The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by TriplemintTrish

Added 26 October 2019

Updated 23 May 2020

mc hm in sc ws sf

Sam and Veronica woke up in a laboratory cell. They can see their father asleep in an adjacent cell, connected to theirs by a wall of shatter-proof glass. Before they can get his attention, though, flat metal doors close in and hide him from view. It seems some unknown force has a series of strange experiments planned for the Stevens family.

Chapter Length Added
CHAPTER 1: Dàng Fù Triggers 2455 words 26 Oct 2019
Chapter 2: Milk and Honey 2991 words 16 Nov 2019
Chapter 3: Pigsty 2099 words 02 May 2020
Chapter 4: Quisling Sibling 2592 words 09 May 2020
Chapter 5: Hairtrigger 1492 words 23 May 2020
Chapter 6: Beestung 514 words 23 May 2020