The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Haigure Fit, Chapter 16

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2022.

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Kara took Alexa up on her offer, at least for a little bit; she didn’t keep track of the time, but for part of the morning she laid on Alexa’s bed, where she’d ended up, and cried into it.

But she didn’t want to stay sitting around Alexa’s room. It had been the backdrop to her crying jag, and sitting around it in it made her feel dismal, as if she might break out crying again. She needed to escape the place to escape the feeling. She had cried herself out, it was mid-morning, and Kara was in the mood to go out for a walk.

The outdoors provided a better backdrop than the room she left— they were not a setting appropriate for tears, not given the weather of the day.

It was a beautiful, sunny day. Kara looked back up at the sunshine.

Then Kara thought fleetingly of Alexa running outside in this weather; thought it must be nice for her. As for herself— she could credit the weather for saving her from her tears, and she could appreciate the pleasant experience it must be creating for her girlfriend, but Kara didn’t appreciate the weather much on her own. She’d cried herself empty of tears, but the sadness was still sitting inside her heart; the pleasant weather was an affront to it, despite its defense against its overt expression. She didn’t want to walk in sunshine when she felt the way she did internally.

But she didn’t really have anything to do besides walk, since it was still a Sunday.

There were lots of other people out walking. Kara wasn’t the only one. She could walk around aimlessly all day like they did. All people she saw were wearing leotards. It was only the sight of the leotards, plain on the women’s bodies, that turned on Kara. Only seeing them was enough— because deep down, she really did crave after her own. The feeling driving away yesterday had not only be grief. In that moment she had been at least half-sad at the fact she’d been prevented from converting. Conversion would have been easier than this— would have meant not having to feel anything painful anymore; would have meant being Haigure-happy, like everyone else she saw outside. Anything to get away from the feeling inside— anything at all.

The subliminals were playing everywhere she walked; any path she went down, they were there, playing into her head. It made her head as empty as her tearducts— when it was empty, it felt better. There was nothing to remember; it was holding her; comforting her; arousing her, all those things at once in one warm reassuring swirl, and where she was walking, where she was at any given point all blurred around her. The distinction from this blur were the other Haigure slaves. They stood out against the rest which was indistinct— and they added to that feeling which played like static fuzz in her brain; when the static fuzz played down into her body it became that dripping running warmth on her thighs that was the same as on every other Haigure slave that she saw— especially the ones that were getting amorous with each other all over the campus.

Seeing them all like that; walking, in their leotards, or fucking each other, made her miss Alexa again; it was only a half-formed thought beneath that static buzz, but it was coherent enough for her to change direction, towards going back into Alexa’s room; maybe practice would be over, maybe Alexa would be there; that was where Kara wanted to be.

She made it back to Alexa’s room again; Alexa was not there yet.

Kara sat on the bed; she didn’t sprawl out and cry again, just sat patiently; she’d wandered in that emotion the subliminals had put in her for some time; it was more like afternoon now, she’d lost several hours walking— and as she sat there on the bed, she was still juicing substantially. She missed Alexa because she loved her— but the sex they’d been having lately had been deeply satisfying and she was craving more of it. She was starting to get impatient. When would Alexa come? Every time she heard a creak in the main room of the dorm suite— or beyond that, when she heard a creak outside the dorm suite’s entrance, like a step in the hall, she thought— now. That is her. Now. But it never was, and she had to keep sitting there waiting.

The door finally opened.

“You’re still here,” Alexa said, cheerfully— there was a bit of hesitation in her tone; unsure if Kara still being there was a good sign or a bad one.

There was something… different about Alexa… but every time Kara tried to concentrate on it, her mind just slipped right off it, and really, she was just so happy to see Alexa… was there any good reason to focus on some insignificant, slight difference when Alexa was right there?

“I’m here,” Kara corrected. “I didn’t stay all day. I cried for maybe an hour or two more— then I went out walking, and stayed out until just about fifteen minutes ago; since then I’ve been waiting for you to come back.”

Alexa looked relieved, and came to sit down next to Kara on the bed; Kara had been juicing all the time she’d been sitting there, and she’d left the traces of that on the bed, beneath where she was sitting.

“You were waiting for me?” Alexa sounded about as pleased as when Kara had expressed her love for her earlier that morning.

“I missed you,” Kara said, nuzzling into her body. She— felt something— but what—? It slipped from her mind again. “The sex has been so good, lately Alexa, and I wanted—”

“Me,” Alexa supplied, letting Kara nuzzle closer. Something— she kept trying to realize something but her mind wouldn’t do it.

The two of them stretched back onto Alexa’s bed; Alexa was kissing Kara and Kara was kissing her back; each one was reaching down to the pussy of the other, stirring it around and around again.

Kara gasped into Alexa’s mouth, when her fingers scraped just right, and Alexa’s leg was below the opening of her pussy, and Kara ground down; ground down, and rocked, and her other leg was below Alexa; they were rocking on each other, and touching to each other’s clits. They kept kissing.

“No one could blame you for wanting me,” Alexa said. “I want you to— and I want you, too. I want you, and I want you to be happy. Just let yourself feel the pleasure— let yourself be happy—”

Kara moaned, but something was happening in her mind. Something was happening; letting— happiness— the pleasure—

Her eyes opened.

She realized.

Alexa’s leotard was the wrong color.

She was quick to push Alexa back, and scramble across the bed. Alexa leaned after her, her lips still half-puckered into a kiss— following her.

When Alexa had left her, she’d been wearing a black leotard. Now she wore a gold-colored one. Kara’s mind had tried to realize it when she’d first seen Alexa again, but she hadn’t quite gotten there— and when she’d been nuzzling against Alexa, pressing body to body— Alexa’s leotard had been touching her— a real leotard— and it had been like at the meeting; the leotard pulsing pleasure into her, doing things to her body, influencing her through its contact. But Kara’s mind hadn’t let her realize that either; all that static buzz through the day had had some latent effect. It had been more obedient for Kara’s mind to forget; to stare at Alexa in her new leotard and not see; to feel Alexa’s leotard touching her, and not admit it; and her mind had wanted to obey more than whatever part of her still cared about the truth, still wanted to remember. It made her shiver, and not in fear, to think part of her had wanted to obey more than she herself had wanted to know what was true. She was too weak— too susceptible. But she did know what was happening now. That meant facing it; she could do it.

If Alexa was wearing a real leotard. She felt her spirit give out in her for a moment; felt a flopping forward, a giving up. If Alexa was wearing a real leotard, it meant that she had been converted too. She was Haigure now— another slave, not the girlfriend she’d loved; Kara wanted to scream and grab her hair— she’d lost everyone that she loved, now. Every single one.

The heartbreak went beyond simple sadness— other heartbreaks in the past Kara had thought, at the time, that she felt. Other girls with whom relationships had fallen apart; or people she’d liked who had not liked her back. None of those had hurt like this. She was so heartbroken that she felt like she was going to have to lean over the bed and throw up on Alexa’s dorm room carpet. She was so heartbroken she wanted to die.

“You’re Haigure,” she said, her voice a croaking sound.

Alexa raised herself from half-lying on her side to properly sitting up. “I am Haigure now,” she agreed. “And I think you should be too.”

Kara let herself fully look at Alexa once she was sitting up— that suicidal heartbreak was in her, but the sight of Alexa was a distraction. She was consumed by Alexa’s image, briefly— Alexa looked so much better in her gold leotard than she ever had in the black fake— the real thing curved and hugged into Alexa’s body every where it touched. It outlined Alexa’s each ab— it swaddled her C-cup breasts. The gold sat against Alexa’s tan from running outside perfectly— it was the ideal color for that; she’d been running in her fake leotard long enough her old tan lines had faded— the fake had prepared for the real; and like it lined her abs, so they seemed sculpted out of it, it set of the lines of her muscles elsewhere that weren’t even beneath leotard; Alexa’s was sitting, but Kara could see the well-lined muscles in Alexa’s legs; she just wanted Alexa’s thighs to be clenched around her head— she wanted to be licking her deep— that thick, bush of pussy seemed to lure her in like a Will-O-The-Wisp to a lost traveler, into forest— Kara wanted to run her fingers through it, the dark brown of it that matched the short hair on her head; that was perfectly matched to her golden leotard too— she looked so beautiful in it, so much more attractive than she had been, even before perfect— and Kara couldn’t have her. She couldn’t allow— she had to take her mind back from the image. She couldn’t— she couldn’t—

Kara shook her head, shook her head— she had grabbed it with her hands and held it between them, she didn’t know when that had happened; she clutched at it, shook her head, shook her head. Not this conversion— not by Alexa; by her mother… or her sister, those kinds of conversion she could almost accept. But not Alexa, not like this, not after having lost anything.

“No,” she said, and made herself put her hands back down. “I will never— I am never going to— I won’t be Haigure now, after it has taken everything away from me! My mother, my sister— my girlfriend— you! The love of my fucking life, Alexa, and it has taken you!”

Alexa smiled. “It has taken me,” she said, but in the way she said it, conveyed a very different meaning than Kara’s. It had taken her— like a sexual conquest— it had taken her— like an enslavement to its purpose, and that made it all sound so erotic, Kara felt her clit throb in pleasure once.

“I think you really should reconsider what you just swore to, Kara,” Alexa said. There was a darker tone to her voice now. “I know that you and all the other takedowners are wearing fake leotards— because I wore one with you. And now that I’m a part of Haigure, I could tell them that. It’s been so nice, hasn’t it, Kara, not having to worry about any more hostility from the Haigure-ites, not having to worry about any active threats? I wonder how that will change when they all know there are so many unconverted left among them.”

Kara stared. “You would blackmail me?” That wasn’t like the Alexa that Kara had known and loved. “What do you even want in exchange?”

“A chance,” Alexa said. “Just give me a chance to show you how good Haigure can feel, to show you what you’re missing and why you should convert like I did.”

Kara felt her eyes prick. “I can’t believe you would blackmail me!”

Alexa walked her hands forward across the bed, approaching towards Kara. “It’s for your own good, Kara,” she purred.

It seemed to split Kara’s mind in pain. “My own— no! No, it’s cruel!”

“Just give me a chance,” Alexa murmured again. “Let me show you how good it can feel, or I will tell all the Haigure-ites about the takedown group’s little secret.”

Kara sucked in a breath; Alexa had walked her back into a wall; in the sense that she had maneuvered Kara back into lying on the bed, with nowhere else to retreat to; and in the sense that she’d given Kara a set of conditions which Kara did not feel she could violate. Alexa having switched sides was a huge threat to the safety of everyone in the takedown group— and if Kara was the only one who could protect them, in exchange for giving Alexa her chance, then she had to. There were so many others she’d failed to protect— Alexa was just one more among their number, now— she had to at least try to protect the takedown group, her last remaining friends, from Alexa’s revelation.

Kara let out a shaky breath. “Take your chance, Alexa,” she said.

There was something else in her, another feeling despite the heartbreak, apart from the betrayal, the shock, the pain at finding Alexa would willingly blackmail her, and believe she was doing it out of love. She was still horny, through it all, and she wanted sex— and deep down, sex that involved a real leotard. How shameful.

“There, Kara, that’s good of you,” Alexa said softly, and shifted to lie over her body. “Don’t worry about anything— you don’t have to worry at all anymore— just let yourself feel good. Let me make you feel good— let Haigure make you feel good. Just feel it.”

Kara sighed, shakily again— she hated the way that comforted her. It was a flaw in herself, this whole experience of being undercover had only been a constant process of finding flaws in herself. It had nothing to do with Alexa, or with Haigure— there was a part of her that wanted to hide. A part of her that craved the feeling of shutting her brain off— a part that wished for freedom of burdens, that just wanted all the problems, all the upsetting things to be cleared away. And instead, that side of her wanted fun— mindless enjoyment, even if it meant never thinking again— so long as she could just feel good instead. That was selfish— avoidant— but she’d spent all day happily full of static buzz and arousal because it had meant escaping from the crushing feelings of grief that had come from realizing her family was lost. Alexa was offering her an escape, and what was more, an escape into pleasure fueled by leotard— and she did, on some level, honestly want that, no matter that said about her as a person.

She almost couldn’t face herself again.

Alexa resumed kissing Kara, Kara pressed back into the bed, and Alexa’s lips moving over hers; Alexa lowered her body right flush against Kara’s— and Kara could feel Alexa’s leotard.

She whimpered into Alexa’s mouth, but Alexa kissed her with comforting reassurance, the familiar among the strange; Alexa was letting her leotard work on Kara now— Kara wanted to squirm, but then she realized she wanted to squirm in expression of positive feeling inside her body— not to get away.

It was like long thin fingers reaching inside her, stroking around her. Fingers of flame, but they burned in a way that didn’t hurt. And they touched; she felt them stroking at her womb— she would have placed a hand to her body there in sympathy, if Alexa hadn’t been lying body to body with her and making such a thing impossible; the touched at her breasts, at her nipples, from the inside until she felt two needles of flame in the very center of each nipple, coming from its deepest place upwards— they demanded mouths to suck; her pussy demanded contact; and the pulsing that came from Alexa’s leotard into her body was even in her head, only one thought— Haigure, Haigure, Haigure— she should be chanting it as the leotard, that beautiful, beautiful leotard— that beautiful thing touched her and made her feel so good.

“Alexa—” Kara whined— there was so much stimulation, but she needed more— she didn’t need to come, necessarily— the leotard would decided when she’d earned that— she just needed a leveling up, a bit more erotic attention—

“I know,” Alexa told her, but she didn’t lean down to suck a nipple, didn’t slip a clump of fingers inside. Instead, she leaned over the side of the bed, apparently to scoop something off of the floor.

Kara’s breath sucked into her lungs all at once.

It was her own leotard. Alexa kept herself pressed close to Kara, dangled the leotard over her face. “Only your own leotard can make you come, Kara. Put it on for me— you can feel this way all the time. Just good— you’re not sad, not heartbroken at all anymore, are you? Doesn’t it feel better just to leave such hard feelings behind— doesn’t it feel better to let happiness fill you, and let that be the only thing inside?”

Kara felt her tongue wet her lips— her leotard, and it was so much closer to her than yesterday when her mother had held it out.

“Touch it, Kara. Feel it,” Alexa said, stressing the word, ‘feel.’

Kara raised a tentative hand, and did.

It was impossible to describe— but somehow, this leotard felt like hers— a missing part of her she’d only just found; Alexa’s leotard against her was nice, but it wasn’t hers— it wasn’t like this—

Alexa held Kara’s leotard close to her, watched Kara touching it. Any second now— she recognized the look in Kara’s eyes— Kara was going to break, and put the thing onto her body.

Kara let out a low moan again, as her fist stayed clutched in the leotard’s fabric— this was the moment;

Then Alexa found herself blinking in shock— Kara had shoved her off the bed, jumped up, and run out the door.

At the very last moment, she had found it in her to resist.

Alexa stayed on the floor where she was. It was the first time she’d felt sad again since putting on her leotard— she loved it— but the sadness was too deep in her heart. Kara was deliberately choosing to keep herself in pain, rejecting happiness when she could have so easily reached out and taken it—why?

Alexa thought of it, and shook her head sadly. Of course. Very Kara— Not every obstacle was gone. Kara would still feel responsible for the other takedown members. The fact that the blackmail Alexa had suggested to her had worked was proof enough of that— as long as the takedown group were still unconverted, Kara wouldn’t let go of her freedom. She wouldn’t give in, no matter how happy it made her, or how good it felt. Kara was like that— she felt obligated to them, and for Kara, that would always come first for her, even before her own happiness.

Alexa had to help her with this too— she’d helped her by taking herself off the list of reasons Kara couldn’t give in— but now she had to take to other takedown members off the list, too. She needed to get all of them converted, as quickly as she could do it— for now, Kara was the only one who knew Alexa was Haigure; she had to get around to the others before Kara could warn them. She had to go and find them now.

It wouldn’t be hard to do— all those times spent walking the entire Haigure group around from where they were to where they needed to get had taught her where each takedown member lived— and she knew she wanted to go for Jamie first.

It was just something about the way Jamie had talked about Haigure— when they had all reconvened the group after infiltrating the meeting. She’d spoken of it with longing, attraction, as though allured— though she’d had to backtrack it— Alexa had noticed it at the time because she had felt similar temptation— but now, thinking back to it, she knew that given that temptation, it would be easy to make Jamie give in… and once Jamie gave in, she’d have someone available to help her get all the rest.

She got up off the floor, and left.

Jamie opened the door to her dorm suite when Alexa knocked; and Alexa knew she wasn’t going to give Jamie any chance— she pounced forward, pinning Jamie back to the floor, and started grinding against her.

“Alexa— what—?”

“I’m Haigure now, Jamie,” Alexa husked to her. She could hear the edge in her own voice— she felt daring, and dangerous— Haigure had brought that side out of her— a little like the violence in the sex she and Kara had had when they were both still more resistant to Haigure, and more resentful— “I’m Haigure now, and you’re going to be too.”

She kissed at the side of Jamie’s face, pulled her skin roughly with her teeth. “I know how tempted you’ve been feeling. You want to be Haigure, deep down, you do— there’s no point in fighting it.”

Alexa knew enough of herself to know that she was working out her pain at the fact that Kara had rejected her seduction— here, Jamie wouldn’t.

“Alexa,” Jamie said, a little startled, between kisses that Alexa was sometimes putting on her lips. “I’m glad you’re Haigure now— your leotard feels so good against my body—”

The last part of that came out like a groan.

“But you don’t need to convert me” — said breathlessly— “I’m already Haigure.”

Alexa narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “How do I know you’re not just saying that to protect yourself?”

“Because,” Jamie said— she pushed Alexa gently back, stood, walked over to a little endtable, opened its drawer. “My leotard is here.”

She pulled it out, and held it up— it was a bright red color— her eyes fluttered closed, clearly taking a lot of pleasure just from holding it in her hands.

“You took it off?” Alexa asked, aghast. She couldn’t imagine ever separating herself from her own.

“Lilith— our wonderful leader, goddess among women— she trusted me to take it off— she knew I was faithful enough— but I have missed it every day; when I’m alone here, I bring it out and hold it against my skin— hold it against my pussy— I’ve just been waiting to put it on again— I’ve been dreaming about it at night—”

She did not want to restrain herself from her leotard anymore, it seemed. She pulled the black leotard down from her body, becoming naked in front of Jamie— then she slipped the red leotard back onto her body— it just fit— in the way black one never had on her; the red looked good against her dirty blonde hair, but Jamie was pulling her leotard up slowly, in no rush— she seemed to want to enjoy the feeling of the leotard against each part of her body it passed before it could settle into place.

Alexa’s pussy was throbbing in pleasure— and she felt it all wound and twisted up in her lower back, too; she couldn’t contain herself; couldn’t repress; she exhaled a shaky gasp, and her hand had already found her exposed pussy below the end of her leotard; she rubbed a wet clit with quick fingers, breathing hard, eyes wide as Jamie pulled a little more of her leotard on— a little more— a little more— the sight alone was hotter than the feeling of Alexa’s hand moving, but the pleasure coming from her masturbation was sweet and soft; and her leotard was feeding into it— she breathed harder, scrambled her hand more; and Jamie had pulled her leotard all the way up, fitting it properly into its place.

Now Alexa could appreciate the sight of Jamie in her true leotard, wearing its beautiful ruby red color. The way it curved better complimented the litheness of Jamie’s form— better hugged her medium-sized breasts, better displayed the sideboob that came off each of them; the red looked good with Jamie’s pleasant tan, too.

And Jamie’s shaved-clean pussy looked even better under that red beauty than it had under her black counterfeit; Alexa looked at the arousal dewing her slit there; there was no hair to obscure the view— but the most erotic thing for Alexa had been watching Jamie put the leotard on. That was done now; she didn’t need to masturbate anymore.

Jamie had literally put a leotard on in front of her. Alexa was convinced— but still confused. “But— why?”

“Lilith knows all of you are still unconverted— or, in your case, that you were… and she trusted me to go undercover and take the group down from the inside. The earbuds I gave out were from her— she made them— they were pumping subliminals into all our brains all the time— more effective than the on-campus subliminals… she knew you’d all give in eventually, and she let me take a direct role— I love her so much for that—”

Alexa frowned. She knew it was the kind of thing that would have made her angry before— would have made her feel betrayed, but none of those feelings were there. She only felt— happiness— Jamie had helped them all open themselves to Haigure— she’d done it because Lilith had told her to.

Alexa frowned again, this time in concentration… Lilith… the one… she’d been on the stage at the meeting; they’d passed her overhead— she’d had that quality about her that had filled Alexa with awe… and touching her had made Alexa want to touch her more… “Lilith?” She echoed.

Jamie smiled, and set her leotard back into the drawer, then tipped it shut. “Lilith. She invented our leotards— she’s behind all of this— the happiness, the pleasure, the self-improvement. Would you like to meet her? If you’re still doubting me at all, she can back up everything I’ve told you.”

Alexa wasn’t doubting anything she’d heard from Jamie— but she’d never imagined she’d be lucky enough to end up in a one-on-one situation with Lilith. After seeing her, undercover at the meeting, Alexa had thought she would never see Lilith again. But Jamie could take her to Lilith— take her right to her, and she could really see her— “Yes, please, take me there,” Alexa told her.

“I want to see her.”

Jamie smiled, and gave a nod— the two of them walked up to the campus mainstream, and got into a cab.

“Lilith lives with her mom, in Rosedale,” Jamie explained once they climbed in. “Do you have a plan, for after our visit with Lilith?”

“We need to convert the rest of the members of the takedown group,” Alexa said. “Before Kara can warn them that I’ve converted— though even Kara doesn’t know about you; that will help, no matter what, the threat that you pose will be a secret.”

“That’s been my mission from the beginning, so of course I’m on board,” Jamie said, as the taxi drove them on. “But why are you so invested suddenly?”

“They’ve all got to become Haigure,” Alexa said. “It’s the only way Kara will ever give in. As long as even one of them is free, Kara will feel obligated to protect them— I’m trying to save her from herself.”

“That’s sweet,” Jamie said, putting a hand to her heart. “You really do love her. Well, after we see Lilith we can get all the others converted. Then Kara won’t have any reason to refuse Haigure anymore.”

Alexa exhaled in relief. It was all she wanted— she so hoped it would happen.

The cab pulled up in front of a nondescript house; Alexa was full of nerves as she followed Jamie up the walk to the front door. Jamie was the one to knock that door; Alexa let Jamie guide her, Alexa had no resentment at following after her.

An older woman— presumably Lilith’s mother, also in a leotard— answered their knock.

Alexa took a minute to admire her. Her leotard was actually black— but it wasn’t a fake— a real black leotard looked so much better than a fake one— like liquid ink— like black oil that had been poured onto Lilith’s mother’s body and congealed there, gripping her; it had dripped onto her, and now gripped— that was the illusion— it had a glossy sheen to it— it made Alexa think of latex, though Alexa new the material forming it was very different. It beautifully accentuated her body.

For an older woman— for a woman who had once had a child— her shape was fantastic; she looked a lot like her daughter— though Alexa had only seen Lilith once, she remembered her so vividly she could easily see the resemblance; she was slightly taller; maybe a bit more heavily-proportioned, but she looked so close to Lilith it bestowed perfection on her— she looked almost like a perfect thing— so she was almost a perfect thing in herself.

Her pussy was shaved bare below her leotard, and Alexa felt her own pussy throb— she wondered if Lilith ordered her mother to keep herself that way— if her mother’s eyes went dull when she heard the command and her lips spotted with drool; if her own pussy throbbed to obey when she heard it— if it throbbed as she actually did the shaving, thinking that it was for Lilith, all for Lilith; Alexa felt herself throb harder, thinking of Lilith’s mother being her sexpet, kept around the house— kept groomed the way Lilith liked— Alexa almost started masturbating again on Lilith’s doorstep.

“We’re here to see Lilith,” Jamie said, something in her voice asking for permission.

“You can go knock on Lilith’s door,” Lilith’s mother granted— she turned away and headed off towards a different part of the house, leaving them to do as they would.

Alexa wondered if just any Haigure slave would be allowed to just go in and knock— if this was a special privilege Jamie had. She remembered the reverence with which Jamie had said that Lilith had trusted her to go undercover— if that had been a special privilege too.

Jamie seemed to know the way to Lilith’s room; this presented more evidence that this was a familiar, allowed route for Jamie.

They reached a shut door which Jamie seemed to know as the door to Lilith’s bedroom, and Jamie knocked twice on it. “It’s Jamie,” she called. “And I brought a visitor.”

There was a beat, and then a voice— what a lovely, clear voice, Alexa had heard it before at the infiltrated meeting— “You can come in.”

Jamie nodded to herself, then reached for the doorknob and gave it a twist, swinging the door open.

Lilith was reclined on her bed, lying on her stomach, kicking her legs at the knee towards her lying body and back again, her face rested against crossed-over arms; when Jamie and Alexa stepped in, she lifted her head to look at them.

Alexa sucked in a rapid inhale— seeing Lilith was an incredible feeling— she was so beautiful. It was a little like the way Alexa had used to feel when she and Kara were first going out— staring after her, amazed every time she saw her. But the feeling was many magnitudes of power greater— Lilith was— Lilith was—

Lilith was sitting up, and looking over Jamie and Alexa. Her silver leotard shimmered in the light. Alexa was matching the complimentary tone to it— gold to silver— but her gold felt pathetic in comparison; it was nothing compared to that silver— nothing was anything compared to that silver. She might as well have been wearing the absence of color, been wearing white— that silver was the defining tone; and any gold would not compliment to it— it would have to bow to it, fade behind it— just seeing it almost seemed to burn her brain— as if the image of it itself had the power to brainwash— but Alexa looked past the leotard.

With Lilith sitting up, it gave Alexa a chance to appreciate Lilith’s body within her leotard. That form of human perfection— the pinnacle of it. It was like nature had been trying, in the forming of Lilith’s mother, to do a first draft, a first sketch of Lilith. Lilith’s mother had been the prototype, but Lilith was the real thing.

Her skin was tan under shimmering silver, but only lightly so, delicately so— her hair was dark on her shoulders, the contrast of dark near shimmering satisfying; and when Lilith turned her eyes on them, they were uncomfortably purple— they made Alexa want to try to crawl out of her body— but they were so beautiful at the same time—

And, as if in confirmation of the half-fantasy Alexa had been thinking of down on the front-step, Lilith’s pussy was shaved naked. It was clearly the state of personal grooming she preferred— she must order and control her mother into maintaining it, so she could more fully enjoy her body, have it just the in the kept state she wanted— and now, even the fact that Jamie’s pussy was bare took on a different light. Was it a tribute to Lilith? If Lilith gave her special favor, and special privilege, did Jamie thank her for it by keeping her body just the way Lilith wanted it to be? That seemed more sweet than hot— but all of it lead back to Lilith’s power, and Alexa was marveling at that.

“You’re… one of the takedown group.” Lilith frowned— failing to place her. “Which one, again?”

Lilith had not directly asked her to do it, but even the implication made something in Alexa want to perk up and give Lilith what she’d only been implying at.

“Alexa,” she offered. “I’m Kara Chase’s girlfriend.”

Lilith’s eyes sparked. She knew who Kara Chase was, then. “And you’re wearing a real leotard now,” Lilith’s eyes scanned down her, and Alexa felt her body heating under Lilith’s gaze. “That’s quite a get for us. Did you personally convert her, Jamie?” Lilith’s eyes went to Jamie, and she seemed to flush when they did.

“No, she just turned up at my dorm room door, she was already like this. How did you finally convert?” Jamie had looked back to Alexa.

“I just… wanted to,” Alexa said, flushing with two sets of eyes on her now. “After so many days of seeing happy Haigure slaves everywhere— going to that meeting— listening to the music— I just… wanted to— after track practice I begged my team and they gave me my leotard. The one that’s followed me around; then I tried converting Kara but—”

“Obviously it didn’t work,” Jamie interrupted. “But she does want to make sure Kara converts. So her idea was to convert the rest of the takedown group quickly— all at once.”

Alexa nodded, not quite sure if she had the same privileges of interjection as Jamie did but willing to take the chance. They needed to get Lilith her information as quickly as they could.

“That way, Kara won’t have any reason to resist anymore,” Alexa spoke up, quickly. “I know she really does love Haigure— the way it makes her feel— she just won’t let herself join it while other people she cares about are still free. That was why I gave myself to it— so I wouldn’t be standing between her and conversion anymore. She would never convert if I was still free. We’ve just got to take the other takedown members— then she’ll have no reason not to.”

Lilith nodded once. “It’s a good plan. And you came to see me because…?” She arched an eyebrow at them. It frightened Alexa, but Jamie was apparently unperturbed.

“Alexa tried converting me first, and I told her everything. She didn’t believe me at first— then she wanted to see you when I mentioned you.”

Lilith crossed one leg slowly over the other, smiled slyly at Alexa. “You didn’t believe her when she told you that I knew each one of you were faking all along?”

That sly smile was doing things inside Alexa’s body; making it slick up and produce copious lubrication. “Or you didn’t believe when she told you I asked her to go undercover for me? Or that I let her take off her leotard and put it away?”

It was like Lilith was reading her mind; those had been all of her questions; those had been all the doubts which Jamie had spoken to— it was an odd feeling. It made Alexa feel very naked.

“That— was what I found difficult, yeah,” Alexa admitted.

“I did know,” Lilith confirmed. “I didn’t care that your little resistance group was faking. I knew we would get you in the end. We get everyone in the end. It just takes some longer than others.”

Alexa found her body heating up again; the sex this morning with Kara had been good, but this was searing electricity right in every pleasure center. Alexa wanted to drop to her knees and masturbate herself— preferably with her mouth buried inside Lilith’s cunt, which was exposed by her silver leotard just like any other Haigure slave’s cunt would be. She wore the uniform of slavery— but she was the only one in Haigure dress who had a free mind— Alexa could feel the power of that; could sense the self-possession in her. All other slaves were full of Lilith, and it weakened their minds. It weakened her mind too, she was a slave like the others now. But Lilith was full of Lilith, and it strengthened her, probably made her mind sharper. Alexa wanted to kneel and lick her more desperately than before.

“And I did trust Jamie to go undercover— give you the earbuds, I’m sure she told you. She’s a very loyal slave of mine, I’d trust her with anything similarly risky; her loyalty goes a little beyond the general devotion any slave would give; her heart is really in it. Which is why I knew she could take her leotard off, and be just as loyal a slave as ever.”

Jamie looked on the brink of tears; for her, it must have been as close to a confession of love as anything could come. Alexa kept thinking of herself as separate from the other slaves; it was still new for her, enslavement had only started for her a few hours ago; it was still new… but she was a slave like Jamie, like any other slave she imagined, any other standard of slave behavior, it was hers, she was like them. It still felt separate from her.

“Did you really come to see me because you didn’t believe what Jamie told you?”

When Lilith’s eyes looked into hers, they felt probing; like they were staring their way into Alexa’s brain.

“No,” she confessed easily. “I doubted Jamie until she showed me her hidden leotard; then when she put it on again, it confirmed everything she said.”

“And you still came to see me?” Lilith’s voice seemed playfully teasing— but what it was really doing was teasing more arousal out of Alexa.

“I wanted to see you,” Alexa admitted, voice a bit breathy. “I remembered you from the infiltrated meeting. I thought you were so graceful— and perfect—”

“All my programming inside your head didn’t hurt either, I’m sure,” Lilith teased again; only teased arousal and not humor, though maybe she didn’t know that— and the arousal was doubly there— thinking of all the programming as coming from Lilith, being to serve Lilith— it was the first time Alexa’s mind had made the connection, and all of the conversion process seemed that much more arousing and alluring in retrospect.

“I just wanted to be close to you. To see you— to touch you again—” Alexa further admitted; she wanted. “Please,” Alexa said, feeling self-conscious even to say that. “Lilith— will you let me touch you?”

She didn’t know where the desire had come from; it was just overwhelming to be in such close proximity to Lilith. It made her want to touch— to fuck— to try and handle some of that perfection that seemed to pour out of her; to try and bring some of it in her own body. By contact— by pulling Lilith inside— Alexa nearly believed she could— it seemed like slave reckoning to her— but when she kept looking at Lilith she kept going… daze-y… and then touching Lilith to touch perfection and pull it inside seemed to make sense again.

“You can do more than touch me,” Lilith said, tittering in part-laughter. “You can fuck me; I think I’d like you too. There’s nothing like getting sex from a newly converted slave; and you seem particularly sincere—” that word again, that thought again; deep, earnest feeling usually reserved for Kara, but it was here, too, and stronger then with Kara—

“Getting to fuck me after choosing to convert, herself, is already reward enough; but Jamie, you can give Alexa a little extra attention, too.”

Alexa shifted forward, having been given invitation; Lilith had rolled over onto her back on the bed, and when Alexa kneeled at Lilith’s bedside, her bed was low enough to the ground that Alexa could lean over Lilith’s body with her knees still in her bedroom carpet, and set her lips to Lilith’s pussy.

Alexa licked— it was the taste of ambrosia, and she licked more eagerly— Kara didn’t taste quite like this— Kara should convert, Alexa thought again, then she could taste this for herself. It was impossible to imagine anyone not enjoying this flavor— Lilith was perfect so of course she tasted perfect, too. And Alexa felt the knowledge on her, like warmth, that every other Haigure slave— every one she’d seen at the infiltrated meeting— anyone else who’d been converted since then— they all would have given anything to be bent over a prone Lilith, licking her juices out of her with eager tonguing… but few had ever had the chance— Lilith doubtlessly enjoyed the pleasuring of her various slaves; but there were so many of them by now that Alexa doubted she had time to give one-on-one time to each new convert.

This was special attention; at least it felt like it; she had the privilege of knowing Jamie and Jamie was her in— Jamie could get the rest of the takedown group in here, each one of them could have this kind of one-on-one attention. Each one of them could— would— kneel here, would lick and taste this same, most deliciousest of flavors. Alexa would make sure of it. She was only the first; the others would come after; Kara too— would come last, but would come; and Alexa could stand over, and watch her girlfriend licking Lilith and smile down on it.

She was finding it hard to think any more about the future; Lilith’s body was taking her attention, increasingly, with each further moment of servicing it.

Lilith sighed, as Alexa licked her better, and she set her hand on the back of Alexa’s head, thumb slipping through her hair, pressing her face further in. With her free hand, she snapped her fingers, and like a trained dog, Jamie was there, suddenly, lying on the floor between Alexa’s thighs, face in her crotch; there was a tongue on her clit too.

That wasn’t what turned Alexa on the most. Lilith had— Lilith had snapped, and Jamie had jumped to it, like she was only an animal, only a pet— and Lilith had snapped, had granted this tonguing to Alexa through Jamie. It must have been a reward, too— Alexa had licked her so well, pleased her so much, that she’d decided Alexa had earned it. She had said Alexa should have it— but still she had not given it to Alexa for free, immediately, as soon as Alexa started on her. She’d waited first to see what kind of licker Alexa would be— and finding her good, she’d granted Jamie’s fucking as promised. But if she had dissatisfied Lilith, Alexa had no doubt that Lilith would have withheld what she’d promised. Alexa had earned it— Alexa had been worthy. Lilith, the paragon of perfection, the pinnacle of it— had judged Alexa to be worthy. It flooded her with joy.

Alexa sighed into the pleasure again, sighed into Lilith beneath her mouth; her leotard was responding to every lick which Jamie put against her mound; a lick, and then sparking electricity everywhere over the surface of her skin. A lick, and mirror pulses inside her body, deep into her muscles, far beneath the skin— high up into the reaches of Alexa’s vagina— she could have thrashed slowly in its hold forever, but she never wanted to lift her mouth from Lilith.

The licks and contact from Jamie, how she nuzzled her face in closer before licking again, how she nosed around Alexa’s slit before licking again, all of that seemed completely tied up in what the leotard was doing to her. The pleasure split Alexa’s mind— it seemed the leotard was the thing licking her; it had sprouted a tongue, a nose, it was wandering around her slit at the same time as it was pulsing in her and burning on her skin.

But when Lilith touched her, just a hand to the back of the head, Alexa knew that it was Lilith touching her— and the feeling sparked in her by Lilith’s hand’s resting seemed a bit apart from her leotard. Lilith was supreme over it— above it— and when Lilith touched her, it sparked a completely different fire in her— Alexa wondered what it would feel like; how much more fire it would give her if Lilith were pleasuring her, sexing her directly; she wondered if she would ever be worthy enough— if she would ever please Lilith so much. But she was a slave— it felt more comfortable to label herself that way now; something about Lilith had locked it in. The leotard had taken her, taken her mind, she’d given herself to it— but she’d still felt separate from her slavery. But licking Lilith made it seem right. Licking Lilith made it seem to fit. She was a slave— she was okay with that. Lick— lick— she was a slave— she liked that; licking the acceptance into her brain; or the leotard was doing that, reaching that high up— massaging her mind in time with each lick she gave to Lilith.

Alexa didn’t know when it had started happening, but she was bucking back onto the tongue that was thrusting in and out of her hole; she’d started thrusting unconsciously— animalistic; tamed pet; Lilith could snap her fingers and make her come where she beckoned. Lilith could snap her fingers, and make her come, full stop. Even Kara had never had that power over her— Kara, Kara, Kara, she was doing this for Kara, or at least it had started that way, but now Kara, Kara, Kara meant thinking of Kara being a slave, like she was; of the two of them being slaves together— of being happy for Kara as she licked Lilith like Alexa was licking Lilith; while she was licked by Jamie as Alexa was being licked by Jamie.

Alexa whimpered— she felt like an animal again— language seemed a bit beyond her; the feelings she was tapping into, being swamped by were primal, she thrust, she rocked, the tonguing inside her was perfect.

She rocked harder— Jamie was licking her harder— she’d started doing the same to Lilith, and Lilith wasn’t only holding her hand against the back of Alexa’s head anymore. She was petting where her hand had rested, gathering her fingers back to her palm, letting them soothingly pass Alexa’s head along the way— Lilith loved her— loved her not as Alexa, the way Kara did— just loved her generally, as a slave who was loyal, who was obedient, who would do as she was expected— Alexa felt smudged out into that slave identity, lost in it.

Once Lilith was satisfied, after she’d been brought to several orgasms— Alexa had lost count, as she hadn’t been thinking at all by that point— she gave Alexa’s head a tug, by a grip in her hair, and pulled her mouth away; Alexa, though she’d been fogged with obedience had understand the simple gesture. Lilith was satisfied— Lilith was done with them; and she gave a shove to Jamie to stop her licking.

They both stood; Lilith gave each one of them a glance; then made a dismissive motion with her hand, and rolled over onto her other side, turning her back to them.

They both understood implicitly without needing any further kind of explicit statement, and turned and left Lilith’s room. Mrs. Cromwell seemed to have gone somewhere else, so they left the house, too, without talking to anyone else.

They’d left the meter running on the cab, so they got back in, paid for what they’d run up, and took a ride back to campus.

“Is it usually like that?” Alexa asked, turning to Jamie.

“Yes, almost always,” Jamie said. “It’s best this way— Lilith knows the best way for things to be. If we leave after a nonverbal dismissal we’ve saved the most time and inconvenienced no one.”

It seemed reasonable to Alexa, so she nodded. There were more important things to think of, anyway. “How should we approach converting the others?”

Jamie was looking ahead, out through the windshield, pensive. “Why don’t we take them one at a time, working as a team? That way if anyone struggles, it won’t just be one of us struggling against them. We’ll have support.”

Alexa had thought of splitting up vaguely— but when Jamie explained it this way, it made more sense to her. She liked the thought of working with Jamie, besides. She’d always liked her— she liked her more now, knowing how much she’d done to serve Lilith behind the scenes with hardly any recognition. She found she didn’t want to separate from her, either; Jamie was the only other Haigure-ite that Alexa had with her, and that bonded them. She didn’t want to cut that bond off and go on alone.

“So who should we do first, then?” Alexa asked, leaning slightly forward in the cab’s backseat.

Jamie maintained her thoughtful look. “Isabel,” she determined after a minute. “She was a member of the swim team— they all fell so easily; that makes her the closest to giving in. If Barbara hadn’t saved her at that one team practice, she would already be one of us.”

‘Us’— belonging with the other slaves— Alexa shuddered pleasurably.

“Let’s go for her first,” Alexa agreed. “She does sound like she’ll be the easiest.”

They didn’t say anything else for the rest of the ride in the cab— but when the cab driver was paid, and the cab was pulling away, they were standing on the sidewalk of Rosedale University’s main street. They linked arms, and moved in the direction of Isabel’s dorm. Then once in the dorm, arms still linked— in the direction of her dorm room.

Outside her door was where they unlinked arms, because they didn’t want to be suspicious. Alexa still lamented it, though— but they had more important work to do. It wasn’t just about what they wanted— it was what was needed from them that was important.

“Alexa, Jamie,” Isabel greeted them, when she had opened up the door. “Is there something wrong?”

She looked slightly confused at finding them there. Alexa couldn’t begrudge her that— Isabel was the takedown member she knew least; the one who was least bonded to all the others, simply because she had one of the last ones to join the group, and she had had no prior ties to anyone in it, like Barbara did.

“Can we come in?” Alexa asked, with a tone full of concern.

“It’s really important,” Jamie added.

Isabel, still frowning, stepped back. “Sure,” she said. “Please do.”

They waited for Isabel to close the door; they had not stepped far into the room, and when she had, they both stepped back closer to her again; before she had time to formulate the question, they entwined themselves one either side of her body— two leotards, two real leotards pressing into her on her left and on her right.

“What— is— what is—?” She had not lost her confusion.

“We’re both Haigure now,” Alexa said.

“And we know you want to be, too,” Jamie added. “We remember what you told the group when you joined— the last swim practice you went too, and you haven’t been back since, have you?”

The color from Isabel’s face faded, and she shook her head rapidly.

“I’ve been back to my track meetings since they put up the speakers in the practice area,” Alexa volunteered; she reached with her hand to touch at Isabel’s face; they had each gotten Isabel’s arms over their shoulders; so they could press body to body with her; Alexa was rubbing the fronts of her breasts to the upper side of Isabel’s body, making her pussy ride on Isabel’s upper thigh and hip. It looked like Jamie was doing the same, though Alexa’s view was slightly hindered by Jamie in between them. “I wasn’t too afraid to go back.”

“The earbuds we all used to have worked under water,” Jamie said; she seemed to be grinding at opposite times to Alexa. Alexa rode the left side of Isabel’s lithe body up; that was when Jamie was riding the right side of Isabel’s body down. And when Alexa rode down was when Jamie was riding up; the see-saw pattern was surely disorienting Isabel more— the most important part of everything they were doing was that their leotards, with their widest surface area over the space of each of their stomachs, were wiping up and down; sending in their pleasure and their heat to the sides of Isabel’s body, and doubly so when either Alexa or Jamie had ridden high enough or low enough to touch the exposed pars of Isabel’s skin that the fake leotard swimsuit provided.

“They still work, you could have used them, but you never even asked,” Jamie added, riding Isabel down again.

“You didn’t want to go back—” Alexa said. “Not like I did.” Everything she and Jamie said worked so well together; she wondered if their leotards were somehow bouncing signals off each other; helping them find complimentary words in their minds. “You didn’t want to go back because you knew if you saw them all in their leotards you would willingly strip down and join them.”

“You would have done it that day,” Jamie whispered, quick; her breath must have been hot against the right side of Isabel’s face. “It was so erotic, such a turn on to see each of your teammates taken over by the subliminals they’d been force to here; to see all their faces go vague— then to watch each one of them strip naked and put on their leotard, unable to resist, unable to do anything different, unable to stop— knowing you would be next.”

“Part of you has been disappointed ever since that day that Barbara stopped it from happening,” Alexa diagnosed. “You’ve been dreaming of what would have happened if she hadn’t since that day sometimes at night, haven’t you?”

“I have,” Isabel said thickly. “I— god, I really do— want it—“

“You don’t have to fight anymore,” Jamie comforted her, smoothing a part of her black hair as she ground against her again. “You can give in, and let yourself have it.”

“Let yourself have it,” Alexa echoed.

“It will feel so good,” Jamie said.

“Feel so good,” Alexa said— it was like an imperative of its own.

“Please,” Isabel said— there were almost tears coming into her eyes. “Please let me.”

Jamie turned away; it must have felt suddenly cold to the right of her body to Isabel when she did, so Alexa started grinding herself with greater fiction onto Isabel’s right to try and help compensate for that.

Jamie had stepped away to find a drawer in the half-size cabinet that stood beside Isabel’s doors; from which she withdrew a jewel-toned blue leotard; it would set off against Isabel’s darker skin in a lovely way.

Dimly, Alexa noted that Jamie had taken the time and the care to stash Isabel’s leotard here for her— probably the leotards for everyone else too, and Alexa again appreciated Jamie for everything that she’d done to help Haigure while everyone had been oblivious.

Having retrieved it, Jamie came back to Isabel, and Alexa sensed intuitively it was time to step back.

They didn’t have to tell Isabel what to do— she breathing raggedly, and she peeled her fake leotard off in almost a half-jump; she looked beautiful naked, but then looked more beautiful the next second when she’d pulled the blue leotard up onto herself.

When she had gotten the leotard up, Isabel gave a half-cry; the leotard was washing her in pleasure; her cunt was visibly throbbing when Alexa looked down.

“Thank you,” Isabel said— and her breasts were shaking, her entire body trembling in satisfaction; when Alexa glanced down along the back of Isabel’s body, she saw her ass-cheeks were shaking too. “I have been dreaming about it— when I’ve masturbated, alone, I’ve been thinking of it— thank you so much for bringing me into Haigure. I understand now— it isn’t bad at all. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world, and everyone needs to be brought into it.”

“We’re glad you see it that way,” Jamie said. “Because we plan to convert everyone else in the takedown group as quickly as we can.”

“We’re going to get Barbara next,” Alexa added. “Will you come along with us, and help?”

Isabel, still shaking with barely contained pleasure, nodded with difficulty. “Yes,” she said, “Yes, please— anything to help Haigure.”

It felt like the most natural thing in the world for Alexa to chant, “Haigure,” in response to this, and make the pose— it filled her body with the sensation of rightness. “Haigure, Haigure, Haigure,” she chanted again, just because it felt so good, making the pose each time.

“Haigure, Haigure, Haigure,” both Jamie and Isabel chanted back to her— making the pose in return. They all understood the importance of Haigure now, and they would all work to serve it. More importantly, they were one down on the takedown group. Only four more to go.

* * *