The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Crossing The Rubicon

There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

To the dreamers... and to my Muse, it’s nice to see you again, it’s been a long time and I missed you terribly.

As always, this is a personal fantasy for adults only and it is possible because with hypnosis almost anything is. The rest, well, that’s up to your imagination.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated at the email address above.

Have fun, always...

* * *

Chapter 6

When Sam awoke again, he decided not to focus and stare at that ceiling once more but instead get right to things. Noting he was alone, he hopped off the bed with haste to make it to the toilet so as to relieve himself. There he found a note taped to the bathroom mirror:

Thank you, Sam, that was a lot of fun and I really needed to let go, but I’m still holding you to the pleasure ball so keep those gears turning. Kess was delayed somewhat and should be home around 6 PM.—Janine

Sam noted Janine’s handwriting was very expressive, with lots of large loops and sweeps of the ink, and imagined her writing the words as the ideas had flowed through her amazing mind.

“Thank you, Mistress,” Sam silently said to himself and made his way to the kitchen. Taking a peek in the somewhat well-stocked fridge, he found some strawberry yogurt, peaches, and a few slices of cantaloupe which would be an excellent snack till whatever happened for dinner.

As he closed the fridge door with the inside of an elbow, he heard his phone ringtone. He used the familiar to some people sound of the old AT&T Merlin business phone systems from the 1980s and 1990s. If you’ve ever watched an episode of “24” with Keifer Sutherland, you’ve heard it before.

Setting the items on the kitchen table he walked over to his clothes still piled neatly on the coffee table, reached into the pants pocket and extracted the phone. Swiping to answer Gary’s call he spoke his typical answer: “Yoda.”

“Hey man,” Gary bellowed, “I sure hope you’re having fun and you’re not mad at me for revealing your little fetish to Janine.”

“I thought Jason did that, I couldn’t figure out... oh, wait, you told him at some point didn’t you?” Sam put the connections together.

“Yeah, it was I, alas, he came by one time at the dorm and you were out working on a project. He needed to print out something so I told him to use your laptop without even really thinking at all because I was getting in the shower at the time. When I came out, he was there and as soon as I saw the color scheme of that story website, that light purplish-grey background and I was like ‘Oops’. But it was cool, he laughed about it and said he’d been there thousands of times himself.”

Sam remembered that Janine and Jason had come to the school about the same time so that led to the next question:

“Well I know he’s in Pysch along the more clinical hypnotherapy path so, what’s his interest in hypnosis aside from the typical stuff?”

“Kess, of course.”

Kess appeared to be the linchpin connecting all the relevant parties, oddly, Sam thought.

“Yeah, she and Jason were a thing last year, a pretty spirited girl that one, not my type but apparently she absolutely found you quite fascinating yesterday. I’m going to guess that’s why you never made it back to the dorm and you’re still not around.”

“I don’t even know where to begin, Gary, " Sam started to say but realized he himself had just found out about Jason and Kess earlier when Janine revealed that past relationship.

The door opened and Kess walked in with some bags of groceries and smiled. Sam stood there, naked as the day he was born, flaccid cock hanging, phone to his head.

He’d found himself in worse positions many times so he just laughed at that moment.

Kess giggled, said hi, closed the door, and Sam gave Gary the brush-off: “I’ll catch up with you at some point, G, thanks.”

“Have fun, Sam, seriously,” Gary offered then the called ended. Sam tossed the phone onto his pile of clothes as Kess dropped the bags on the kitchen table:

“I see you found something to snack on?”

“Yeah, just woke up like five minutes ago, stomach grumbling as I did so I figured I’d grab something. Are we having dinner tonight or...?“

“Mistress has some work to catch up on but she said she’s open to anything after about ten, maybe sooner, she’ll call when she’s headed back,” Kess said as she stuffed some tortilla chips into a spot on the counter between the paper towels and the peanut butter.

Sam glanced at the clock on the stove, 5:50 PM.

“So, we’ve got about 4 hours give or take, what’s on the menu?”

For a moment Kess thought about what Sam said, looked at the groceries on the table, the salsa container in her hand, then at Sam and thought she’d just have him instead. Setting the salsa on the counter she stepped to Sam, took his flaccid for the moment but not for very long cock in her hand, smiled up at him and said:

“I’m going to have you for an evening snack.”

She leaned in for a kiss as he leaned down and they both experienced an electric touch between their lips. She pulled away to get the rest of the groceries

“Go wash up, this place reeks of hot sex and so do you honestly. I’ll be waiting for you,” she whispered as she opened the fridge and turned away.

As she bent over just a bit to place an item on a shelf, curiosity got the better of Sam and he blurted out:


Kess froze, as she was thoroughly conditioned to do, and Sam closed the distance between them in a second or so. Based on what Janine had said, Kess was simply not going to be responsive to anything whatsoever and would only kick back into action when he said “Live,” so he figured he had all the time in the world if he needed it.

She was wearing yoga pants again and they really showed off her ass quite well, so Sam kneeled down behind her. Just as he was about to grab both cheeks he wondered if he really should do it considering he hadn’t asked her permission in the moments prior. He’d have to talk with Janine some more about the whole freezing thing but he himself just paused for a few moments to consider what he was about to do with her.

Consent, of course, was a major thing and in some situations, it was the only thing that mattered and he understood that quite well. After thinking back on the past day’s events and all the experiences he’d had in barely over a day’s time, he believed that she and Janine did indeed honestly trust him with their minds and their bodies. He remembered that look on her face earlier in the day when she seemed so happy and enthusiastic just moments before she pretty much inhaled his cock on her knees.

After a few moments, he realized he was over-thinking the whole situation. He shrugged the feeling off and grabbed some ass, literally.

Soft, with just the right amount of firmness, smooth because of the yoga pants, and so warm. He gave both cheeks several good squeezes and then simply buried his face right up into the crack as far as he could. She smelled wonderful, she felt wonderful, and she flat out was wonderful. That scent of hers gave him another sneaky idea so he took another leap.

Reaching up to the waistband, he pulled them down to mid-thigh, then her panties which were doused to some degree already with her juices. That made Sam wonder if being back home and seeing him upon entry might have caused it and he smiled because of the possibility.

With a firm grip on each cheek in the palms of his hands, he gave her one long slow lick as a reverse of what he’d done to her the night before: from the hood just under that diamond-shaped patch of hair all the way up her slit to her rosebud where he flicked the tip of his tongue as hard and deep as he could then sat back.

Not a twitch, absolutely no reaction whatsoever. He did note a copious amount of her juices beginning to coalesce right there just about where the hood was hiding her jewel.

“She’s utterly delicious,” Sam declared out loud but decided that was enough of a snack for him at that moment. He pulled her panties back up making sure they looked in place as they were only a minute prior and the yoga pants too. He smoothed out the material in the crotch area to ensure she’d transition from being paused back to live without anything to make a note of.

He stepped back to where he stood before this idea presented itself, checked himself as best he could and looked at Kess still just waiting there for him to say the magic word so he did:


Kess moved, stood up and turned to look at him. Just for the briefest moment she stopped and appeared lost in thought as her eyes shifted to the left and then the right. In the span of under two seconds, she smiled and said:

“In the bath, now.“

It didn’t have quite the push to action that it did when Janine uttered that word, but it worked enough to get him moving. “OK, OK, I’m going, sheesh,” he mumbled sheepishly.

Sam headed to the bathroom, grabbed a towel from the stack on the dresser, closed the door behind him and started some water running. Unfamiliar with the particular points to adjust the controls, it took a minute or so to figure out the proper balance to make it rather warm but not too hot. He didn’t want to take a full-on bath; he used the body sponge with body wash and cleaned all the recently used-to-extensive-degrees sections namely his groin area.

Once he was done, Sam stepped out, pulled the drain plug and put the bottle of body wash where it belonged. He washed out the sponge in the sink and squeezed it as much as he could then set it on the side. Looking into the mirror he saw himself, a bit more relaxed, not so tense, and smiled which was something he hadn’t done for quite some time. Using the towel, he dried off as much water as he could then racked the towel over the back of the door—bachelor’s rules—and headed back to the living room.

As he passed the bedroom, he noted Kess, now naked once again, pulling the comforter off the bed and mumbling something about “smells like fucking hot sex...” without noticing him in the hallway. He continued to the kitchen where she’d apparently sliced and diced the fruit he’d set out already along with some cheese and some crackers added to the assortment.

Sam grabbed two glasses and then he remembered the wine from the night before and wondered why Janine had not brought it up. He really did feel quite bad the whole situation and what it probably meant to her considering the circumstances, but what was done was of course done.

Looking in the door of the fridge he found a container of juice of some kind, took the bottle top off and gave it a whiff, smelled like white grape juice so he took it, closed the door and headed back to the table. A few moments later he was sipping it from his glass and did indeed feel it was white grape juice.

Kess came into his lateral vision and as he turned to his left to face her she was already there, hand sliding up the back of his neck. She pulled him into a rather serious kiss, and he found himself inflamed one more time as he felt that all too familiar surge down below for the umpteenth time that day.

“Hi,” she whispered as she stood back. She drew her hand across the side of his face, eliciting a small buzz of pleasure all over his upper body and neck as his eyes closed to just enjoy the sensation.

“Kess,” Sam started, “why didn’t Janine say anything about the wine? I’m sure it had to have upset her, and I really do intend to make it up to her as soon as I know of a way to do it adequately.”

Kess flopped down in her seat and sighed.

“She knows, she saw it as soon as she got home and it was hard for her, she really did get upset for a moment. But then she saw us in bed, snuggled together, and she realized it was worth it for her. She only wants me to be happy, and I’m pretty confident that’s what she wants for you as well, and Gary, and everyone that crosses her path.”

“I don’t know how to make it right, any suggestions?” Sam asked just before tossed a nice large strawberry into his mouth.

“Pleasure bomb, definitely, take what you did with me and amplify it exponentially a few points,” Kess blurted out then laughed about the prospect.

“That I can do, I’ll probably end up short-circuiting her entire central nervous system but if she forgives me for the wine, consider it a done deal.”

“Did you enjoy making love with Mistress, Sam?”

“The question, of course. Yes, I did, but it ended a bit prematurely for me to be honest and no I don’t mean in that manner. I mean I wanted to ravage her for a good long while but I suppose since we were both awake in the moment it was what she needed.”

Kess nodded

“Yep, she needed a good hard quickie and you gave it to her, in spades. She and I are both using birth control, so you can rest those concerns. I know it wasn’t discussed last night or today, so now you’re aware: we’re safe in that regard.”

She took a sip of the juice, then a piece of cheese and laid it on one of the crackers, covered it with another for a cracker sandwich and chomped it all in one bite.

“Janine told me she trusted me, and as I held on for dear life, I did the first thing that came to mind: I dropped her at what I believe was the start of her orgasm, at least I hope it was,” Sam revealed.

Kess cocked an eyebrow and withdrew the hand that was rapidly approaching her mouth with intentions of filling it with a chunk of cantaloupe.

“You? You tranced her? While you were fucking her silly? Wow, now that’s bravado. Good job, Sam.“

Not expecting that kind of sarcasm Sam found himself choking just a bit on the yogurt he’d just taken in and laughed pretty hard.

“I knew she trusted you, just not that much already, I guess the work she’s been doing with you was a part of that. Sam, I don’t know much of anything about that, are you allowed to share any of it with me?” she asked, leaning in and putting an elbow on the table even as she stabbed a peach slice with her fork.

“I’m not aware of any restrictions and Janine made it pretty clear we weren’t going to have any secrets. I’m still jumbled for the most part and processing all that stuff to get it back in place and make some use of it, if that makes sense.”

“It does, I’ve done amnesia play in the past with previous ’tists—you do know that I’ve been trancing for a long time now, right? The better part of the past decade actually,” she admitted.

“Ten years? You’re twenty now, who’ve you been working with?” Sam asked, now quite interested in learning more about Kess than he’d been able to at Panda Express. “So much info, I only learned from Janine earlier that you and Jason were once a thing too.”

“Yeah, Jason was fun for a time. We’re just not compatible enough, but he’s still a great friend. I started the hypno thing originally” another peach slice stabbed “with my brother. He was a few years older at the time, nothing funky or strange, just a hobby of his. Like so many others at that age, just taking note of girls and sex and that side of things, he thought being a hypnotist at school might ‘attract the hotties’ as he used to put it, and it did actually. He was quite a natural at hypnosis himself, to be perfectly honest.”

“So, you worked with him, regularly?”

“Yep, I was his hypno-guinea pig more or less. At one point he was dropping me every chance he could. It wasn’t malicious in any way, and he really did help me break out of a few shells I was in because of my shyness. I simply had no self-confidence in those days but working with him on even the most basic hypnotic stuff really helped me.”

She reached for a slice of cantaloupe and Sam got it first so she blurted out “ROBBED!!!” and they both giggled for a few moments. Sam broke it in half and offered it to her which she snatched from his fingers immediately.

“Eventually he got into high school and spending less and less time around home, so less and less trancing with me, but it still happened from time to time. I made some attempts to trance him over the years but never really felt like I developed a knack for it.”

“You could have fooled me after what happened at the restaurant and then back at the staircase. I have the recall of that now so thank you; that was incredibly vivid and intense for me in those moments. Yes, I know it seems I’m a good subject and all but even so, it was pretty awesome,” Sam offered up as praise.

“Thanks, that’s all because of Mistress, of course. She’s incredibly talented with hypnosis, language patterns, how she notices everything going on with a subject as she’s working with them, feeding all that back to them to further induce. I swear whenever I watch her drop someone for the very first time it’s nothing short of practical magic.”

Another glance at the clock: 6:30 PM

“So, with respect to the experience I can now remember of working with Janine, I think we talked most of the time. I can’t say for sure if I was in trance more than not, those aspects are still not quite clear. I do know she instructed me on a lot of things, techniques, patter, the stuff I already knew from my own research but I don’t have the face-to-face experience she does, nor you probably. I’m a book learner through and through so believe me when I say this: the past day or so has been an utterly amazing experience, thank you.”

“It’s just getting started, Sam, if it’s what you really want. Realize that this, this situation you’re in with us, we’re not expecting it to be easy to adapt to. Mistress will be leaving in a few months when her schooling is over. She’s already planned to head towards northern California to work with a friend who’s setting up a hypnotherapy practice, that much is pretty much in the bag now. I’m going to miss her terribly, and I kinda think the reason she went looking for someone and found you was because of me, actually.”

Sam hadn’t expected that to be the reason if it really was. He still wondered, however, what made him unique enough for Janine to have drawn him in and put some time into bringing him into the fray as it were.

“I think she worries about me too much, honestly. I’ve been taking care of myself more or less for a long time before I met her. Jason was a sweetheart really, but he just couldn’t be what I needed him to be. After I met Mistress well, things changed, and so did I.”

“She told me earlier how you two actually met and what happened. Obviously, if you look back at it, she would have done anything to help you that day, whatever problem you were having. You know this, right?”

Kess giggled pretty hard:

“You know what had me pissed off so much? I missed my bus by like three seconds. I was running up alongside it, in the rain, trying to keep the hoodie out of my face since it was soaking wet and flapping. I ran down the sidewalk to the bus, saw it, and then I ran faster and got to the back bumper on the door side. I ran as hard as I could without falling and finally got within about three feet of the door as it pulled away from the curb. I know that bastard saw me, I know it.”

She was laughing in between catching her breath as she enjoyed the memory with a big gorgeous smile on her face. Sam started to laugh as well just at her reaction to it.

“Looking back on it, I’d say destiny might have had a hand in it considering how amazing everything has turned out all because I missed a damned bus by a few seconds. When I went inside all I wanted to do was get to the bathroom, get the hoodie off, and then grab a handful of paper towels or whatever and dry off as best I could, but then...” Kess looked up and to the left, “Mistress was there, stunning, breathtaking even, and when she said ‘Relax’ I almost, and I mean I almost dropped to the floor at her feet. It was that powerful, at least to me.“

Sam reached over and took one of her hands and she smiled and squeezed.

“But there was a lot more going on in her face. I mean I felt the suggestion, I knew what had happened and why, that much I’m grateful to my brother for. He instilled so many safeties in my mind that I won’t drop for just anyone. So, I relaxed, decided this person was worth a few minutes and I sat down and we talked. It was a pretty amazing thing, actually.”

Kess took another sip from her glass, lost in a few moments of reverie. Sam figured this was some stuff she needed to get out, so even though the clock was now showing 6:47 PM he decided that like Janine back in that retaurant, Kess was worth a few minutes of his time.

“Sam, are you OK, with all this? I mean, it’s been a pretty fast-moving experience for you, barely...” looking at the clock “what, thirty hours or so since you and I first met face to face. Is this all just some crazy insane thing for you or have you had any opportunity at all to consider what’s going on, or even what might happen next?

Sam knew at some point that kind of question would be brought up, so he took a deep breath in, waited just a moment or two then let it out slowly, shuffling his position just enough to get comfortable and get to it.

“Honestly, and I don’t know why but I can hazard a guess or two, I’m OK with everything that’s happened. I did have a few moments of trepidation over discovering how Janine found out about me, it felt like a betrayal of the trust Gary and I’ve shared over the years. I realize now he was just looking out for me, and I suppose you could say it was his way of helping me break out of some shells of my own, maybe. I don’t know and I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about it.”

Kess reached over and offered a soft stroke of his cheek and he warmly accepted it.

“To be honest, I’ve spent so many years trying to not think and be able to quiet my mind when I need it to be quiet that, dare I say it, the idea of not thinking itself is, well, pretty fucking hot.“

A smile from him caused Kess to smile right back and then say:

“Sam, I’m going to make your dreams come true, and I mean that utterly and completely. I’m yours if you want me, I trust you, and I know you’ll take care of me no matter what you dream up. But for the next hour or so I’d just like to have you to myself, wide awake, no trancing, no suggestions other than maybe telling you to fuck me harder or deeper, faster or slower. So, are you up for some really hot fucking sex, or will I just have to—

Sam literally bolted around the table snatching Kess up in his arms, squeezing her very tightly and planting a kiss on her that he put everything into hoping to literally snatch the breath right out of her.

After thirty seconds or so of the hot sticky mess that their faces turned into, they both ended up gasping for air almost at the same time.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Kess managed to get out before Sam swung her just enough to get one of his arms under legs as he made his way to the bedroom.

Once there he tossed her on the bed from about a foot above it, watching her and those wonderful breasts bounce once or twice. Before she really had a chance to do much else, he’d already grabbed her once again behind the knees and folded them back behind her ears giving him complete and total access to her sex.

“SAM, geez, will you...” and that was about all Kess could create as far as verbiage was concerned because every other sound emanating from her was just whimpers, groans, and a few of those ridiculously insanely fucking hot squeals and yelps she made the night before that just made him harder than diamonds.

This time, remembering that mental bookmark from the night before, he didn’t intend to miss a thing and after licking her slit up and down several times he dove right in to her rosebud. He lashed it mercilessly as pretty much every muscle in her legs and lower back were spasming very tightly trying to buck the sensations.

A few moments of that torture and then back up her folds to spot her jewel peeking out just a bit so he attacked it with a frenzy of swipes, wipes, licks, slicks, sticks, and pricks with his tongue.

Sam was having fun and he damned sure knew Kess was losing it and fast. Her yelps and cries had given way to those guttural groans and moans he loved so much. He noticed her grabbing the comforter on each side very tightly, trying her best to ram the back of her head into the bed itself, so he did what any sensible man pleasuring the sex of his female partner would do:

He stuck his tongue in her ass, deep, fast, and as hard as he could.

A similar reaction from the pleasure ball the previous night, but this time Sam took things well in hand. Those things being the cheeks of Kess laying before him even as she writhed left and right seemingly lost in a level of ecstasy he was quite proud of making her suffer. As he pulled her harder onto his tongue for several seconds, he literally dropped her freely on the bed.

In two seconds flat, he entered her and slid home in one smooth stroke. Kess was tight, wet, and unbelievably hot which was exactly what he needed. After all the pretext of the past evening and the desire he’d allowed himself to develop to please her, he was going to enjoy himself as much as possible in the process.

“Kess, look at me,” he managed to gasp out between strokes. Her head was still thrashing left and right as he steadied himself with one arm while trying to maintain balance without just flattening himself directly on top of her. Sam kept stroking the whole time and wasn’t intending to stop anytime soon. He managed to get his free hand to the side of her face which instantly caused her eyes to snap open looking right into his.

“JESUS...” was all she shouted back at him, her face still contorting every which way but never stopping to display that delicious agony she was experiencing.

“Enjoy this, all of it, all of me, breathe with me, Kess,” as he sucked in air loudly so she’d hear it even as he was pulling out of her. He blew out hard and stroked back in, setting off another tremor which he felt as his lower body made contact with hers.

For the next minute or so he did his best to get her to pick up on his pattern: breathe in and pull out, breathe out and slide in, over and over, and after about another thirty seconds or so there was some level of awareness as her eyes opened once more and she locked on with his eyes and they found that magical rhythm together finally.

In, out, the breath, the pleasure, in and out over and over, building and building with each breath and each stroke.

“Wide awake Kess, thank you for everything, whenever you want to let go I’ll be right here with you,” was what came to mind at the moment. She accepted it and allowed itt to wash over her as it drove her to the edge of that cliff even as Sam’s next slide into her knocked her clean over it.

Her back arched and Sam shifted to accommodate it as best he could considering he was still buried to the hilt in her, catching himself with both hands on the bed. He kept himself above her as her hips bucked against him pretty wildly. He never considered himself to be a really great lover, but at that moment he was quite pleased with the results.

Slowly, so very slowly Kess’ thrashing and spasming came down as she lowered to the bed and Sam felt himself slide out of her in the process. That had to have been more than she was bargaining for, but he still wondered what she might have had in mind with respect to those dreams she talked about making come true.

The dream, Sam remembered, he had to put that dream together soon. Janine had asked him to pick a fantasy and she’d do her best to make it a reality. Luckily, he already had the one in mind, and considering he now had not one but two incredible women willing to help him turn a complete fantasy into a reality there was simply no way in hell he was going to let that opportunity pass him by.

But that could wait because he had someone to kiss, someone to fall asleep with, someone warm to do it with. He took up a position on her side as he did the night before. He remembered what happened so he kept looking at Kess’ face for any sign of her waking up and potentially reaching for his face. He planned for it and had an idea of his own.

Sure enough, after about two minutes of lying there beside Kess, her breathing became deeper and more regular. Her eyes popped open and she started to turn towards him. Sam figured it had to be some post-hypnotic suggestion she was under, perhaps instilled by Janine to ensure one or both of them would drift off into a deep natural sleep.

Kess turned her head to face him and as soon as he felt her close arm start to move, he reached for her forehead and did the same index finger dragged down across the bridge of her nose while whispering:

“Sleep for me, Kess.”

A deep quick inhale and then the letting go as her eyes fluttered closed. Sam noted a slight smile beginning to form on her relaxed face as she shifted from being semi-conscious to dropping deep into natural sleep.

“Good job, old boy, good job,” Sam mused to himself. He took that arm close to him and gently lifted it to kiss the back of her hand, then the inside of her wrist, and then he had another idea but wasn’t sure if it would actually work.

He shifted so he could bring her hand towards his forehead and moved his hand so he was able to hold all her fingers against the palm except that index finger.

As it approached that spot on his forehead, he imagined her voice once again as she spoke to him in the same whisper from the night before. On contact with that fingertip, he was rewarded with the exact same effect, hearing those words clearly and easily in his mind as it drifted away to dreamland:

“Sweet dreams, Sam.”

* * *

Upon awakening, Sam mentally did a check of his surroundings in short order: dick, hard, check. Ceiling, old and boring, check. Alone, apparently not, dick says “HELLO!!!” quite loudly, check. A glance at the alarm clock showed 11:43 AM so obviously they’d slept quite well during the night and well into the morning hours.

Realizing Kess was softly snoring into his shoulder, all tucked in and safe, and not really wanting to disturb her he improvised once more and softly whispered:

“So deeply asleep, Kess, your unconscious can hear me quite clearly, and you know I’m speaking to you and that’s OK, it only serves to take you deeper and deeper asleep as I leave you for a while. Safe and sound, deeply asleep in this warm comfortable bed, sleeping deeply and ignoring every sound you hear till your body and mind are rested and refreshed after which you will awaken feeling so amazingly wonderful. Thank you for trusting me, Kess.”

A soft kiss on her forehead was offered and a soft crinkly smile appeared even as she sighed and dropped, her face smoothing out as she shifted back into natural sleep.

“A sleepy angel, go figure,” he whispered to himself as he softly stroked the hair away from her forehead.

Sam extricated himself very carefully from her warm but now very limp relaxed arms. He slid off the bed sideways, one hand catching him before he fell off, and then stood up. Looking down on Kess sleeping so peacefully, an idea formed in his mind of taking her, right then and there, after pausing her. It came unbidden, unplanned for, and totally unexpected but the arousal in him surged dramatically as his cock pulsed and throbbed with life.

Confusion at the sensation merged with the despair of not understanding why he suddenly wanted to fuck her so badly in that moment in that particular way. The feeling left him just a bit dizzy and actually scared even as he felt one of his hands take himself by his own cock and start stroking.

He stared at her as the images and feelings in his mind just kept hammering his consciousness; the thought of just how utterly delicious it would be to stroke her, almost mindlessly as he surrendered to his most primal passions. Fucking her hot wet cunt as deep as he was capable of penetrating her, again, and again and again, for however long he was capable of doing it.

The imagined release of ejaculation was almost within his mental grasp when Janine suddenly whispered from behind him:

“Yes, Sam, it’s actually OK to do it. Pause her, take her body, use that pussy like a sleeve for nothing more than milking your cock of every drop of your sweet thick cream. Relish that feeling of unloading your balls deep inside her mindless flesh. She wants it even more than you do.”

Sam heard Janine’s voice even as she practically coached him as his imagination fed her words back to him. His arousal spiked past the point of no return instantly and he pumped out one shot, then another and then several more across the sheet. The first blast actually reached over Kess’ body and landed on the far side of the bed. If he had the wherewithal to think on any normal level at that moment, he’d have been quite impressed at his stamina and ability to push that much out that far that fast.

But he wasn’t at that point yet.

Instead of a sense of accomplishment all he felt was fear, and shock, and disgust, and even a mild amount of betrayal at not only what he’d just done but also that he’d even considered violating her in that manner on any level.

Janine reached up and touched him on the shoulder which shocked him back to reality. His entire body reflexively twisted away even as he turned his head to face her directly. Her other hand darted to the side of his face and as her palm made contact with his cheek she softly whispered:

“Calm and relaxed, Sam, calm and relaxed, look at me.”

His eyes, which had been darting between hers and Kess’ sleeping form under the sheet now stopped their jerky behavior and found an anchor in hers.

“I’m not trancing you, but you must calm down, OK?”

Sam nodded his head and looked down in that way that people who find themselves totally at a loss to communicate so often do. She shifted her hand from his cheek to his chin and lifted it saying:

“No, Sam, focus on me, relax, take my hand and come with me.”

The hand that was on his shoulder dropped to waist level and he instinctively took it and they walked to the kitchen where she nodded at the first chair for him to sit in. He flopped down, exhausted at the effort of that last rather powerful orgasm, and was not really surprised to see his cock still had some rise to it. He did his best to will it back to nothing, thinking if it shrunk to normal it would somehow not be a reminder of what he’d just experienced.

After the past day or so, Sam began to wonder exactly what “normal” was supposed to be anymore.

Janine grabbed the carafe of OJ and two glasses then set them on the table, half-filled each of them, and then placed the carafe back in the fridge and sat down. She took her glass, looked at Sam who was, of course, looking at her with a pleading desperate quality she was expecting and nodded at his glass. Sam got the signal, took a small sip from the glass, and then he held it between both hands on the table as he began to absent-mindedly fidget around with the rim.

“Sam, talk to me, what just happened back there?” she asked, trying to mirror his apparent desperation using her voice in a softer pleading manner herself.

“I... I don’t really know, I just woke up, saw her sleeping beside me and I didn’t want to wake her up, I don’t... Janine, what did I just do?”

“It’s OK, Sam, I don’t know how to convince you that everything is just fine, Kess is fine, she’s sleeping peacefully because of you. I heard you giving her those suggestions and that was very nice of you. Where did that come from? I haven’t taught you anything like that in our work together, it was quite beautifully done so be happy she’s drifting because of you.“

“I don’t know, it just seemed like the right thing to do. I get these glimpses sometimes of words, phrases, moments. I’ve read so many of the hypno stories, done inductions and crafted suggestions in my imagination thousands and thousands of times, who knows. It felt right to do it, that’s all I can say.“

He sat up abruptly and pushed the glass to the middle of the table and crossed his arms over his chest in a defiant manner. Before Janine could react to it came:

“Janine, seriously, what the fuck is going on here with you two?” he blurted out.

“Hey, don’t go there, calm down and we’ll talk. You’re here with us and you’re sitting here right this second because you or some part of you honestly wanted to be here. I’m not going to pull punches since it seems obvious that you’re dealing with something. From what I saw a few minutes ago, you sure seemed to be enjoying the fact that you were free to jack off beside Kess and blow a rather massive load across her even as she sleeps peacefully because of the very suggestions you gave her from your own mouth.”

Sam felt the wind utterly knocked right out of him as she dissected his position with almost inhuman precision. His arms dropped to his knees, and while he did his best to stifle the building emotions and keep them in check, Janine saw what was about to happen so she acted on it.

She stood and stepped to him, then straddled him doing her best to not allow him to just slip right inside of her which could easily happen considering she was naked. He was naked, and his cock was still somewhat erect even in spite of his state at that moment.

Settling into his lap, she very gently allowed herself to drape her upper body onto his, using her hands to cradle his face and head into an upright position, lightly pushing it back so he was straight against the back of his chair. His head titled back slightly over his shoulders as her hands slid along the sides of his face. She then tightened her fingers so the fingernails would rake against his scalp as she relaxed into him, face-to-face, and then face beside face as she snuggled in and melted into him.

Sam simply couldn’t hold it back anymore and started to cry loudly as she held him tightly.

“It’s OK, Sam, really, it’s OK to experience this, so you and I and Kess can deal with it, and let it go. I’m not trancing you so please, stay with me, stay awake and alert as you let go into me, Let yourself melt into me and all those feelings can come out, please,” she whispered in a sympathetic and not domineering manner.

Sam’s arms rose and encircled her torso, and when he squeezed her gently but with intention, she sighed and relaxed even more. This most simple thing, this feeling of having someone so close he could smell them deeply, touch them softly, feel their warmth against him and just relax all the worries and fears away was exactly what he needed.

But his desires were fickle things and even then. As he was held there in Janine’s soft comforting embrace, his libido once again made itself known as his cock grew more and more erect with each beat of his heart, literally causing it to pulse and then bounce against her sex. She felt it, giggled softly, then pulled back to face him.

“Sam, you’re here with Kess and I for a reason and that reason is you’re special. I knew it when I first met you, I knew it when I first seduced you into trance as gently as I could and you followed me right down there into that thick skull of yours,” she said playfully as she pointed an index finger right at the middle of his forehead.

The slightest feeling of tension caught hold of him as the finger made its way to his forehead getting closer and closer with each moment. He felt his heart begin to beat faster and faster, expecting to drop any second, as the fingertip tapped him on the hard on the forehead actually pushing it back.

But he was still there, still aware, wondering if he’d missed something. He blinked as the finger retracted and stared up at where the hand had been just a few moments earlier. He watched it slowly lower to his chest and felt it against his skin. He blinked again and found himself looking into Janine’s eyes, such wonderful things they were.

He noted a tear on her cheek and reached up to wipe it away with a thumb which caused her to sigh very deeply and smile.

“So, slugger, that fantasy I asked you about, you said you had something in mind, yes? You know that Kess and I will do anything you ask us to—

In that instant, another idea sprang to Sam’s consciousness and he fully accepted the possibility and ran with it. He shifted his left hand from her cheek to the back of her neck and grabbed her rather intensely with a powerful grip. He raised his right hand to the side of her face with his thumb under her neck pressing into it deeply.

In a very commanding and very dominant tone, he said:

“What if I don’t want to ask?”

Janine’s eyes went wide, her mouth began to form that “O” shape as the shock of his change in attitude hit her with the confusion he hoped would happen.

Sam squeezed the back of her soft warm neck hard and commanded:

“Deep trance, Janine, now. Down, girl, down you go, deeper and deeper into my eyes, your eyes wide open, feeling me take you, now.“

He wanted to make sure her eyes stayed open if for no other reason than to know on some level she’d be a witness to it all and he wasn’t going to let her miss a damned moment of it. She and Kess had already told him multiple times they were his to do with as he desired so it was now or never.

As Janine’s body relaxed more and more in his lap, her arms already having dropped loose and relaxed at her sides, he slightly altered his grip with the lower hand so it reached around one side of her face and neck as the other hand took up the same grip on the other side allowing him to softly stroke her cheeks with the sides of both thumbs.

This was no soft or gentle grip, not by any meaning of either word. Sam wanted her to understand internally that he was now the one in control and the physical manifestation of it by that grip was just the beginning.

“Janine, in a few moments I’m going to give you a new purpose. Once you understand and accept it for a limited amount of time I will enjoy you in the manner that I want and desire. If you are OK with this, if you’re willing to obey me and become what I need and want you to be for a limited amount of time, utterly mine to command as I wish, say ‘Yes’, now.“

She whispered “yes.”

“Good girl, thank you for trusting me, thank you for everything you and Kess have done for me, but right now, right this moment I need something from you, I desire it. I have for quite a while now and you’re going to be what I need and want you to be. I need and want you to be my utterly obedient mindless cocksucker.”

There, he said it, finally. After half a decade of dreaming about the moment, half a decade of masturbating about it maybe someday becoming a reality, and half a decade of fantasizing about it with every attractive girl that crossed his path, it was out there in that moment.

It had been sent directly into the mind of the very woman that held the keys to his and it happened all because she’d told him to do it.

“yeessssssss” was the response, not really surprising at that moment but even so Sam smiled wide.

“On your knees, now.”

Janine obeyed the command and slid off Sam’s legs as he still cradled her head and did not ease up on the grip. She took the position but as he looked down at her and knew he had her literally in the palms of his hands, he had that one last twinge of “nice guy” doubt. Just a brief pause, a momentary lapse of the one shred left of his reason, but a small miracle happened and he was very grateful for it:

Janine’s mouth opened wide, and her tongue slid out and bent over the bottom lip. Sam had flashbacks of all those fantasies he’d created for himself whenever he saw some pornographic pictures on various websites of girls surrendering their mouths in just that manner.

Whatever doubt that might have existed was brushed aside as he shifted his hands again: one to the back of her head grabbing a handful of hair tightly, the other one wrapping under her jawline also quite firmly. Sam slid his insanely stiff cock deep into her mouth, relishing the moment and the overwhelming feelings of pure dominance unleashed.

He looked into her eyes and willed her, without speaking, to fuck him with her mouth by way of a single slow nod.

Janine gagged softly but clamped her lips down as far up the shaft as she could, eyes wide at the experience locked onto his, wanting as much of him as she could handle. Her tongue worked magic on the underside as he began to pull out from that first stroke home. As the head passed over the tip of her tongue, she furiously flicked it, and then the second stroke happened and tears formed.

Another soft gag, but still no resistance at all—in fact, Janine reached up with both hands and grabbed Sam’s ass tightly and pulled with all her might, digging her fingernails into his glutes. Sam felt her hands and the fingernails, felt the twitch in his hips as he bucked, and it involuntarily forced his cock just a tiny bit deeper into her mouth.

What he felt at that moment was the head of his cock as it crossed her soft palate and he knew he was now in her throat, albeit slightly. He didn’t have a massive monster “porn star” cock, but he was OK with it and it seemed as if Janine was too.

They settled into a comfortable rhythm: he pulled out slowly to savor everything that magical tongue could do to him, then bucked his hips to push back in. Each time he felt that distance was just right and he was literally fucking her mouth like it was a pussy and loving every moment of it. The tears that streamed down her face only served to accentuate the experience: they weren’t tears of pain for her, they were tears of joy knowing Sam had finally made peace with that part of himself.

Sam continued for another few minutes not wanting it to ever end, enjoying every heartbeat of being right there where he truly wanted to be. He’d long since stopped looking at Janine directly, instead simply closing his eyes and going on automatic. In essence, he became truly primal without thought, only feeling, and it felt-

“so... fucking... hot...” the whisper said, almost as if someone was reading his mind and completing the thought out loud for him.

Sam turned quickly to see Kess standing there in the doorway as one of her hands firmly massaged a breast as the other furiously rubbed her pussy. She was so beautiful there the way the light from the kitchen landed on her body contrasted against the darker living room behind her.

“Kess” was all Sam could whisper. “Did... did you hear my commands to Janine?”

“yessss” she replied.

“Deep trance, Kess, stand there, relax for me, go deeper and deeper for me, girl, now.“

Kess froze for a moment and then sighed rather loudly as both arms totally dropped to her sides in a manner that sent a pulse through Sam’s cock. Janine gagged hard on the stroke because his cock literally expanded in a span of one second but she continued as commanded.

He turned to face Janine and said:

“Relax, Janine, thank you, just for a few moments close your eyes, relax and drift peacefully as I speak with Kess.”

He withdrew from her mouth and was rewarded with a loud gasp. Janine caught her breath and relaxed as her eyes fluttered closed. Looking down on her face, seeing the mess he’d made of her was one thing but realizing she wanted it to happen made him smile.

And then he turned his attention to Kess.

“Come to me, Kess.”

He reached out as her body obeyed. She glided softly across the few feet from the doorway to take his hand, completely captured by his eyes the entire time.

“Kess, you heard all the commands I gave to Janine a few minutes ago, you can easily allow them all to take hold of you for you to obey, now.“

She momentarily twitched slightly, her eyes opening just a bit wider.

“If you’re OK with all of them, thank you as well for everything you’ve taught me and showed me, and thank you for trusting me, Kess. I need you on your knees, girl, right now.“

Kess was already slowly lowering herself before the word “girl” passed his lips.

Taking Kess’ head in the same manner as he’d done with Janine, there was just one last command to make the fantasy complete:

“Kess, suck.”

With a quick tug on her head, Sam found himself buried to the hilt once again. Entirely different sensations to experience, a different feel altogether even though the act itself was essentially the same: warm and wet, soft and slippery. He fucked her mouth and just forgot about the world for a few minutes until he vaguely realized Janine was patiently waiting for him. Stopping for a moment he pulled out of Kess’ mouth and directed the same command her way:

“Janine, suck.”

Her eyes popped open; her head turned to see only his cock. She didn’t even really notice Kess at all and then lunged towards Sam’s cock once more as she took in his length all on her own without any assistance from him.

He considered the situation for a moment, saw Janine’s utter focus on pleasuring him, and realized he wanted both of them to enjoy that level of focus so he did what any red-blooded male American hypnofetishist would do in his situation:

“Ladies, suck and enjoy.”

Both of them now began servicing him, making him quite weak in the knees: one moment Kess was inhaling him as Janine tongued his balls, then they switched places and it started all over again. Both ladies fondled his balls with their fingertips, scraping their fingernails along the outside and inside of his thighs, along the cheeks of his ass, along the crack, up his sides making him giggle just slightly which they picked up on.

He looked down at just such a moment, saw two incredibly intelligent beautiful women on their knees pleasuring him and just when each of them was licking him along the shaft on each side he said:


Both ladies froze in a moment lost to them due to the power of not only the suggestion but also the even greater power of their minds to make it a reality. But the moment wasn’t lost on Sam as he continued feeling them touching him, looking directly into his eyes, with sheer bliss and wanton ecstasy reflected in their faces.

He very slowly and gently took them at the backs of their heads and as he held them he shifted his hips forward and backward. Two deeply hypnotized girls, paused, blank and mindless, soft wet tongues out, it was the dream come true for him. He basically slid back and forth on their tongues for a few moments, loving the sensation not only of them being so obedient but also loving that feeling—even if it was totally imaginary—of being in perfect control of both of them.

Sam had been with enough girls in his life to know the pleasure they could give him with their lips, their tongues, and they had given him many fantastic blowjobs. But this was something different, this was the fantasy, in the flesh, in the moment, and he wanted to enjoy it as fully as possible.

That feeling of being in control, it just aroused him to levels he never thought possible. They were just so obedient as he looked down on them, so helpless, so happy to please him under his spell. It was the literally the ““it pushed my buttons harder than ever” kind of experience he’d always imagined.

He reached down and lifted his cock and allowed it to smack their lips and tongues several times, heard the sound of it happening, leaned back and offered a smile to the universe and then whispered softly:

“Please, God, don’t ever let me forget this, this one moment, this one memory. If it never ever happens again, if it never gets better, if nothing else comes from this please don’t ever let me forget this.”

After maybe thirty more seconds of just admiring them and taking in that moment, he said “Live” and they continued and seemed to be even more enthusiastic in pleasuring him.

As he approached the point of absolutely no return, he had to make a very fast decision on how to release. For some reason the idea of feeding his cream to Kess jumped to his mind, maybe it would be something he’d understand later. He wasn’t absolutely sure, but it felt right so that was the decision.

“Janine, relax, close your eyes and drift, allow yourself to just drift and relax, now.”

Janine pulled back and as her eyes closed her arms dropped to her sides as she let out a slow deep sigh.

“Kess, I’m going to feed you now. You will enjoy my taste and swallow everything I give you. You will obey.”

With his cock already deeply embedded in her mouth all she could do was nod softly. Taking a slightly different cradling of her head, hands on either side, thumbs just barely grazing her temples, Sam took control once more and drove into her deeper, then deeper still.

He found that raw animal rhythm from once before with Janine and surrendered to it completely. Stroking her mouth, feeling that release building, so close, so close, and then it washed over him.

He spurt into her willing throat once, causing her to gag slightly but then he felt her mouth tighten and the back of her throat closed on the head which prompted another spurt. He withdrew then drove back in, another spurt, picking up that rhythm once more for just those few remaining seconds as the body-known-as-Sam simply went on automatic.

After that last little twinge telling him he was pretty much empty, he pulled out of Kess’ mouth, heard her gasp for air once, then twice, still staring directly into his eyes. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips and whispered:

“Thank you, Kess, relax, close your eyes, drift and relax.”

A very soft smile appeared on her face and Sam felt so much better about the experience when he saw it. He’d feared crossing that line, that Rubicon of sorts like Caesar had done a few thousand years prior, but some things in life just had to be done when the opportunity knocked.

He reached for the hand towel on the table and gently wiped her face and then Janine’s, almost wanting to laugh at what a mess he’d made—what a mess they’d made of themselves for his pleasure, knowing he’d willingly return it instantly. Gazing down upon them one last time, seeing how utterly fucking hot both of them were, completely obedient, willing to do anything for him, for pleasure.

“Ladies, in a moment I’ll say the word ‘Awaken’ and when I do each of you will begin your own mental count from 1 to 10. With each number you count, you’ll come back to me and full waking consciousness just a little more, and you will remember everything that has happened here during your trances, every detail, with nothing held back because you gave me permission to use you for my pleasure and for yours. At your own count of 10, you will awaken, fully aware and conscious of all that’s occurred, and then we’ll see where things go as we spend the afternoon having a nice discussion amongst ourselves. Awaken.”

All that was left was the wait. As they rose back from the depths of their trances both ladies twitched a bit, then shifted slightly as arms began to move and their fingers were tested as their conscious minds regained control, with deep breaths in for both. It was almost like they were in sync the way they were mirroring each other even with their eyes closed and nothing visual to work with for the basis of it.

Those incredible eyes opened at nearly the same instant for both of them, and the moment it happened they both focused on Sam. Kess was the first to speak:

“Holy fuck, Sam, that was—

“So unbelievably fucking hot,” Janine interrupted and stood, took Sam by the back of the neck and pulled him into a seriously passionate kiss. Kess reached out and took Sam by his cock, softly, and whispered “And you, you are delicious” as she placed a soft kiss on the head.

Kess stood up, stretched, then yawned loudly just as Janine and Sam broke their intense mouth-play.

“What the hell’s for lunch, I’m hungry,” Kess blurted out and all three of them folded into each other’s arms in laughter.