The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by Pan

Chapter 20: Visiting Marg

“Where’s Marg?” Jazz asked.

It took Cindy a moment to realize that her ex-friend was talking to her.


Ally rolled her eyes.

“God, are you as stupid as you are stupid? Where. Is. Marg?”

“Oh, I…”

Cindy looked around the cafeteria. Sure enough, Marg wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Cindy hadn’t noticed.

Of course, she hadn’t been noticing much lately. She’d hoped that something would change when she removed her collar, that maybe her old life would magically come back.


It seemed that her theory was right. Alex hadn’t changed her, not really. He’d just unlocked what was inside her all along. She continued to crave his attention, but he never even looked at her any more.

He hadn’t even noticed that her collar was gone.


“Oh! Sorry. I’m sorry.”

“Great. I told you this would be useless.”

Sasha flicked her hair back, in a way that made drew Cindy’s attention to her perfect neck. God, she just wanted to bite it…

She blinked twice. Where had that thought come from? Now, she knew for sure:

It wasn’t the collar.

It was her.

“Sorry,” she repeated.

“Oh!” Jazz said, her eyes lighting up. “Maybe Alex will know!”

At the mention of Cindy’s little brother, a dreamy look came across all of the girl’s faces. Including, Cindy quickly realized, her own.

“Of course he will,” she said, hoping to ingratiate herself. “Let’s go find him now—he’ll be in the Junior Cafeteria.”

A thrill went through Cindy’s body as she led the group to where she knew her brother hung out. He was surrounded by friends—his social standing had considerably risen in the school since his party, and Sasha’s regular presence at his house had helped maintain his newfound popularity.

“Hey ladies,” Alex said, and another thrill ran through Cindy’s body at the words, one that she couldn’t blame on the collar.

She wasn’t sure whether that should make her feel better or worse.

“Hey Alex,” Sasha purred, slinking onto his lap. “We were worried.”

“What’s up?”

“Well, Marg hasn’t been at school all day. Have you seen her?”

“Of course I have,” Alex said, grabbing Sasha by the waist and standing her up. “You want to come see where she is?”

“Yes!” Cindy’s friends chimed in unison. She noticed the looks of admiration Alex was getting from the rest of the cafeteria. Her brother’s stock was climbing fast.

“Uh…” she said, hating to be the dissident in the group. “Shouldn’t we…you know. School?”

“Sure thing,” Alex said, not even glancing back at her. “You stay here.”

Cindy briefly chewed on her lip, before running after the group.

“Wait for me!”

* * *

Ally entertained herself on the ride over by getting Jazz off using only one finger. Alex drove and Sasha played with his cock. Not enough to make him cum, just enough to keep him hard for the whole trip.

Cindy sat in the back, watching the two girls beside her, and lustfully gazing at her brother’s cock.

God she missed it.

But when they pulled up, the sexual energy of the car began to waver.

“Alex…this is…”

“A strip club,” he said confidently. “Get out.”

Despite the fact that she was no longer collared, Cindy hastened to obey. The four girls walked in a line behind Alex, Cindy at the rear.

“Won’t we need ID?” Cindy mumbled, but the rest of the group either ignored or didn’t hear her.

At the door, the bouncer smiled at the sight of them.

“Alex!” he cried, reaching out to fist-bump the high-school boy. “You bringing some more dancers for us?”

“Maybe,” Alex said with a wink. “Ladies…after you.”

The girls walked with slouched shoulders, their heads down. The strip club was almost entirely empty, but the three or four patrons who were there in the middle of a weekday were sitting at the front, eagerly watching the dancer as she removed her pants.

Cindy immediately recognized her.


“Oh my god,” Ally gasped, and for a moment Cindy wondered if she could save her friends. She was no longer collared—she could rip her friends’ collars off. They’d be free!

Of course…Alex wouldn’t like that.

She fell back, and watched silently as Marg stripped down until she was wearing nothing but her collar.

It was hard to tell from a distance—was Marg dancing enthusiastically because she liked it, or because she’d been commanded to? Cindy’s best friend had always enjoyed showing off her body, but…dropping out of school to become a stripper? That wasn’t what Marg truly wanted, was it?

Was it?

As the five of them watched Marg cavort across the stage, masterfully doing everything she could to coax as many tips as possible from the patrons, Alex filled them in on the rest of his plan.

“This is just while she gets her skills up, of course.”

Seems pretty skilled to me, Cindy thought to herself. Of course, she wouldn’t say anything out loud. Alex was speaking.

“When she’s better, they’re going to put her on at nights. Prime time. Saturday, Sunday nights. That’s where the real money is.”

“And then she’ll be able to come back to school?”

Cindy was relieved to discover that she hadn’t been the one to ask the question; it had been Jasmine.

No, Jasmine sounded wrong now, too formal.

She was Jazz.

“No,” Alex said, and shot her such a scornful look that Cindy felt embarrassed on her friend’s behalf. “No, I’ve found her a day job. There’s a website where you can hire women for topless services; bartending, waitressing at a fancy party, maid work. That kind of thing. She’ll do that during the day, and strip at night.”

“Oh,” Sasha said, and the group once again fell silent.

Cindy knew that she should feel bad for her friend. Marg had been planning on going to Yale. Now, she’d be using her body, and probably not even seeing the proceeds. When she wasn’t able to get by on her looks any more, she’d have nothing—no qualifications, no career, no savings.

Cindy knew that she should feel bad for her friend. But she couldn’t.

All she could think about was how busy Marg’s new job would keep her. Suddenly, there was one less competitor for her brother’s affections…

* * *