The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Note: This is fiction and stuff. Address comments to .

The Girl from Ipanema

[chapter 2: rainy day relaxation]

Jared was lying on the couch, a stress-relief ball clenched white-knuckle tight in one fist, running over his to-do list again and again in his head when the doorbell rang.

“Hey, it’s me.” Susie’s voice. He could hear through the intercom the rain coming down in sheets around her.

“Yeah, come on up,” he answered, pressing the button to buzz her in.

Susie knocked a moment later. She was dripping wet, but didn’t seem in the least bit concerned about it as she stepped into his apartment.

“You’re wet,” he observed.

“Yeah, I was halfway here when it started pouring, and I didn’t have an umbrella. Do you have an extra one by any chance?”

Her eyed toured around his small apartment before meeting his.

“...seems like not,” she concluded.

“Nope, sorry,” he replied. “Working from home you don’t really need one.”

Susie stared at him for a moment.

“You seem pretty stressed, Jared.”

He knew she meant it, from her frown, the way her brow furrowed, from the sympathetic tone of her voice.

“I dunno...” he sighed. “No, really it’s fine, just work, and...stuff.”

“But you told me the other day you made huge progress on that project. You’re good at this stuff, Jared.”

“Yeah I know. I mean, I am. But...”

“But what?”

“But being good isn’t always enough. Plenty of people are good at what they do, but still fail anyway. That’s how the business is. It’s not enough to be good. You have to be great. And lucky. And in the right place at the right time, and ready to take the right next step.”

He could feel the tension creeping into his voice before she even pointed it out. She didn’t even need to say anything. It was clear from her face.

“The past week has been much better, though,” he said, taking a deep breath and trying to calm his mind. “Whatever you did when you hypnotized me, I think it worked.”

“That’s wonderful to hear!” she answered, her concerned frown breaking out into a more encouraging smile. “But I still think you need to let off a little more stress.”

“Yeah, maybe,” he conceded. She was probably right, after all.

“But that’s not hard to do, you know. You just have to take a little trip to Ipanema.”

Jared had been listening attentively, but the last word still somehow seemed to instantly focus his attention. He had said the trigger to himself every night this week before bed, to help him relax. But hearing it from her voice still made it feel somehow more powerful.

“Look into my eyes,” Susie coaxed, her voice soft and delicate. It was barely above a whisper, but had no trouble penetrating his ears despite the pounding rain on the roof.

He gladly did what she instructed, letting his eyes meet hers.

“Just relax, Jared.” He felt her fingers on his temples, massing in gently circles. “Count down with me from 10 to 1, and feel that tension draining away more and more with every number. Ten...Nine...that’s it, eight...”

It was so easy to follow along. Her voice was undeniably soothing. True to her claim, she was indeed very good at helping him calm down.

“...and on ‘one’ you just take a nice deep breath, let your eyes close for a moment, and then open feeling so much more relaxed and calm.”

He took a long, slow, blink, right on cue with the word ‘close’.

“Feel better?” she asked, her voice suddenly 3 shades more chipper.

He nodded, stifling a yawn.

“Yeah, actually. Thanks.”

“Of course!” she replied, “That’s what friends are for! Now let’s watch a movie or something, what do you say?”

She didn’t actually wait for an answer before plopping down on the couch and grabbing the remote. That was when Jared realized that he had been so focused on Susie’s eyes that he didn’t notice how hard his cock had just become.

“So what do you feel like right now?” she asked, flipping through the menu options on the screen.

He swallowed hard, his face reddening.



“Look, I...just—”

“Oh, sorry, is that, uh, distracting?” She nodded towards his crotch.

“Honestly, yeah, it kind of is.”

“Oh no, sorry!” She gushed.

It seemed a little strange, but sounded for all the world like a sincere apology. Was it strange for her to apologize for making him erect? Jared mused, unsure. He wasn’t sure if he was really aroused per se, but he was certainly as hard as he could ever remember being.

“Well, you can take care of it if you need to, it’s okay,” Susie chimed in, breaking his train of thought.

“Are you serious?”

“Sure, why not?” she shrugged. “I mean, How long have we known each other? You can be open with me about anything.”


“Besides,” she added, “It’s pouring out there, and since you don’t seem to have an umbrella to lend me, I’m not going home till the rain lets up. So you can either continue to be distracted and feel awkward, or you can take control of the situation and do something to make it better.”

“Okay,” he said at last.

“I would promise not to look if it would make you more comfortable, but honestly, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“I know, I know. It’s just not something I’ve, like, done, in front of someone quite like this. It”

“Well let me put us on equal footing then,” she said. “My top is soaked. The only reason I still have it on is that I was afraid you’d think I was trying to come on to you. But if you’re going to feel exposed, then I might as well be too.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, she peeled her blouse off. At first he wondered if this was some kind of ruse, but the little drops of water the motion splattered onto him convinced him otherwise. He squeezed his cock through his jeans as she shuffled over to the radiator and spread her dripping top on it to dry. She was right. It did make him feel a little bit more comfortable with what he was about to do.

“So I should just, like, whip it out, or what?” He felt so awkward asking that he nearly cringed.

“You should relax and just take care of it, however you want to,” Susie replied with unperturbed calm. “You need let go of that tension, Jared. Just do whatever feels right to do. You can pretend I’m not even here if you want.”

She turned back to the radiator, and bent down to peel off her wet socks, to lay them out beside her top.

Jared stared at her, and for a moment saw her like he never had before. He had never felt attracted to Susie. She was just a friend, and he had never really looked at her in any other way. Maybe it was the curve of her back, or the way her tight bra clung to her just so. Whatever it was, he definitely didn’t want to pretend she wasn’t here. He would much rather pretend she was doing other things. He tried not to stare at her chest as she sat back down, forcing his gaze straight ahead.

“Just let it go, Jared.” She said, curling up on the sofa beside him, and softly stroking his cheek. His eyes automatically found hers, and stayed fixed there.

“You need to relax.” He nodded.

“Yes, that’s right, relax,” she said with a disarming smile. “It’ll be so much easier to relax once you let all that tension out.”

Something about the way she was looking at him, or the way she said it, or the sound of the rain on the roof...Jared didn’t know what it was, but it felt like she had tuned out that antsy little voice in the back of his mind, the one that always kept his thoughts racing. All that was left was calm silence. So when he felt his arm being lifted and gently guided to his groin, he put up no resistance whatsoever. He could just let go, and let himself completely go with the flow of the moment. It was okay. Susie was even telling him so. And he trusted her, agreed with her; he knew that she was completely right about this.

Clumsily, his fingers found the zipper on his slacks, and inched it down. A bit more fumbling, and his erect cock sprang free. Susie smiled again and caressed the side of his neck tenderly as he curled his fingers around the head. A few moments before, he had felt like the moment was fraught with a strange awkward tension. But she had been right, this was helping him relax. And it now felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Her cool fingers slid down his arm, to just below the elbow. They were still damp from the rain, he noticed, and dimly thought that he should offer her a towel. But she knew where they were, she could get one herself; he didn’t need to get up, he could stay right where he was and relax. Right now she was gently pushing his arm, pressuring his hand to move down, then up, stroking his shaft. Hesitation faded, and his hand settled into a comfortable rhythm. Susie softly stroked his cheek, guiding his attention towards her.

“Relax, Jared,” she said softly. “Take a nice deep breath, feel a wave of calm washing over you, as you get ready to release all that stress and tension.”

His eyes glazed over as she continued to murmur to him softly. In the back of his mind, he still thought it was a little strange to be masturbating in front of his best friend, for her, and even at her instruction. The moment felt so strange—the sexual tension was palpable. Or maybe it was an utter lack of sexual tension, instead. He really wasn’t sure, but as he continued to stare and listen and stroke, he swiftly stopped caring which. It didn’t matter. If there was tension, he could let it go, just like she told him. She was so right. This would be good for him. He was so lucky to have a friend like Susie, someone to share this intimate moment of deepest vulnerability with, someone to help him through it.

His thought process ground to a halt as her gaze flitted away from his, breaking eye contact to glance at his cock. The head was a deep, dark, almost purplish red, blood pulsing through it with each stroke. Jared suddenly realized he was about to explode. He hadn’t even noticed the buildup, it hadn’t mattered. A flush of renewed embarrassment fell over him, then broke apart as she spoke.

“Let the tension go, Jared,” Susie whispered softly.

That was all it took. His cock erupted, spurting hot come all over his lap. It felt...good. Well, of course it felt good. But there was something more. It brought on a sense of peaceful calm. A pleasant smile formed on the corners of Jared’s lips as he realized that all his worries really did seem so very far away. Like he had hurled them off a cliff, and was now standing there, alone, watching them fall so far away from him.

Well, almost alone. She was there too. Susie. His companion guide through all of this. He liked the image. His eyes drooped shut so he could picture it better.

“Good job!” Susie cooed encouragingly, running her fingers through his hair as she eased his head back against the cushion of the sofa. “Now doesn’t that feel better?”

“Yeah,” Jared sighed contentedly.

“Good, I’m so glad. Now just stay there, honey, I’ll get you a towel.”

Jared had no plans of doing anything else. He wanted nothing more than to bask in the pool of blissful calm that he was now floating in. The surface of the water rippled as her voice penetrated his daydream.

“It’s so easy to do, and that’s all it takes. You just hear me say ‘Ipanema’, and you can release every last bit of tension, exactly like that, exactly that easily. Isn’t that right?”

“Yeah,” he sighed without even thinking. She was so totally right.

“And every time you do this, the effect just gets even stronger, and that tension takes longer to build back up. You know that’s how it works, don’t you?”

“Okay.” Maybe she was right about that too.

“Good. I’m glad you’re starting to see things my way. Now clean yourself up, and let’s watch a movie.”

“Okay,” he replied, feeling the towel being placed into his hand. He happily obliged, doing exactly what she said, a happy buzz consuming him.

[end of chapter 2]