The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Helen and the Mouse

Part 31

Not for those under 18 (or whatever the legal age for this sort of stuff is in your area). If you’re not that old, Boo! Go away now. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sexual activities, especially non-consensual ones, then don’t read this. All characters and situations are fictional.

Copyright © 2022

Archived on the Erotic Mind Control web site by permission of the author. This story may be downloaded for personal archiving as long as this notice is retained.

Sarah blinked, slowly. She looked around. She’d been…

She’d been wanting to prepare an entry for her vlog. From the exercise session she and Helen had done together. She’d been watching the video she’d taken of herself and her sister exercising.

The video had been far too long.

The video was finished now.

That didn’t make any sense. Just a moment ago there’d been ages left on the playback. Why couldn’t she remember watching the rest of it?

Sarah glanced at the time. It was definitely later than she remembered. She must have watched the video.

What was on that video?

Quickly, Sarah moved the slider back to just before she and her sister finished their exercise.

Just as she remembered doing she watched herself on the screen, complaining about how much her muscles ached as she and Helen went through their warm downs.

There didn’t seem anything wrong with the video. Sarah didn’t feel tired, so she was sure she wasn’t going to drop off.

On the screen of her computer, Helen turned to her image and spoke.

“Sarah, go down the stairs.”

* * *

Sarah blinked. Slowly. With a rising sense of panic she realised that she’d done that before. She was still sitting in front of her computer. She couldn’t remember watching the rest of the recording. Again.

She must have watched it. The playback had moved to the end and it was later again then she could remember.

So much later.

Maybe there was something wrong with the video where she’d been watching. Just after Helen had turned to her. Maybe she should check the original on her phone.

Cautiously, Sarah brought up the recording and shifted it to the end. Then she rewound it, just a few seconds, before hitting play. There she was, walking toward her phone, the video ending with her looming large in the camera. That must have been when she’d stopped it. She rewound it further, her finger almost jumping on the slider, watching as she and Helen rolled up their exercise mats.

There was nothing odd.

Sarah rewound it further.

In the image on the screen she was just standing there. Staring at Helen. Sarah didn’t remember ogling her sister quite so blatantly.

Helen was speaking.

“When you wake up you won’t remember being hypnotised, but you’ll remember everything I’ve told you to do. Now wake up.”

Sarah shot out of her chair, the phone dropping from her nerveless fingers to land on her desk. She backed away, staring at her phone. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t.

But it had to be.

It explained what had just happened. Why she couldn’t remember watching parts of the video.

Helen was hypnotising her.

Her gorgeous, wonderful, sister was hypnotising her.

Sarah didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what Helen was telling her when she was under.

It could be anything.

Warily she eyed her phone. She could rewind it a little more. Listen to whatever instructions Helen was giving her.

Sarah shook her head violently. She couldn’t. Anxiously she started pacing the floor. It could be anything. Part of her didn’t want to know.

What had Helen done to her?

Sarah stared at her phone like it was radioactive. Or maybe some poisonous spider, black and sleek and deadly. Just waiting to bite her.

She couldn’t go near it.

She couldn’t take her eyes off it.

She tried. Lying on her bed, burying her head under her pillow. It didn’t work. The phone was just there. Waiting for her. Holding Helen’s secrets. Ready to tell her what her sister had done to her.

Even as she resumed nervously pacing back and forth across her room Sarah still couldn’t touch it.

Or the computer, which held another copy of the same thing. Sarah felt like there were two Helen’s ganging up on her.

Hypnotising her.

Sarah was still pacing, hours later, nervous stare alternating between her computer and her phone, when she heard someone at the front door.

Sarah bolted out of her room and down the stairs.

Helen was standing there, in the hallway, just inside their front door. For a moment Sarah just stared at her sister. Wildly, she wondered why Helen wasn’t stripping out of her clothes

Then she realised that Emily was there as well. Helen only stripped off when nobody but her family was in the house.

“Oh, you,” Emily sneered.

It looked like Sarah’s slave was still obeying her orders to act naturally when Helen was around.

Sarah didn’t need that.

“Helen, go down the stairs.”

“Oh, I’m sorry for being rude to you,” Emily gushed as Helen began her countdown. “I’m so sorry. But that’s what you wanted, right? I did get that right, didn’t I? God, it’s so hot doing what you say.”

Sarah didn’t have time for that. She needed to know what was on that recording. She grabbed Emily by the hand, pulling the girl up the stairs.

“Oh, right,” her slave gasped. “Do you want me to show you what I did with Lauren? God, what that girl can do with her tongue. She really will make a great slave for you.”

As they entered her bedroom Sarah silenced her slave with a look. Gathering her courage, she made herself look at her devices. Tried not to think about what their electronics held. She felt sick to her stomach, simply standing there.

That wasn’t how someone in control acted.

Sarah’s head reeled. Someone who was in control wasn’t being hypnotised by her sister.

With an effort she made herself concentrate, ordering her slave to sit in front of her computer before setting the playback to just before her and Helen’s exercises were finished. “Once I’m out of the room watch this,” she ordered, pointing at the screen. “Then you’re going to tell me what’s on it.”

Without even waiting for Emily’s reply Sarah headed for the door, trying to muster as much dignity as she could.

In the hallway, after closing the door, her shoulders sagged.

Then she hurried back downstairs. She didn’t want to be anywhere near that screen once Emily started playing the recording.

Helen was still standing in the entryway, eyes glazed, staring into nothing.

Sarah could just ask her sister what was on the recording. What Helen had done. It would be so easy. Helen was hypnotised. She’d do anything that Sarah told her to do.

Sarah couldn’t form the words. She didn’t know what to say to her sister. She could barely breathe as she gazed into Helen’s vacant blue eyes.

She loved her sister, loved her so much. Sarah took a step toward her sister, raised a hand, almost cupping Helen’s cheek.

What had her sister done to her?

Part of Sarah tried to insist that it didn’t matter. It wasn’t like she could take the moral high ground. She was hypnotising Helen. That made it more than a little hypocritical to get upset about Helen hypnotising her.

She had to know.

She was afraid, fear trickling down her back.

That was why she couldn’t just ask Helen. Part of her didn’t want to know what Helen had done to her. Sarah knew how much she’d done to Helen. How much she’d done to Emily. Maybe Helen had done as much to her.

Maybe she should run back up the stairs and tell Emily to stop watching the recording. To forget whatever she’d already seen. Delete the recording.

Sarah knew that she wouldn’t be able to forget that it had existed.

She wouldn’t be able to forget what Helen had done to her.

Helen was so beautiful.

Everything about her sister was perfect. Her legs, Her body, Her hair. Her eyes. Her lips.

Maybe Helen had made her think that.

No. Helen was beautiful. Everyone knew that. So it must have been something else. Sarah wondered what it could be. She couldn’t think of anything.

It had to be something.

She could ask Helen. Her sister would answer.

Her sister would do anything. Hypnotised, she’d just do what Sarah commanded. Even awake, Helen would be turned on by obeying Sarah’s orders.

Sarah couldn’t.

“I’m done,” Emily called down the stairs. Sarah wasn’t sure how much later it was. “I guess you wanted me to tell you when I was done. You did, right? Fuck that was hot.”

Sarah took a deep breath.

She made herself take her time going up the stairs. Bolting up them was not what someone in control would do.

Without saying a word to her slave Sarah entered her room. Sat down on her bed. Made herself lift her chin.

She paused, gathering herself.

She didn’t need to tell her slave why, Emily shifting nervously in her seat, anxiously awaiting her next order.

So near that screen. And what the computer held.

Sarah wasn’t going to be able to concentrate on Emily with that screen looming behind her slave

“Out of that chair. Kneel down,” Sarah ordered her slave. She was in control. She was going to prove that. Her slave should be kneeling.

Emily obeyed immediately, exiting the chair, then kneeling, head down.

Like a proper slave.

Like Sarah was in control.

“Well?” Sarah demanded, hoping she hit just the right note of haughty.

Words tumbled from her slave, Emily glancing up hopefully at her mistress. “Helen’s hypnotising you. Like, really hypnotising you. Like you’re hypnotising me. Um, well, not exactly like, but sort of like. Like putting you under and telling you things. So at first I thought that made me Helen’s slave, ’cause she’s hypnotised you and you hypnotised me and I’m your slave and you tell me things and—”

Angrily Sarah cut off her slave’s rambling. “What’s she telling me to do?”

Emily gave her an apologetic look. “Well, she was giving you orders. But not exactly telling you to do things. She was ordering you to order her about. And hypnotise her. Weird, huh? In fact, she was angry at you for not ordering her around enough.”

“What?” Sarah couldn’t believe her ears.

“Yeah, she was really keen on that. She liked that you fed her at dinner with her on her knees. That sounds super-hot by the way. If you want to do that to me you just have to say. God, I’m getting wet just thinking about it. You could feed us together.” Emily stopped short as Sarah glared at her. “Sorry. Anyway. She wanted you to do more. Like getting her to lick your shoes and crawl around after you and all sorts of kinky stuff. Which all sounds really weird coming from her.”

Weird didn’t begin to describe it as far as Sarah was concerned. She frowned for a moment. She had got Helen to lick her shoes.

But that had been after their exercise session. After what had been recorded on this video.

Sarah shivered at the implication.

“Go on.” She wanted to say so much more. But she was the slave-owner here. Her slave should know how to obey.

“And she was getting really angry at times, because you seemed super-reluctant to do that.”

Sarah frowned. Why would she be reluctant? She did want to order her sister around. It had been so arousing having her sister lick her shoes. Such a turn on. So hot. Wasn’t it? Or was that just the hypnotism?

How much of everything was?

Sarah had to struggle to stay calm. She wanted to scream. She wanted to hide. She could tell Emily to stop. To forget all this. If Helen was hypnotising her she could tell Helen to make her forget.

The thoughts chased themselves around and around Sarah’s head until she was dizzy.

She couldn’t let how she felt show.

Not to her slave.

“Oh, and she told you to punish her when she was bad. Like spanking. Do you want to spank me? I don’t know about that. I’ve never been into it. But you could make me want it. Should I want it if you’re punishing me?”

Sarah ignored the question. “Anything else? I want to know everything.”

“Oh yeah,” her slave nodded eagerly. “There was heaps. Like how you’re attracted to her but you should keep your hands off her. Which doesn’t make a lot of sense but anyway. Although she did say you had to remove the order making her think incest was hot. You going to do that? I suppose you have to. Maybe you already have. That’s a shame. Damn, you two would be amazing together. Wow, I never would have thought so before. That’s hot too.” A small quiver shot through Emily before Sarah’s slave hurried on. “But she’s okay with you and your Mom getting it on. Oh, yeah. I didn’t know about that until I saw the video. You and your Mom. Huh. That’s almost as hot as you and Helen. Wow. I’m sure I wouldn’t have said that before you hypnotised me. But it is. ”

Sarah glared at her slave.

“Oh, and, uh. Well.”

“What?” Sara demanded angrily. She’d told Emily to tell her everything. No matter how much it turned her world upside down.

“She told you that you were gay. Had you repeat that a lot. How girls turned you on. Which is all kinds of weird, ’cause I thought you were like that anyway. Did she hypnotise you to be gay? Like you hypnotised me? That’s melty hot.”

Sarah stared at her slave. She could feel the colour draining out of her face. None of this was making the slightest sense to Sarah but she believed Emily. Her slave wouldn’t lie to her. She still couldn’t understand why Helen would do what Emily was describing. Make Sarah gay and attracted to Helen but keep her hands off her sister? Order Sarah to order her around?

Her world spun again. She felt like the floor was tilting towards the vertical and she was going to slip into an abyss. Everything she’d done recently, hypnotising Helen. Realising that she was gay. The orders she’d given Helen. What’d done with her mother.

None of it was her.

She wanted to tear her hair out. She wanted to scream.

Sarah had no idea how much of her was her any more. Her hands were balling in the covers of her bed. She stared at Emily. She’d hypnotised Emily because she was gay and she wanted to be better for Helen. But if Helen had put all those thoughts in her then none of this had been her idea. None of it.

Sarah didn’t know who she was.

Sarah made herself stop. Panicking wasn’t what someone in control did. Even if the idea of being in control was laughable when she was being hypnotised without her knowledge.

Had been hypnotised without her knowledge, she corrected herself. She knew now.

She knew what her sister had done.

She didn’t know why.

“Wait here,” Sarah ordered curtly, springing from the bed and heading for the door. She only just caught her slave’s acknowledgement.

Helen was still waiting near the door. Still hypnotised.

Like she’d hypnotised Sarah

Sarah stared at her sister. Her wonderful, gorgeous, sister. How many times had Helen hypnotised her?

She could order her sister to answer that question. Order Helen to answer anything. But Sarah didn’t want that. She wanted to talk to her sister.

She could still give her sister orders. Sarah did, before waking her sister up.

Helen looked around, confused. “Is Emily still here?” Helen’s fingers hovered over the zip of her skirt.

“Yeah,” Sarah nodded. “She’s upstairs.”

“Oh, right.” Helen’s hand dropped from the zipper as she moved to step around her sister.

“Why’d you do it?” Sara demanded, intercepting her older sibling.

“Do what?” Helen glared at her.

“Hypnotise me!” Sarah cried. “You hypnotised me to do all sorts of stuff!”

“Hypnotise you?” Helen scoffed. “You been watching too many cheap movies while I’m out? I’ve never hypnotised you.”

“Answer me, Helen,” Sarah growled. “Did you hypnotise me?”

“Yes, I hypnotised you,” Helen replied evenly. Then her eyes shot wide. “Why the fuck did I say that? I never did that.”

Sarah grinned at her sister. “’Cause I hypnotised you. You know that. But just now I told you that you had to truthfully answer any question I asked.”

“Fuck that!” Helen cried. “You little shit! Sarah.” Helen’s mouth moved but no more words came out. She tried again. “Sarah, go.” Words failed Helen again. “What the hell?” she demanded.

“I know how you put me under,” Sarah smirked. “I can’t get rid of the trigger. Not this quick. But I can stop you saying the phrase. That was another order I just gave you.”

Helen glared at her sister. “Take it off!” the elder sibling ordered. “You little shit! You can’t do that to me!”

“Yes I can!” Sarah shot back. “I’m the one in control! You’re the one who wants me to order you around.”

Helen’s eyes shot wide, a look of fear darting across her features before she gathered herself. “You’re dreaming,” Helen declared haughtily. “Anyway,” she added, less convincingly, “I’ve got to go out again. You better get your head in shape before I’m back.”

Get my head in shape? Anger seethed through Sarah. After what you’ve done to it?

“What the fuck?” Helen exclaimed. She’d pulled up in front of the door. She stepped back, then headed to the door again. But she only managed a single step before she stopped again. “What the hell have you done?” Helen demanded, whirling round to face her sister.

“Oh,” Sarah grinned, not caring how malicious she sounded. “That’s another order I gave you. You can’t leave until I tell you that you can.”

Helen glared at her sullenly.

“So,” Sarah began. “Start talking. Did you hypnotise me into being gay?”

“Yes,” Helen replied. Then pressed her lips together into a tight line, fuming at her sister. “This isn’t fair!” she cried.

Sarah was incandescent. “Fair! Fair? What’s fair about doing that?”

“Well,” Helen replied, a sly grin creeping across her features. “You like it don’t you? Thinking girls are hot.”

Sarah shifted uncomfortably. She did like it. Even if it was Helen who had done it to her, she was more into girls than she’d ever been in the boys.

“Was I gay already? How long have you been doing it?”

“Nah,” Helen shrugged. “You weren’t. And I started ages ago. Last time I was home. But come on, you’re happier being gay, right?”

Sarah stared at her sister. Helen hadn’t been home for months. Her sister had been hypnotising her all that time. It matched with when she’d started noticing other girls. And there were all the phone calls with her sister where she’d thought her attention had wandered. She must have just stood there. Phone in hand. Eyes glazed. She knew that look so well. While Helen poured ideas into her head.

Hot, sexy ideas.

“But, but my diary,” Sarah spluttered. The diary were she kept all her dirty secrets. All the things she wanted to do with Helen.

“Oh that?” Helen smiled. “I got you to write that.”

Sarah couldn’t speak. How dare her sister do that?

“Admit it,” Helen continued. “You thin girls are more fun.”

Girls were more fun. Girls were what made her hot and wet and tingly.

Stop that, Sarah told herself.

The thoughts didn’t want to go away. She was so much more into girls than she’d ever been into boys. Girls turned her on so much. She wanted girls. Boobs and legs and yummy pussies and-

That was Helen’s orders talking. Her sister had spent months sculpting her. Hours spent staring blankly as Helen’s words poured into her head.

“I can tell how much you like it,” Helen smiled. “You do think girls are so hot. You should thank me.”

Sarah glared at her sister. Thanking Helen was the last thing on her mind. She wanted to strike at her sister. She wanted to kiss her. She wanted to rip the clothes from Helen’s body. Kiss every inch of her sister’s wonderful body.


Sarah frowned. She might want that but Helen didn’t. “Hang on. Why’d you make me gay? And into you? You’re not gay, are you?”

Helen paused, obviously struggling with Sarah’s command to answer. “I needed you gay. And once you were it was pretty easy making you into me. I mean, it’s me, duh?” Hips cocked, Sarah’s sister’s hands waved over her perfect body. “And God no, I’m not gay. As if.”

Sarah closed her eyes. Shook her head. Her sister might have answered her questions. And truthfully. But she hadn’t ordered Helen to give her the full truth.

Sarah narrowed her eyes at her sister. “What about Mom? Did you make her gay? And her and me? Oh God.” Sarah’s stomach fell away. Fucking her mother was so hot. But if Helen had made her do it…

“Yeah. I did that too,” Helen grinned. “Needed some way for you to work off your little frustrations. You weren’t getting anywhere near me. So I needed to do something so you wouldn’t pop. Mom was heaps easier to do than you. Just between you and me I think she bent a bit that way to start with. Ugh.”

Sarah stared at her sister. Helen didn’t seem to care that she’d put Sarah and their mother into an incestuous love affair. Twisted them both until they were happy to do it. Wanted to do it. Wanted to entwine their limbs and sink into each other.

All Helen’s doing.

Which was really, really hot. Sarah couldn’t help remembering what it felt like to have their mother drive her to orgasm after orgasm, the world dissolving in bliss.

It wasn’t right. Helen had made their mother into something she’d have hated.

It was mind-melting. Blistering. Sarah loved it.


She’d worry about it later. And maybe put Helen over her knees for it. Spank her sister until Helen’s arse glowed. Like the heat between Sarah’s legs was glowing.

She wasn’t going there now, either.

“Why?” That was the important question. “Why did you do it?”

Helen hesitated, chin lifting defiantly. “I wanted to. I could.”

Sarah knew that wasn’t the full answer. Amuse herself with Sarah, maybe even their mother. Helen was self-obsessed enough to do that. But that didn’t explain everything.

“No!” Sarah cried, stamping her foot. Burning anger, not desire, swept through her. Anger at her sister. This was all some game of Helen’s and Sarah still didn’t know why. It was all mixing up inside her, love, rage, desire, her fists balling and the muscles in her shoulders so tight they were about to snap. “Tell me why! Really why!”

“Because,” Helen began then stopped again.

“Now!” Sarah demanded. She was in control. Even if it was only because she’d been made that way by her sister.

“Because,” Helen swallowed eyes darting around nervously. “I get off on it.”

“Get off on what?” Sarah demanded. “Twisting us around?”

“Uh, yeah,” Helen offered, but there was still that hesitation in her voice. Sarah was sure it wasn’t the full truth.

Sarah glared at Helen. Right then she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to ravish her sister or stab her in the throat. Helen was sidling towards the door of the lounge room. “Stop!” Sarah ordered. “Down on your knees! You’re not going anywhere until you tell me.”

Helen dropped on the spot.

“Hands behind your neck. Legs spread.”

Sarah took a few deep breaths as her sister obeyed. This was better. She was in control. Standing, proud, while her sister knelt in front of her.

This was right.

Sarah tried to ignore the fact that that was the hypnotism talking again.

“You like this, don’t you?” Sarah grinned. “Me ordering you around.”

Helen just nodded.

Sarah could tell just how much her sister did like it. She knew the signs so well. “So,” she grinned slyly. “Why did you do it? Be specific.”

Helen looked down. The sight sent a bolt of pleasure through the younger sister.

“I get off on it,” Helen whispered. “Being ordered around.”

Sarah’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her proud, confident sister liked being told what to do?

“W-what?” Sarah spluttered. “What do you mean?”

“Being told what to do. Made to do things. Like this,” Helen nodded, indicating her current pose. “Fuck, it’s sooo hot. It turns me on so much. I love it.”

Sarah could see that. She knew the signs of her sister’s arousal so well.

She frowned. “But, but, I made you like it. That’s one of things I told you when I hypnotised you.”

“Yeah,” Helen shrugged, hands still clasped behind her neck. “But you didn’t need to. I did anyway.”

Sarah shook her head again. It was impossible. “But, why?” She was still struggling to understand. “Why me? If you’re not gay why not just find someone else? Some guy?”

“I did,” Helen replied. “A couple of them. At college. That’s how I found out how much I liked it. I always sort of knew. But the first time one of them ordered me on to my knees and to suck them off? God, it was mind-blowing.”

“Yeah, but,” Sarah struggled to get a word in. Helen’s reticence had vanished.

“But it wasn’t enough,” her sister continued, raw need lacing her voice. “Maybe I liked them too much. Maybe they weren’t that into it. Anyway, I knew it would be so much better if it was someone I didn’t want telling me what to do. Someone I was forced into obeying. I thought about maybe some dorky guy. I never did that. But I knew it would be better. God, I got off on that so much. Still wasn’t enough though. So I started thinking. Picturing other people. And the more it was someone who I wouldn’t want doing that to me, the hotter the fantasies were. And who was the last person I’d want telling me what to do? That was easy. You. God, it’s such a turn on when you give me an order. Having to obey my little sister. Hotter than anything. Especially when I pictured you gay and drooling over me. I hate that. Which makes it even hotter. So I set it up so when I’m home you’ll give me what I want.”

Sarah gaped at her sister, Everything. Everything that had happened to her. To their mother. Just so Helen could have her perverted fun.

When I’m home. That’s what her sister had said. Sarah remembered other things. Not wanting to interfere with her sister’s life. Letting Helen come and go as she pleased.

Helen was still answering Sarah’s question a dreamy edge to the elder sister’s voice. “Knowing I’m stripping off because you made me do it. Because my kinky lezzy little sister is telling me to. Fuck, that’s amazing. I had to get you to write those things in that stupid diary of yours. You had no decent ideas. I had to tell you what I needed. And when you got me to lick your shoes? Fuck, I almost came.”

Sarah was still confused. “But if you wanted me to do it, why get me to hypnotise you? Wouldn’t you just do what I told you?”

“No,” Helen admitted. “It’s a hot idea, but I just couldn’t do it. Like, it’s you. Really. So I taught you to hypnotise me. So you could make me do it.”

“And then,” Sarah said slowly. “You’ll go back to college.”

“Ah, yeah?” Helen replied. “Being your toy is hot but it’s just for summer.”

And once Helen traipsed back to university Sarah and their mother would be left to stew in the incestuous little trap Helen had put them in.

Until Helen came home again.

“You! You bitch!” Sarah exploded. “You think you’ve got it all worked out! I’ll just be your little toy mistress whenever you want a bit of fun! Fuck you! You think you know everything?” Sarah turned towards the stairs without waiting for her sister’s reply “Emily! Emily come down here! And no more hiding anything!”

“What?” Helen hissed as Sarah turned back to her. “No! Let me up! She can’t know! God, I’ll die of embarrassment.”

“You stay right where you are,” Sarah ordered gleefully. “Won’t it turn you on? One of your friends knowing that you’re your sister’s little toy? That you have do what the Mouse tells you?”

Sarah watched her sister squirm. Despite Helen’s protestations Sarah could tell how much the ideas was arousing Helen, her lips pouting, hips quivering.

“Hi Helen,” Emily called brightly as she came down the stairs.

“No,” Helen exclaimed. “Uh. It’s, um. It’s not what it looks like. I dropped something on the floor and—”

“Emily,” Sarah ordered, ignoring her sister. “Kneel down beside her.”

Elation rushed through Sarah as her slave obeyed. Emily and Helen looked so good kneeling side by side.

“What are you doing?” Helen demanded, gaping at her friend.

Gleefully Sarah noted that Helen’s hands were still behind her sister’s neck.

“I’m obeying my mistress,” Emily answered happily. “Oh, uh, was I supposed to tell her that? I was sort of guessing I was because you said not to hide anything but, um.”

“Yes,” Sarah cut her slave off. “You got it right.” After giving Emily an affectionate pat on the head she turned back to Helen. “You’re not the only one I’ve been hypnotising. Emily and I have had a lot of fun. She’s my slave now. And just as gay as I am.”

“You what?” Helen screamed, almost rising from her knees before Sarah ordered her back into place. “You can’t. You little bitch. She’s my friend. Let her go!”

“Can’t?” Sarah cried in return. “What did you mean can’t? It’s just what you did to me. Made me gay. Made me do what you want. You wanted me in control. So now I am. You were sloppy. You might have told me to keep my hands off you but you didn’t say anything about anyone else.” Very deliberately she leant down, caressed one of her slave’s breasts, Helen’s friend moaning in response to her mistress’ touch. “Emily’s mine.”

“Fuck that,” Helen spat. “Let her go. Let her go or I’ll kill you Mouse.”

“I told you not to call me that!” Sarah screamed. “Never again. Never! You hear me! Don’t say a word.” She could see Helen desperately trying to think of a way out. “This isn’t your game anymore. It’s mine. Emily’s mine. You’re mine.”

Sarah let that sink for a moment.

“I just have to decide what to do with you.”

(To be continued)