The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Everyone in it is 18+ and everyone outside should be as well. It’s been two weeks since the end of the last chapter.

Spellbinders Saga

By Arthur N. Owen

Volume II: Double or Nothing, Chapter 11: A Unique Birthday Gift

David Wilson looked up from behind his Dungeon Master screen. In front of him were his girlfriend-no FIANCÉE (That still took a little getting used to) and their six closest friends at UCLA: Eleanor Graham, Louis Lafayette, James Marks (their host), Scott Pendergast, Monique Valjean, and Caroline Zahn. Kelly notwithstanding, none of the females in the group were all that thrilled about playing Dungeons and Dragons, but since Valentine’s Day was less than a week away, they had been convinced to count this as their gifts to their boyfriends. Scott was a Dwarven Ranger, Monique was a Halfling Warrior, Kelly was an Elven Thief, Caroline was a Dwarven Cleric, Louis was a Halfling Wizard, Eleanor was a Human Cleric and James was a Human Warrior. They’d been playing for an hour and a half, and even the girls were starting to get into it.

David narrated the next encounter. “You see the castle you were looking for to your left. Unfortunately, it is on the opposite side of a wide, steep ravine. The only way across the ravine is via the nearby bridge. Fortunately, the bridge is strong and sturdy. Unfortunately, so is its guardian, a ten-foot-tall ogre!

Kelly joked. “Eleanor should take point, she already ‘encountered’ an ogre in real life!”

Eleanor shot her an angry look. “It was more like he encountered me!“

David continued. “The ogre cannot be damaged by males standing within 100 feet of him.”

Scott said. “Not a problem for me. I double back and climb a tree 200 feet away from him. I’m accurate with my longbow over a quarter mile and it’s not like the arrows are male.“

David said. “That checks. Roll for initiative.” Scott rolled a natural 20. David joked. “Nice shooting, Tex.”

“My Pinpoint feat means that I can choose which body part my arrow hits, which will serve to cripple the beast however I wish for the rest of the encounter.” He noticed Kelly rubbing her right eye. “I say it hits him in the right eye.“

“My turn.” said Kelly. “I only come up to his waist, and I’m only armed with a dagger. I move on his right side, attempting to sneak up on him. Because he’s blind on that side now, this roll is plus 2.” While she only rolled a 10, with her class’s high stealth and the ogre’s blindness it counted as a success. “I stab him in the leg multiple times, making sure he’s walking with a limp for a while. Now Ugly’s even more vulnerable on that side.“

Désolé, mes amis.” said Louis. “I used up all my good ranged spells against the mad druid. I can’t touch le brute.“

“What do you have left, bud?” asked James. “You can’t be more useless than me right now.“

“Illusion spell. I can make him see something terrible and move in a chosen direction away from it.”

“That seems like the kind of thing that I could bless and give better odds to.” said Caroline.

Merci.” said Louis. “Help a brother out!“

“Make him move towards the cliff edge.” said Kelly. “Monique and Eleanor haven’t taken their turns yet.”

“I see where this is going!” said Eleanor. “I’m going to bless Monique’s war hammer. Make sure the big lug really feels it!“

Louis’s action was a success and scared the ogre towards the sheer edge of the ravine. He made his dolphin-imitation victory cry.

“I attack le monstre! said Monique, after rolling a successful hit. “With Eleanor’s blessing, and the injuries that Scott and Kelly already dealt him, this should be enough to lay him out.“

“Not with the amount of HP he has.” countered David.

“I disagree.” said Kelly. “He’s lost depth perception, has an injured leg, and was pushed toward the edge of the cliff by Louis’s illusion spell. Monique’s strike might not have been enough to defeat the ogre, but it was enough to knock him over the side. Does GRAVITY need to roll for initiative?“

James imitated the sound of Wile E. Coyote falling off a cliff. “EEEEEEeeeeeeeeuuuuuu... SPLAT.”

Caroline added. “Even if the fall didn’t kill him, he’s no threat to us down there.“

“As my fiancée would say, ‘Hard to argue with that one.’ The ogre is defeated. You may move on.” conceded David.

They played for another hour before reaching the treasure room and the end of the quest. Kelly said, “Ladies, we should let our men discuss what they will be doing for us come Valentine’s Day.”

“After this, it better be a night I’ll never forget, and for the right reasons!” warned Eleanor.

Convenue” said Monique. (Subtitle: Agreed)

“Me too.” said Caroline. The four of them went to the bedroom.

James said. “As host, I’ll start. Eleanor wants to see all the cultural stuff that is in short supply back in Montana. Thanks to my parents’ donations, I’ve got the best museums in Los Angeles ready to open their doors for her. And she’ll open her lips for me afterwords.”

Scott groaned. “Yeah, yeah, your girl gives the best head in history. We’ve heard it a million times. You do realize that there is no way for us to know that for sure without her ‘demonstrating’ on us?”

David interjected. Unlike Scott and Louis, he actually had one of Eleanor’s sensational blowjobs (though none of them were aware of it). “Allow me to testify on Ms. Graham’s behalf. I was there when she gave him the apology sucking at Starbuck’s. She kept him going twenty-five minutes. If any of yours can beat that...“

Vous gagnez.” said Louis (meaning You win). “Monique can’t even last dix.“

“I’ll just say Caroline can’t compete and leave it at that.” said Scott, a little embarrassed. “Moving on, Neal Diamond will be at SoFI Stadium on V-Day. Caroline and I will be as well.”

“That’s interesting.” said Louis. ”Monsieur Diamond is only half of the performance. Wyclef Jean is the other half, and Monique and I will be there too.“

“Want to double for dinner before the show?”

“I was about to ask the same question!”

The three of them eyed David. “We still haven’t heard your plans.” said James. “Or did you blow all your romantic gestures when you popped the question?“

“I don’t have big plans with Kelly for Valentine’s Day.” said David. “I might take her to Carapone’s but we’re just going to do something normal for entertainment.” None of them knew what David and Kelly considered “normal” entertainment.

“WHAT?!” said the three of them at once.

“Kelly’s birthday is the weekend after V-Day.” continued David. “I’m planning on something extra special then. Big enough for a double whammy.“

“I hope Kelly understands that.” said Scott. “We all know what happened to the last guy who disappointed her.“

“Were you referring to Paterno or the guy she climbed up the building for?” asked Louis.

“Building guy. If you count what happened with Paterno as a relationship you should be castrated.”

“At least her parents approve of me.” said David. “Can James say that?”

“Her parents don’t even know we’re dating!” said James, blushing. “To Dan Stone, you’re the guy who stopped someone who was repeatedly sexually violating his daughter. To Gideon Graham, were he aware of me, I AM the guy who is repeatedly sexually violating his daughter!”

“But she loves you and consented every time.” said Louis.

“TELL HIM THAT! I took her back after she cheated on me, I helped her get birth control, I’m opening my home to her for free starting next semester, and she’s here half the time already! Most fathers would see those gestures as signs of love and devotion to their daughters. They would think ‘Wow, I want him for a son-in-law.’ Eleanor’s would see it as my corruption of her morals.“

“Can we please drop this subject?” asked Scott. “Clearly it’s not something that James enjoys talking about.”

Meanwhile, the girls sat on the queen-sized bed and talked. “So, what do you think about D and D?” asked Kelly.

“Better than I expected.” said Caroline.

“I’ve had worse experiences.” said Monique.

“I’m not a big fan of being somebody else.” said Eleanor.

“Is that why you picked the character so close to who you really are? Human cleric. You were barely ‘role playing’ at all. Would you be willing to do it again?”

“Maybe in like three months.” said Caroline.

“I could live with that.” agreed Monique.

“I’d need some kind of favor from James first, maybe even all of you!” said Eleanor.

“You mean like how James is letting you live here rent-free?” said Kelly.

Au contraire.” said Monique. “I’m sure she’ll earn her keep one way or another.” This line elicited laughter from Kelly and Caroline but Eleanor looked pissed.

“Eleanor’s arrangement with James aside, you three still feel like this counted as a Valentine’s gift for your hubbies?” asked Kelly.

“I’m going to reserve judgement until I see what I’m getting.” said Caroline.

“What she said.” said Eleanor.

Moi Aussi.” said Monique. (Translation: Me Too)

Kelly pouted. “I’m sorry you feel that way. Ellie-Vator, Drop Drown. Monique, la sieste. Caroline, inclined to obey.“

“Ground floor, programming and obedience.”

Je dors profound

“Bum, Bum, Bum.”

Kelly smiled as she looked at her three pretty pals, deep in trances. Eleanor, who had been taken the deepest, had fallen backwards and was slumped against the headboard. Monique simply looked like she was asleep while sitting up. Caroline’s posture hadn’t changed at all, but she was now smiling widely and dreamily. David and Kelly both knew that James, Louis and Scott were all excellent boyfriends (they wouldn’t have let the relationships continue if they didn’t think that) and would soon prove that fact beyond a shadow of doubt. However, David believed that the girls counting having to play Dungeons and Dragons as a gift was excessive, particularly in Eleanor’s case. David didn’t want Eleanor, Monique or Caroline to be perceived as ungrateful, a concept that could lead to the dissolution of their relationships. While having no idea what his friends had planned for their respective Valentine’s Day events, he nonetheless decided to tip the scales of gratitude back in their favor, which Kelly agreed to help with. “Ladies, each of you loves your boyfriend and knows that he loves you too, don’t you?“

“Of course.” said Eleanor.

Oui.” said Monique.

“So much.” said Caroline. All of them were smiling dreamily now.

“You each know that he’ll pull out all the stops for your first V-Day together, right?“


Bien sûr.“

“No doubt in my mind.”

“Good to know. When you find out what your respective boyfriend has in store for you on Valentine’s Day, It’s important that you react with all the gratitude he deserves, not taking any other events into account. And when you get to an intimate setting later on, you will show him just how grateful you are, and make sure he won’t even consider that you aren’t. Understand?“

“Yes.” said Eleanor.

Oui.” said Monique.

“Uh-huh.” said Caroline.

Kelly smiled mischievously. Their boyfriends weren’t going to know what hit them! “Now that that’s taken care of, the three of you will wake up when I snap my fingers. You won’t remember anything more happening than us ribbing Eleanor further about her living situation.” Kelly snapped her fingers, and her friends awakened as one. She said. “Would you consider this bed your future workplace?” and got giggles from Caroline and Monique and a pillow thrown at her by Eleanor.

The event ended shortly after that, and David and Kelly walked back together. David explained what his friends had in store for their girlfriends. “I honestly feel that our ‘insurance coverage’ might not have been necessary.”

“Hard to argue with that one, based on what you told me!”

“I know, right? Care to place a wager on whether any of them proposes?”

“I highly doubt that James would. Yes, his parents adore Eleanor, but hers are more likely to prepare a shotgun than a wedding. Far as I know, Monique and Louis are the only one of the three couples who have both met each other’s families, but, as I told you in confidence, he’s got something really important to concern himself with right now. Scott and Caroline are moving very fast.” described Kelly. “No bet, but if I had to guess, it would be Louis or Scott, but not both.“

“I’m inclined to agree. Now for our plans. What did you have in mind?“

“If you can guarantee that Wendy is working that night, Carapone’s. Otherwise, we can just eat at the cafeteria and gather some friends for a party at Regina’s place. We both know she’s single.“

“And so is every Tau except for you and Monique. Is there some kind of anti-dating policy?”

“Yes and no.” explained Kelly. “Erica demands a very high standard of men who would be seen in public with a sister of Tau Nu Alpha. The only men at UCLA who fit that criteria are Louis, James and Brandon if his...tendencies weren’t well known. She’s mentioned a few others, but I haven’t met them and I’m pretty sure they are all taken anyway.“

“What about me?” asked David, a bit insulted.

“You qualify on a technicality. Because you saved me from Paterno, you count as worthy for me. Any of the others would turn you down.“

“I’d ask about your sibling frat, but you don’t have one.”

“We used to.” said Kelly. “Delta Omega Alpha. My ex was a member. Until they lived up to their anagram.“

“Yeah, I know. Campus security got called on their party last year. Nobody got expelled, but their charter got revoked.”

“Erica had the party broken up. Because it was at their building, they were held accountable and we weren’t, even though the party was ostensibly a joint endeavor. Since taking leadership, she’s turned down every attempt to gain us a new sibling, and there have been quite a few.”

“Not surprising, considering what your sisters are like,” Kelly smiled at the compliment. “But why did she sabotage her own party?“

“The frat brothers served a naked sushi girl.”

“They call it nyotaimori.“

“I know. Believe me, I know. It’s something that was burned into my brain, along with Erica’s seven-minute rant when she was ‘served’. Some highlights included the unsanitary nature of the food, the insults to her culture, and the fact the girl on the table was practically a prostitute. Yes, I can see why she’d find it objectionable, but the way she screamed, you’d think the sushi was being served off her mother’s fresh corpse! The sad part is, because I was just a pledge at the time, I had to wait until the brothers and sisters with seniority ate first. The party was shut down before I got through the queue.“

“Can we circle back to the accountability question? Erica couldn’t call in the troops on a party in her own sorority house, because she’d be held responsible for anything that happens there, right?” asked David.

“Yes, but she’s also able to veto anything and anyone she doesn’t want at the party. I want to have my birthday party at the sorority house, but the guest list would be very exclusive.“

How exclusive?“

“Sorority sisters and/or graduated sisters only. This isn’t a holiday so exceptions are limited. Since the party would be in my honor she can’t exclude you, but that’s about it.” Kelly was a bit down.

“I’ll talk to her. I think I can get you the party you really want.“

“For any other sister that would be an uphill battle but for me? You’re looking at climbing a smooth wall as tall as your dorm with no equipment! Unless you plan to use your special key...“

“My fiancée AND my Valentine deserves to be treated like the treasure she is on her birthday. Erica needs to understand that and I’ll make sure she does.“

“I’ll hold you to that, big boy.” David then pulled her into a big hug. “I guess I walked into that one, didn’t I?”

Always be careful with your words around a hypnotist, hot stuff.” Kelly curled her arms around him and leaned in for a kiss. After two and a half minutes of kissing, he said “You know, the kind of sex we get up to on a regular basis would be the result of a massive celebration for most other couples.“

“Are you saying that I’d be greedy if I expected something out of you for V-Day or that you’re going to do something so epic it’ll make me wish you can propose all over again anyway so I can say yes all over again?“

David smiled ear-to-ear. “Yes.”

Kelly kissed him again. “Thought so. “Erica really likes making people jump through hoops for her, especially if they have Y chromosomes. I’d tell you not to do anything that I wouldn’t do, but since you’re the pragmatic one, that makes no sense!“

With that, Kelly gave him one last kiss and took off for the Tau house. The moment she was out of earshot, David was dialing Erica, who was programmed to see the call as Kelly, and always answer it with speakerphone. “What do you want?” said the pissed-off president.

“Erica, do what Saimin Says.” said David. Despite her being in his thrall for four months, this was the first time he’d used her trigger.

“What Saimin Say, I obey.” said Erica flatly.

“Are you able to speak now without risk of being overheard, Erica?”

Hai, David-sama. I am alone in my room and the Tau Nu Alpha house is otherwise deserted.“

“Perfect. Kelly told me you’d give me the run-around if I wanted to have a meeting with you. What’s the shortest time you can have elapse before the meeting takes place but still appear to be you making me work for it?“

“Three days, David-sama

“I can live with three days. Once you wake up, you will believe that you had just picked up this call and realized it was from me, not remembering that I told you anything before that. I am then going to ask for a meeting with you about Kelly’s birthday party. You can make all the excuses and deferments you want, but you will make the appointment for three days from now and you will honor it. Understand?“

Hai, David-sama

“One last thing. Kelly is NOT to know about any of this. Not even if she puts you under between now and the meeting and specifically asks you about it.” All of the thralls programmed by David’s subliminals obeyed him before any other, even Malcolm. “Do you understand?“

Hai, David-sama

“Good, count to three in your head, turn off the speakerphone and awaken.” Erica made excuses and chastised him and Kelly for a solid five minutes, but she eventually did as she had been told and made the meeting. After hanging up, David said to himself. “Now I get why Kelly keeps singling her out.”

The night of the party, Kelly was in high spirits. If it weren’t for the fact that her fiancée could have her sorority president in his hypnotic control at a moment’s notice, she’d never believe that Erica would let her have a party here. Every current member of Tau Nu Alpha was here, along with David and, surprisingly, Louis. However, Erica had been led away by David shortly after the party began. David had come back without her and claimed she was preparing to serve the first course. Ten minutes later, David left for the kitchen and came back delicately pushing a large cart covered with a sheet. The sheet was held up with poles underneath, so it was impossible to tell the shape of what was on the cart.

“Dinner is served, ladies and gentleman (Louis was the only male besides David himself). I guarantee that this will be the most delicious sushi ever eaten at UCLA!” said David. He went around to the opposite side of the cart and slowly pulled off the sheet. First seen were a pair of feet, with a plate of ebi nigiri between them. Next came the sexy slender legs, each with a small saucer tied to the knee full of maki rolls.

David had revealed the “table’s” crotch, with a small bowl of wasabi at it when Kelly screamed ”NYOTAIMORI!” and gave her boyfriend a big kiss amidst several gasps from the crowd. “You got me a nyotaimori! How the hell did Erica greenlight this?“

“You’ll see in a few minutes, hot stuff.” said David as he continued pulling the sheet off. The sexy server’s washboard stomach was home to egg nigiri. A small stack of tuna rolls covered each of her nipples. Each hand held a saucer of sashimi. Finally, a small dish of California rolls was balanced between her breasts. Kelly held her breath as David pulled the sheet off the rest of the way, revealing the lovely, serene face of the sushi girl-a very familiar face, but the last Kelly (and every other Tau) would ever expect in these circumstances-Erica’s! Said face was devoid of all emotion, with eyes blank, glazed and dilated to the point where her eye color was hard to determine. “Happy birthday and belated Happy Valentine’s Day, love of my life.“

Kelly was the most shocked she’d been since seeing Regina go under for the first time. Even knowing what her hypnotist husband-to-be was capable of she was still speechless for almost a minute, “How is no one shocked that she’s on the menu?“

“Mass trance this morning.” explained David as Kelly looked around. There was a bit of glaze in the eyes of all the other guests. “Everyone sees the girl on the table as someone I hired and believes that Erica stormed off in disgust when she realized what was being served. Even Erica herself.”

“You couldn’t have decorated her by yourself!”

“I didn’t. The caterers from the sushi place did it after I hypnotized them. There’s plenty more sushi in the kitchen, and Erica will ‘come back’ after this plate is cleaned and the sushi girl ‘leaves’”

“And Erica won’t pitch a fit because...”

“She can’t call campus security on a party in her own house. Yes, she’ll be pissed, but have no choice but to blame herself for missing specifics. At least, that’s what she’s been told to think.“

“Setting this up with the guests and the restaurant seems like a simple task for a hypnotist like you, big boy. But how in the name of God did you get Erica to go along with this?“

“I thought you’d never ask...” said David, grinning as he began to tell the story.

Erica had deliberately arranged for the meeting to be at a time when Kelly was in class and David wasn’t. She’d even convinced Monique to join Kelly for a workout afterwards. David’s programming to keep the plans away from Kelly was going strong. In fact, when David arrived, the Tau house was deserted except for Erica herself. “You really keep the place in order”, said David as she met him at the door. He faked unfamiliarity with the pretty president, as she had been programmed to forget every one of their previous interactions aside from the Halloween party.

“Thanks, but I want to keep this as brief as possible.” said Erica. “Follow me.” She led him into her room. The president’s room was considerably larger than any other bedroom in the house (and most of them were for two people whereas Erica was by herself). She sat in a swivel chair behind a large, ornate desk, and had him sit in a smaller, less comfortable chair. Erica spoke to him like a bored school principal would address a child. “You want to use the Tau Nu Alpha house for a party, correct?”

“Yes. For Kelly’s birthday party.”

“Since Kelly is a sister of our sorority, I am honor-bound to hear you out.”


“This will not be a public party, so only current and/or former Tau sisters may attend. As the person paying for the party and the boyfriend...”

“Fiancée.” he corrected.

“My mistake and congratulations. Fiancée of the guest of honor, you can attend.“

“Does any other Tau sister even have a significant other?“

“Among the current crop only yourself for Kelly and Louis Lafayette for Monique Valjean are in that category. It’s not his girlfriend’s birthday so I don’t have to let him come.“

“Have you heard the rumors about Louis?”

“That the US Olympic team is looking into him for Paris? Who hasn’t?“

“What if I told you it wasn’t a rumor anymore?“

At this Erica perked up and became interested. “How do you know?”

“Louis told Monique. Monique told Kelly. Kelly told me. The school’s keeping it under wraps so they can make a big event out of it when the season ends.”

Erica regained her composure. “I will need to verify this, but if it is true, an exception can be made.”

David thought. “Bullshit. Bad enough that Eleanor and Caroline can’t be here with their boyfriends. You could be nice and say that the boyfriend of the best friend of the guest of honor could be here, but no-o-o he can only be here because he’s going to be an Olympian and nobody knows it but you!” “Now for specifics on the party” he said aloud. “Saturday after Valentine’s Day, starting at 6:30, running until 9:30.“

“That works.” said Erica.

“As for food, I was thinking sushi.”

Erica smiled. “Excellent choice. I know I might be a bit biased because of my heritage, but I always pick sushi when feeding a large group of people. It doesn’t have to be heated, it stores easily if there are leftovers, and the wide variety of rolls means that there’s bound to be something for everyone to eat!“

“I know. Kelly says you make that argument every time you order it for the girls, which is at least monthly.”

“Doesn’t make it any less true! Anyway, the best place for sushi within five miles of UCLA is right next door to my favorite club.”

Tenshi Ichiban. Again, Kelly told me.“

“Unless you plan on inviting alumnae, that’s sixteen people assuming Louis is eligible and Ingrid is available. I already have a list of the sisters’ preferences, and so does the restaurant...”

“That will be helpful, thank you. There is one last thing” said David. “Kelly told me about the party at your ex-sibling frat...”


“What’s so bad about it?” asked David.

“Where do I begin?” snapped Erica. “It’s unsanitary. It’s demeaning. It makes a mockery of my heritage, and this is a sorority house, not a brothel! I wouldn’t be caught anywhere near it! I know Kelly has strange tastes, but this is too far! I have half a mind to nip this party in the bud for you even bringing it up!” Erica didn’t realize or didn’t care that she had insulted David along with Kelly.

“So if there somehow was a nyotaimori in the Tau house, since you couldn’t kill the party without getting the sorority written up, it would be normal for you to leave in disgust?“

“There is NOTHING ‘normal’ about nyotaimori, but if you mean ‘Would it not surprise anyone if I acted that way?’, the answer is yes.“

David stood up. “Well that makes this a lot easier. Erica, do what Saimin Says.”

Erica slumped onto her desk, her pretty eyes slamming shut “What Saimin Say, I obey.”

“Open your eyes and get out of that chair, then kneel on the floor.” commanded David.

Hai, David-sama.” Erica did as she was told.

David looked at Kelly’s nemesis, now stripped of all power as she was helpless to disobey him. “We’ve never really had any interactions that you were awake for until now. I always thought Kelly’s poor opinion of you was overinflated. You really do go out of your way to demean her and Monique, don’t you?“

Hai, David-sama. Monique and Kelly-sama are not worthy enough for this sorority. If I cannot remove them, I must make them want to leave.” Erica’s candid confirmation of Kelly’s suspicions about her made David furious. If it weren’t for Malcolm’s rules about discretion, he’d have Erica humiliate herself to the point where her life would be a living hell.

David sat down in Erica’s chair, then grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him with blank eyes. “I’ve never been more tempted to use the stick than I am now. Starting after the party, your opinions of Kelly and Monique are going to change. You will treat them with the same amount of respect you do every other sister. You will not realize this change is occurring and ignore any comments about it. Understand?”

Hai, David-sama.“

“Soon I am going to tell you what you are going to do for Kelly’s party. You will do it to the best of your ability, and your desire to do so will supersede all feelings you have about the acts themselves. Understand?“

Hai, David-sama.“

David unzipped his pants. “Right now, though, I have a better use for that condescending little mouth of yours...”

David finished the story. “She sucked me off. Based on her skill level and her demeanor, I guessed that it was her first time, which she later confirmed. After that, I programmed her to be your sexy sushi girl. Even if she did want to do this, she couldn’t have done it without me putting her in such a deep trance that her opinion was moot anyway. You’re lucky I can do this, hiring one was out of my price range and she got it practically prohibited!“

Kelly now had the widest mischievous smile David had ever seen on her pretty face. “I don’t know which part is hotter. That I get a sushi girl for my birthday, that it’s Erica, or that you hypnotized her to be one for me!“

“Don’t forget the fact that we’re the only ones who know it’s her.“

“My only complaint is not being able to see you ‘train’ her.”

You’re the one who trained her, hot stuff. You put her under so many times that her resistance no longer existed.“

“Hard to argue with that one. Why is no one reacting to us talking shop?” wondered Kelly.

“More universal programming. They’ll tune our conversations out unless we say their names. They’re also programmed not to take anything from the ‘table’ before you do, so what are you waiting for?” David handed her a platter from a nearby counter.

Kelly reached for the tuna on tits. ”Bon appetit, everyone!“

Fifteen minutes later, all of the sushi on Erica had been consumed. David removed the plates and coverings, leaving her completely naked as she stood up. “Okay, Erica, what happens now?”

“I go to my room, shower and get dressed, David-sama. I go outside where I believe I stormed to in disgust after seeing the nyotaimori. I remain there until Lupe comes outside and convinces me to return to the party.“

Kelly chimed in. “Good call on the shower, she might smell something fishy otherwise.”

David snickered, “Very good, Madame President. Do your duty.” Erica walked to her room and shut the door. He then took the cart into the kitchen, Kelly right behind him.

Once they were alone in the kitchen, Kelly pulled her fiancée into a hug. “BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!” she exclaimed. “Among those I can remember, anyway.” she disclaimed.

“Yeah, can’t imagine topping the actual day of your birth, hot stuff.” said David as he took a tray of sushi out of the refrigerator.

“Though I’m guessing you’ll do your darndest to try, big boy.“

“Good guess. I’ve got something really special planned once we’re done eating.” said David with a wink.

“I wait with bated breath.” They loaded up the sushi onto the cart and brought it back to the main room. A minute later, a fully dressed and primped Erica walked out of her room, then out of the house in a daze.

“About sixty seconds from now, Lupe is going to go convince her to come back.” whispered David.

“The outcome of that is not in doubt, of course.” said Kelly. Lupe left moments later.

“Quite so. Once all the food is eaten, Ingrid will excuse herself to go home and Louis and Monique will go to your room and fuck like rabbits.”

“Then the real party will begin, won’t it?“

“Yes. Yes it will.”

Forty-five minutes later, the majority of the sushi had been eaten. Kelly gathered up what was left onto one of the trays and said. “Anyone who wants some of it for lunch tomorrow, help yourselves.” David brought out a sheet cake, with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY” written in blue icing. Only four candles were on the cake, but David had arranged them to form two X’s, thus making the Roman numeral for her age, twenty. As David lit the candles, Kelly whispered in his ear. “Whatever I’d wish for, you’re already planning on making it happen, aren’t you?”

Smiling, David responded. “And if I’m not, just ask.”

After singing the song, Louis and David ended it with an “And Many Moooooooooooooooooooooooooore!” as she blew the candles out. Soon the cake was cut up and consumed. A few minutes after that, like clockwork, Ingrid explained that she needed to get home and Louis and Monique asked to have some time to themselves.

David stood in the center of the room. “Now for the entertainment portion of the evening to begin. Sorority Slowdown!” Every head in the room except his own, Kelly’s and Erica’s immediately slumped forward.

“That one still works?” asked Kelly.

“Why wouldn’t it? It’s not like anyone else could use it even if they knew what it does. It doesn’t work on Erica, though, so...” explained David as Erica tried to run for the door.

“Thanks for reminding me. Erica, do what Saimin Says.” said Kelly.

Erica’s hand had turned the doorknob and was pulling it open when she heard her trigger. Her body slumped against the door, pushing it closed, as she said. “What Saimin Say, I obey.”

David commanded. “Everyone, open your eyes but remain asleep. You will do whatever Kelly or I say without any hesitation.” He turned to Kelly. “Okay, birthday girl, whatever you want to do with them, they’ll do.”

Kelly smiled mischievously, even wider than when Erica had “served” the sushi. “Well, since Louis is competing in Paris in June, let’s have an Olympics of our own, right here, right now. A SLUT Olympics!”

“I knew there was a good reason I brought my tablet.” said David. “I’m going to score this Pentathalon-style and see who the sluttiest Tau is.”

Kelly said. “First event: Speed Stripping. Jewelry may be left on, everything else must go! I will be competing too, Scream when you are finished. On your mark, get set, Disrobe!”

And they were off-literally! Expensive dresses were thrown to the floor, shoes kicked in every direction (David had to duck twice) and several girls who had worn hose groaned. The winner ended up being a freshman named Josephine Joanne (but everyone just called her Jo-Jo). David gave her eight points, with five going to Lupe in second and two going to Siobahn, an Irish beauty on a student visa, in third.

Kelly said. “Next event is Competitive Cunninglingus!” Pair up in 69’s, it doesn’t matter with who. First to orgasm loses, the other one moves to the next round. So we get an even number, I’ll be competing. I pick Allison.”

Soon the girls were in half a dozen pairs spread out across the room. David said. “On your mark, get set, LICK!” and they did.

Unfortunately, Kelly was the first to be eliminated. “That’s enough competition for me.” she said after untangling herself from Allison. “I’m just going to help David officiate now.” Soon five more girls had been eliminated. “Okay, whoever’s out, move to the side. Whoever’s still competing, pair up. Round 2 starts...” she waited for everyone to follow her orders and get into position before saying. “NOW!” The last three to orgasm ended up being Erica, Allison and Stefania (who preferred Steff), the junior daughter of Russian immigrants.

Kelly instructed the last three “standing” “For the final round, make a triangle. This time, it’s two orgasms to be eliminated, since you’ve been working so hard.“

Once the trio were in position, David said. “On your mark, get set, LICK!”

As this was the third licking by all of them in less than ten minutes, they each took their first hit rather quickly, However their second was simultaneous among the three.

“What were we supposed to do in case of a tie?” asked Kelly.

“Aren’t we making the rules up for this as we go along?” responded David.

“I guess so. Switch so you’re eating now who was just eating you. Second verse, same as the first. But now your horniness just got WORSE!” In the end, Erica took victory, with Allison in second place and Steff in third.

“Next event is Javelining. Go to your rooms and get your javelins, I know you have them.” As the girls dispersed, Kelly said. “Quickie me. This is getting me so hot!” David stripped off his clothes and shoved her into a chair, where they fucked until everyone got back with a “javelin” (their personal dildo). “Okay, the way this works is that you’re each going to spear yourself fifty times. Whoever orgasms the most wins.” The winners were Jo-Jo (15), Steff (12) and Siobahn (10).

Kelly turned to David. “Remember the psychosomatic vibrator you gave to the Goths?”

“Yes, what of it?” answered David.

“Put it in their heads and asses and see how long they can endure.”

“Your wish is my command, hot stuff. Okay girls, show of hands, who hasn’t used a vibrator?” No hands went up. “Good, you already know what’s about to happen. When I snap my fingers, every one of your asses is going to react as though there is a vibrator in it at the Level One setting. That vibrator will go up another level with every subsequent snap. Anyone who orgasms will cease feeling that vibrator and stand up. Winner is the last girl not standing. If more than one girl makes it one minute past Level Ten, I’ll count them all as victors. Oh, and your horniness has now increased by 50%.” He snapped his fingers and the game began.

David raised the level about once per minute. Since each of the girls had already had at least eight orgasms in the last forty-five minutes, their bodies would endure more on this event. It was not until David “activated” Level Four before anyone dropped out. At Level Eight, there were four girls remaining-Erica, Allison, Jo-Jo and Steff. As David snapped his fingers for Level Nine, Steff screamed something in Russian that he didn’t understand, but the implication was obvious. Twenty seconds later, Jo-Jo yelled “ENOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH” and was finished. David soon snapped for Level Ten. He thought that there would be a tie, but with two seconds to go, Allison screamed in orgasm, giving the victory to Erica.

David tabulated the scores. “After four events, Jo-Jo leads with eighteen points, followed by Erica with sixteen, Allison with ten, Steff with seven, Lupe with five and Siobahn with four.”

“Jo-Jo excels when you want to look easy, Erica excels when you don’t.” commented Kelly. “Final event: The Run of Shame. Everyone to the top of the stairs, with the highest scores in the front. When told to go, you will collect everything that is yours, then return to the top of the stairs. You will have an extremely powerful orgasm if you did the task correctly. If you make a mistake, you must go back and find what you are missing, even if someone else picked it up. You must make every effort to accentuate your tits and ass to each other and David and I, who will be on either side of the stairs.” She and David went up to the top of the stairs, the girls parting to let them past. “On your mark, get set, GO!”

The girls bounded down the staircase. Kelly considered it a small miracle that no one fell. Asses and tits were wiggling everywhere. Steff looked like she was going to win, but forgot that she had been wearing a bra and had to go back. She ended up in third, with Allison coming (or should I say cumming) in first and Jo-Jo in second. The event continued until all eleven girls had collected their clothing and their climaxes.

David added up their scores a final time, showing them to Kelly. She announced the results. “In third place, with sixteen points, is Erica Miyamoto! In second place, with eighteen points and a stunning come-from-behind performance in the final event, is Allison Baxter! And the winner, with twenty-three points, is Josephine ‘Jo-Jo’ Jones!” Kelly passionately kissed each victor after their announcement. “And now, the man who made all this possible, David Wilson, will give them their prizes!”

David said. “Ladies, picture the greatest orgasm you could ever have. Raise your hand when you have it in your mind.” Jo-Jo and Allison had their hands up in moments but Erica took the better part of a minute before hers joined them. “Now, when you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and fuck them for the first time, Erica will have an orgasm at 1.5 times what she imagined, Allison will have one at double what she imagined, and Jo-Jo will have one at triple what she imagined!“

“Okay, now, in the interest of sportsmanship, we’re going to have one last event which has no losers. A game of Fuck Fuck Goose!” exclaimed Kelly. “Everybody except Jo-Jo get in the circle. She’s going to be first with us.”

“Us?” asked David.

Us.” answered Kelly, holding up the magic strap-on. “We’ll be double penetrating the one in the middle, starting with Jo-Jo and working our way through the group. It’s my party and I’ll fuck how I want to!“

“Your wish is our command.” said David. “Happy birthday, hot stuff.”

“Couldn’t imagine a happier one, big boy.”

“That means I’ve really got my work cut out for me next year!“