The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Nice To Men

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Chapter 5: Hungry Table Girls

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KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

alright... fine... here’s today’s changes

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

girls you get hungry, suck a dick. its nutritious for you now. like that’s how it works, jizz is yummy. I promise its a little less hard on ya brains... a little.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

and i guess it feels good to suck dick now. you love it. get that cock in your mouth. and you’re great at it. you are GOOD at SUCKING DICK. YOU LOVE GIVING HEAD.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

oh and yeah here’s a fun one if you say KILLA GIVE ME SOME GEMS i’ll do it but you’ll also get a bonus thing. here’s a hint, it’s in your butt.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

what else was there

BasedYeet @PeterReist

Interlinked Dependency!

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

oh yeah right. girls i’m just gonna be straightforward on this one. you admire men. men r great.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

okay go whine about all this y’all. ffs.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

god-emperor killa signing off for now. oh and cum tastes even better now BYE.

* * *

Noelle steeled herself for the blowjob as best she could. And tried to convince herself it wasn’t going to be super-yummy-awesome. One of the two, or both. It was all getting very confusing.

“Do I really WANT to blow Aden this much?” she said, to Molly, as they trudged back towards their car. “There’s a new command, right? About blowjobs?”

“Ummm...” Molly twirled her finger around her ruby-lined lips. They were looking extra plush. “Something like that?”

It wasn’t fair, Noelle knew, to ask Molly that, or anything. She’d only recently woken up from the spunk bath in her own mouth, and was still... dazed... from the experience. The entire look of her face had changed. She’d lost the sharp, inquisitive, piercing-eyes Molly, the Molly that was unafraid of a mosh pit, certain in the power of her own elbows. This was Molly with her mouth open, Molly with half-lidded eyes. She’d stopped fighting the high register to her voice. And she was kinda blonde now.

The hair thing was new. Aden’s cummies—which she either did or did not want, Noelle was hazy on that—had added bright blonde streaks to her hair. Not a subtle change, either. Sunrise streaks through her otherwise black, dull hair. And it was all longer, much longer.

“Aden, do I—uh—so. Aden,” Noelle was doing her best to keep it together. A raft of new Killa Commands had hit them all, just when they were setting out. It was worrying that she was having a difficult time recalling their content. She just had to stay focused. “Bucko... friend. What’s the, uh, plan, sir. I mean, compadre. Master.” No. What? She was so CONFUSED. “Buddy.”

Aden wore Logan’s polo shirt and khakis, and the Killa Clothing Distortion Field had decided to allow it. He looked aggressively cut. At least his aggression was down. Somewhat. He’d emptied into and onto Logan as extensively as a man could.

He looked like he was doing alright.

“We’ve got the new car battery,” he said, with only a trifle of grump. “Load up. Drive hundreds of miles west, very fast. A friend of Cai—of Fifi’s says there’s a mutual aid thing going up in Barnes and Nobles. So we just have to find a town with a bookstore, which might be tough in the midwest.”

That made sense. Molly scritched between her butt cheeks, picked out her panty strap from where it was lost, deep in her ass. They could hike again, but it was still an underpant-drenching experience. Focused. stay focused. She was still herself when she was horny, right? She was still herself when she came. Just—spacey.

“And... um... was there some talk of.. oral?” Noelle said. “Oral sex? With me? In a... friendship way?” Had they just discussed this? She was—his pants looked really tasty. Was that new?

Was SHE new?

“Noelle, we JUST TALKED—alright. Alright. Yes, its not safe to have me driving around... loaded up. So we have to... unload me. And Molly already did it. So you’re up. I’m sorry. Apparently its less... hard... on females now. On your brains.”

Relief washed over Noelle. Or was it supposed to be panic?

It was easier to focus on others than herself. The honest truth was that her own self was a blend of overwritten commands and whatever was left of her original thoughts, and it was confusing to confront that big mess. And it was also—instructive. They had just passed through that same neighborhood. Yesterday it had been in an uproar of overstimulated pussies and men unsure if they were happy. A carnival of girls cumming and boys eyeing them, wondering about what the future held.

Now it was—normal.

Even relaxed. It helped a lot that Killa had thoughtfully dialed down the vagina tingles to a reasonable thrill. Now, although it felt very nice to take a walk, Noelle felt pretty sure she could even go for a hike without cumming more than once or twice. She could even run short distances, albeit with a noisy, spasming finish line. So the women that had been confined to quarters were back out. And they looked great.

They were waving as the trio passed. Everyone’s makeup was very well done. Killa had learned a little taste, or maybe the girls were just getting more adept at dressing to please. It wasn’t just tube dresses and deflated shorts. There were low-cut sundresses, and A-line skirts, and even classy tops, albeit with an obligatory line of cleavage. The girls had even reintroduced accessories—summer hats and wrist bangles, watches and necklaces. Lots of necklaces and earrings.

“Did Killa say something about jewelry?” she called out, as they passed a woman bedecked in gems.

“Yeah, but careful, it makes your butt really, um, pussy-like!” the woman said back. She laughed, and so did Noelle.

The men were all of a type. Unlike the girls, who had a diversity of body type, albeit variants on 8s and 9s, the men were the same big brutes. It was an entire neighborhood of athletes. Noelle herself didn’t really mind—there was nothing wrong with a lot of the same, sexy man. In fact, considering it, it made a lot of sense. A five foot five guy weighing a buck forty was going to have real sexual trouble. Killa had introduced fuckability socialism.

“You doing okay?” Molly said, to their man. “I mean, we could’ve... stayed...” this concern for relationships was a welcome change for Molly, who had started out the day with a feeble vocabulary. She wore a blue and white striped shirt, and it was fast becoming sailor-themed, with a growing white bow at the top of her chest.

“Oh no. No no no. Logan sucks. I mean, that’s not a joke. He’s pure ex. We should’ve just shown up, stolen his car battery, and bailed.”

“Uh-huh,” Molly said. The men had spent the night in the same bed, not sleeping. Neither had Noelle. FIfi had stayed awake a long time, watching cooking shows and doing her nails, humming made-up french tunes to herself, mostly variants on “ooh la la.” The only person who had gotten much sleep was Molly herself, who had at some point gone from cum coma to snoring.

Now it was a bright and beautiful morning, and, outside of her new, reinforced commitment to cocksucking, Noelle felt pretty good. Or was that artificial? But she’d made it this far without being overly compromised. The sun was reassuringly bright. And yes, a few doors down a couple was butt-fucking out in public. The girl had a hairband and big, big hair, and was bent over the hood of a Ford F-150. They, too, were facing out into the sun, although the woman didn’t seem to notice. The man gave them a friendly wave as they passed, while he noisily stretched her out.

Someone had delivered newspapers. It was all very—normal. That was it, Noelle decided. It was normal. Everything was becoming normal. She tried to shiver, appalled, and found that she couldn’t.

Their car as still on the road, and Aden switched out the batteries. He’d stolen a number of tools from Logan.

“Nice day, isn’t it?” Noelle said. It was time to test her friend. “But you’re still a bad bitch, right?”

“Am I?” Molly said. She pushed her newly blonded hair back, and looked down at herself, confused. It was a good point. She just looked like a chunky slut.

‘You’re very snarky and ironic, all the time,” Noelle encouraged her. “Making mean comments, you’re really defiant about all this... right?”

She watched, concerned. Molly hadn’t even downed that much jizz, but it had apparently been a dangerous batch. There were a lot of tweets about girls who drank cum last night, and they were all worrying. “Molly, you still in there? You’re a forever fighter, right?”

“No, look,” Molly said. She scrunched up her nose. “I’m... its just... what if being... what if being a snarky bitch means I get less cum?” She looked at Noelle, with a brand new and very earnest expression. It was the look of a girl who really wanted more cum, in her mouth.

Nonetheless Noelle found it reassuring. Molly was just addicted to sperm. That beat the alternatives. “You can be mean to ME,” Noelle explained. “Call me a big-boobed cow with too much makeup. Say I’m a quitter. We’re competing over Aden, remember? Remember that?”

“You’re not a big-boobed cow, though,” Molly said. She looked over at Aden. WERE they competing? It was all so confusing, all that stuff that had happened two days ago. “You don’t even have particularly big titties anymore. You’re just like, a normal girl now. You’re regular.”

Noelle decided that would just have to do for an insult.

* * *
KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

man i was out and about and there was a bro just like... braying. dumb as fuk. next girl to tweet gets teleported to suck his dick.

Robynd @RobynPark

me. it sucks here, anywhere is better—

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

done. boys i don’t know what we’re doing with this... dumb-man shit... this isn’t cool. idk idk dik idk

BasedYeet @PeterReist

We could add like, a girl radar. But mutual dependency is the key, and frankly, its difficult to make males dependent on females.

BasedYeet @PeterReist

Females primarily provide intercourse and related emotional needs.

BasedYeet @PeterReist

We talked about this. We discussed this on Discord extensively.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

YOU talked about this bro

* * *

“Done,” Aden said. He slammed the car hood down. “Worries me I knew how to do that. I’ve never done mechanic work in my life. But whatever. We’re clear to go to Denver. Noelle, go ahead and suck me off.”

Noelle looked over, waiting for Molly to add an arch and flat “please?” to the sentence. Aden probably meant to convey an impersonal need of personal hygiene, she knew. But still, a girl liked to be asked, didn’t she? She did, right? Not to be ordered around like a mouth with legs. Confusion passed over her again, along with a hot fun wave of tingles. Or was this polite, to treat her like she craved, to give her that chemical reward for being ultra-nice? She tried to push back.

It didn’t help that she really, really, really wanted to suck his dick. Her mouth craved it. Watered for it.

“Can you maybe put something down, so I don’t have my knees on the asphalt?” Noelle said, very politely. Aden glanced at Molly: she could do this menial work. Fifi had taught them the basics, hadn’t she? And after thinking about it, they found a nice blowjob spot a little away from the road, near the freeway offramp.

The freeway was completely quiet. No one was driving around at all.

Aden stirred himself, rubbed at his eyes. “Okay,” he said. “I don’t want more Fifis, and Molly is more Barbie than I’d like.” Did he feel BAD about what he’d done to two girls? It didn’t seem that way. And why should he? “Apparently Killa... toned this down... but we’re being careful. When I’m about to cum, I’m going to pull out, and just unload on your face and tits. And you, you are going to keep your mouth closed.” He was already fixing his stance. Noelle dropped to her knees on the old sweater Molly had stretched out. Finally, it was her turn. She was going to be helpful, at last. She was so horny and nervous.

The dick Aden pulled out was really, really big. Porn dick, emerging from his pants. So long that, even rigid, and he was very hard, it had a clear curve to it. Although it was nicely engineered, Noelle noticed, to slide down her throat. It looked so very yummy. No—that was Killa. She was doing it to help her friend, her friend with the big cock. It was Killa’s fault she was drooling like a waterfall. She hated this. She wanted it so bad.

“Relax. You don’t have a gag reflex anymore,” Aden assured her. Molly’s mouth was wide open, and she was definitely going to drool. “Logan... and I... he pumped his up first. I think. Its all a little hazy. And I could... I mean, you girls did your tits.” She hadn’t even considered the logistical problems of sucking nearly a foot of penis. If there was any regret on Aden’s end about giving himself a monster penis, it wasn’t in his voice, or in how he affectionately stroked the thing. Noelle looked up, to see if she could detect how much Aden was left in the six foot plus man towering above her. It was possible he’d left that Aden painted on the walls of his ex-boyfriend’s bedroom. Aden took her upturned mouth as an opportunity to feed dick into it.

She had penis in her mouth.

* * *
KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

oh right i forgot about transvestites huh

Sleeter My Kinney @JulieBee

oh no oh fuck

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

yall can have a pussy and titties if you want to. how about, KILLA GIVE ME A PUSSY there.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

say it twice, see what happens

BasedYeet @PeterReist

Killa, no! I sent you a half-dozen links on this! this is just CONTAMINATING what we’re doing!

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

bro its just more pussies. why am I against more pussies.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

you’re happy with this, right?

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303


BasedYeet @PeterReist

Yes. I am happy about this.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

tell you what the new pussy girls can’t go to the bathroom indoors. there now everyone’s happy ffs sick of the bullshit where’s teh damn party :(

* * *

Noelle immediately knew how lucky she’d been, up to that point, not to suck dick. It was going to change her. Inches of cock started to work their way into her mouth, and she automatically got it good and wet. Despite all the trials she had not been penetrated in any way. And while her many recent orgasms had probably loosened and softened her mind, it was all in areas like calculus that she was no longer using.

Having a cock to suck was different.

She looked over, at Molly, to act as the objective lifeguard. The referee, to pull her loose if there was too much risk of a quart of jizz getting dumped in her throat. Molly was now actually drooling, and had sat down on the asphalt, with her hands lodged underneath her butt. Probably to keep from masturbating. It was, Noelle had to admit, a hot scene.

She took a momentary pride in herself. She’d been so worried about being attractive to Aden. And, true, ultimately she had just needed to be a willing mouth. It hadn’t mattered at all, it had all been pointless. But he definitely seemed to be into it. A little of old Aden was emerging in how he didn’t just grab her hair and use her throat, like he easily could’ve. She had no trouble at all with how much cock there was. Aden was being very slow and deliberate. She had to REWARD that—Noelle rubbed her tongue against the underside of his cock, and was rewarded with sweet, gooey precum.

Addictive, wonderful precum.

This was not good, and Noelle realized she should’ve thought of it earlier. Men had precum, it wasn’t all released in one sticky wad. The same stuff that had reduced Molly to wide-eyed silliness. Even worse, it was the best thing she’d ever tasted and she was strongly incentivized to suck it out of him. Aden was surprised by her sudden force. Fair enough—she had—nine? more?—inches of dick in her mouth, and responded with an active tongue.

“Don’t cum in her mouth, Aden,” Molly said. They looked over, surprised at her. It was a direct contradiction to a man, even if he had asked for the warning. “It made me all fucky-wucky.” She’d given up on not touching her pussy, but had managed to talk back. .

“I know, but Noelle’s really being a... ahhh... she’s a natural cocksucker,” Aden said. “God DAMN, Noelle. Your MOUTH.”

He was right about her not having a gag reflex, anymore. Killa had made a number of improvements. Her tongue had muscles she didn’t remember before. And, of course, despite every inch of a magic penis filling her mouth, grazing the back of her throat, she felt completely at ease. She could breathe adequately through her nose. Anything for more warm goo. She’d look good as a beach blonde. From this vantage point Aden’s scent was swimming up her nose, claiming her, branding her.

“I should—okay—Noelle, baby, release. I’m gonna paint your face. I’m gonna cum all over that makeup. Noelle, let GO you SLUT!”

It was a direct command, and Noelle responded to it, her tongue pulling back, the huge dick slithering backwards. Aden didn’t go far. He kept it right in front of her face, and she had a perfect view of what it looked like to have a firehose spray white all over her.

It was warm and good, and he didn’t miss a spot.

“Close your mouth!” Molly said, furiously frigging herself. “Look what a barbie doll I am now, dummy!”

But a man hadn’t said it, and it wasn’t so easy to keep her lips sealed after a coke-bottle big boy had forced its way in there. Plus she couldn’t see—Killa had forgotten to care, or maybe didn’t care, that semen stung in human eyeballs. Not that she would ever complain. It was her fault she hadn’t closed her eyes more. Droplets ran down her face, and a few inevitably got into her mouth. And besides, she’d already had a healthy dose of precum.

It swirled inside of her. Noelle had, by now, experienced enough brain-shattering cums to recognize a new one. It was going to take out her sense of geography, she was sure of it. Not so good on a cross-country trip.

Still, even as her higher logic centers started to shut down, and serotonin in impossible quantities started to corrode important neural pathways, Noelle was proud. They’d done it right. She’d helped Aden, Molly had helped, all at the insignificant price of a stupid girl’s thoughts. Although there was something—missing. Some element they’d forgotten.

Aden patted her hair. “Nice suck, Noelle,” he said. She couldn’t see him, but he sounded relieved. A single car passed by, on the freeway. It didn’t even slow down. Roadside blowjobs had to be common. She was now a filling station. That was normal.

That was it—normal. This was too normal. It should’ve been horror movie material, treated as wrong and bad, for her to suck off a friend by the side of the road, while a second friend stuck her fingers up her cunt. Sure, they needed to do it, but with at least a sense of reserved anxiety. Under protest. Instead it had been no big deal, and kind of fun, like fixing a bike. Her being a cum dumpster was going to be routine. Either Killa, or their own aggravated brains, had lost a sense of what was bad.

It was an important insight, and Noelle would never remember it. She was lucky to not hit the asphalt, as her motor pathways gave up under an unceasing assault. Aden had to catch her. He wiped his own cum off on her tits.

* * *
Mr. Tattery @HaverdasherDesMoines

I mean he won me back with the cocksucker stuff.

9696 @CasterofSpells


Mr. Tattery @HaverdasherDesMoines

No not like that. Not like he won YOU over. Like you start to see The Plan. Men do the work, girls burn off the tension, everyone’s sucking and fucking each other. There’s a design.

Mr. Tattery @HaverdasherDesMoines

There’s like a cycle to it. It’s like video games, it has to have a rhythm. I eat, I jog, I get sucked off, I fuck, and i start over. I get it now. That’s what I mean.

Derek Mann @DerekMann

Ehh. I feel like a Prius. Like I gotta bring a girl with me or I get real stupid? If I get stuck in traffic by myself I turn into a dumb hulk?

Mr. Tattery @HaverdasherDesMoines

There’ll be roadside assistance girls. Its early days. Don’t get in a grind, just go fuck some mouths. There’s so many wonderful mouths.

* * *

“Well, it’s real funny, but the only way to get out of a dick coma is more dick.” the voice had a twang to it.

Noelle tried to concentrate on it, and failed. She felt either asleep, or stoned, or both. Either way, her brain wasn’t working, although in the nicest way. It didn’t do thoughts, although it could do feeling, keeping her juicy and hot while thoughtfully also doing things like making her breathe and her heart beat. Against all that, Noelle felt no need to actually do something unfeminine like thinking.

Besides, after all the abuse she’d put her mind through, absorbing violent cum juices, it could use the break.

“Which means—what? Hit her in the nose with my cock?” Aden’s voice, wasn’t it? She had a complicated relationship with it. Or, did she? Complexity towards men required complex women. And she just wanted to rub, stroke, suck, fuck...

“Just rub some cum under her nose. Works a charm! You’ve got plenty, I’m betting?”

“Christ,” Aden’s voice again. Noelle could vaguely feel the dribble of warm spit down her chin. That was funny, she’d drooled. Hilarious. She forgave her brain for not closing that mouth up. “Alright. Sniff sniff, Noelle.”

Something wafted into her.

New instincts activated. Pathways that had been built by twitter commands fired up. Grudgingly, because they needed her ambulatory, in order to suck dick, the bits of Noelle that had a name and volition ticked on. It was not a wild concept. From an evolutionary sense, she was already just walking around and eating until she procreated, ideally as often as possible. Stuff like math was a side effect.

Cum was nearby. Noelle’s eyes opened up. She remembered her own name. Other things had survived the first shock of jizz in her mouth—SOME geography, english literature was largely intact, she had a decent vocabulary. She had not gotten the Molly and Fifi treatment, at least. She licked, immediately, at the disappointingly small batch of sperm right underneath her nose.

“See?” A heavily stacked redhead was giving them a smug look. “Now. Table for three. Fair warning, we’re down to coffee and pancakes, and not many pancakes.”

She wore a waitress outfit, pink with 50s flair. The outfit was pink poodle fetishwear, with a bitty apron too small to do anything. She wore towering heels.

“Take a seat!” she said, patting Noelle on the cheek. “If you need it, I mean. Most of the girls are under the table, these days!”

Higher processing was still coming on line.

There was—a lot of people there.

Noelle averted her eyes. It was difficult to look at that many people, because she felt a strong urge to relate to them sexually. Figure out how each guy she ran into could use her. For the burly Dad types she could be a trusted helper, cleaning dishes and piping out occasional infants. Maybe do some farming. For the younger guys she could definitely be a super-fun party girl up for anything. Anything at all.

Even for the few older men they would no doubt appreciate a warm bath and a hot mouth.

Molly looked away as well, squinting against the light of the boys. “Wha—wha—whatt’d I miss?” Noelle slurred, her eyes on the floor. It had a familiar black and white tile.

“Not much. Girls who suck dick have hotter lips now. Like, you’ll cum just by running your fingers along it. You haven’t seen yours yet, but it looks like a pool toy. Just missing the valve.”

This was not welcome news, but it also meant the snarky Molly was a little bit back, and Noelle appreciated it. Although she WAS twirling her hair as she talked, and everything came out nasal. Her friend wore high-waisted shorts and a tied-off shirt that showed off lots of midriff. Her socks had climbed up to nearly thigh-high.

“And cum is like, SUPER nutritious now. Yeah. I guess its like the only thing we’re supposed to eat ever. And maybe drink.”


They’d reached the diner table. Noelle risked a look up. First in her line of sight was Aden, which meant a flood of new feelings. Nothing healthy—overwhelming and constant sexual attraction, a keen urge to please, a devotion to his interests. Just tearing eyes away from his unshaven face was tough. She needed to write in her notebook—YOU ARE NOT ADEN’S SLAVE, stuff like that. YOU WILL BE CAREFUL TO NOT DRINK TOO MUCH ADEN JIZZ.

Yeah, that was the ticket.

“Sorry, cum is WHAT?”

“Yeah. Nutritious,” Molly said. “It’s like a superfood for girls. You know. Protein shake.”

They slid into the booth. “ONLY for girls,” Aden said. “I get nothing from it. Unfair.”

“Can I still like—eat normal food?” Noelle said, tentatively. While she was asleep, had that been taken away? Was it all going to be gushing saline blasts, from here on? Of course, her mind whispered, that wasn’t so bad. Imagine a dinner so good it made you cum, it made you stupid it tasted so good. Imagine sucking dinner. It’d be efficient, too. She had new lips now. Noelle touched at them. They felt plush and thick. Hopefully drooling would now be socially acceptable, because she was going to do a lot of drooling.

“Yeah—yeah,” Molly said. “If you want.” Her tone conveyed—why bother? She glanced around. “Shouldn’t there be—girls?”

There were no girls. Noelle still had to work to look around—men were so unbearably bright, her attention locking onto them, on the many ways she could be Nice To Men. But yes, the men were in singles or, at most, pairs at the table, checking their phones, sipping coffee.

“Like I said—look down, sweeties,” their waitress said. She dropped off one cup of coffee, for Aden. “It’s watered down. We’re just reusing the grounds, and I’m so, so sorry about that. You can just grab a tit if you want, that’s absolutely fine, my husband likes it. He’s working the griddle back there. But yeah, ladies are going under the table. Now.”

“Under. Like, literally at their men’s feet,” Noelle said.

“Well, we can barely feed the BOYS! And Killa just made it—girls eat below the belt, all of a sudden.” the waitress shrugged, at the way that women now sucked their nutrients through a particular straw. “It’s not so bad. If you haven’t done it yet. Well, you have, I see those lips! Badge of honor!”

This was to Noelle, who was having trouble keeping them shut.

“Can’t they..” Aden rubbed at the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know. Can’t they even kneel on the seats or something? Are you really almost out of PANCAKES?” He seemed calmer than yesterday. Her doing, Noelle thought, with a flush of pride. She’d been a good girl, getting the tension out of him. Which of course was a degrading necessity, and nothing to be proud of. Although he’d really emptied out, all because of her mouth!

“It’s the eggs,” the waitress said, in a soothing voice. “We’re just about out of eggs. I’ve thought about asking KIlla but, you know him. He’d probably make them come out of my butt.”

“Girls, can you talk the other females up out of the—it doesn’t have to be this—hey, buddy—” this last was to the man in the next booth. THIS was startling. Aden never spoke, voluntarily, to strangers. He was one of the shyest men Noelle had ever met. “Do the girls really need to be under the table? With all the gum? It’s filthy under there.”

“Wasn’t my idea,” the man said, shrugging. “I’ve stopped telling Sofia to do things like wear underpants or keep her fingers out of her hoo-ha, or anything like that, you know? She says she’s not talking, she’s sucking.”

The row of men nodded. “I had to tell Kathy to stop putting on new clothes. Every damn thing she tried started looking like a bikini on the internet after a half-hour. Like the actual dang fabric was slithering as you looked at it. I want her to have some actual pants still, just in case this is still going on when its cold out.”

“They’re TOO nice to us, am I right?” a white-haired man broke in. “I mean, I don’t mind Julia doing the dishes, for once, but she’s showing me each plate, she’s got this voice now—like Minnie Mouse wants to fuck me, you know?”

“Oh, Caroline kept trying to argue, and now she sounds like she’s all fucked up on helium,” a heavyset man chortled. “I told her its her own damn fault. Did anyone here have a gal who managed to keep their tits at normal size?”

The diner assembly of men was silent.

“Right? Now, I’m not saying I’m pro-Killa, or anything like that, but I think the girls are having a lot more fun then they’re letting on. I mean, hell, you see them thrash around. I don’t get to do that. And I gotta feed them now!”

“Can they...” Aden considered his words. Noelle tracked him, strong and powerful and now completely at home in a rural diner. He was so magnificent. She needed to write down—YOU AREN’T LUCKY. KILLA IS MAKING YOU ADORE HIM. But... was that even true? “Can they at least get to sit at the table? Like humans?”

There was a rumbling assent from the men that this was acceptable, as a matter of pure hypothetical thought..

“Girls, go tell them its okay,” Aden ordered. “We’re all gonna be people.”

‘Sure we are,” Molly said. She toyed with her blonde hair. “You okay for a little bit longer, sir?” She was up next.

Aden considered this. He rubbed briefly at his pants. A tuft of chest hair wavered underneath the collar of his polo. “Yeah. Soon. Starting to feel a little pressure. And Molly, you’re up this time. Sorry in advance about your lips.”

“It’s okay,” Molly said. They waited, all three of them, for her to add some comment. But instead she just added “sir.”

* * *
PeachyKeen @Meanworld12

any girls left

Prita Riada @PritaRiada

females. we are females now. we are hot mouths for the enjoyment of the boys.

Prita Riada @PritaRiada

okay now shhh but there’s a website for mutual aid. find your nearest barnes and noble. i will delete this message in five minutes. only tell men you trust about it.

PeachyKeen @Meanworld12

??? how do you not trust a man @killadakilla303 do you know about this sir

* * *

“It sucks under here,” Noelle said, once they were underneath the table.

It wasn’t really true, but she felt like she had to say it, out of girl solidarity. First of all, it smelled very good under there. It was a little pocket of enjoyable scents, mostly the direct exposure to Aden’s crotch. It was actually nice to just be able to stare at it, at the oversized bulge so close to her, without adding in the overlay of it belonging to Aden. It was just a nice big dick, and it smelled really tasty.

Plus it was crowded, with a lot of Molly and a lot of Noelle. It really highlighted just how much tits and ass Molly was. And she, also, was, to be fair. Noelle had been so preoccupied with her sexual subjugation she hadn’t had time to concentrate on her new sexpot body. The sight of her big boobs had ceased to surprise. And there was another thing.

“Is my butt bigger?” she asked.

“Just a little bit for white girls. Killa said They needed equal opportunity. He said its actually anti-racist.”

Molly had a new habit of rubbing at her lips. Perhaps as a way of distracting her from her own much longer hair. It now tumbled in blonde-black semi-curls, like she’d visited an instagram stylist, well past her shoulders.

“Molly, you doing okay?” Noelle said, crouched near a man’s penis.

“Oh, you mean because we’re kneeling at a guy’s feet in some random diner, and I’m trying to convince my pussy he isn’t our straight-up owner?” Molly said. “And I look like a stacked punk slut? And I’m next in line for a blowjob that’s gonna knock my lights out, it’ll be so good? That’ll FEED ME?”

It was the usual Molly lines, but delivered with a breathless, sultry affect. With a moan at the end of “FEED”. It came out a little needy.

“You’re being sarcastic, right?” Noelle said, concerned. “I don’t know anymore.”

Molly considered this. She wet her lips with her tongue, her eyes on her upcoming snack. Aden reached down to shift the growing length of his erection.

“It’s getting hard to remember what sarcasm is,” Molly confessed. “Did I do it right?”

“Hi girls!” This was from farther down the row. They were far from alone down there. The row was tightly packed with girls, nestled like luggage in the space intended for legs. Several females gave a cheerful wave. A few more were dedicated to sloppy head for their men. “Welcome! I’m Heather! Over here is Beth and that’s Amy! Welcome to town!”

With all girls reduced in age to a fuckable 20-something, Noelle wasn’t sure exactly what she was dealing with. Heather certainly looked like an actual Gen Z woman. She wore volleyball shorts full to bursting over tanned thighs, and a loose cut-off t-shirt that she, like most women, had filled up with tits. The only clue was her hair, which was fairly short, if platinum blonde.

“We’re just—” Noelle remembered. She was here on a mission of feminism. “We’re here to tell all the girls—” she got distracted. Heather had her man’s dick out, and was jacking on it. Fresh thick cum was flowing down her hand. She thought “yummers” and felt embarrassed. Killa had added that word to her vocabulary, after taking so much. “Ummmm,” she said. At least now, rubbing her lips together, confused and horny, also felt good.

“Tell us what?” Amy said. She wore striped socks, and had her hair in pigtails. She looked disconcertingly young, inevitable big boobs aside, but also wore a golden necklace straight from a bygone era, and a number of heavy rings.

“Uhhhh...” Noelle said. It was distracting, being down in a land of crotches. Men smelled so good now, and her brain was hardly working at full capacity. It was wild to think that the boys had just held a casual conversation, up top of the tables. Killa had to have made more modifications. Almost all had their cocks out, and there was a ton of fellatio going on. Some really ball-draining head. “Uhh. Yeah. I’m Noelle. This is Molly. We’re on a—what was it? Molly?”

“We’re trying to kill Killa,” Molly said. She sat cross-legged, looking at Aden’s twitching dick. It wasn’t surprising. Soon she was going to put it in her mouth, and suck it until he came. “It’s a road trip.”

“Oh!” Heather was delighted, brightening up. “That’s a great idea! Although, you know, the President and, gosh, everyone on down to the Coast Guard already tried. But I love the enthusiasm. Its been so hard on us girls, don’t you think? My friend Beth has had it so rough, I don’t think she knows what day it is, anymore. She got one of those big-time bad-for-brains loads last night, poor dear.”

Beth was one of the girls trying hard to suck her next meal from a cock. The clothing transmogrifier had done its best, but she was really wearing rags. A taut sweater crackling with jizz, a half-translucent skirt that rode up around her butt. Noelle could see her asshole. Beth’s finger was in it.

“And the dozen or so since then haven’t been too easy on her either. I told her,” Heather said, sympathetically. “When you suck, you’ve gotta aim the squirt down your throat. If it goes up into your sinuses, it fries your brain.”

It was really good advice, and Noelle made a note to maybe write it down. Next time she got a chance.

Molly had tentatively stuck her hand out, and started to stroke at the bulge in Aden’s pants. He didn’t seem like he was going to stop her. Noelle tried to put the scent out of her head, with little success. It was Molly’s turn, after all. She’d earned it. Although Noelle’s stomach was growling. Why hadn’t he just unloaded down her throat? Oh—right—so she wouldn’t become a stupid fuck toy.

“We’ve done our best, all us girls,” Heather said. “Of course, it depends on the hubby. Some of them have been pretty—aggressive. Terri, now, her man has been doing her in front of EVERYONE on the front lawn, just because he likes it. And they have a nice, enclosed back lawn. We all don’t need to see Terri done up the back, three times a day. Everyone HERE has one of the better type of men, I don’t need to tell you.”

Noelle glanced over to Beth, who had her mouth locked over her chosen cock. It was obviously unloading into her—Noelle could even see the man’s balls twitch. Beth didn’t move at all, excepting her finger. That was well up her ass crack.

“Oh!” Noelle said. She remembered, just like that. She was proud of herself—she’d made a memory and brought it back up! Aden would be very proud of her too. “I was supposed to say. You girls can come up. The men said you can sit with them. You don’t need to—you know—sit at their feet.”

Amy and Heather both gave a chuckle, and a warm, friendly glance. Noelle tried to stay in the moment. Molly had just pulled Aden’s dick out of his pants. She hadn’t been acting very sarcastic at all, once they’d gotten underneath the tables. She gave a very serious, and lengthy, lick to the underside of it. The waitress passed by, or her legs did.

“So... come on up?” Noelle said. “Please?”

“Honey,” Amy said, condescending. “This is the first chance us girls have had all week to just chit-chat with each other. A little space for the ladies, you know?”

“This is technically our book club meeting,” Heather said. “Not that Beth is going to do much reading. Down, Beth, aim it—ahh, who cares.” Beth had popped free. Her mouth was still stuck in an O, and, with her hyper-plush lips, probably unable to be fully closed. She giggled, and burped jizz.

“Book club meeting,” Noelle said. A fresh wave of despair hit her. Right—this was the best they could hope for. A little chit-chat time between mind-blasting blowjobs. One of which was being doled out right next to her, by Molly, who had put Aden’s cock fully into her mouth. Her head was bobbing right next to Noelle’s head. It was very distracting, especially when she was trying to be sad. On the other hand, her pussy was tingling.

“Oh—hold on, dear,” Heather winked, and turned. Her own partner had given a subtle tug on her shirt. Amy, too, was ready for another load in her mouth.

Noelle climbed up. Despite receiving head from his longtime friend Aden was more interested in a meager plate of pancakes. They looked thin, a watery brown, and apologetically drenched in syrup. Aden was wolfing down each one. He glared at her, before softening. Just in case she was a threat to his food.

“They’re fine down there,” Noelle reported. “And—when you come? In Molly’s mouth? Try to aim down, okay?”

He didn’t seem to be listening. Noelle supposed it burned a lot of calories, being a man, these days. She pulled out her notebook and grabbed one of the crayons the diner kept out, for use with the junior jumble. But it felt like so much work to write shit in it.

* * *
KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

I go outside and there’s no party. i go talk to some boys and they’re worried about girl rustling

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

stealing females. like what the fuck. what the fuck is that.

Phobe Photon @PhoebeJimenez

Killa, sir, there’s still time to back out. Just put things how they were.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

shut up. your name is Ass Whore now. First name Ass, last name Whore.

Ass Whore @AssWhore

oh my god .

* * *

It was her turn to take care of Molly. Aden helped get her in the car, albeit grudgingly. He seemed irritable for a man who had feasted while getting his cock sucked. No smiling, lots of frowning. He was using peremptory commands with her, short barks of instruction. They gave just a brief glow from being followed to the letter—buckle up, wipe Molly’s mouth, stop all that giggling.

“Everything okay?” Noelle ventured, after they’d been long on the road.

“It shouldn’t be,” Aden said, after a long delay.

What was the nice response to that? Noelle instead busied herself in her notebook. She had an entire page for Aden, now. She’d drawn his name in a big, bubble font, and decorated it with curlicues and other fanciful text. As a triumph of willpower she hadn’t surrounded it with hearts. They were just coworkers, after all. The swapping of fluids was mutual aid. But she had written her name, with a cautious “Noelle & Aden”, just to see what it looked like.

After all, she was the pragmatic one. She’d written it down, to remind herself, over and over. Aden was her future. And she had to be nice to him. Hopefully he at least liked the view down her cleavage.

The phone started to buzz at the far end of sunset.

* * *
KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

Still no party. You know what this is, you know what th problem is, i’m being too nice to females.

BasedYeet @PeterReist

Yes. Yes yes yes.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

God damn not now Peter. FFS. I clearly need to be more direct god damn it.

* * *

“Anything good?” Aden said. He sounded so discouraged.

“Ummmm,” Noelle said, temporizing. What was the nice answer? “No. He’s in a mood.”

“About women? Again?”

“Yeah, I know, right? We’re all on liquid diets now, and look how puffy our lips are. I feel like a blowup doll. What else is there?”

It was a stupid thing to say. She could feel Aden’s knuckles tightening on the wheel. Of course there could be plenty more. So much more.

She glanced over. Molly’s lips had puffed in. It really had completed the new stupid-girl look she had going on.

Tip to toe, she looked dumb.

* * *
KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

Girls you are HORNY SLUTS. you exist to make men HAPPY.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

Cum makes you happy. Real happy. Ohhhh it scrambles your little girl brains?? i don’t care.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303


* * *

She was a slut.

“Well? What’d he do this time?” Aden said. Did she react to it? Noelle looked down—was there a physical change? Same fat tits, same glowing whorish body.

“Ummm... it’s not BAD,” she said. Were her lips nice and moist? “But maybe pull over until he’s done? I don’t know if he’s about to keep going.”

“What is it? What did he do?”

Nothing, Noelle thought. Right? She’d already been acting slutty for days. Dressed in slutty clothes, very worried about Aden’s approval. She’d sucked his dick. Slut behavior. So, logically, nothing had changed. She squirmed. There was no lying to Aden—as sluts went, she was a nice one, especially to men. She was Aden’s hot, horny slut. If he pulled the car over, she could fuck him.

“Well, I guess I’m a... slut now?” Noelle said, nervous. “Just a big, horny slut? Killa says?”

“You’re a slut,” Aden said, heavily.

It was true, once he said it. All the beforehand behavior was—reacting. Surviving, even adapting. Driven by insatiable pleasure or outright commands. Even when she’d had his dick in her face, nuzzling it, enjoying its taste and smell, a part of her had managed a bit of detachment. She was on a ride. It wasn’t HER sucking Aden’s dick, it was that animal bit that liked to be stimulated. She wasn’t some craven whore, wanting to be sloppy fucked in every hole. Before.

This was her now. Or was it? She felt dizzy, readjusting. Was this her, or whatever she had written down in her notebook? It was a lot of thinking to do, for a slut.

“Yeah! Wild, huh?” Noelle said. She reached over to Molly, tapping her head. “Hey, wake up. Molly. We’re sluts now.”

* * *
Derek Mann @DerekMann

So was this like, a change? A conceptual change? She’s not sucking any harder.

Mr. Tattery @HaverdasherDesMoines

My wife says its a change. Like instead of drinking water because you’re thirsty, you drink water because you fucking love drinking water?

Mr. Tattery @HaverdasherDesMoines

but yeah i agree she’s not sucking any harder.

Derek Mann @DerekMann

how does she come up with metaphors still? My girl can barely read anymore. i feel like its random how dumb these sluts get. Anyone figure that one out?

Mr. Tattery @HaverdasherDesMoines

everyone says it has to do with the angle you cum in her mouth, but I think that’s an urban legend. Who knows.

* * *

They’d pulled over. Aden had pulled an actual tent out of the trunk, with several rolled up mats. He’d pulled a broken down tree apart with his bare, masculine hands, and had set the broken branches together for a fire. It was exciting and manly stuff, and, as a big slut, Noelle was really into it.

“Don’t say anything,” Aden cautioned. “I’m not ready for you yet.” He still had his attitude of heavy regret, and it made Noelle feel bad. She didn’t want him to feel bad. She wanted him to feel good. Preferably by using parts of her body.

She shook her head, annoyed. Slutdom was a real challenge, so far. The problem was that her thoughts now tended to ooze into a lazy, horny pool. There was no idle thinking about the future, about the stars starting to twinkle above them. About the fact they were out of food.

Instead she had managed to stain some highway gravel with her own pussy juice, because she was just so very lubed up and good to go.

“Molllllyyyyyyyy,” Noelle said. Her friend had a new, pool toy look about her. Mostly it was the lips, the impossibly puffy lips, turned into inflatables by the aftereffects of Aden cum. But even without that she was glossy, perfect. There were just a few streaks of black left in her hair. It was all blonde. Noelle’s hair had opted instead for a brilliant and big mane of wet curls. “Wake upppppp, slut. You’re gonna miss Aden lighting the fire. We’re camping out! We’d—”

It was hard for a man-pleasing slut to feel worried, Noelle found. But she tried. “Molly, come on. Getting a little worried. Wake up!”

“I’m supposed to waggle my cock under her nose,” Aden said. He’d burned through a dozen matches. They were no closer to a fire.

“Oh!” Noelle said. ‘Right! You did that to me!” A thought occurred to her. “Aden, am I dumber, now? After you kinda half-jizzed in my mouth?” She glanced down. Her tits wobbled, her ass felt big and thick. She hadn’t ever removed her makeup since the Fifi day. It was probably slutty and worn.

“We’re all lots of things,” Aden said. He paused, and then picked up one of the bigger branches. The iron cord muscles on his neck caught the moonlight. The trunk broke in two. “I’m not going to do it. Fuck you. I just—I want you two to still be... you know. Friends. Even though you’re fuckable.”

He was fighting a Killa command. She could tell. It wouldn’t end well.

It was a sweet thought, and Noelle thought—she needed to let him fuck her butt, as a reward. No, that’s what he DIDN’T want. He was right, of course. Men were always right. She had to hold on to—something. Her notebook, her self. She needed to wake up the buxom slut next to her, pronto.

Noelle leaned over and gave Molly a wet, fun kiss.

It worked immediately. It was hot for Noelle, too, Molly’s crimson lips wriggled pleasantly, and her tongue stuck out straightaway. They made out for a bit, parts of Molly coming back to life. Her hands grabbed at Noelle’s boobs, and she giggled, right into Molly’s mouth. They bonked teeth twice. Aden-flavored spit passed back and forth.

“Enough,” a male voice broke in, once Molly started to draw her legs around Noelle. The sluts broke free, trails of spit between them. At some point Aden had gotten the fire lit. He had his back to it. He was crouched, arms on his knees, and even with the poor lighting Noelle could see the long shadow of his cock. He was nearly panting. How long had he been watching them go at it? Long enough—he was fighting for control, their good friend. His body quivered with it. She could smell his musk.

They were all three of them drooling for each other.

“I think we need to talk,” Aden said. “We need to set some rules. Since I’m not sure we’re gonna—we’re not gonna make it to Denver. I’m gonna fuck you sluts tonight. I gotta. I’m gonna pull your hair when I do it, I’m gonna squeeze your tits. Blowjobs aren’t gonna do it.”

Noelle was proud of him. His resolve not to fuck them had lasted at least four or five minutes. That was so impressive. He was such a hot, sensitive man. He was so right to fuck them.

“Yes, sir,” Molly said. In her stupid, chirpy voice. Not a hint of snark remained. She rubbed her thick thighs together, and tugged at her collar. It had a big new chain on the front, and only lacked a dog tag.

“So—I want to—” Aden stopped. He grunted, and lost his humanity, for a moment. He tugged on the rough shape of his cock. Light came back on. “...want to. Uh. Fuck your pussies. Sorry. I’m not used to dirty talk. With girls.” He was nearly licking his chops.

“Umm—hold on,” Noelle said. Was this HER? She was definitely going to get fucked, but she should at least know how to feel about it. She’d been keeping her notebook for this very moment. It was difficult to see, even with the moon and the firelight, but luckily the writing was in an oversized hand, and in a glittery pink gel. The first page read:


“Ummmm,” Noelle said. “Wait.” she flipped a page. This one read “YOU WANT TO FUCK ADEN,” in the same pink font. It was her handwriting, wasn’t it? Her drawings of Aden’s spurting cock filled the page. They were hers, right?

Something like humanity flooded back into Aden’s eyes. “Right—” he said. “But. I mean yeah, we’re gonna fuck. I’m gonna absolutely fuck your holes. But I was thinking, Noelle, some of your rules and regulations, if we, I don’t know, write it down...before I shove my dick in you...” he shuddered. His pants were wet with precum. Noelle sympathized. They were all three of them getting the side of the freeway damp. Everything was so stupid horny. They were just dolls, just dolls, being mashed together by a man on twitter. Slutty figurines, being bashed together, and trying to use words to sort it out.

Molly had flipped herself over to present.

* * *
KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303


KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303


* * *

“Killa give me a nice fat ass!” Noelle said, right away. She hadn’t really given it much thought. Obviously she’d want a big swaggering rear, if given the chance. Any slut would, and she was a slut. Molly, still on her hands and knees, was right behind her.

Her hip bones creaked. As usual, Killa didn’t skimp on the endorphins. The experience of her lower body stretching, growing, changing, was intensely pleasurable. She smacked her new ass against Molly, not on purpose. At some point she’d flipped herself over as well, doggy-style. Her panties gave way, and the pointless, slippery skirt she was semi-wearing slid over the top of her ass. She pointed her cunt west, down the long road of Highway 70. And towards Aden, of course.

And just like that, she had a huge butt.

It matched her thick tits.

“Oh, sorry!” Noelle said. Aden was trying to have an adult conversation with them, and both girls had ignored him, to give themselves extra-fuckable butts. She felt a little warm glow nonetheless. She was being SUCH a slut. It was a big slut move. “Look, Aden, maybe you should just fuck us, we’ll sleep on it. or I guess be knocked out from your cummies, whatever. We’ll figure it out tomorrow.” She waved her butt at him. The notebook was right.

“No, NO!” Aden raged.

His sudden anger cut through the warm bubbles that filled her. Both girls stopped waving their rears in an enticing figure 8. Even Molly seemed to be a little more with it.

“YOU like punk rock, and cutting me down to size, and coming up with ways to tell people you don’t own a television,” this to Molly, who cringed, properly chastised by a man. “YOU make lists, and read Booker Prize nominees, and have been coming up with ways to beat this awful twitter man since the first moment! And now you’re just—being sluts! THAT’S what I want. Before we fuck. Or after, I don’t care. After.”

His chest heaved and his dick was out. Noelle felt awful. And he was right, of course. That was her. That WAS her, she had to hold on to it, had to keep that version of Noelle locked inside nice and tight. Someday it would be let out again.

“I’ll write it down, RIGHT after we fuck,” she blurted. “All of that. Everything I remember—and about you. The bi dude who reads us his twitter shitposts and knows all the lyrics to The National songs.”

“Right,” the sweaty big man with the fat, waving cock said. “That’s... me. Write it down. Actually. No. Not later. Not—not later.” It cost him something, to order that. He was going to have even bigger balls, or something. “Now, slut. NOW.”

“Yes, sir!” Noelle said. She pulled a pen out of her backpack. With the brief male-ordered clarity she had, Noelle wondered when her ballpoints had turned into Barbie-colored pastels. But she felt—not good. There were too many hormones and commands and other flotsam in her head to make that sort of simple determination. She’d held on to something. She wrote down ADEN = BUFF BI HOTTIE BUT IRONIC just as the man himself sank over nine inches of cock into Molly.

“Molly, say something ironic!” she hissed. It was important to hold on to who they were. But Molly wasn’t able to do more but screech and moan, thrusting her new butt back at Aden. Still, that was okay. Noelle would do it for her. They were going to hold on to something. Noelle hoped Aden hurried. She was next, and, plus, if she didn’t want to go to bed hungry she was gonna have to lick dinner out of Molly.

* * *
KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303

i guess there’s not gonna be a party after all.

KillaDaKilla @KillaDaKilla303
