The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Dorvak Protocol 8

Cassidy Miller stood in the chilly hallway of her dorm, hoping her roommate was out. It wasn’t that Cindy was a bad person. Quite the opposite. She was always trying to help her with her straggly hair, help her lose twenty pounds, help her with make up.....and, most annoyingly, help her find a boy.

That was the problem. Cass wasn’t interested in those things. There was so much going on in the World....the War, racial oppression, and poverty were what mattered.

Cass used her key, and let herself into the dorm room. To her relief, Cindy was not there. Despite it’s tiny size, the room was perfectly divided, its decoration reflecting its two occupants. Cindy’s side had a large poster of “The Monkees”, while Martin Luther King’s image hung over Cassidy’s desk.

After turning on the light, she sat on her bed and re-read the leaflet. Crudely printed on it was the image of the anarchist Emma Goldman giving a speech. Under that was text:


A discussion group for young women in these revolutionary times


Organizational Meeting and Member Screening. 7 pm

November 4th 1967

Classroom 15B, Bradley Classroom Building

Sign up sheet outside Professor Pace’s Office, Bradley 251”

Cass looked at the leaflet for a while. When she had arrived as a freshman, she saw herself as a typical liberal. But then she had believed in nonviolent methods of change, like those taught by Ghandi or King.

But her once passive beliefs were being dissolved by the acid of current events. The American Establishment was failing the poor, especially minorities. Then, there was this horrible, endless war. How do you end such evil through passive protests? Didn’t they demand more direct, more radical action?

But, more than anything, it was loneliness that was driving Cassie’s decision. Everybody on campus acted like they were concerned about the times, but in terms of actually acting, they were mostly like her roommate: easily distracted by movies, drugs, music, and sex. She had tried going to some campus protest meetings, but found them far more about talk and posturing. Worse, they were dominated by guys more interested in sex than anything a female had to say.

The idea of a discussion group where female voices would be heard was intoxicating.

Plus, it was being run by her favorite professor, Leo Pace.

Thirty minutes later Cassie found herself in Bradley Hall, signing the list.

* * *

Cassie entered the large classroom and found fifteen women already present. The girls were a mix of both graduate and undergrad students. Aisha Washington held court in the center.

Aisha always stood out, and not only because she was one of the few blacks on campus. Physically striking, she stood nearly six feet tall, her hair a big, round Afro in the style of Angela Davis. She had the high cheek bones of a fashion model and large almond shaped eyes. Her skin was the shade of lightly creamed coffee. She was a bit of a celebrity in the Campus Left as she was rumored to have participated in actual “direct actions.”

Always shy, Cassie picked a seat in the back next to Martha, a girl in one of her psych classes. She heard a click behind her. Turning, she saw Professor Pace silently enter the room, and locking the door behind them. Like so many of the coeds, Cassie was infatuated with the thirty something teacher. With his slim build, brown wavy hair that reached his shoulders, and a goatee, he looked and dressed like a student.

”Hey’s so cool you’re here.” He opened his brief case. “Give me a hand and pass out these packets and pencils.”

Cassie blushed and hurried to comply.

He then spoke to the assembled women.

”Good evening. As most of you know, I’m Leo Pace, member of the Sociology Department here, and I welcome you to this organizational meeting of this campus’s chapter of College Women for Social Change, or the C.W.S.C.. The C.W.S.C. is a fast growing student movement...each chapter dedicated to give forward thinking women such as yourself a real chance to be in the vanguard of the coming revolution.”

Revolution? The words both excited and worried Cass. There was a buzz in the room, and it was a blonde in front who spoke up first.

”I thought this was going to be just a discussion group....what do you mean by revolution?”

Pace’s face grew serious.

”Exactly what it sounds like. The time for talk and accommodation.....for social evolutionary over. The group I represent wants real change now.....not years from now.....and it wants women....half the population, to have an equal role in that struggle. If any of you came for some safe, leftist talk just to piss off mom and’re definitely are in the wrong place.”

There was an awkward silence, and then the questioner and two other coeds got up and left. Cass watched them in contempt.

Aisha broke the silence.

“So......this group you represent....just who’s army are you asking us to join? You know I’ve got a lot of friends in a lot of factions....I asked around and no one’s heard of the C.W.S.C.”

”Sorry, operational security means I don’t tell you anymore until each of you’ve been screened.”

”Screened? Ladies, this sounds like a lot of Bullshit to me.” Aisha stood and grabbed her handbag. “I don’t have time for this James Bond scene. Besides, for all we know, he might be a cop....FBI.”

More of the girls seemed about to follow her lead. Cass saw the situation at a tipping point and found herself speaking.

”C’mon....we all know Professor Pace is genuine...I another faculty member who’s stood up for us as much as him. We should give him a chance.”

Her heartbeat quickened when Pace gave her a smile, then he continued.

”I don’t have to prove anything to any of you. I’m here to give you the possibility of being part of something big....yes, something radical. Where else are you going to get that, Alisha? You broke with Joe...I’m sorry, Commandant Mtembe, so you’re blackballed with the Black Panthers. You won’t get back without sleeping with him, and you know it.”

”How the hell you know about that?” Aisha sounded more stunned than mad.

”I know a lot more than that. I know many of you brave women have tried to contribute, but were told to make coffee.....paint more private things for boys playing at being revolutionaries. I’m offering something far more valuable to those of you who make it through the screening. If that’s not good enough....leave.”

Aisha looked upset, but slowly sat back down, and Cassie passed out the remaining packets and pencils.

Pace waited until she was seated. “Thank you Cassidy. Now I will ask you women to demonstrate you have sufficient mental discipline to join our vanguard. We’re going to begin with a breathing exercise to clear our heads. A clear head is an open and focused one. I want you to close your eyes, and take a deep breath.....”

Martha, ever the psych major, leaned over and whispered: “ hypnotism?”

Cass was annoyed by the distraction. “ heard him, it’s just a breathing exercise.....and he’s seeing if we have discipline.”, she hissed back. She heard Martha and a couple other girls get up and leave.

Pace continued, unruffled. His voice did have a sing song cadence. “Don’t mind them...let them fade back into their bourgeois conformity. Unlike willing to give yourself over to the truth. Take another deep breath and slowly let it out. Good. You are all doing so well. Now, in a moment, you’ll do it again, imagining that as you breath inhale th cleansing air freeing you of all that holds you back from being a true revolutionary.....and as you exhale you expel all the petty bourgeois distractions that hold you back. Deep breath in........and release. Letting go now of all the trappings of your old life, taking in the beauty of world of equality....true social justice for all.

The ambient sounds of the classroom, the slight movements of the other girls, the occasional cough, all seem to fade away until Cass only heard Pace as he continued his slow, measured, words.

Suddenly there was a hand clap, and Cassie’s eyes jerked open. She looked around and saw there were only seven girls left. They all had the same disoriented look. Then Cass noticed the oddest thing: each was now barefoot, their shoes, sandals and socks strewn in front of them as if they had been thoughtlessly discarded. She felt a cool tingle and looked down at her now naked feet. But, as soon as the realization hit her, a second thought pushed it away. It simply did not matter. What did was her pride that she had made the cut.

Pace looked very happy. “We’ve accomplished so much today, we’ve eliminated all but the true believers. Just one more task, and we’ll call it a night, I want you to begin filling out the packets Comrade Cassie passed out to you all.”

Cassie absent mindlessly noticed over two hours had passed. She opened her packet.

As Cassie began, she noticed Aisha was just staring at her packet, a frown on her face. But, after a moment, she sighed, and began writing. Cassie, glad Aisha was not causing more trouble for Professor Pace, began reading and then writing.

A few weeks later, Cass stood in front of Professor Pace’s office. She was one of three girls the C.W.S.C had deemed worthy of membership. She was here for her tenth session, eager to learn what task the Cause had for her. So far, it had been just more orientation, each session beginning with the breathing exercise. That the Professor did most of the talking seemed natural, and even the typically contrary Aisha began accepting him as leader.

All of Cassie’s earlier qualms about illegality were gone. The poster of King in her room was gone, replaced by Mao and Che.

She heard a slapping sound on the tiled floor. She turned and saw Aisha striding towards her.

”Man, it’s a cold one today.” The tall girl was shivering.

”” is.” Cassie simply responded. Neither girl wasted a thought that their bare feet had anything to do with their discomfort.

The office door opened, and Pace stuck out his head.

”Comrades you’re here. Good. Let’s get started. Comrade Tracy is already here.”

As the door opened, it revealed their comrade, Tracy Monaghan. Pretty in a short sundress, her light brown hair was in a ponytail. Tracy stood, her face empty and her eyes rarely blinking. A suit case sat next to her bare feet. Cassie and Aisha stepped into the small office. Pace touched each on the shoulder, and soon the three girls sat on throw pillows on the floor. Soon, they were all in the lotus position, and in a semicircle. Pace stood in front.

”That’s good, comrades....very good. Nice and ready for our breathing exercise.”

A few minutes later, the three coeds sat with their heads bowed and their eyes closed. Pace crouched down and tested the limpness of their hands and the dilation of their pupils. Satisfied, he spoke again:

”That’s it, comrades. Deeper and ever deeper. Feeling so good now, so very good. Now, listen carefully. Comrade Cassie and Comrade Aisha: You will remain seated, resting. Feeling so relaxed. In a moment, Comrade Tracy and I will leave the office. You will remain as you are. When I return, I will be alone. This will seem normal to you, completely normal. In fact, as soon as Comrade Tracy leaves the office, you won’t think anything about her at all. She will no longer matter to you in any way. Nod your head if you understand.”

Both girls nodded. Pace now put his hand lightly on Tracy’s shoulder.

”Comrade Tracy, I want you to remain in this relaxed state, but feel strength return to your limbs. Open your eyes and stand.”

The girl sighed, opened her eyes, then unfurled her long legs. She slowly stood. Pace looked at her closely. Hypnotizing her and the others was now simple enough. Just as the screening packets had predicted, the three coeds were excellent subjects. But they had not been through the Dorvak Process as of yet, and having Tracy walking about in trance was risky.

A wave of anger swelled in him, and he felt the urge to slap the girl. Regaining his composure, he took Tracy by the arm and coldly said: “Come with me.”

Soon, the two were standing outside the back of the building. The Big Man stood by his black Cadillac sedan. Once Tracy was seated in the back, Pace whispered:

”Are you going to kill her?”

The Big Man smirked. “Her? No. We have plans for her. Once she’s been fully processed, she’s going to report back to her to her superiors in the Metro P.D. Intelligence Bureau. We’ll make sure she covers for your cell, but give great intel on other campus radicals. She’s going to have meteoric rise in law enforcement. FBI....maybe even the CIA. As for you? The jury’s still out. You’re the one who let an undercover cop into the group.”

“You won’t kill need me.”

”True enough.....for now. But if you screw the pooch again, you’re done. And that’s straight from the head office, Pace.”

The Big Man let that sink in. After a moment, he moved to the driver’s door. He smiled, affably this time.

”We moved up processing Little Miss Mod Squad here for obvious reasons. But we want to process the Miller and Washington girls real soon. There’s important plans for them both. Work with them on their cover stories. We don’t want anyone snooping after them during the two weeks they’ll be gone for Stage One. Oh...and Pace......”

The academic struggled to keep the fear out of his voice. “Yeah?”

”Don’t fuck up again.”

* * *

Pace opened the door from the men’s’ locker room with his free hand and the his nostrils were immediately assaulted by chlorine fumes. The campus indoor pool was empty at 6 am except for him and one lone swimmer doing laps. He walked over to the end and stood in front of the swimmer’s lane. He put his brief case down on the pool deck. When she swam closer, he spoke, not loudly but with authority.


Cassie stopped mid turn and grabbed the pool wall. Her hair was tucked in a white swim cap.

”Morning, Com.....Professor.” She looked up at him, smiling.

”How many laps is that, Cassidy?”

”One hundred and thirty-four. You were right. If I do my breathing exercise first, it goes by in a blur.”

He smiled, and crouched down, offering his hand. She took it and pulled herself up from the water. Pace took a second to admire her in her black one piece as she released her hair from the cap. It was longer and fuller now. Cassie was getting more sun these days, which lightened her hair and cleared up her complexion. All of her extra weight had melted away through diet and exercise. She had truly blossomed since being processed.

He had begun the operation fixated on Aisha. In addition to her looks, she was the far more experienced lover. Even deeply entranced, there was an anger to her fucking Pace quite enjoyed. But the Big Man had other plans, and Aisha had disappeared into them last semester.

Luckily for him, Cassie had emerged from her cocoon. She was an innocent, but he found he enjoyed their carnal lessons. Once the Big Man had walked in on them, and Pace feared for his life. To his relief, his only punishments were a vasectomy and a warning that any venereal disease he passed to Cassidy would mean his painful death.

He spoke as she grabbed a towel from her swim bag and dried herself

”So, Cassie, are you excited about graduation? I’m told you’re going to be Class Salutatorian.”

”Yeah....I’m excited but not sure what’s next.” She looked around, then began to whisper:

You know I’m committed to the Cause, hundred percent. But, Professor Gernstein says he can get me into the Masters program at you think the Cause would have work for me in New York?” As she spoke, she put a tee shirt over her wet suit, then put the towel back in her bag.

”Maybe....but we’ll talk about all that in a moment.” He pulled the silver music box from his jacket. Cassie’s trigger had recently been installed, and he was eager to give it a try.

”What’s that?” She seemed fascinated by the shiny box.

”Think about it as a graduation gift of sorts.” He hit the switch, and a tinny rendition of the Internationale filled the pool area. Pace let it play for a moment and studied the coed. She now looked at the music box as if it was the most beautiful treasure in the world.

”Tell me, Daisy.......are you with me?”

She slowly raised her head and stared at him. Now, he was the center of her universe.

”Yes, Comrade, I am with you and I am your barefoot instrument.”

Pace was amazed. No more long, boring inductions. And if the Big Man was right, she was now infinitely more suggestible. He was highly tempted to fully test her obedience in the empty pool. But, they had business to discuss.

”Let’s talk about that busybody Gernstein. Cassie is going to tell him the same thing she’s going to tell her folks. And that is, Daisy?”

”Cassie is joining the Peace Corps. She’s going to Africa.”

”Yeah, too bad about Columbia, honey. The sociology department at Oregon State isn’t quite the same, but you have things to do, and a particular person to meet. That reminds me......”. He bent down and took out a folder. “This is your target’s need to study it. There’s many hints there for you...hints about what he likes. Do you have a copy of ‘The Great Gatsby’?”

”No, Comrade.”

He bent again, and pulled a paperback from the bag.

“Now, you do. It’s your favorite novel of all time. Start reading it tonight, Daisy.”

”Yes, Comrade.”

”Let me show you the new love of your life.” Pace handed her a small photo.

She looked, then murmured:

“He’s cute.”

* * *

The Millers of Hewitt, Ohio were devastated when the call came from the Peace Corps. Their daughter, Cassidy, had been caught in a sudden and deadly epidemic. The tropical disease was so virulent, her body had been immediately cremated. Hardest of all was explaining all of this to their thirteen year old son, Michael. He was especially close to Cassie.

* * *

Daisy sat in the Valley Library on the Corvallis campus. She sat at a long table, her bare feet on the table poking out of bell bottom jeans. She was engrossed in her text until she heard a throat clear. Looking annoyed, she raised her head and saw a tall, slim boy standing next to the table. Despite her annoyance, she had to admit, he was kind of cute in his Beaver tee shirt.

He seemed to gather his courage and said:

”Uhmmm, sorry to bug you..,but are you into ‘Gatsby’?” He pointed to the well worn, dog eared paperback in her book bag. “It’s like my favorite novel.”

Daisy smirked. ”Congratulations. That’s just about the squarest pick up line in the history of higher education.”

The boy looked devastated. “Sorry to bug you.” He turned to leave.

Suddenly, Daisy felt bad. “Hey....don’t mind my bark....have a seat.” She pulled her feet down.

She melted when she saw his relief. After he was seated across from her, she continued.

”Yeah.....Mom’s a lit professor....made me read it in the seventh grade. She even named me, Daisy.” She rolled her eyes. “I grew to love the book.....not so much the name.”

”Yeah, I get that.... I have the same last name as someone famous.... well, used to be famous, anyway.”

Her left eyebrow rose up in a question. He realized she was waiting.

” name is Trevor.....Trevor Dupuis.”

She laughed, not cruelly.

”Like the old timey private detective ..... My dad loved those movies.”

He smiled, and nodded. The real one was my great uncle....I have another uncle who’s a real gumshoe still. Hey....speaking about detectives, you know there’s a Film Noire festival downtown tonight.....I was going to go...”

”I love Film Noire. Professor Pace always says it exposes the decaying underbelly of urban America during the death throes of Capitalism.”

Trevor looked at her blankly, recovered somewhat, then said:

”Uh....yeah.....right. But, anyway....if you want to go, we can get a slice of pizza and some beer before it starts.”

Daisy had a deadpan expression.

”Gee...that sounds like you’re asking me on a neato date.”

She regretted her words when she saw how crestfallen he looked. She smiled, and patted his hand.

”We better get going, we have to stop by my apartment so I can grab some sandals.” She stood, still holding his hand.

They got to her apartment quick enough, but never got to the theater.