The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Category: hm - humiliation

A101 – The Smoking Room mc mf ff fd md ex ft ma hm
A101: Forced Perspective mc mf ff fd md ex ft ma hm
Abigail and the Pole mc mf md hm
Ability Rescue mc mf ff fd md hm
Absolute mc ff hm
Accidentally Kinky mc ff mf fd ma hm bd ds ex ft
The Acquisition mc ma fd hm ft
Active Listening mc mf md ds hm
Actress mc mf md hm
Adjustment Study mc fd ma hm ds
Adjustment, Amazon-style mc mf fd hm ds gr
Adventures of Admiral Columbia: Reunion mc mm ds hm ws sf cb
The Adventures of Eggy Remixed — BOOK 2 — A WEEK LATER mc mf ff hu hm gr la ex bd
The Adventures Of Eggy Remixed — Book 3 — New Experiences, Interludes and Distractions mc mf ff md fd hu hm gr ex la bd ft
The Adventures of Eggy Remixed — Book 4 — Vicky’s Week mc mf ff md fd hu hm gr la bd rb
The Adventures of Eggy Remixed — Book 5 — Annette’s Harem mc mf ff md fd hu hm gr la bd
After Work: Into the Fold mc mm fd ex hm
Akira Meets The Lady mc ff hm
Alex’s Downfall: The Making of Sexy Lexy mc mm ma ft hm ws ds ex
All Relationships Are About Power mc ff ds hm ft
Alpha mc mf fd hm
Amber and Zoe mc mf md fd hm
The Amulet (Swashbuckler) mc fd hm
Andi’s Escape mc mf ff md fd hm
Angel’s Heresy mc mf md ma hm la
Anna and Bill: Party Crashers mc ff md fd in ex gr hm ds
Another Opening Night mc ff hm
Apex Predator mc ff bd ds hm ft
Arabian Night mc mm in hm bd ex
Ariana’s Song mc mf ff md hm ex
Arillia mc mf ff md fd ma ex hm ft
Art Exhibitionism mc mf ff fd md ex hm
Ashley’s Mistake mc mf md bd hm
Asking For Trouble mc ff mf fd hm
Ass You Wish : Building Our Own Families mc ff ds ft hm hu
At Work mc mf fd hm
Athenian Beauty For A Jock Bully mc mf md hm
Atta Girl mc mf md ma hm ex
Auction mc md fd ds bd hm
Average Availability mc mf md hm
The Awakening of Stacy mc ff ma hm bd ds ex
Awe Of Predators mc ff bd ds hm ft
Azure and Crimson, Magical Girls of Light, Season 2 mc mf md ma ex hm cb
Backfired mc ff mf fd ft hm
Bankrupt mc mf ff md fd hm
Barbara’s Job Retraining mc mf md hm
Base Desires mc ft hm
The Beauty of the Magic Beach mc ff md ft in hm
Because I Can (Writer345) mc ff mm fd ds gr hm ft ws
Becca at the Bar mc mf md ex hm
Becoming Angelyne mc md gr hm hu
Becoming His Pet mc mm ds bd ex hm hu ma sf
Becoming Jenni mc mf md ma gr ex hm
Behavior Modification mc mf md hm bd ds
Ben’s Stripper mc mf md hm
Betsy Is Playing With Fire mc ff mf hm bd
Beware of Whose Toes You Tramp On mc mf md hm
The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall mc mf ff fd hm
Billy the Experiment mc mf mm fd md ft hm
Bimbo Backfire mc mf md ma gr bd ex hm
Bimbo Bait and Switch mc mf ff md fd ma ex gr hm
Bimbo or Billionaire: Custom Karma mc mf md ma ft gr hm
Bimbo.EXE mc ff ds gr hm rb sf
Bimbos and Trains mc mf ff hm gr
The Bitch Is Back mc mf md hm
The Black Queen: Principles of Obedience mc mf ff fd bd hm
The Black Queen: Unexpected Resistance mc mf fd bd hm
Blackberries and Cream: Shoely You Jest mc mf hm gr
Blackmailing Mistress Candice mc mf fd ma hm
Blond Foreign Gods Sold to Brunet Gothic Devils mc mm mf md fd hm
The Blonde Warrior from Scythia mc mf md bd hm
Bonus Pairing: Mommy’s Master mc mf ff fd md la hm ds
Bonus Pairing: Pretty as Sin mc ff mf fd hm
Bonus Paring: Sharing with Kaari mc ff hm fu la
Born to Make You Happy mc mf md ma ds hm
Bottom Bitch mc mf ff fd hm
Bound Arousal mc mm ma hm
Bourgeoisie Corruption mc ff hm ex
Breach of Confidentiality mc mf ff gr hm
Breaking Out of a Rut mc mf ff md ft hm
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do mc mf md hm
The Broker mc mf ff ma md hm
Bully Blitz — Chet’s Chaotic Conquest mc mf md in hm
Bunbun the Bunny mc ff ft ds hm
Business Reversal mc mf md ft hm
But I Don’t Really Want This mc mf md fd gr hm ex
Butterfly Dreams mc mf fd ft hm
By Any Other Name mc ff ds hm
Cadwallader Wynter Has A Bad Day mc hm
Caitlyn’s mc mf md ma ds hm
Camera. Flash. Action mc mf fd bd ds hm sf
Canary mc ff bd ds ex in hm
Candy Pink Rosé mc ff ds hm
Capes and Crepes mc mf md ft ex ds hm bd cb
Captured (Skaetlett) mc ff bd ds hm
Captured and Defiled mc ff md ma ds ex ft hm la in ws
Captured by Orcs — Elven Desires mc mf md ds ex gr la hm
Captured Mind mc mf md hm
Carlos and Neil Do Oku-Con mc mf md hm hu
The Case of Club Hosiery mc mf fd ft hm
Cashmere and Steam mc ff ds ft hm ws
Cassandra’s Ass-kissing Fuck-Slave mc mf fd hm
Cassie’s Conundrum mc mf ff md fd ma hm be ex ds
Cassie’s Curse mc mf ff md fd in ds hm
The Cat that Got the Cream mc ff in la bd hm cb
Celeb Land mc ff ma hm bd gr sf
Chad Moves In mc mm hm
Change of Heart (Etherealust) mc ff ds ft hm cb
Cherry’s Choice mc ff hm
Cheryl’s Story mc mf md gr hm
Chess mc ff hm fu la
Chloe in Therapy mc mf md hm
Choices mc mf md hm ds bd
Circus Monkey mc ma hm
Cleopatrix Undone mc ff hm ft bd
The Clitazepam Conspiracy mc mf ff md fd gr hm
Clowning Around mc ff ma ft hm in la bd ex hu
Clucked-Up mc mf ff fd ma hm bd ds be sc ws
The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 2: Lessons Infidelity mc mf md gr ex ma hm
Collecting Her Debts mc ff ex hm
Compelling mc ff hm
Compelling Again mc mf ff fd hm
Completion & Commencement mc mf ff fd ds hm
Contact Lenses mc mf md hm
The Control Console mc mf ff md ma hm
Control Geek mc mm ds bd hm
Coquettish Etiquette mc mf fd hm
Costume Control mc mf ff md hm ft
The Cottage: An Aircnd Story mc hm
Cravings mc mm mf hm
The Critic mc mf md ds hm
Cruel Dominatrix Alexis mc mf ff bd hm
Cumming Home mc mf ff md fd bd ds gr in hm
Curse of the Wereslut mc ff mf fd hm gr ex ft
Cursed Love mc mf hm
Cursing the Morals Committee President mc mf ma gr hm ex
Cute Relationship Idea mc mf md gr hm ds
The Cutler Chronicles: Devotee 15 mc mf mm fd bd gr hm rb
Daddy’s Boy mc mm hm
The Danger of Logical Fallacies mc ma md ex hm
Danielle’s Demise mc ff bd hm
Dark Whispers mc mf ff md fd ma ds ex hm ws in
Dating Lisa mc mf mm md fd hm
Daughter’s Revenge mc ff mf fd hm la be
The Dawn Of A New Order: A “Fall Of Women” Christmas Special mc mf md ds ft hm sf
A Day mc mf ff fd in be hm ds gr
The Dazzling Dawn mc ff hm
Debased mc ff hm
Decisive mc md ds hm
Decor mc mf md hm ex ts
Demons’s Hobby mc mf fd md hm
Demoted To Footgirl mc ff ds hm ft
Der mühsame Schüler (The troublesome student) mc ff rb hm
A Descent (Zaq123edcxsw) mc mf ff mm md fd ma hm ds bd ft in
Descent Travel mc ff mf fd hm
Destiny vs the Mk XLI mc mf md rb hm
The Devil and Brian mc mf md hm
The Devil’s Toys mc ff ds ft hm
Diabolical Dr. Diggler mc mf md in hm
Diana Comes First mc mf md hm
The Diary of Sarie Marais mc mf ff hm
A Different Kind of Sex Toy mc ff mf fd ma bd ds ex in hm la ft fu gr
Digital Dreams mc mf fd bd hm sf
Digitized Submission mc ff hm ft ds sf
Dinner at Soraya’s mc mf fd hm
Dinner Date mc mm mf hm
Dinner Date 2: Date Harder mc mm mf hm
The Dirt Beneath Her Heels mc mf fd hm
Discipline and Reward mc mf md ma bd cb sf ds hm ex
Disco Fever mc ff hm
Diversion Tactics mc ff hm ex
Do Bounty Hunter’s Dream of Electric Whips? mc mf ff md fd bd hm sf
The Doctor: Donna and Jack mc mf md hm ma
The Doctor: Gwen and Shawn mc mf md ft hm
The Doctor: Jenny, Max, and Melissa mc mf ff md fd in hm
Doctored Into a Cage mc ff mf fd md bd hm
Dog Daze mc mf md gr hm
Dogged in the Dirt mc mf md be hm
Doggies Make Good Maids mc mf fd hm
Doggy Mommy For The School Bully mc mm mf md hm be bd
Doggy Mommy in Texas mc mm mf md hm be bd
Doggy Mommy’s First On-line Contact mc mm mf md hm be bd
Doing Daisy and Donna mc mf ff md hm in
Dolly Gum mc mf md ma hm
Domestic Doll Services: Public Relations mc mf ff md ds gr ft hm rb
Domestic Doll Services: The Billionaire & The Bimbos mc mf md ds ex ft gr hm rb
Dominion of the Mind (Hypnotist) mc mf ff md fd in hm bd ds ex
Donna’s Trance Trigger mc mf md ds ex ft hm hu
Don’t Mess With Raging Rodents mc mf md hm be bd
The Dorm Girls mc mf md bd ds hm sf
Dorothy at the Demonstration mc hu hm
Douchebag Teen mc mf md ma hm
Dream a Little Dream With Me mc mf md ds ft ma hm
Drilled by Desmond mc mm fd hm
Drive Thru BJ mc mf md hm
Dumb Drops mc ma ex hm
The Dungeon of Deviancy mc ff mf fd bd hm ft ds hu
Duplex mc mf md hm sf
Eleanor Asher in: Fetish Fabrication mc ff ma bd hm rb sf
Eleanor Asher in: HellDriver Henshin mc ff ft hm
Eleanor Asher in: the Sex Ninjas of the Forest Planet mc ff bd hm rb sf
Eleanor Asher in: The Telepathically Irresistible Lesbian Queen of the Alien Planet mc ff ds ex hm sf
Elf Slave mc mf md hm ds bd
Em Bare Ass mc ff mf fd hm
Emerald Dreams mc mf ff md fd ds hm sf
Empathy, Enforced mc mf ff md ma hm ft
En Pointe mc ff ma in hm ft
English Girl’s Revenge mc mf fd hm
Enslave All Cheerleaders mc ff ma hm ds
Eroticon 2019: Zion and Sydney mc mf md hm
The Essence of Being a Bitch mc mf ff be in ds ft hm la gr ws sf
Eternal Slave mc mf fd ma bd ds ft hm hu sf
The Ethical Slutmaker: Strange Bedfellows mc mf ff fd hm
Euphrates Pharmaceuticals: Dilemma mc mm ds hm ft sf
The Evolution of Emily mc mf md ma bd hm
Ex-Girlfriend Under Mind Control mc mf md hm bd
The Executive Executive Assistant mc mf md bd ds ex ft hm
An Executive Replaced mc ff bd hm sf
The Experiment with Rats mc mm mf ma hm
The Eye of Seduction mc ff ma hm
The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ft ex hm in
F.W.F. Newsletter, Fall 2012 mc mf ff md ma gr la hm hu
Faeophobia: Do-Me Dust mc mf md gr ex hm
Fairmaiden Under Mind Control mc mf ff md fd hm cb
Fall From Grace mc mf ff md fd hm
Fall of a Devout Boy mc mf fd hm bd ft
The Fall Of Women mc mf md ds ft hm sf
A ‘Fall Of Women’ Christmas Carol mc mf md ds ft hm sf
Fallen Future mc mf ff md ds hm in ma bd
Falling For Her Tits mc ff ma hm
Falling for her Tits Halloween Special mc ff ft ex hm hu
A Fascinating Christmas mc mf ff md hm
A Father’s Duty mc mm mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft hm in rb
Fear Itself mc mf fd ds hm
The Female Intelligence Project mc mf md hm
Feminist Corruption Water mc mf md hm
Field Research mc mm hm
Filling Gaps mc mf mm md hm
Filthy Daddy mc mf md in ft hm ds
First Week of Work mc mf md bd ds hm sf
Fishbowl mc hm in sc ws sf
A Fistful of Sand 3—Resurrection mc mf ff md fd bd hm
Five Day Week mc mf ff fd md gr hm
Flash (Lisa Teez) mc mf md hm ds
Fly Fishing — A Three Fingers Companion Volume mc ff ma bd ds hm
Flying Business mc mf ds hm
Football Training mc mm mf md fd ma ds hm
Friends in Low Places mc mf hm
Friendship vs. Hypnosis mc mf md hm
Fuck You mc mm bd hm
Gamer Girl Folly mc mf md hm
Geek the Girl mc ff hm
Gentrification mc mf ff md fd in hm
German Slaves mc mf fd bd hm
Getting a New Job mc mf md hm ft
Ghost Boy mc mf ff md fd in la hm
A Girl Called Seagull mc mf md ds gr hm
The Girl of Our Dreams mc mf ff fd md ma ft gr ex hm hu
Give a Penny, Take a Penny mc ff ex hm sf cb
Glitchy mc ff hm sf
Go Down Gamblin mc mf md hm
Goth Mommy Madness mc ff in ds gr hm
Graded and Served mc mf fd ds ft hm
Grayscale: Violet to Violent mc ff ma ds ft hm cb
The Great Trial: A “Fall Of Women” Story mc mf md ds ft hm sf
Greek Girl’s Fun mc ff hm be
Grey Queen mc mf fd ft hm sf
Grouchy Grace & Her Magical Grool mc ff mf fd ma ds ex ft gr hm la fu
Gypsy Style Vengeance mc mf fd hm bd
Hair Today mc mf md hm
Half-Assed mc mf fd ma ft ds gr fu hm be sc ws
Halloween Sucks! mc gr hm fu
Hard Slide mc ff mf hm
Hardhats and Hazings mc mm hu hm
Hardwired Holly mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds rb sf cb
A Haunting in Missouri mc mf md bd hm in
Hawaiian Honeymoon mc mf md ma hm
The Hazards of Hyperia Hardnox mc mf ff bd ma hm
Heavy Petting mc mf md in hm
Hellfire Series mc mf md bd ds hm in
Her Coffee Slave mc ff ft hm
Her New Subordinate mc ff hm ft
Her True Calling mc ff hm
Hera’s Throne of Shame mc mf md ma bd in ex hm
Here There Be Wolfs mc mm mf ff md fd be fu hm
A High School Reunion of Different Sorts mc mf md bd hm
The Honeymoon Manor mc mf fd ma hm ds
Hooked mc ff hm
House Rules mc ff mf ma hm
How I Lost My Wife mc mf ff fd ft hm sf
How to Pay Your College Loans Phase 2 mc ff ds hm
How to Surrender Your Identity as a Super Heroine to Achieve Fulfillment and Financial Stability mc ds hm
How to Train Your Stepmom mc ff ds hm ex
Howdy Neighbor mc mf md hm
Humiliation Of A Vampire Slayer mc mf md hm
Humpies mc mf mm hm
Hypnosis Gone Wild mc mf ff md ex hm ft rb ts
A Hypnotic Legacy mc ff mf fd hm
Hypnotist Review mc mm hm
The Hypnotist’s Stage Show mc mf md hm
Hypo Submission of Jennifer mc mf md hm
I Can’t Stop Myself mc mf md hm
I Hate Luke mc mf ff md ma in ft gr hm ds ex ex
I Know You mc fd hm ex
I Was Wrong, Hypnosis Is Real... mc mf fd hm
Ice Blue mc mm bd hm
Illuminata’s Garden mc ff ds ft hm
In the Coils of Slethraa mc mf md hm ws
In The Darkest Hour — A “Fall Of Women” Story mc mf md ds ft hm sf
In the Doghouse mc mf fd ds hm be
Indentured Servant Welfare mc mf md bd hm ma
The Indispensable Neighbor mc fd hm
Indonesian Transformation mc mf md ds hm ft
Inferiority Through Jogging mc mf md hm
Infinity Cube mc mf ff md fd ma gr ds hm
Influencers mc ff ma hm ex ts
Inside Slant mc mf hm
The Instagasm Device mc fd ma hm
Instructing the Tutor mc mf md gr hm la
Insubordinate Subordinate mc mf ff md hm
Internet Famous (StageShowMM) mc mm hm
Intrepid Pawns mc ff mf fd hm ds la
Invisible (S. B.) mc mf fd hm
IRF Halloween Special: Curse of the Contessa! mc ff in ds ex hm hu
It Runs in the Family mc ff in ma hm
It Was a Dark N Stormy Night mc ma fd ft ds hm
It’s a Dog’s Life mc mf md hm bd be
It’s never the end — Revenge mc mf ff md fd ma hm ex
I’m Sorry About My Wife mc mf ff md fd bd ds ex ft hm
Jaclyn’s Slide to Submission mc ff ft hm bd
Jailbreak (Skaetlett) mc ff ds hm
Janice’s NipplaMont mc ma ex hm ft sf
Joe Boy mc mm mf hm ma ex
Journal mc mf md ma hm ds bd
The Journal of Juliet Samson mc mf md ma hm ds bd
Judas Goat mc mf md fd hm bd ds
Judgement Night mc ff hm hu
Just Kidding, I Promise mc mf ff md fd ex hm ds
Justin’s Gift mc mf md hm
Kary, The Friendly Teenage Ghost mc mf ff ma hm
Kate Gets a Lesson for Christmas mc mf md hm
Katherine Anne and Me, Again mc mf fd hm ft
Keys to the Mind mc ff mf md ma ft gr hm ex in la
Kitty Psi mc mf fd hm
Kollars mc mf md hm ex ts rb
The Labyrinth mc ff ma hm
Ladies’ Night at the Wargaming Club mc mf md hm ex
Lady Luck mc mf ff md fd bd hm
Lara Swift Is Colonized mc ff ft hm bd ds
Learning the Dos and Don’ts mc mf fd ma hm ds bd
A Leashed Tiger mc mf ff fd md ds ft hm
Letting Go mc mf fd ma hm sc
Let’s Have Some Fun mc mf ff mm md fd in sc ex la hm gr
Libyan Girl Bully’s Slave mc ff bd hm rb
Life Skills mc mf ff bd hm
A Life Threatening Complication mc mf ff md gr hm
Light and Shadows 8: Dark Dungeon’s Depths mc mf ff md fd bd hm cb
Lingerie Model mc ff ds hm
List of Rules mc mf md hm ds bd
Listening to Jack mc mf ff in ex hm gr
Little Escape Times mc ff mf hu hm gr
Little Miss Perfect mc ff hm
A Little Skin Never Hurt Anyone mc md ma ex hm
Loren’s Tale mc ff mf fd md hm ft
Losers Can’t Be Choosers mc mf fd hm
Lost Luggage mc mf ff md ft hm
Lost on a Mission mc hm ds bd sf
Lounge Control mc mf md hm
LoveLocked mc ff md hm in
Lowest Common Demominator mc ff hm
Magical Mystery Tourist mc ma hm ex
Maid In Heaven mc ff bd ds hm
Maid New mc mf ff fd hm
Maid to Order (Nick Vegas) mc ff ft hm
Maids mc mf ff md in hm ft
The Maid’s Motto mc mf md fd ma hm ex ft
Making Memories mc mf md hm ds bd
The Making of Valley Girl mc mf hm cb
Man Pleaser mc mf ma hm sf
Managing the Office mc ff ma ex hm
Mandate Of Heaven mc ff ds hm ft
Mansplaining mc mm fd md hm
Manufacturing Bliss mc mf ff md ma bd ds ex hm ft
Mark’s Slut mc mf md hm
Marrying Stacey mc mf fd hm
Master Chandler and the Bride mc mf ff md fd hm
Master Chandler and the Chance Encounter mc mf md hm
Master PC — The Great Game mc mf md fd ma ft hm sf cb
Master PC: Angry Girl’s Revenge mc mf ff fd gr hm ma
Master PC: The Victim’s Perspective mc mf mm md ex la hm gr in
MasterPC: Office Politics mc mf ff md fd hm
Master’s Marks mc mf mm md ma hm ds ex ft
The Mayor’s Ambitions mc mf ff md hm bd
McDOMald’s mc ff ds hm
The Measure of a Man mc mf fd ma ex hm
Meeting The New Boyfriend mc mf ff mm md fd ma ds ex ft hm in ts
Mental Captivity mc mf ff md hm
Mercury Rising mc fd ft hu hm
Midnight in Vegas mc mf ds hm
Mike, the Somnambulist mc mm hm
Mile High Club mc ff hm ds
Milked For Information mc mf fd hm la
A Mind Control Story in Bulgaria mc mf ff md fd be hm
A Mind Control Story in Mongolia mc mf ff md fd in be hm
Mind Games (Gingerxxx) mc mf ff md fd ma ds bd ft hm
The Miracle Additive mc mm hm
The Miracles of Dr Moreau mc mf fd ds hm ws be
Miranda Warning mc mf ff md hm
Mistress Forced Me Into Haigure And I Loved It mc ff ft hm
Modern Assasin mc mf fd hm
The Modern Office mc mf md ds ft hm
Monica’s Master Plan mc mf ff md fd ma in bd ds ex ft gr hm
Mooed Ring mc ff ma bd ds ex gr hm la ex ft fu
Moon Shadow mc mf ff md fd hm
Moon Shine mc mf ff fd hm
A More Permanent Position mc ff ft hm bd
Morning Heat mc md hm ex ft hu
The Most Dangerous Game mc mf ff md fd bd ds hm ft sf
Mother Daughters Best mc ff hm
Mother Knows Best mc mf fd hm ma
Mother Knows Best, Finally mc ff hm
A Mother’s Fall mc ff ds in ft hm
Mounten & Mayne IV mc mf ff md ma gr hm in la ex hu
Mouthpiece mc mf md hm
Mrs. Arrogant Tamed mc mf md hm
Mrs. Arrogant Tamed 2 mc mf md hm
Ms Americana Fallen mc mf md hm cb bd
Mummy Knows Best mc fd ma hm ds in
Musabetsu Casino mc mf mm md ma hm
Mutari Island Mystery mc mf ff ma hm ft la gr
My Girlfriend’s a Catgirl! mc mf ff md fd ma fu ft gr hm la bd ex
My Girlfriend’s New Master mc mf mm md hm
MzDominica’s Double Play mc mf fd ft hm
MzDominica’s Zombie mc mf fd ft hm
Nani the Fuck mc ff ds hm hu
Naoko’s Nadir mc mf ff md hm in be
Natasha and Dorothy, Psychology Lab Partners mc hu hm ex
New America mc mf md hm ds bd sf
New Discoveries mc ff ds hm ex ft
New Employment mc mf md fd ft hm
A New Kind of Therapy mc ff ds hm
New Neighbors mc mf mm ff md fd hm
New Soap mc mf ff md ma hm ex ft sc ws
The New Style Is The Only Style mc mf fd hm
A New Town, a New Beginning mc md mf ff in hm
Nice New Neighbors — New Girls Next Door mc ff ft hm rb
A Night Worth Begging For mc ff ds hm
Nine-Tenths (The Dark Trianni) mc ff gr hm la
No Bra mc mf md bd hm gr
Not Feeling Like Myself mc ff hm
Obedient mc mf fd hm
Obedient Mommy mc mf md in be bd hm
Object of Desire mc mf md in hm hu cb
Obsessed With Her Natural Beauty mc fd hm ma ft
Of Wolves and Lambs mc mf ff md hm in
Office Visit mc mf md hm
Old School mc mf md hm
One Day in the Life of Clarissa Clairmont mc mf md gr hm ft
One Last Pill mc ff hm
One Last Time (Reilly) mc mf md hm
One Year of Flash Fiction mc fd hm sf
The One-Person Genie mc mf md hm
Ongoing Education: Mrs. Jones’s Lesson mc ff hm
Out Loud mc mf fd hm
Out of Context mc mf md gr hm
Out Of Control mc mm hm
Out Of Control (Angel Raymond) mc md ws hm
The Pact (Mistress Dyvia) mc ff mf fd md bd ds ex ft gr hm in
Parlor Treats mc mf ff fd la gr hm fu
Path of Least Resistance mc ff cb bd ds hm
Payback is a Cougar mc mf ff gr hm in
Payback Is a Dog mc mf fd hm ds
Payback Time mc md mf ff bd hm ma
The Pendant (Skaetlett) mc ff ds hm
Perfect Justice mc ff md fd hm
Perhaps We Can All Fly mc ff ds hm ft
The Perils of Erotic Hypnosis mc mf fd hm
The Perils of Perri Mona mc ff mf fd hm
Permanent Changes mc mf md ft hm
A Permanent Position mc ff ft hm
A Persian Princess Falls mc mf md bd hm
The Pervert in the Park mc mf md hm
The Pervert’s Pack mc mf md hm
Pervert’s Revenge mc mf ff md hm
Pet Teachers mc ff ma bd ds hm sc
Pet Teachers 2: Purring Pussy mc ff ma bd ds ft hm la sc
Pet Teachers 3: Submissive Simian mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds
PGAD mc mf ff md fd ma hm ex gr
Pieces mc mf ff ma in bd ds ex ft la gr hm sf
Pit of Misery mc mf md hm hu
Playing Games mc mf ff md gr hm
Pleasure Knight mc mf fd bd ft hm hu
Pleasure State mc mf ff fd hm bd ft
A Plethora of Heathers mc fd ds hm
PopStar mc mm mf fd md hm rb
Poren Springs mc mf md gr la hm
Potion Commotion mc mf md fu gr hm
Power Players of Crimson Valley: The Lesbian Maker mc ff mf fd hm
Predictable mc mf fd hm
Presently Yours mc mf ff md fd hm
Presents for my Piano Teacher mc ff hm rb ft
Primary Colors mc mf md hm cb
Prime Numbers mc mf md hm
Principal Power mc mf ff md hm
Prison Bitches mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds cb
A Productive Use of Quarantine Time mc ff ft hm ds rb
A Professional Dilemma mc mf ff md ma hm bd
Professionalism mc mf md ts hm ft
The Property of Raging Pythons mc mf hm md
PsiCATs: Wren mc mf md hm
Pure Feelings From Impure Places mc ff ma hm ds
Push (Nicky Noxville) mc mm ma hm
Queers & Queries mc ff ds hm
Questions 67 and 68 mc mf md hm
Racey Lacey mc ff hm
Raven’s Flight #1 — I Want Kaendi mc mf md hm ex gr cb
Rebalancing the Scales mc mf hm
Rebecca’s Revenge mc mf fd hm ma
Redefining Perfect mc ff hm
Reined In mc ff ds hm ft
Religious Conversion mc ff ma bd ds hm la ft
Rent-A-Domme mc ff hm ds
Reprisal mc mf ff md hm
The Reprogramming Sticker mc mf md in bd hm rb
Research Notes From The Fall Of Women mc mf md ds ft hm sf
Restitution mc mf md hm
The Retraining Retreat mc mf ff md fd ft hm la bd
Retreat mc ff md hm
Retroactive Continuity mc mf md fd hm ft
Reunion (Bawarao) mc mf ff md hm
Revenge of the Unicorn mc mf md hm
Revenge! (Iggy) mc ff gr hm ma
Reverse Polarity (An ADMIN Tale) mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft hm
Rewired (Madam Kistulot) mc ff ma cb ex bd hm la rb
The Rise and Fall of the Hellpyre Club mc mf ff md bd hm
The Rise of the Veritas mc md ds ft hm sf
Rivaled Methodologies mc ff hm sf
River City Stories, Volume 3 mc mf ff md fd hu hm cb
Road Trip mc mf fd hm
Rock Bottom mc ff ds hm
Rogue State mc mf md bd hm
Room for Rent mc mf md in hm ma
Rose Ross; Revenge in Pink mc ff ma hm
Royal Jewel mc mf fd hm ex
Ruby (Xban) mc mf md hm ex
The Ruby Of Femininity mc mf md ds ft hm
Rugby Tryouts mc ff ds hm
Rules of Their Own mc mf md fd hm ex ts rb
A Russian Policewoman Becomes A Slave mc ff hm
Russian Slave for an American Master mc mf md hm bd
Samantha’s Dreams mc mf md bd hm ft
Sandra’s New Roommate mc ff hm
Sara Is Educated at College mc ff ma hm ds ex
Sara’s Downfall mc mf ff md ma hm
Sasha’s Obsession mc mf md hm in bd ex
Satan’s Handmaiden: Servile mc mf md be hm
Scholarship Switch mc mf md hm
School Days mc mf ff md ma hm
Secret Message mc mf md hm
Self-Improvement mc ff ex ds hm
Senioritis mc mf ff fd ds bd ft hm
Serenity Call Centre mc mf md hm
The Seven Deadly Sins mc mf ff mm md be in hm
Seven Minutes in Devin mc mm ds hm
Sexual Harassment Troubleshooting mc mf md ds hm
Shall We Play a Game mc mf ff ma ex bd hm ft gr
Shelly Submits mc mf md ma hm ds
Shifting Realities mc mf md ds hm
The Shoe On The Other Foot mc ff ds hm ft
Show and Tell mc mm hm
Side Hustle mc mm hm
Sienna’s Bimbo Limbo mc mf md ma ds ex ft hm sf
Sigil Stories mc ds hm
A Silhouette Sunday mc mf md hm ft sf
Silver Lining—The Signa mc mf md hm in
Simplify Your Life — Trading Up mc mf ff md fd ma in bd ds ex hm gr ft
Sippin’ on Sunshine: A Bouquet Bound Story mc ff ds hm hu
Sisters (Cindy Silver Eyes) mc mf ff md hm in
A Skaetlett Unoriginal Holiday Story mc mf fd hm
Slave Wife for the Loan Sharks mc mf md hm bd be
Sleepers mc mf ff md fd ds hm in
Slut Coffee mc mf ff md fd bd hm gr
Smile For The Camera (Quiet Hypnotist) mc mf md ma hm
Smoke and Drums: The Scout mc mm ma hm bd ds ex sf
Someone Your Own Size mc ff ds hm ft
Sonia’s Punishment and Training mc ff ft hm
Sorority War 2 — The Fantasy Fetish Festival mc mf ma bd ex gr hm
Spa Day mc ff fd hm gr fu ts sf hu
Spiraled Into Control mc ff hm
Split Ends mc mf md hm ft
Spring Breakout (Naughty Magic Volume One) mc mf ff md fd ma ft ex hm hu
Square Peg mc ff hm
The Stable Master mc mf ff md bd ds hm in
Stalking MzDominica mc mf fd ft hm
Stardust mc ff ds ft hm
Stop Standing There: A Bouquet Bound Story mc ff ds hu hm
The Story of Iz mc mf ma ex ds bd hm
A Story of Jane (in the First Person Singular) mc mf ff md fd hm
Stress Relief (Skaetlett) mc ff ds hm
Stripnotized mc mf ex ma hm
The Student Becomes the Master (Nicky Noxville) mc mm hm
The Student Becomes the Master: Spin the Wheel mc mm hm
Subroutine Manager mc ff ds hm rb sf ex
Succubus Cheat Sheet mc mf ff ma hm ft
Succubus Take Over mc mf fd ft hm ma
Sumana’s Deal mc mf ff md fd bd ex hm ws
Sunday Fan Service mc mf ff md hm
Super Play Party mc ff ds hm
Superior Girl and the Rainbow mc mf md in hm cb
Susan’s Marriage Counselling mc mf ff md ds hm
Sutorippu mc mf md hm
Swagger of a Champion mc mf fd hm
Sweet Georgia Rule mc ff hm
Switch Fight mc ff hm
Switching Services mc ff hm ds
Tabitha’s Revenge mc mf fd bd hm
Tabitha’s Tick-Tock Brain Block mc mf md bd ds ex ft hm
Take this Seat mc mf ff md fd hm
Taking The Magician’s Load: Grace’s Massive Melons Finally Revealed! mc mf ff fu ex gr hm
Talk Dirty To Me mc ff hm
TaskMistress mc mf md hm
Teach That Girl A Lesson mc mf ff md in bd ds hm
Teacher Meets a Genie mc mf md hm
Teaching Her a Lesson: In the Dungeon of the Dragon mc mf ff md fd bd ds ex ft hm hu
Teaching the Teacher mc mf md hm
Tech Agent Control mc mm hm
Teen Hypno! mc mm hm hu
Tender Loving Control mc ff ma in ex ds bd rb hm ft
Test of Five III: Truth and Consequences mc mf md cb bd hm
Thanks Taking mc mf hm
Theater Slut mc ff ma ds ex hm
Theraputic Discovery! mc mf md hm bd
There Can Be Only One mc mm mf md fd ds ft hm
Thesis Defense mc ff ds hm
The Thing of It mc mf md fd hm
This Is What You Really Want mc mf ff fd ma ds hm
The Thorns mc mm hm
Thought Experiments mc mf ff md fd gr hm
A Thousand and One Hypnotic Nights mc mm hm
A Thousand Lords And One mc mf ff md fd bd ds in ft hm sf
The Thrill Of Defeat mc ff ft hm
Tim and Nita mc mf fd bd hm
A Time and Place mc mf md fd hm
Time for Sex mc mf fd hm ts
A Timeless Display mc ff mf fd hm
To Brooke No Argument mc mf md hm
To Change The World, Change Yourself mc ff ma ex gr hm cb
Tommy’s Wife Turns Him Out mc mm mf fd hm
Tools and Accessories mc mf md hm
Tough Cop To Scaredy-Whore mc mf md hm be
Tough Regression mc mm hm hu
Tour the Facility mc mf md ma bd hm
Training Herself mc mf md hm
Transform or Dare mc mf ff md hm ex gr ts
Trapped Threesome mc ff hm ft
Triggers (Xban) mc mf md hm ex ts
Trophies mc mf md hm ex ts in
Trophy Acres — A Walking Tour mc mf ff md fd in hm bd ex
True Female mc mf md hm ft
Truly Compelling mc ff hm
Tuning Chloe mc mf md hm in
Tutor Being Tutored: Weekend Sleepover mc mf md hm
The Twisted Love Potion mc mf ff mm md fd hm in
Uh-Oh, Mrs. Austin Is In Trouble mc mf md hm
The Ultimate Price mc ff mf fd ds hm
Unanchored mc mf ff md hm
An Uncontrollable Incident mc mf md hm
Under the Hill mc md fd ds hm
The Under the Hill Franchise — Alicia’s Second Visit mc md fd ma ds hm
Valentina’s Night Out mc mf fd hm
VBRC (Virtual Biometric Remote Control) mc mf ff ma md fd hm
Venezuelan College Student with Two Blonde Danish Slaves mc mf md hm be bd
Vinyl mc ff ds hm
The Virtue of Chastity mc mm ma hm
A Visit from A Fertility Goddess mc ff ds hm
The Voice of Magic mc ff mf fd hm
Vote Pink mc mf ff md gr la hm hu
Walking Sideways mc mm hm
Wanna Bet? (Second Chair) mc ff ds hm
Wants And Needs (Alecta’s Shadow) mc mf ff md fd ds ft hm
Wasn’t it Funny how Jack Sank? mc mf fd ma hm
Weak as a Kitten mc mf md hm ds
A Weird Day Walking the Dog mc ff ft hm ft gr rb
Welcome to the Jungle... Nursery mc mm sc ws hm fu
Welcome to Your Life mc ff fd md hm
West Tower Room 1307 mc mf md gr hm
West Tower Room 704 mc mf md hm
What Happened When Paige Lost mc mf md ft hm ds
Whatever It Takes mc ff ds ft hm
What’s Your Name? mc ff hm
When It All Changed mc mm mf hm in ma
When Jenny Met Penny mc fd hm
When Vengeance Goes Awry mc mf hm
White Pineapple mc mf md in hm
Who is Victoria Jardine? mc mf md ma ds hm
Whoring in Manila mc ff mf fd md hm bd
Who’s a Good Girl? mc ff hm
Why Buy the Cow When You Can Make Your Own? mc ff bd gr hm la cb
Why Jacqueline Changed Her Mind mc mf md hm ds
The Widow’s Gift mc mf fd ma gr hm la
Will to Power mc mf ff md fd ma ds hm in ft
Window Shopping mc mf fd hm bd ft
Wired into the Grid mc ff ma gr hm
Wishes Fulfilled mc mf md hm
Wishes Granted mc md fd hm in
With Great Power Comes Great Opportunity mc mf ff md fd ft gr hm la
A Woman’s Place mc mf md ds ft hm
Wonderland mc mf md hm
Working For the Ma’am mc mf fd hm sf
Wormholes mc mm ma ex hm
Would You Rather: A Quality of Mercy mc mf ff md fd hm ds ex gr
Wrath of the Goddess mc mf ff fd hm ds cb
The Written Truth mc mf md in hm
Wynter’s Slavery mc ma ex ft hm fu gr rb
The XXX Files: The Case of the Cursed Camera mc mf ff md ma ex hm sf
Yellow on White mc ff hm
Yes Ma’ams mc mf md fd hm hu
Yes, Doctor mc mf md hm
You Better Watch Out mc ff bd ds ft hm hu
You Can’t Outspeed Reality mc ff cb hm
You Should Beware of the Quiet Ones mc mf ff fd ma hm ds
You! Play Like a Girl! mc ds hm
The Youth of the Dark Lord mc mf md ma hm
Yummy Mummy Looks After Her Own mc ff fd la hm
Zabzik mc ff mf fd ft hm