The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Everyone in it is 18+ and everyone outside should be as well. Another celebrity one, and a demonstration of how powerful their boss really is. This is probably the greatest presence Malcolm has in the main story since the first chapter.

Spellbinders Saga

By Arthur N. Owen

Volume II: Double or Nothing, Chapter 12: Rock Their Worlds

David Wilson turned onto the highway after grabbing a drive-thru meal at Burger King. It was still almost an hour to SAP Center and he and Kelly did not have enough extra time to sit down and eat. “You had to get Steff to eat you out today?!” he groaned for the fourth time between bites of his chicken nuggets.

Kelly’s excuse was. “Erica’s graduating soon. I’m going to need a new lick-pick and Steff scored the highest out of every non-senior.” She then bit her burger. “Besides, she’s the favorite for the next Sorority President and I’d like to start a tradition...”

“That’s not the point.”

“What is the point?“

“Malcolm got us these tickets as an engagement gift. When have you ever known anything involving Malcolm to NOT INCLUDE SEX!?“

“I haven’t actually figured out where the sex is for this one.” The concert they were going to was Livvie Domingo and Adu Sipa. It had been sold out since just after New Year’s. “I also haven’t figured out how he got us these tickets in the first place. Most importantly, I haven’t figured out how we are going to explain this to everyone. Especially Tori, who’s Livvie’s biggest fan.“

“We can figure out the last one later, I’m assuming a radio contest, but the answer to the first two are obvious. Malcolm pulled strings on someone. It’s what he always does. Those strings, more often than not, lead to the clothing of some sexy hypnotized female that is about to be removed from her hot body.“

“Yeah, hard to argue with that one.” admitted Kelly. “But who specifically did he lean on?“

David answered. “I have my suspicions, but I’ll save them for when Malcolm’s around, so he can confirm them.”

“Malcom’s meeting us there?”

“Did you really expect him not to for something like this? If I’m right, this will be as exceptional for him as it will be for us. More importantly, he still only trusts you as far as he can throw you.“

“I’m kind of lightweight, he might get decent distance...” David glared at her. “Even after all we’ve done for him, he’s never going to see me as anything except the thrall who he was talked into giving a reprieve to.”

“It’s hard to get men of his age to change their behavior when they have a good thing going.” explained David. “I still say you should consider us fortunate that he let you stay how you are.” Suddenly they heard a siren. David spotted a Highway Patrol car in his mirror and pulled over. As he came to a stop he said “You’ve gotta be kidding me! Now we’ll never make the concert!” When the policewoman got out of her car, David said. “You’ve REALLY gotta be kidding me!“

“You said that already.” said Kelly.

“This one’s for a different reason.” David explained. “Remember the cop who Malcolm pretended to sic on me? He said she was a real cop, but a state trooper, not a local one.”

“The one you said gave better head than Eleanor, which you didn’t think was possible? Don’t tell me, she’s who pulled us over.“

“Yup, Officer Jennifer Cummings, right here, right now. What are the chances?”

“So what do we do?”

“I’m going to inform Malcolm,” said David, pulling out his phone. “You’re going to stall her, but don’t mention anything about Malcolm, hypnosis, or blowjobs!” David sent a text. “Cummings pulled us over. Can I trigger her?“

By this time, Officer Cummings had reached their passenger side, so Kelly rolled the window down. “What’s the problem, officer?” Kelly asked, as politely as possible.

“You didn’t signal when you changed lanes.” said Officer Cummings. “License and registration, please.”

At that moment, Malcolm responded to David’s text with one of his own. It said. “Once she knows your full name, she will respond to her trigger and obey you.” Since his name was on his driver’s license, which she-a cop-had just asked for, he had no reason not to hand it over. “Here you are, ma’am.” he said as he gave her the items requested. As she read the name on his license, her eyes dilated for a moment, meaning that her subconscious registered what his name meant. David immediately said her trigger. “Protect and Service!“

The pretty policewoman moved to stand at attention as her eyes glazed over. “Reporting for service, SIR!” she said.

“If I’m being honest, a tiny part of me always thought you made that story up.” said Kelly.

“Officer, please hand me back my identification.” said David.

“Yes, sir.” she said as she obediently did so.

David turned to Kelly. “Even if there won’t be a ticket, we’ve still lost time. She’s only going to be able to service one of us now if we want to make the show. It should be you, it will take less time and I’ve already had her.“

“Thank you!” said Kelly, kissing his cheek.

“Don’t thank me yet, you don’t know what you’re getting. Officer, your new mission is to make this woman cum as many times as you can in three and a half minutes, starting as soon as her panties are off!” Kelly was already removing them, and unbuckling herself and opening her door so she could move into a better position for the controlled cop to access her.

Officer Cummings removed her hat and unbuttoned the top few buttons of her uniform as she kneeled down. “Commencing with mission, sir.” she said as she began probing...

“OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!!!” screamed Kelly. “I’m sorry I DOUBTED YOU!!! This is the ABSOLUTE BEEEEEST outside of the function!

“And now you see why commandeering Steff was totally unnecessary today.” said David nonchalantly.

“I doubt I’d have it this good from ALL THE TAUS AT ONCE!”

“You’d need to remove your legs or have a pussy the size of a basketball hoop for that to happen.”


“Everyone around you. A pussy that size would make you, proportionately, fifty feet tall.”

“THEN CALL ME FUCKZILLLLL­LLLLL­LLLAAAAA­AAAAA­AAAAA­AAAAA­AA!!!!!​!!!!!​!!!!!​!!!!!​” This was the largest orgasm the cop gave her. Also, as the time had expired, it was the last. As David had finished his food while Kelly was being eaten, he gave Jennifer his remaining napkins and ordered her to clean herself up the best she could. Kelly cleaned up herself using tissues from her purse.

David said. “Okay, Officer, go back to your car. Once this car is out of your sight, you will wake up, pull back into traffic and forget everything that happened since you spotted us. Your mission has been successfully completed. What happens after missions, Officer?”

“The nature of these missions is so top secret that no one is allowed to know that they occurred. Not even me.” droned the cute cop.

“That’s right. Have a nice day, Officer Cummings.” With that, the hypnotized highway patroller went back to her car. Kelly restored her panties, seatbelt, and door and soon they were off. After about ten minutes, when David was sure they were done with the cop, he asked. “How was she?”

“Ten orgasms in three and a half minutes.” gasped Kelly. Her eyes were still a little bit rolled back. “That might be a Guinness World Record!”

“Sex records are too subjective to put in that book, especially since there might be a discrepancy over whose name is next to it. Not to mention she won’t remember accomplishing that ‘feat’.” countered David.

“I know, I know. But I meant what I said about those orgasms being the best I’ve had that didn’t involve the Orgasm Function. How the hell is she that good?“

“I’ve been asking myself the same question ever since she serviced me. I’d have to assume natural talent; Malcolm couldn’t hide a cop away long enough to train her in the skill.“

“I’m sorry I doubted you. Both on Officer Orgasm-Maker and on Malcolm Being Involved Equals Super Sex. I’m not going to apologize for conditioning Steff to replace Erica unless you apologize for setting up Nell to replace Regina.“

“You can’t really compare Erica and Regina.” said David. “Regina fell into my power by accident! Constantly triggering her is part of my job. Harassing me about the rules is her job, and the same goes for every other student on our floor.“

“In other words, every interaction you’ve had with Regina, no matter how unusual, is just business, the pleasure just happens to occur.” said Kelly. David nodded. “I really can’t say that about Erica, particularly after what you told me about the set up for my party.“

“Forget our overseers for tonight.” said David. “This is just supposed to be a fun time.”

“And nobody’s expecting you to propose, because you’ve been there and done that.” joked Kelly. She referred to the fact that Scott had proposed to Caroline during the concert on Valentine’s Day. He had done so right after “Sweet Caroline” was performed, as it was her (and increasingly his as well) favorite song by Neil Diamond. Unfortunately, Caroline had been partially triggered by the romantic nature of the gesture because of said song and their “celebrating” had ended up in the newspaper a few days later.

After they got to the stadium and parked, Kelly asked. “Where are we supposed to meet him? He has our tickets, after all.”

“Next to the main entrance” said David. “Although he likes that word better with the emphasis on the second syllable.”

“And we don’t?” Malcolm was spotted just then, so the question was left unanswered, though it was basically rhetorical.

“Hello, and congratulations, you two.” said Malcolm as they met up.

“Thank you.” said David. “I have my suspicions about how you got us here, but I’ll let you explain in your own time.“

“Thank you for that.” said Malcolm as they got into the queue. “That question will be answered at the afterparty.”

“Let me guess, it’s the kind of party that won’t actually happen, since everyone there either can’t remember it or can’t say anything?” snarked Kelly.

“Good guess.”

“Oh good. We have parties like that all the time.”

David spoke up. “Speaking of time, an extra event will put us back on campus near midnight. It’s Saturday night, so no pressure, but we’ll still miss curfew.”

Kelly countered. “You filled out the paperwork so I could sleep over and who’s going to object to our tardiness? Hogan, who sees, hears and knows nothing we don’t want him to? Regina? Four words and you can make her think we never even left!“

“Too true.” sighed David. “Do you ever get tired of using hypnosis to flaunt authority?”

Malcolm and Kelly said, simultaneously. “HELL, NO!”

David broke into a goofy grin. “Yeah, me neither!”

Their seats were surprisingly good. The concert lasted a little over two hours, an hour for each sexy singer and some time at the end for duets. “My sister’s going to blow her stack when she finds out I was here!” said Kelly during intermission. “Tickets to this concert or the ones last night or tomorrow were the only thing she wanted for her birthday, but they all sold out in a single day!“

“I hope you can get her something to act as a peace offering.” said David.

“I did, I bought this concert T-shirt.” she said, holding it up. “Fifty bucks. And she still hasn’t given me a birthday present yet.“

“That still pales to an autograph.”

“You make it sound like Malcolm’s connections will get us backstage after the show.”

“I plead the Fifth.” said David as Kelly pouted. She hated being kept in suspense. “Just think of how jealous your sister will be, when you consider all the times she’s made you jealous.“

Kelly smiled mischievously. “I don’t know if I can get an orgasm from schadenfreude, but I’m coming pretty close!“

After the final song, Malcolm guided David and Kelly to the back section of the stadium. The VIP box behind where the stage was set up (which under normal circumstances was directly above one of the goals) had been repurposed into a lounge for the talent. The stadium would be returned to its hockey arena state starting Monday morning, but the Sharks had away games until the middle of next week. After climbing four flights of stairs, they reached the VIP section of the stadium. Kelly was astonished (the others a little less so) that only one guard was on duty at the top of the staircase, an attractive Hispanic woman whose nametag said “Miranda”.

Miranda saw their approach. “You can’t be up here.”

Kelly said, innocently. “We got lost.”

“Considering we’re about as far from the parking deck as you can get besides being on the ice, that’s pretty damn lost.” said a disbelieving Miranda “You’re lucky the concert is over, turn around and go home and we can forget this ever...“

“Special Assignment Time.” said Malcolm.

“Assign me however you want, sir.” said Miranda as her eyes slammed shut and her head slumped forward.

Kelly’s jaw hit the floor, but David’s expression was quite nonchalant. She looked at her fiancée and said. “You KNEW he’d do this, didn’t you?”

“Not specifically, but the moment I saw how hot the only guard around was, it seemed pretty obvious.” said David. “First of all, a security guard is right up there with a secretary as the best choice for a secondary asset. Even better if you don’t own the place.“

“Hard to argue with that one” said Kelly.

“Second, she was hot and alone, but Malcolm wasn’t making any move to hypnotize her. Knowing Malcolm, the only reason that he wouldn’t hypnotize a beautiful woman when the opportunity presented itself was if he already had her!“

“That’s also hard to argue with.” said Malcolm. “Miranda is actually second-in-command of the security force for the entire stadium. I took her over a year ago, and made sure she was diligent enough to get promoted just so I could use her for a night like this. She ordered the other guards on this floor to patrol elsewhere for a bit, didn’t you Miranda?“

“Yes, sir. They will be on the opposite side of this floor for the next ten minutes.” said the spellbound security guard, with no trace of emotion.

“Lemme guess, she thinks you’re her boss when she’s like this?” asked Kelly.

“Something like that.” answered Malcolm.

David said. “Ask her where the talent is.”

“Where are Miss Domingo and Miss Sipa?” asked Malcolm.

Miranda answered without emotion, “Livvie is in the main lounge area, Adu is changing in the executive bathroom, which has been repurposed as a dressing room.”

“Open your eyes, Miranda.” ordered Malcolm. The guard complied so he continued. “Take us to the VIP section.” ordered Malcolm.

“Yes, sir, follow me.”

At the door Kelly whispered to David. “Now I’m glad I can’t tell anyone about this! Tori is solidly straight, but Livvie Domingo is probably the only woman on the planet she’d sleep with if propositioned. She’d go insane if she knew that I met her idol, let alone fucked her.“

“You brought the lube and the magic strap-on?” asked David.

“Like you said, where Malcolm goes, mind-blowing sexual encounters happen. You’re the one who drills into me how important it is to be prepared.“

“You really thought we’d be tasting the talent?”

“No, I expected him to just give us a random sampling for us to go to town on, but the preparation was the same. This is unexpected, but WAY better.”

“Not to me. There was never a doubt in my mind that I’d be getting head from the headliners the moment Malcolm told us this was happening. Besides, an orgy with some girls already in our power isn’t all that special for us. We’ve had four since we got engaged!”

“Four?!” asked Malcolm.

“The birthday party, two hunting trips, and Kat and Beth just because, with Regina for good measure!”

Malcolm instructed Miranda. “Once we are inside, you will wake up and forget you encountered us at all. Do not let anyone into this room besides Adu until I tell you otherwise. Understand?“

“Yes, sir.”

The VIP section reminded David of the lounge area of his dorm, but more than twice as large and at least four times as expensive looking. Livvie was the only occupant at the moment, relaxing on one of the plush couches and reading a magazine. Still wearing the tattered black dress from her final number, it clung perfectly to every curve of her lithe body. Her long black hair, while flowing freely during the concert, was now tied in a ponytail. She was so absorbed in her reading that she didn’t notice the three strangers enter the room. David and Kelly went to the far wall, which was one big window looking out over the stadium. As he marveled at the view, David whispered “It probably costs as much to live in half this space for a month as it does to be here for an afternoon!“

“More like two months.” said Kelly. “California rent isn’t that bad.“

“And people wonder why there’s such a homeless issue in this state...” agreed Livvie, before realizing who she was talking to. “Who are you and how did you get in here?” she demanded.

“We’ll let him explain things.” said David with a smirk and pointing behind her. Malcolm, who was behind the couch Livvie was sitting on, had brought his pocket watch to bear. Livvie looked up and noticed him, but he let the watch fall from his hand, and it ended up dangling right in front of her beautiful face. She gasped, but moments later, its movements were all she could see and all she could think about...

“Be careful where you look” said David. “I don’t know how well our lockdowns will protect us from someone as skilled as him. Safest place would normally be Livvie’s face, but the watch is too close to it.”

“How many people have you seen him put under?” asked Kelly.

“With triggers, maybe a dozen. The only person I’ve seen him induce before now is Regina.“

“That concert must have been sooo tiring, and you’ve done sooo many lately, you must be simply exhausted.” said Malcolm.

“Exxxxx...hauuuuusssss­s...teeeee­eed...” said Livvie softly. David noticed that, in addition to the usual heavy blinks and relaxed posture of a person being hypnotized, Livvie’s voice had risen an octave or two, and taken on a childlike quality. The slightly goofy smile looked a bit out of place on someone whose songs typically were about anger and resentment.

“You just want to rest, don’t you?”

“Wannnnn­nnnt... tooooo­ooooo­oo... resssss­sssss­sssss­t...” the sleepy singer agreed.

“Why, your very name is telling you to do so many tiring things. Domin-Go act in a hit show. Domin-Go make an album. Domin-Go win three Grammies, and maybe more in the future. Domin-Go make a second album. Domin-Go on this long draining tour.” Malcolm could tell he had her.

“Draaaaa­aaaaa­aaaaa­aaaaa­aaaaa­aaaaa­aininnnnn­nnnnn­nnnnn­nnnnn­nnnnn­g.” slurred Livvie. Her heavily lidded eyes had gotten so glossy that the watch could be seen reflected in them.

“But there’s only one place you want to go now. It shouldn’t be hard for you to realize where that is. As soon as you do and say it, you will go there immediately.”

“Domin-Go... to... sleep...?” asked Livvie as a young child would. Malcolm nodded. “Domin-Go to ssslllll­leeeee­eeeee­eeeee­eeeee­eeeee­eeeee­eeeee­eeeee­eeep.” and she did exactly that, eyes shutting and body slumping sideways onto the couch.

“She’s a lot more responsive than I would have expected.” said Kelly.

“No kidding.” said David. “Almost too responsive.“

“I suppose so.” agreed Kelly. “She’s so young.”

“And a mouse-child to boot.” added Malcolm.

“Mouse-child?” asked Kelly.

“I’m guessing he’s referring to the fact that she got her break from something that Disney produced at such a young age.” explained David.

“Exactly.” said Malcolm. “And a company like Disney, which prides itself on being family-friendly, makes it a point to protect its talent from any chance of scandal until they have left the nest.“

Kelly understood. “The House of Mouse locks its doors every night and beefs up its security.”

“That only means Livvie was protected from anyone who already had a mind-control reputation. It doesn’t mean her Master’s call didn’t come from someone inside the house.” said David “It fits my theory anyway.“

“What theory?” asked Kelly.

“I actually wrote a paper about it, not that I’d ever publish it. Celebrities are very difficult to take advantage of full-time because of all the scrutiny, unless you are committing full-time. The only way to keep a celebrity as a regular sex slave is to already be in her orbit when you enthrall her, or become so as part of the enthrallment. In Livvie’s case, there’s a song she did that makes me think that you’re not the first in her head, boss, and the speed at which she fell to your induction pretty much confirmed that. If you would be so kind as to ask her?“

“I think I know what song you’re referring to.” said Malcolm. “I admit, it made me somewhat curious as well after hearing it. Livvie, have you been hypnotized before? If so, by whom?“

“Yesssss­ssss...” she breathed. “My... ex... boyfriend...”

“Did he do anything with you after the breakup?”

“He... triggered... me... to... do... a... booty... call... and... made... me... forget... why...”

“I KNEW IT!” exclaimed David (though he knew better than to shout).

Malcolm said. “Very perceptive, David. Please send me your paper, I would like to read it.”

“Why not?” said David. “You’re probably the only person I know who would take it seriously and not want me arrested or worse.“

Malcolm turned back to the spellbound starlet on the couch. “Livvie, you will say ‘Domin-Go Deeper’ two hundred times, and go deeper into this wonderful sleep with each repetition. Until you have finished, you will not hear any voice but mine, and even then not unless I am touching your shoulder. Do you understand?”


“Good girl. Start now.”

“Domin-Go Deeper. Domin-Go Deeper. Domin-Go Deeper. Domin-Go Deeper...” As she deepened herself, Livvie’s intonation became more and more childlike, even taking on a teasing aspect as though she was in competition. “Domin-Go Dee-per” as in “deeper than you can go so there”. David figured that it was a reaction to her associating the relaxation of the trance with a carefree childhood.

Malcolm turned to David and Kelly. “She’ll be like that for a while, and after that I’ll need to program her. Once that’s done, I always prefer to break them in myself if I did the induction.“

Kelly groaned. “So what are we supposed to do?“

As if to answer the question, the door opened and Adu Sipa entered the room, closing it behind her. Seeing Livvie, the only person who should have been in the room, sprawled out on the couch mindlessly repeating words, and surrounded by three strangers shocked her completely. “WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?” she screamed, her English accent obvious.

Kelly reached into her purse, grabbing for her zirconia ring (she already had the engagement ring on, but the larger stone of the zirconia worked better for inductions), but David stopped her. “That won’t be necessary, hot stuff. Isn’t that right, boss?” he said conspiratorially.

“She won’t cause any problems at all.” said Malcolm with a grin. “Will you, Adu Sleepa?”

Adu’s eyes slammed shut and her head slumped forward. “Sleepa deepa. Adu what told.”

“The room’s soundproof, Miranda’s still running interference, and Adu told the dancers she was too tired to go out with them tonight. Nothing has changed.” said Malcolm.

“David, how did you know?” asked Kelly, dumbfounded at Malcolm’s action and David’s nonchalance about it.

“As we’ve already established, the concert was sold out before we even got engaged. You said your sister made you very aware of that. Therefore, the only way Malcolm could have gotten these tickets was by pulling strings.” explained David.

“Yeah, but he already had Miranda.”

“She could get us backstage once we were on site, but the only way to get in the door in the first place was by getting tickets from someone who already had them to give away. The talent always is given a few tickets for friends and/or family in the area. How do you think we got seats that good, that late? Since we just saw Malcolm hypnotize Livvie, who is from this area anyway, that left Adu.“

“Got it in one.” said Malcolm. “Adu, open your eyes but remain deeply asleep.” The spellbound singer complied, so he continued. “This is David and Kelly. You will obey them as you would me. Understand?”

“Understood.” said Adu flatly.

Malcolm turned to his now excited employees. “I’ve got to finish with the new girl, but the old one is all yours until then. Enjoy.”

Throughout all of this, Livvie remained motionless on the couch, obliviously chanting “Domin-Go Deeper.” over and over again, literally in her own little world that Malcom had total control over.

David and Kelly led Adu over to the other couch, which was right in front of the window wall. They sat down and looked over the beautiful Brit. While she was no longer wearing any of the revealing, exotic outfits from the show, the tight jeans and form-hugging halter top nonetheless showed off her sexy dancer’s figure quite well. Adu was known for altering her hair color and/or style on a whim, currently it was dirty blonde and shoulder length. It framed her stunning face and full lips perfectly.

Kelly smiled mischievously, thinking of how to start their fun. “It’s too bad Malcolm said you couldn’t go to the club tonight, isn’t it?”

Adu said, flatly. “Nothing matters more than obeying Master’s will, but I do like clubs.“

David said. “How many ‘Masters’ do you have?”

“Counting the one who told me to obey you, but not you two, there are six.” she said without emotion.

“Really?” said Malcolm. “It was five last time I saw you,”

“Who of those you know has the record?” asked David.

“Britney Spears. An even twenty, myself included, last time I checked.”

“Whatever, she’s popular, celebs get passed around, this isn’t news!” said Kelly, annoyed. “I care more about the one in the hand, soon to be in my bush! Adu, you get to do some fun dancing now. When I clap my hands, you will do one of your routines from the show, your choice. You will be able to hear the music in your mind, hum or sing along if you like. However, it will be a strip show, and you must be naked before the song is over! Oh, and you’ll get hornier with each thing you remove. Understand?“

“I understand.” said the spellbound singer.

“Good.” said Kelly.

“With five other men in her head, this probably isn’t the first time she’s stripped to one of her own songs.” commented David.

“One was a woman.” added Adu.

“I told you, I really don’t care who got there first!” snapped Kelly. “She’s here now and so are we, and THAT’s what matters!” She clapped her hands. “SHOWTIME!“

A sultry look appeared on Adu’s previously blank face. She started to move slowly, but then faster. Dancing over to the couch, she thrust her breasts at David before moving to do it again to Kelly. She grabbed the hem of her top and slowly rolled it up off her abdomen. As she got it off, her bra-less breasts bounced, and then bounced further as she continued to dance. She bent over, giving them an excellent view of her firm ass, as she removed her shoes. She proceeded to unbutton her jeans, then wiggle her ass and hips until the garment had fallen to her feet so she could kick it away. By now, Adu was starting to sweat with arousal and her panties looked to be damp.

Throughout the show, David and Kelly were stripping their own clothes off, at a much faster pace than the entranced Adu. They were naked themselves by this point, and were as spellbound by the strip show as the stripper herself.

David commanded. “Okay, as soon as your panties are off, let’s get Physical! Hop onto the couch with me in your pussy and Kelly on your face so you can eat her Sweetest Pie! Oh and New Rule, you cum whenever one of us does, along with any orgasms you would have anyway.” He leaned over and kissed Kelly. “Doublemint.”

Kelly looked at him with mild annoyance. ”Very funny, big boy. What’s next, you’ll take her deeper so she feels like she’s Levitating?“

“Don’t Start Now, Kelly. Eyes on the show, hot stuff.” said David. The show was indeed coming to a climax, as Adu finally peeled off her panties and leapt onto the couch, and they got into position around her.

Kelly squealed “Feels like ELECTRICITY!” as Adu ate her out.

David said. “Knew you couldn’t resist!” as he thrust into the sexy songbird. “One Kiss was all it took, but no one said where the kiss was taking place.“


By this time, Livvie had finished her deepening and Malcolm had programmed her as much as he was going to. The big, dreamy smile on Livvie’s pretty face indicated a total lack of resistance to what she was commanded to do next. He ordered her to disrobe and began breaking in his new conquest. The two sets alternated climaxes as they moved from one sex position to another.

Livvie sucked Malcolm off. David took Adu up the ass while she sixty-nined Kelly. Malcolm took Livvie up the ass. David getting blown by Adu’s luscious lips while Kelly fucked her ass with the magic strap-on. Malcolm took Livvie from behind. Adu got double penetrated. Then they took ten minutes to recover.

“I think I’d like to switch singers now.” said Malcolm.

“I was just about to say that! We’re Good with the switch.” said David.

“Was Livvie Good For You?” asked Kelly.

“Oh, very.” answered Malcolm before joining the others in a laugh.

“Well, we’ve got a License to Drive ’er wild!” added David.

“Another three-way. I’m getting Deja Vu!” said Kelly. “The rest of her song titles make more sense when she’s awake, unfortunately.”

They then proceeded to do all the events again with Livvie and Adu in one another’s places. Livvie in between David and Kelly while Adu was plowed by Malcolm. Adu sucked Malcolm off, pillowy lips easily putting her in his top 10 (and David agreed). David took Livvie up the ass while she sixty-nined Kelly. Malcolm took Adu up the ass. David getting blown by Livvie while Kelly fucked her ass with the magic strap-on. Malcolm took Adu from behind. Livvie got double penetrated, though with David and Kelly in opposite positions than with Adu.

Kelly collapsed back onto the couch. “Was she Good For You?” she asked David smarmily.

“Nope.” said David. “She was GREAT!”

“How we going to explain the mess?” asked Kelly.

“Rock stars in a private area.” said Malcolm. “They expect a mess. They plan on remodeling the whole suite starting Monday anyway, for when the Sharks return next weekend.“

Kelly sighed. “I got eaten out by two celebrities and they still only reached third and fourth place for tonight!“

“I know you were serviced by Officer Cummings en route, so who was the fourth participant?” asked Malcolm.

“Nobody you’d know, she’s one of the thralls from the sorority.” explained David.

Kelly got her third wind. “Okay, new position. V for Vagina! The divas delve into me in tandem while each of you plows one of them from behind!”

Neither David nor Malcolm felt like arguing, and Livvie and Adu weren’t capable of doing so. Within five minutes, they were as Kelly intended them to be, the hypnotists pushing into singers as the lovely ladies put their talented mouths to a different use. David and Malcolm came in their crooners, causing their tongues to spasm inside Kelly, causing back-to-back orgasms in her. “Was that a three-stage fuck rocket?” asked Malcolm.

“More like a Mighty Morphin MEGAFUCK!” said Kelly. Malcolm looked slightly puzzled.

“I wasn’t even sure she’d use that reference, it’s from before she was born! The series was in a bit of a decline when she would have been able to remember it.” commented David.

“Moving on.” said Kelly. “There’s two of them and three of us. Since the opening act has already gone home...”

“Okay, I’ll call security. Will Miranda fit your needs?” sighed Malcolm. “It’s an interesting experience dealing with a woman with her own ideas about sex.”

“Yeah, it took some getting used to for me as well.” agreed David. “But I wouldn’t trade it for anything now!”

“I’ll make the arrangements.” said Malcolm. “Play with them until I’m ready.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” said Kelly as David put the strap-on back on her, and with her in Livvie (just to spite her sister) and David in Adu, they did their Dog-Eat-Dog position and watched the singers make out while they got taken from behind. This was followed by 2-6-9-2, though David was in Livvie and Kelly was in Adu. As they briefly recovered, Miranda entered the room.

“I know musical acts are known for their debauchery after hours, but this is more than I’ve ever seen!” the gorgeous guard said upon seeing the group still in the four-way position.

“If memory serves, it isn’t.” said Malcolm, grinning wickedly. “That would be the K-Pop girl group with nine members. Of course, you don’t remember what happened then, just like you won’t remember this one either. Special Assignment Time.“

“Assign me however you want, sir.”

“You will take assignments from David or Kelly here” said Malcolm, pointing to them. “as long as they do not contradict existing ones. Now you will strip and get ready to provide personal security services!“

“Yes, sir” said the spellbound security guard. She was already unbuttoning her work shirt..

David had Livvie and Kelly had Adu on each of the couches while Malcolm took Miranda on the big chair. Each took their respective beauty from the front, behind, in the ass, and she sucked them off (ate her out in Kelly’s case). “Thanks for making sure there’s enough pussy to go around, boss.” said Kelly during the rest afterwards. “But there isn’t enough lube to go around! We just used up the last of what I brought!“

Malcolm went over to the kitchenette and opened one of the cabinets. He pulled out a quart bottle of lube. “You seem to have forgotten where we are, and who is expected to be here. I had Adu make sure our shelves were fully stocked.“

Kelly slapped her forehead. “NOW you tell me. I could have saved our supply for next time! Who wants to switch partners?”

David said. “Dibs on Adu! Less gabbing, more grabbing and jabbing, hot stuff.”

“Hard to argue with that one.” said Kelly. “I call security!”

“Guess I’m stuck sticking the new girl.” said Malcolm, faking disappointment. So do we just keep fucking them?”

“Not exactly.” said Kelly. “We’ve got enough participants for a little competition. Wheelbarrow Race joined at the crotch!”

The three pairs soon lined up. The hypnotized girls had their hands on the floor and their legs held by their respective controller. Said controller’s cock (or strap-on in Kelly’s case) was inserted in the girl’s ass.

David explained the rules. “Figure 8 the couches and come back here. If the cock leaves the girl’s ass, you cannot progress. On your mark, get set, GO!!!” Kelly and Miranda ended up winning, with David and Adu in second and Malcolm and Livvie rounding it out. “The boss might be a star athlete in bed, but anywhere else he’s out of his depth.” said David as they flipped their “partners” around for a regular fuck.

“Too true,” said Malcolm. “You kids have me beat. I used up all my stamina on the ‘other’ activities.”

“I hope you’ve got enough left for one last position.” said Kelly with a smirk. after the three girls climaxed. “I call it Oro-BORE-ASS!”

“Do tell.” said David, with a smirk of his own.

“Start with the Devil’s Triangle, which is three women in a triangular position eating each other out.” described Kelly “Adu, Livvie, Miranda, that is your cue.” The three hypnotized hotties were soon on the floor in the position described (Livvie at Adu’s snatch, who was at Miranda’s, who was at Livvie’s). “Now the three of us pick an ass and stick with it until EVERYONE orgasms. Then we rotate and repeat. Since I won the race, I pick first and I pick Livvie.”

David said. “I’m calling security, so Malcolm must make do with Adu.”

“There really isn’t a bad option among these three, to be honest.” said Malcolm.

“Hard to argue with that one.” said Kelly, who then looked at how erect the others were. “About as hard as it gets!” With that they all dove in. It wasn’t long before the orgasms began. Then they switched and repeated two more times.

Kelly said, exhausted, as she pulled out of Adu. “I’m spent. I wanna go (pant) back to the dorm and sleep.”

“Never thought I’d hear you say (pant) that, but I agree (pant) wholeheartedly.” said David.

“I can’t believe I’m saying it either, but I mean every word.” said Kelly between gasps for breath. “Just let me get that autograph for (pant) Tori and then we can dress and (pant) dash.” Kelly gave the shirt to Livvie, who signed it with the darkest mark she could (though Kelly doubted her sister would wash the shirt). “Too bad that means Tori and Livvie can never (pant) meet, because she won’t remember signing the shirt.“

“She’s probably signed thousands of shirts, several tonight, so that wouldn’t make a difference. Besides, what are the odds that would even happen without Malcolm’s help?“

“Ironically, the only person we know who could actually tell us will never get the data so we can find out.“

By now David and Kelly were dressed. Malcolm said. “I’ll have Miranda dress and escort you out. Rest assured, I’ll handle mental clean-up for all of them.”

David was surprised. “You’re not done yet?”

“I want a shot with them both. You two have given me a few ideas to try with them. Miranda, redress.”

“Yes, sir.”

Five minutes later, David and Kelly were on their way out the door, led by the mindless Miranda. “Have a nice night, and congratulations again.” said Malcolm.

“You have a nice night too, even though it looks like you already are!” said David.

“I’d tell Regina you said hi, but she has no conscious idea who you are!” said Kelly as they left.

Malcolm said to himself as soon as the couple was out of the room. “No, she doesn’t...YET!”