cries of ecstasy washed over him again and again as he continued thrusting into her, and the rhythm they found together was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. In his wide-awake state the orgasm he felt building was approaching entirely too fast and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to fight it off once it started.

Another cry from Janine, a deep guttural animal growl more than anything else and it caused his arousal to spike very high. As she thrashed her head from side to side there was a moment, just a beautiful moment where her hair slid across the side of her face and cheek, covering one eye completely but allowing Sam a glimpse of her other eye and it caught him.

For just that moment it felt like time had actually stopped.

There are moments, absolute moments, so short that they’re almost missed, where we see something. It could be anything really, and in that moment it’s like a window into reality itself, like time stops for just that one moment and burns itself into memories.

In that single moment he took in all of Janine in a way he never thought possible, almost like the two were one. He could feel all of her: her breathing, her gripping him so tightly, milking him to some degrees, desperate for his release which would bring her own.

In that single moment, he realized Janine needed to surrender everything she happened to be and let go of everything she was and just be human, nothing more, nothing less. It was a craving he saw in that eye, a desperate need to be more, to feel more, and give more.

That was just such a moment, and Sam wished it would have lasted much longer than it did. As her hair and head shifted, he lost that eye contact he wanted so much as he pounded even harder into her with everything he had.

He reached up with his right hand and brushed her hair to the side to expose her face. He used his other hand to do the same on the left side, pushing her hair to the back of her neck where he held it all together. He lowered the left arm to her shoulder, and holding her hair between his thumb and edge of the hand, his palm made its way to the back of her neck to that soft fleshy spot.

Sam was running on instinct and he had no idea if Janine might respond like Kess did the night before, just a feeling.

He squeezed his palm and matched it with a thrust deep inside as far as he could and was rewarded with a yelp that sent shivers up and down every inch of his body. It wasn’t a sound she’d made before, so he pumped and squeezed again, another yelp, and then another, and another.

After a few dozen such strokes and squeezes Janine, who had been trying to raise herself upright with the tension in her arms as she pushed her palms down into his chest, looked deep into his eyes and cried out:

“Sam... I... I trust you.”

“So many possibilities,” was the instant thought in Sam’s mind even as his continued thrusting and squeezing seemed to have him basically there, on the edge. One more stroke or two might have had him exploding inside her, but at that last moment of awareness he knew exactly what to do.

He gave his best effort to push as high as possible with one final thrust off the bed which would bring her leaning down more towards his face. Sam pulled her head towards him with a long hard squeeze on the back of her neck which allowed her face to gently slide just to the side of his where he could whisper in her ear:

“Mistress, sleep.”

She collapsed on him instantly, spasms wracking her entire body even as Sam felt his release, pumping his seed into her, feeling every little twitch of her and enjoying it for everything he was worth.

“Good girl, such a good girl, so relaxed now but that pleasure continues, even as you let go that pleasure just keeps going, nice and steady, thank you for trusting me, Janine, relax and enjoy the feelings here with me, thank you so much for everything.”

She was whimpering as the pleasure continued, the spasms very slowly subsiding, less and less movement happening. He felt himself softening, withdrawing from inside her slowly as well. She felt so good on top of him, he wondered what could possibly be better than that moment but let that thought go.

Snuggling together that way, so warm and comfortable, Sam found himself stroking her arm as she lay there half-draped across his body. He turned his head just a bit to look at her, and just as with Kess the night before, Janine was staring at him eyes wide, and those eyes captured him before he even realized it was happening.

“Sleepy baby, sleep for me, Sam.”

The heaviness washed over him, melting him into the bed physically. He was consciously already long gone but his unconscious mind was absolutely delirious when Mistress whispered “good boy” in his ear as she let go to dreams herself.