The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 9

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“Hmm, hmm. Hm-hm-hmm. Hm-hm-hmm-hm, hm-hmm-hm.” Kamila’s fingers drummed against the rubber steering wheel while she hummed to the beat of her favorite summer tune. As she cruised down the street with the roof retracted, the song blared through the vehicle’s speakers and out into the open air. Her orange hair fluttered and buffeted through the wind, in the same vein as her plain white T-shirt had been before she removed it to let her bikini-clad body cool off amid the sun’s scorching heat.

“You’re doing it wrong!” Annie expressed her opinion from the cluttered back seats. “It’s, Hm. Hmm. Hm-hm-hmm. Hmm.. Hm—”

Rolling her eyes, Kamila eyed her snowy-blond-haired friend through the rearview mirror. One of her pigtails was splayed out over her small face since she was “sitting” in a position any parent, regardless of if it were their kid or not, would object to. Her thin legs draped over the rear of the vehicle while she rested on her back and neck with her head directly where her ass should be.

“You’re not even listening.” She pointed out that the quick-headed blonde had her phone inches above her face while her ears held onto two silver-looking earbuds.

“Whuh?” Annie tilted her head.

“Yeah.” Kamila flicked her eyes back to the road that she was currently speeding down ten miles over the speed limit. “Like I said.”


Kamila smirked. “Huh?”



Annie opened her mouth.

“Hey.” The soothing voice of Emma spoke up and rang with the slightest hint of annoyance. “Is it possible for you two to keep it down?” The dark-skinned teen yawned. “I can deal with the music and the humming.” Her lips parted as she stretched her mouth open again and yawned. “But this—”

Kamila felt compelled to yawn. “Noted.” Her eyes fluttered as all of a sudden, a pang of drowsiness washed over her. “But keep your yawns to yourself. I’m driving.”

In response, Emma simply yawned and muttered a soft, “Thank you,” before shutting her eyes.

That power to induce a state of sleep in others is much more effective than most people realize. Kamila knew she couldn’t doze off behind the wheel, yet from just hearing her friend’s yawn, a large part of her wanted to pull over and get some shut-eye.

Annie had her headphones in, so Emma’s natural drowsy influence wasn’t too effective on the already hyperactive girl.

“You want to switch places?”

Before Kamila could respond, Annie disappeared in a white ripple and appeared on her lap. “Annie! What the hell!?” The orange-haired teen exclaimed directly into the speedster’s face as the two’s mouths were only but a foot apart.

“I can drive!” Annie’s minted breath buffeted Kamila’s face as her eyes shone with excitement. “Let me drive!” Their chests mashed together perfectly and jiggled on the off-leveled road. It was almost like one large bra-clad water balloon was pressing itself forcefully against another slightly smaller bag of water draped in a tie-dye shirt.

Gritting her teeth, Kamila pushed Annie’s head to the side with one hand while her other attempted to fix the speeding car’s swerved motion caused by the abrupt disturbance. “Never. Happening.”


Annie returned to the backseat in a flash; a clear frown was notable on her otherwise adorable face.

Despite her annoyance, Kamila couldn’t stop from glancing back at the girl a few times through the rearview mirror.

She sighed.

This was a common problem she had. Having grown up with no siblings to speak of with wealthy parents who paid people to attend to her, she never experienced what it was like to care for anyone herself. That is until she was forced to work a few babysitting gigs here and there. When her parents were around, she made a public exhibition of hating jobs. But, to be honest, she did love having someone to look after and take care of.

Hence how she met and grew close to Annie.

Despite Annie’s outward appearance of being an airheaded extravert, the girl is as shy as it gets. Back in high school, she was too afraid to communicate with anyone. Even now, if she’s not with Kamila, Thea, or anyone else in her inner circle, she’ll be as quiet as a mouse. That is if she doesn’t use her super speed to avoid everyone other than her friends in the first place.

But, slowly, Kamila has strived to get Annie to somewhat open up. She acts more confident than before and will even hold conversations with strangers for a bit before shutting in.

It’s slow progress, but progress nonetheless and something Kamila can continue working on. And it also fits that caring nature she keeps hidden behind the act of a bratty teen.

“If you want,” Kamila said while looking at Annie through the rearview mirror. “I could go for some coffee to wake me up. Because “someone” doesn’t feel like shutting off their powers.” She glared at the sleeping Emma through the corner of her eyes. Then, she returned to meet Annie’s gaze. “You can do that?”

Annie’s pout completely died down as a surprised blush now appeared on her face. She always acted that way when put in the spotlight, especially when the spotlight implied doing something with strangers.

Obviously, Annie was about to spew out some reason to avoid following through with her request, so Kamila flashed her signature sly smirk and reached her hand down to in-between her thighs where her purse was being clenched at the crotch of her short shorts. Without a care in the world, she tossed the purse outside and continued to focus on driving.

Annie’s eyes were wide as all she let out was an “A—” while her eyes followed the discarded item as if it were in slow motion.

Kamila noticed that her friend’s irises were glowing white, along with her snowy-blond hair, which had a series of white ripples dancing across her locks. That always happens when Annie is viewing something in slow motion, or.. extremely fast? It’s hard to understand how that shit works.

Regardless, Annie was considering what to do; without Kamila actively saying anything, it left the weight of choosing a course of action up to her.

And the red-head wasn’t worried; at worst, Annie would run out and get her purse; at best, she’d take the wallet and go out to buy coffee as she had requested. Either way, she was giving her a chance to step out. Her goal is to have Annie willingly become more comfortable with herself and not need to be around her friends to feel relaxed. It is never fun to force anyone into doing anything.

The third option was that Annie wouldn’t do anything and let the purse lay pathetically on the side of the road, but she had enough trust in her friend that she wouldn’t let that happen.

After half a second of consideration, Annie disappeared right as Kamila blinked, making it look like she had the power of teleportation instead of super speed.

It looks like Annie made her choice. If she was going to return back to the car, she would’ve done so before anyone even realized she was gone. She held her smirk and continued to drive down the road. It’s nice to know that she is making progress in slowly cracking through Annie’s soft exterior.

Next up on the bucket list that is helping her friends push through their faults. Thea. Oh, yes, someone needs to deal with her.

Teasing people is a favorite pastime for her. Honestly, it is probably her main fault. But her mocking never escalated to the point of outright abuse, and in the end, she tries to make amends with the victim of her taunting. Hell, even today, she wasn’t actually going to post those pictures of Thea’s brother online. There’s literally no point in doing something so childish. In a sense, she feeds on people’s cute and amusing reactions, and seeing someone in genuine distress isn’t entertaining.

Thea kept butting in and acted like she didn’t support their teasing of her brother, which is honestly something Kamila could get behind. It’s great for a sister to stand up for her younger sibling. But... then she saw how Thea treated her brother to the point where he appeared genuinely scared of her, and it clicked. Thea wasn’t defending him from bullying; she was defending her right to be the only one that can bully him.

It’s genuinely sick.

And something that needs to be worked on.

But one step at a time, first things first, she should make amends with her brother and treat him in a way his sister never does. She’ll buy him something fancy at the mall, though she isn’t sure what yet.

Maybe a mug.. No, that’s too lame.

Or a card.. No, that’s too formal.

A stuffed bear.. No, that’s lame and formal.

Oh! A stuffed bear, holding a card with the words “Here you go, Lil Bro. Sorry if I was a bitch.” and like a hundred dollars or something...


That could work, but it has the potential of being too nice, which would uproot her coy act of being a tease...


She’ll give him an invisible mug holding a hundred dollars, and the words “Lil Bro,” and “Loser” are the only parts of the cup that’ll be visible.

It’s both a nice and a bitchy gesture. Meaning he should be left both thankful, insulted, and generally confused. Also, an invisible mug would just be a cool thing for him to have; tons of people who know of her power always bug her to make random shit invisible.


“Hm.” Kamila blinked.

Everything around her was cast in a transparent green-ish field, and right as the familiar blue and red lights began to flash and reflect through her mirror, she exhaled.

She came to a halt on the right side of the road. A few moments later and the police cruiser that had caught her attention parked a few ways behind.

“Shit,” she muttered under her breath as she glanced down at herself. Suddenly it felt like taking off her top to let her bikini-clad boobs and bare stomach breath didn’t seem like such a solid idea. The seatbelt alone was strapped right between her breast and only served to make her modestly sized rack appear even more pronounced against the flat of her chest. Instinctively, her hands reached down for her purse as the cop would definitely ask for her license and registration. “FUCK.” She cussed aloud.

It had completely slipped her mind that Annie ran off with her purse. And as she eyed the annoyed expression on the gruff-looking police officer that stepped out of his vehicle, she had a feeling he would find her reason for not having her license to be very humorous.

She glanced to her right in the hope that Emma and her always-so-kind voice would be able to defuse the situation. But, to the surprise of no one, the dark-skinned beauty was still snoozing soundly with a pleasant look on her face as if she were in the midst of a lovely dream.


Using her powers is out of the question. For one, flexing one’s abilities on an officer of the law is strictly prohibited in every state. But she was also in a dampening field. Officers use dampening fields, darts, pills, gas... the whole nine yards, to prevent civilians from using their powers to get away with crime. They typically use a dampening device before an encounter, as if they whip one out after it might be too late. It looks like the officer tagged her vehicle, which placed her in this green dampening field.

So, with powers off the table and her identification in the hands of a speedster, all Thea could do is hope the officer was the kind to like women with large chests. “Hello, officer.” She flashed her trademark smile and made a subtle attempt to push her chest outwards; the car’s seat belt found rest comfortably in her cleavage.

She couldn’t make out the officer’s expression past the black-out shades he wore, though his lips never faltered in holding its flat frown.

“License and registration.” He said blankly.


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Every day is a struggle. Not in that overly dramatic teenage sitcom way, but more as in Every fucking day of my life is quite literally a struggle; I live and intermingle with people stronger than me in every way, be it at home or school. Even when others aren’t trying, I am just made to look pathetic when squared up beside them and their remarkable powers.

So it should go without saying that having finally secured some semblance of what is true power, I wasn’t quite certain on how to act. This must be how my mother feels on a daily basis; with the capability to control the wills of hundreds as if they aren’t even living beings, what to do? Should I have my mother kneel before me in front of her daughters as a symbolic show of her transferring every ounce of her power and authority? Or maybe I could go bigger and have Mom summon every hot chick I’ve ever laid my eyes on and have them lustfully throw their bodies over me. Oh! I could even go for a mix of both. Have Mom kneel- No, bow in front of me and kiss the floor, while she commands everyone in the neighborhood to bow behind her or go on each other in one big orgy.

Each and every hypothetical that crossed my mind sounded more appetizing than the last, and, to further cement the amount of power that was thrust into my unprepared hands, they were all entirely possible. That’s the amazing thing... I could do almost anything. Just a few hours ago, I’d have to ask and then hope to receive my mother’s permission just to get away with every minute thing. But after what was a very fortunate series of events, I’m in control. I can take the wheel of my own life and not the unstoppable all-powerful force that is my mother.

Heh- It always comes back to her, doesn’t it? She brought me into this world. She gave me powers that have always been nothing more than useless. She allowed her daughter to physically abuse me on a daily basis. She spent what might’ve been ten years of her life studying through classes after classes to get her own enhancement charm. She let me take it out for a spin in an effort to teach me a lesson. And...

Well, letting me toy around with her charm was the last proper flex of her authority she’ll ever get to make.

I’m at the top now.

And it’s all her own fucking fault.

If I were her, I’d use my powers to secure complete control over every living thing around me. Not live in a suburban neighborhood and mingle with people who could be kissing my feet at just a mental flex.

But she chose not to take control over her family, so I guess I have to step up and take the commanding spot she failed to fill to her full potential.

I entered my house through the front door and- Well, I guess it’s really her house, but she’s a slave to her own charm right now, so really it’s-

Fuck I’m getting ahead of myself.

Making it to the living room, I took a seat on the sofa facing the television and just took a moment to breathe in the steady air. Despite the familiar action being nothing too extraordinary, everything felt fresh, like a well-deserved apology from the universe.

My naked bitchy tomboy of a sister followed behind me like the obedient little fuck doll she is and was left staring past my seated figure as she had completed her previous order of following me. And when a mindless piece of fuck meat had no order to follow, the only thing left to do was stand in wait for the following command.

Drop to your knees

Without a blink or even the faintest twitch on her expressionless face, Thea dropped downwards and thumped her knees onto the floor. Her modestly sized rack jiggled and created a soft clap sound as they slapped against her toned chest.

Get aroused.

“Yes, Master.” Thea’s almond-colored nipples instantly grew hard and stuck out from the pale skin of her breasts.

Don’t be aroused.

“Yes, Master.” Her nipples softened again from their previously stiff state.

“Holy shit...” I muttered.

Is this really even my sister? The same bitch that would shove my face down the toilet just because I bumped into her after she exited the bathroom in a towel? Because right now, I am literally seeing nothing more than a fuck toy in the body of my bitch of a punk sister.

Get aroused.

“Yes, Master.”

Again, her nipples grew hard, and I couldn’t hold back my smile. “You like to obey me, don’t you?”

Thea didn’t respond. Only a mindless blink showed that she was even alive.

Say yes.

“Yes,” She said. “I love to obey you, Master.”

I blinked.

Huh. I expected her to just end it at “Yes.” Since that’s all I commanded her to say.

It’s like sometimes people will take my command to take liberties on my behalf. Like when Lilly was able to decide which hand she used to grab my dick. But, how does that work? I don’t want someone to use a command I make to forge their own path; that freedom could easily backfire on me.

Well, I might as well bring in the one person who has years of experience over this than I do.

Mom. Come into the living room, and stand next to Thea. With that comment sent, I nestled my head back against the sofa and waited.

And fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long.

I heard her voice before I got to see her. “Cody!” To the surprise of no one, the former queen of this house didn’t sound too pleased having her position uprooted by her own charm. “Young man, stop this. NOW!”

My gaze turned to see the tightly robed hourglass figure of my mother walking down the stairs. Her huge mounds of titfat jiggled beneath her robe with each step she took.

“Hi, Mom.” I flashed her my teeth. Something that only made her frown somehow deepen.

“This isn’t something you can play off as a joke. Understand me?” She managed to speak with a still dominant air; the tone itself almost made me second guess everything and vocally apologize. Even without using her power to control, she still has a full grasp of how to flex her authority. Yet, despite that, she still obeyed my order and approached me by standing in front of the couch.

With her position before me, she planted her hands on her hips and glared down at my seated figure. She truly appeared to be in control of everything, and my past actions were nothing but a minor annoyance to what is her unlimited power. But that was the case.

Keyword. Was.

“You already crossed the line.” Mom continued speaking. “Now. Every second you disobey me, I’m going to make sure your punishment is even worse than whatever you can imagine. Undo. This. NOW.”

She’s good.

That voice always squeezed out obedience from me growing up, and she knew it. Looming her authority aura over me is the only hope she has to regain some semblance of control.

“Sorry, Mom,” I said and licked my lips as I looked over her robe-clad figure. Damn, she’s backing the body of a supermodel. That robe was wrapped tightly around her toned waist, which just displayed how truly fit yet curvaceous she was. “That’s not going to work. You can’t control me anymore!”

She gritted her teeth. “You think this is all about you, huh? You see this as you finally getting your chance to be in charge.” Her eyes rolled. “You’re a kid! I don’t care if you’re eighteen. You have the mind of a child! You don’t pay rent. You don’t pay the bills. You don’t even know how to file your taxes! And all this power you think you deserve to wield is just going to get you arrested for life. The legal system isn’t going to allow some snotty-nosed kid to run amuck and enslave everyone who turns him on. There’s so much you haven’t even learned yet.”

Silence stretched between us as she stood in place, still somewhat towering above me with her hands nestled on each side of her hip.

“Wow.” I blinked. “You done?”

“Am I done?” She snapped. “Cody, this is enough. You’ve had your little fun. But these games have long time consequences. Stop this before—”

“I don’t know anything.” I said, “You’re right.” I paused to let my eyes linger over my mother’s body for a brief moment before I added. “But my big strong mommy knows all about the world, and she’s full of wisdom that’s going to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

My mother’s eyes narrowed. “Do you honestly think you can control my mind? I’m not going to help you.”

“What do you mean!? I’m controlling you right now!”

“You’re controlling my body.” She corrected and cocked her hip. “But you notice how I’m not a mindless sack like your sister? I am stronger than you are right now, WITH my enhancement charm. So no. You can’t force me to help you. I’ll always have my consciousness, and I’ll be here to witness every moment you deliberately act against my authority. No matter what you do, you can’t change the fact that I’ve spent more than half of my life training up my powers. You can’t push aside my will with a simple comma—”

Go into a trance like Thea.

My mother’s words cut short mid-sentence, and her hands slumped off her curvy hip to slap against her sides. Her mouth closed shut, and she stared straight ahead while standing right beside her naked daughter; her face was completely void of emotion.

“Holy shit!” I said in genuine surprise. “What the fuck.”

It worked.

It worked way too easily.

I honestly believed every word she said; it made sense that she’d naturally be able to resist me more than Thea. Hell, my powers are really just hers, passed down through genes. If anyone could resist me, Enhancement charm or not, it would be her. But fuck all that, right? Here she is, as mindless and void of life as Thea. All of that talk and for what? She’s as easy to control as anyone else. Maybe she was naturally resistant, as I had to directly command her to go into a trance where Thea and Lilly naturally fell into one without me having to command them to. But either way, it wasn’t hard.

While in a trance, you’ll answer my questions honestly.

“Okay.” I gulped. “Why did my powers work on you so easily? You said you could resist them.”

Mom stared straight ahead as her mouth opened obediently. “I was wrong.” She said,

Her complete lack of emotion that was void from her familiar strict voice made my dick pulse. My mother is my mindless slave. There’s no other way to cut it. The most powerful being in my life is now nothing more than my property to command. And also...

She was wrong?

Fuck yeah.

This powerhouse of a woman believed that she’d be able to shrug off any attempts to nullify her consciousness just as much as I had. Realy, we were both wrong.

Like mother like son...

Well, that’s not really how the saying goes.

It’s like mother like daughter. Let’s make that saying fit the situation a bit more.

Strip naked and stand directly beside Thea so I can compare your bodies.

Mom obeyed my command in silence and instantly began to undo the knot which held her robe tightly against her body.

I couldn’t have that.

Say, Yes Master, when I give you a command.

“Yes, Master.” Mom’s always so strict and mature voice came out as an obedient drone. The sound almost made me cum on the spot; how the mighty have fallen. And the sight before me definitely didn’t help me from keeping in a premature ejaculation. Lilly was hot in a cute slim way. Thea had a sexy tomboy look that blended her curvaceous figure with a tough biker-girl vibe.

But in comparison...


It’s clear as day Mom’s hourglass full MILF figure, more specifically her child birthing hips, are the only things that could give birth to two top-tier young women. They were both hot enough that guys would fight with each other just for the chance to go on a date with them. And all of their genes came from the woman striping before me.

She peeled her robe off herself, inch by inch; I didn’t even realize she was swaying her body in a sensual manner while doing so until the robe was tossed aside by a seductive flick of her wrist. Now underneath, I had expected her to be wearing her swimsuit. It was just easy to assume that she had gotten out of the pool, received her robe from her room, noticed the mess I left behind, then proceeded to catch me fucking with Thea. That’s just how I believed the course of events had played out. But fuck me. I guess my mother was a bit kinkier than I had believed, to be naked underneath nothing more than a glorified cloth pressed against her curvy body.

Because, yes, she’s naked.

I’ve seen so many naked women online, enough that it’s honestly pathetic. But seeing something this hot in person was better than anything locked behind a screen. The natural light from outside bounced across every inch of her curvy figure, and as she discarded her robe, her seductive sways stopped, leaving nothing but a slight ripple through her now naked tits as she moved to stand stock still at attention beside Thea. Oh, and those tits. Those fucking tits!

I swear, right as she pulled her robe away from her rack and they bounced free into the open air, a faint trail of steam breathed outwards as if she had just revealed a freshly baked meal. They were the fattest set of funbags I might’ve ever laid my eyes on. They rested teasingly on the toned chest and stomach of her fit and slim frame and had a natural look that somehow didn’t even sag too much despite the amount of milk she must be packing.

“Fuck...” I grunted.

Shit. I need to ask her a shit ton of questions. Like- how I can go about this without hitting legal problems. Why are people doing things I didn’t command them to; hell, she stripped seductively, which isn’t want I told her to do.

But despite those logical things, I should be focusing on... I really need to get off.

I stood up and walked around my prizes. Getting a sideways profile from the two women standing side by side, my mother’s fat rack made it impossible to even see Thea’s tits, and my sister’s chest wasn’t even something to scoff at. They both stared ahead with blank gazes as I trailed across every inch of their curvaceous figures. When I moved to stand in front of them, their blank gazes failed to recognize anything when my hands hungrily reached up to grope both of their utters. After fitting my mother’s enticing-looking nipple between my fingers, I squeezed her nip and coaxed it with my thumb as if it were a joystick for a controller. It grew harder and more stiff as I flicked it, and soon she was just as erect as her daughter. Her colossal rack is just waiting to be milked by a hungering mouth.

I swallowed through my dry throat.

Stepping back, I gave both of their tits a slap and watched them jiggled back into place. My hand squeezed into my mother’s huge left tit while the other grabbed onto Thea’s right boob, and I maneuvered their nipples to poke onto and flick their erect heads against each other.

Don’t be aroused. I commanded both of them.

Their nipples softened and stopped pressing against each other.

Be aroused.

On cue, their nips grew hard again and were poking directly into each other’s yielding tit.

Don’t be aroused. Their nipples softened.

Be aroused. They became erect.

I repeated that order for a full minute, the entire time just relishing in the complete control over these two women. It’s a fantasy turned real; I have true unrestricted power. And this is the proof! For once... for fucking once, I don’t have to worry about something breaking in to ruin my fun. The only person who could possibly stop me, the only being in my life, I was afraid of ruining my only chance at fun...

My mom...

Is nothing but a doll for me to control as I see fit.

No more pain.

No more surprises.

I’m finally in control.

I let out a satisfied sigh and collapsed onto the couch.

Give me a titjob. I commanded Mom while spreading my legs.

My mother, who had been standing at attention beside her daughter this entire time while ultimately failing to live up to her statement of having a mind too powerful to control, said, “Yes, Master,” and stepped forward to get onto her knees before me.

I adjusted myself on the couch and started to pull down my pants before I realized something and stopped.

Pull out my dick for me.

“Yes, Master.” She said and moved her hands to do as a proper mommy sex slave should.

I held my breath as I felt her strong hands fish out my cock and wrap around its erect length gently. With my dick out, she reached to lift up her own hefty massive udders and drop them down against my thighs which created a loud, meaty slap sound from the sheen of sweat she had accumulated over her chest bags. I watched as she quite literally sunk her own hands into the yielding flesh of her fat tits and maneuvered them around my cock to the point where I couldn’t see my dick anymore.

“Fuckk..” I breathed as Mom began to massage my cock with her two heavenly sacks of milk.

This is the same woman who gave me hell once a week for not cleaning my room.

It’s been stated once, and it’ll be stated again.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

I shut my eyes and leaned back as Mom continued to obey and fulfill a titjob—a show of proper submission to her son under the mental control of her own power.

I can think about being responsible with this opportunity later; besides, with Mom under my thumb, I’m pretty sure I won’t have any issues. I honestly feel like a god with this enhancement charm, but if I control my mother AND give her the charm to further enhance her power...


I’ll consider that some other time. Right now, I have a titjob to enjoy from the former goddess now sex slave that is my mother.