The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Fit to Serve Chapter Five


Their clothing was strewn across the bedroom floor. Courtney’s cunt hurt, rubbed raw from hours of lovemaking. How Jay had been able to keep it up for so long, she had no idea. She briefly wondered how sore his penis must be.

She tugged the dress and apron of the costume off and tossed it onto the floor next to her fallen footwear. Outside of the few cosmetic pieces- wig with the maid cap still attached, contacts, and nails- and her choker, she was completely nude. Jay snored in the bed, his face buried in a pillow, allowing her a chance to steal away to the bathroom to remove the last pieces of the outfit.

She put the two sets of fake nails into a pair of plastic baggies, placed the contacts in the little hard plastic container they came in, and stripped off the wig. She gathered up her costume and took it to the guest room, where she sorted and folded each piece before returning it more-or-less where she found it in the box.

She returned to their bedroom to get dressed for the day. She’d have to go check in on the Burkes soon. Jay was still crashed out on the bed. Courtney hoped he didn’t expect her to waken him for work. She couldn’t recall his schedule and neither took into consideration his work obligations before engaging in their epic lovemaking session.

Courtney mind wandered as she dressed for the day. Idly slipping clean socks on, she felt Jay take her by the shoulders and kiss her neck.

“Morning, baby.”

She loved it when he did that. She leaned backward into his chest for him to do it again. “I didn’t know if I needed to wake you.”

“Naw. I barely slept, but it feels like I’ve been resting for a week. I’m all kinds of energetic today.”

Courtney had to admit to herself that she didn’t feel the least bit tired, either. Even the rawness in her pussy had lessened considerably while she changed clothes. “We got quite a workout, didn’t we?” she smiled.

Jay’s own face brightened up. “We sure did, partner. No regrets?”

“No,” Courtney laughed.

“Okay. Gotta go get ready. You all done in the bathroom for the time being?”

“Yeah, it’s all yours.”

Courtney drank some coffee while Jay took his morning shower. Something wasn’t right. Everything was a little too perfect today compared to the last three days. Unsettlingly so.

“It was just a bit of harmless roleplaying,” she said to herself, but the words seemed hollow. She hadn’t quite been herself last night and now here she was as if she and Jason had just picked up lives that went on hiatus two and a half days ago.

Courtney sprinted to the kitchen drawer with the address book in it. She had to know, had to hear it from Lorraine herself. She punched in the numbers, let it ring twice before she heard the other end pick up.

“Hello? Lorraine?”

“Yes. Who is calling?”

“Uh, this is Courtney.”


“Lowell, Jay’s girlfriend.”

“Oh, yeah. Hello, Courtney. Is everything all right?”

“That’s actually what I wanted to ask you.”

“I’m fine. Enjoying a little holiday time off, you know. How was your Christmas party?”

Courtney’s mind whirled. “I-uh.”

“Oh, Tyrone’s calling me. We’re going to head out for a little bit. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I…just wanted to talk…” Courtney’s voice drifted off.

“Come by later today if you want. Tyrone’s got to go in tonight, but I should be back in a couple hours.”

“I really just have a question, though, about Christmas,” Courtney’s vocal chords strained to get the words out.

“Yeah, I’m really sorry I couldn’t be there that night. It would have been nice to talk to you. We’ll talk later, if you want.”


“Who was that?” Jay asked, coming into the kitchenette to get himself some coffee.

“Lorraine. I was going to ask her about Christmas night.”

“Yeah, I know that Fifi wasn’t exactly the kind of woman who’s meant for conversation. It would have been nice if Lorraine had been home that night.”

“She was, Jason,” Courtney said, eyes wild with fear and madness. “Lorraine and Fifi are the same person. I’m sure of it.”

Jay put his hands on his girlfriend’s arms, steadied her. “I’ve been having weird dreams, too, Court, but let’s not mix fantasy and reality here, okay. Lorraine is Tyrone’s wife. Fifi is their maid. Two people, okay?”

How could she convince him of the veracity of her suspicion? Was she right? Lorraine even said she wasn’t there. But the two of them looked so similar, they had to be one person. “Yeah, okay,” she acquiesced. “I’m sure it’s just a dream or hallucination or something.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she said, rising on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I’m going to be fine. It’s just got to be some stress we didn’t work out last night.”

“We could always do a little more of that ‘stress relief’ tonight, but only if you’re up for it.”

“We’ll see,” she said, her mind working over the details of the last few days to piece together a cohesive narrative.

Courtney pulled an oversized green sweatshirt over her head. The Burkes’ would be expecting her shortly. Slowly, she ran her gaze over the kitchenette. Everything was off on the stove, she had her purse and keys, all things seemed to be in order. It was time to go.

Jim and Leslie, the Burkes, also lived in the apartment complex, but in the building across the way on the upper floor. They were long-time residents who’d had the misfortune of several ailments and the subsequent medical bills that came with frequent hospital trips. Since neither could get around as easily as they once had, Courtney offered to assist them with some simple housekeeping a few times a week.

Leslie answered the door, a crooked smile playing upon her lips. “Hello, dear. How was your holiday?”

“Good, and yours?”

“Oh, it was nice, I suppose, but I think we’re both pretty glad to be back home, wouldn’t you say, Jim?”

Jim wheeled his way out of the living area. “I would say.”

“So is there anything in particular you need me to do today?”

“I don’t want to trouble you to cook for us,” Leslie began. “I’ll take care of that, but if you can just wipe down the kitchen and bathroom for me, that would be kind of you.”


With a bit of newfound exuberance, Courtney set about getting to work on her two projects. Her excitement quickly faded when she saw the materials she’d have to work with.

“I’m sorry, Leslie. I can’t use these cleaning products. They’re no good.”

“What do you mean?”

Courtney swallowed hard, afraid to offend her hosts. “What I mean is that they’re not sufficient for a proper cleaning. They’re, uh, subpar. But,” she added hastily, “that doesn’t have to be a problem because I actually have the good stuff down in my apartment and could very easily just bring it up to give this place a proper clean.”

Leslie turned her head around to Jim, who was napping in his wheelchair. “You never complained about this stuff before.”

“I know,” Courtney said. “But it wouldn’t be right for me to keep doing the wrong thing after I know how to do things the right way. It would be unfair to you both.”

“I guess.”

“Be right back!” Courtney flashed a big smile and ran off.

“What the hell am I doing?” Courtney asked herself. All of the supplies she and Mindy had picked up took multiple bags to carry into her apartment and now she had most of them laid out to haul across the way, but no matter how much she tried to condense her load to the bare minimum, she still couldn’t bring herself to discard the window cleaner, toilet bowl solution, shower tile spray, floor soap, stove scrub, dish degreaser, a package of scouring sponges, and heavy duty paper towels.

She shook her head and looked around for an old backpack to shove it all in.

“Oh, I was wondering what took you so long, dear,” Leslie said as Courtney entered the Burkes’ apartment and set her armful of materials down inside the door.

“I’m sorry,” Courtney said. “It took more time than I thought it would.”

“You look cute in that dress.” Leslie said, looking up and down Courtney’s backside.

“Thank you, Mrs. Burke. Jay bought it for me for Christmas. It didn’t seem right to be working in home clothes.”

Jim let out a wolf whistle and Courtney blushed. “Very becoming,” he said, nodding approvingly.

Courtney leaned over to meet Jim’s good ear. “Thank you, sir. You should see me without it,” she teased. “I mean, um. I’m just kidding,” she said, turning away from the Burkes, back toward the supplies she left at the door. “I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

She cursed herself for the tenth time in a row while she scrubbed the base of the toilet. She’d retreated to the bathroom in order to avoid any further humiliation, but dread grew within her breast about encountering either of her elderly neighbors in the kitchen. “Stupid, stupid,” she said aloud. She had half a mind to pull off the uniform, but that would require returning home to change and the day was growing late. She’d be lucky to be home in time for Jay to walk through the door.

She didn’t even permit herself to think about what it would be like to undress for Jim and Leslie. Well, she did, but not for too long.

And what about Leslie? Perhaps she was only interested in the uniform because she, too, wanted to learn how to serve?

Courtney meditated on this as she scrubbed away a week’s worth of dirt and grime, moving her gloved hands over every inch of soiled surface like she was rubbing down the body of a lover.

And, best yet, no matter how filthy the surface area, it never seeped into or stained or tainted her lovely clothing or exposed flesh.

To be a perfect maid was to be beautiful, simple, and obedient. The only objective: to appease her superiors.

Courtney smiled a sweetly stupid smile. She had to admit that she was beginning to enjoy dressing up, not just for Jay, but for herself.