Unorthodox Research chapter 4
After Jeffery left the room Isabella said, “Would you like me to show you around?” Nancy replied, “Please help Nancy, something is wrong.” Isabella replied, “Nothing is wrong, this is how you should be, shouting at people all the time, does not fit with your submissive persona. Come and I’ll show you around.”
Isabella started her guided tour in the kitchen and ended up in the bedroom as Jeffery emerged from the en-suite shower with a towel around his waist. He was feeling very randy seeing two latex clad females in his bedroom and said, “Isabella, has Nancy ever eaten your pussy.” Isabella replied, “No but she wanted me to eat hers very often.” Jeffery continued, “Isabella my love, lay down on the bed with your legs open, I think Nancy should learn her new position. No Nancy. Do not leave, move into place between Isabella’s legs and eat her out, making sure to give her multiple orgasms.”
Jeffery’s cock became very hard and pushed the front of the towel out as he watched the two females on the bed. Nancy started out as a novice but Isabella prompted her and she slowly improved. After Isabella’s fourth orgasm, Nancy pulled out and backed into Jeffery whose cock slid into her wet pussy from the back. Nancy flopped back down on top of Isabella and Jeffery banged away. Nancy had three orgasms before Jeffery came and as he pulled out of Nancy she said, “No man has ever given Nancy an orgasm before, no wonder you have ensnared Isabella.” Isabella asked, “If you would please both get up you are squashing me. Jeffery stood and Nancy climbed off Isabella and stood beside Jeffery, who said, “To help your shortfall on orgasms you will now orgasm whenever your partner orgasms, male or female as long as you are using your preferred sexual organ, your mouth. One more thing, you can never choose a partner they will always choose you.”
Isabella asked, “Can I choose her, I like her now she is a lot more submissive.” Jeffery said, “Nancy, you will return here every Friday night and stay here until Monday morning and you need more practice so get back between Isabella’s legs and give her another six orgasms.” Jeffery then started getting dressed in his latex clothing. Once dressed, he left the girls on the bed and walked down to the kitchen. Isabelle had already cleaned up the breakfast things so he washed the coffee mugs then took food out of the freezer ready for that evening’s dinner.
Being Friday he made sure there would be enough for three then he went down into the cellar and started making a bedroom in his dungeon for Nancy.
He was just securing the vacuum bed to the wooden frame he had constructed when Isabella came to find him. She put her arms around him and said, “You are a wonderful man, Nancy was always my nemesis but now she is very nice, how did you do that?” Jeffery turned around a kissed her for several minutes and then said, “Don’t ever concern yourself with how people are changed, just enjoy the result. You must never allow Nancy to dominate you every again, however, where is your gas mask you should have it on.” Isabelle kissed him again and then ran to retrieve her mask.
Jeffery followed her upstairs out of the cellar and as he saw Isabella disappearing into the sitting room he saw Nancy stealing her way to the front door. Jeffery said, “And where do you think you are going?” Nancy sighed and said, “Nancy was going to Kathleen’s house, she will be able to help Nancy.” Jeffery continued, “Come back here, Kathleen cannot help you she can only hypnotise you. From now on you cannot discuss your suspected change with anyone from work or where you live. You may continue to pretend to be a dominant bitch until someone actually finds you out. Now come here and practice some more.” Jeffery pulled down his flies and sat on the seat in the hall. Nancy knelt down in front of him and commenced the first blowjob of her life.
Jeffery gave her instructions on how to improve her technique and she soon became much better. As he got near to his climax, Nancy became eager knowing that she would get her reward. After they both descended from their sexual peak, Jeffery said, “You did very well there, a few more of those and your mouth will know what it was made for.” Nancy replies, “How can you say that, Nancy has just performed the very first blowjob of Nancy’s life and Nancy is thirty four years old, Nancy’s mouth was not made for that and never will be.” Jeffery replied, “Nancy, you cannot go by previous experience, your life is now heading in a different direction and as such your mouth has a new designate. From now on your mouth will only be happy when it is actively being used for sex. If during your waking hours, the time period since the last sexual event approaches three hours, your mouth will demand a cock or a pussy. If there isn’t one available you will need to suck on a large dildo until one becomes available.”
Nancy said, “Please stop, every time you open your mouth, you give Nancy new rules and Nancy knows she will have to follow them. You have no idea how this will change Nancy’s ability to do her job.” Jeffery asked, “What is your job you never said”, Nancy replied, “I am the Managing Director of Oxford Technologies and I am responsible for two hundred engineers and support staff.” Jeffery continued, “Perhaps you need to think about a change in jobs, we may be looking for a new Managing Director and you would be ideal for a post like that.” Nancy replied, “I worked very hard for the position I have got and two of my star players were sent down to your company to establish what one of the research teams were doing. My guess is that you are the project manager of that research team and you are developing mind control.”
Jeffery replied, “I knew you would be right for us you are very bright. I am now speaking directly to your subconscious and you will not remember this. You will forget that you have been changed, and accept any new changes without analysis, you will also forget everything to do with mind control, and you came here because you have been in love with Isabella for ages and you were intrigued to meet her new master. Having met me you now feel compelled to join her and seeing how submissive she has become, has stimulated, your concealed submissive tendencies causing them to move to the fore. There is nothing prescribed in your new submissiveness everything you do is because your own mind wants to do it. A few minutes ago you gave me your first blowjob and you now realise how much you want to do that again. Count down from fifty to zero and wake up on zero with no knowledge of any control.”
Nancy woke up and said, “Nancy can see why Isabella is so besotted with you, you have brought out similar feelings in Nancy. Would you object, if Nancy tried to improve her blowjob technique?” Jeffery replied, “Not at all but, be careful your mouth is becoming a sex machine.” Nancy moved into place and started again as Isabelle came into the hall wearing her mask. Jeffery said, “You can sit here in a minute and she will do you, her technique is getting much better, by the time she departs she will be an expert.”
The three of them stayed at home the remainder of Friday and all day Saturday. Jeffery and Isabella took turns having Nancy perform oral sex on them. On Friday night they all slept in Jeffery’s bed but on Saturday night Jeffery took Nancy down stairs into the basement and bound her in the vacuum bed, telling how much she would love it.
Once Isabella was alone with Jeffery they made love for nearly an hour before going to sleep.
On Sunday morning Jeffery got up and dressed before Isabella woke and went into the kitchen to start breakfast, He laid the table for three and when Isabella appeared he sent her to get Nancy. They both returned and sat at the table as Jeffery carried plates of bacon, sausage, egg, mushrooms and fried tomatoes. As he put a plate in front of Nancy she said, “You have both used me as a sex aid since Friday lunchtime and last night Nancy was bound in that vacuum bed unable to move. What castigation and discipline have you devised for Nancy today?” Jeffery replied, “I have to go out today to assist one of my team members to resolve a personal, matter so you will have to do as Isabella instructs for the day.” Nancy appealed saying, “Jeffery, please I have to be at work early tomorrow, could I please go home today.” Jeffery replied, “Today is Sunday and is part of the weekend, therefore this is your home, you will have to negotiate with Isabelle.” Nancy thinking she would be able to persuade Isabella stopped talking then and ate her breakfast.
After breakfast, Isabella put her mask back on and together with Nancy washed up and Jeffery set off to Colin’s house. As soon as Jeffery had departed, Nancy said, “Isabella, you must let Nancy go home soon, she has a lot to do before tomorrow.” Isabella replied, “As Jeffery said, this is now your home and when we have finished cleaning up I want your tongue in my pussy.”
Jeffery stopped outside Colin’s house after passing eleven trees that had been cleared from the road. He also noticed that there was also a lot of damage to fencing and tilted roofs. As Jeffery stepped out of his car, he noticed Colin and a number of his neighbours picking up pieces from his garage roof. Jeffery went up and offered to help and Colin said, “I am glad you are here, I had to enslave my next door neighbour after she spotted the cage I build for Janice.” Collin said, “The good looking one over by the broken fence.” Jeffery said, “What about family and similar complications.” Colin replied, “She told me this morning that her husband walked out last week and they didn’t have any children which was the reason, she also said it would be very unlikely that he would return, because his other woman is now pregnant.”
Jeffery asked, “Do you still want to go ahead with Janice or do you want to settle down with your neighbour.” Colin said, “I will settle down with my neighbour, when I explained to her what the cage was for, she became very enthusiastic as said she would love to help.”
Jeffery and the neighbours collected all the debris from Colin’s garage and the broken fence panels and as they walked back to their own homes this left Colin, his new slave and Jeffery to carry the cage from the garage in doors. Colin had emptied the small box room and they managed to squeeze the sections of the cage into that room. Collin assembled the large cage and finished it off by screwing it to the floorboards before fitted the door on the front with security bolts for the hinges and the locking hasp.
Colin went to but the kettle on while Sandra but some blankets on the floor of the cage. Colin asked her what she thought of Colin’s plan and she replied, “I have fancied Colin ever since we moved next door and I always hated the way his wife treated him, I am going to really enjoy humiliating and punishing her with Colin.” Jeffery asked, “Are you aware what he has done to you.” Sandra replied, “Yes I am aware but he didn’t need to do it, he could have had me anytime as anything he wants.” When Colin returned with the mugs of coffee, Jeffery said, “Are you aware you had an ardent admirer next door.” Colin replied, “I’d like to say this was planned on my part but no, I was not aware that Sandra was available.”
Sandra said, “She is not any more, Samuel wanted me to sell the house so he could have his half of the proceeds, and if Colin will allow me to move in here, I will now be able to do that.”
Colin said, “You can move in while Jeff and I go and pick up the cat.” Sandra said, “Would you like a sandwich before you go?” Colin said, “Yes please I had no breakfast this morning.” Jeffery asked, “We had the wind on Friday, how come people were picking up your garage roof this morning. The roof became unstable on Friday in the wind and allowed Sandra to see the cage. She came over this morning to ask about it and after I enslaved her she wanted to see it up close but when I opened the door the walls wobbled and the roof slid off. It must have been the roof that provided the structural stability for the whole building.” Sandra said, “When I get my half of the money from the sale of next door, I’ll build you a new garage. I’ll go and make some sandwiches.”
When she had gone Colin said, “She is a much nicer person than Janice, I know I am going to be very happy.” Jeffery said, “How much atomiser have you got left, I have used all mine.” Colin said, “I used a fair bit on Sandra, perhaps we should get some more, I’ll give Andy a call.” Colin went into his bedroom and made the call then returned to Jeffery saying he is on his way and he is bringing Heather. They both went down stairs to find Sandra. When they discovered she was not in the kitchen Colin looked out of the window and saw her coming back with a large plate of sandwiches. As she came through the door she said, “I checked your kitchen and you have not got anything suitable for sandwiches so I went next door.” Colin said, “Well I am glad Andy is coming, you have made enough to feed half the street.”
Colin said, “I got a letter this week from that solicitor Janice has moved in with. They want me to sell this house and split the money so this visit today had been timed perfectly, I now need to provide a home for both Sandra and a cat.” Sandra put the plate down and moved close to Colin and kissed him and then said. “I am very glad you said that, I have lusted after you for four years and it was probably the reason I went off Samuel and caused him to look elsewhere. Last night after I saw your cage I creamed myself while imagining you putting me in it.” Colin said, “Go up stairs and look in our wardrobe, you will find a maroon mackintosh, take off all your clothes and put it on and then climb into the cage, I will be up to lock it in a minute.” Sandra ran for the stairs and Colin picked up a sandwich. As he was eating his third, Andy and Heather walked in through the kitchen door. Heather was wearing a similar mackintosh but much shorter. Andy said, “Is there somewhere you can put Heather while we do our dastardly deed.” Colin replied, “Tell her she must do what Sandra tells her.” Andy looked and Jeffery and whispered, “Who it Sandra” and then said to Heather, “Until I tell you otherwise you must do exactly at Colin or Sandra instruct.”
Colin said, “Heather, follow me.” Heather followed Colin up the stairs and said, “Get in the cage with Sandra and do what every she wants. Sandra if you get her to eat your pussy you must give her as many orgasms as she gives you.” Sandra said, “Colin you are wonderful, this has been another fantasy of mine.” Colin locked the door as said, “I will be back later with the owner of this cage and I will let you both out then.”
Heather was underneath Sandra’s coat skirt before Colin was out of the room.
Down stairs he said, “They are both nicely locked away so we can go whenever you are ready.” Andy said, “These sandwiches and delicious will they still be here when we come back.” Colin covered the plate with cling film and them put the plate in the refrigerator and then said, “Ok are we ready, I’ll take my car so I can bring Janice back here and you go with Jeffery.” Jeffery said, “Ok I think I know where to go I saw her the other night.”
They both drove in convoy to the street where Janice now lived and they parked in the next road. They walked to the large detached house and Colin said, “She is not here her car is not on the drive.” Jeffery said, “Let’s see if the solicitor is at home.” They walked up to the door and Jeffery whispered to Andy to have his atomiser at the ready and rang the bell. There was noise in side and the door opened to reveal a very slight effeminate man in a tee shirt and slacks. Andy sprayed him and then he and Jeffery picked him up and carried him back into the house while Colin closed the door. Jeffery said, “What is your name and occupation.” The man in a monotone voice said, “My name is Michel Kennedy and am an attorney at law.” Jeffery said, “You now prefer to be called Michelle, ever since your persuaded Janice to move in with you, you have been dressing up in her clothes whenever she has been out. You have used all her makeup and toiletries and you have worn her underwear to work. It has been two year since you last wore male underwear and you decided last week to come out. You have therefore been trying to find a way to keep her clothes but loose her and you have now found a way to remove her from your life. In a pub on Friday, you sold Janice back to Colin as long as she leaves all her clothing and Colin agreed. We are now here to collect and you are ready to come out. When I wake you up you will go upstairs and dress in your favourite outfit. You will go the whole hog and turn yourself into a woman.
You will need help with makeup and female things and you will ask the youngest female at your work to help and if she declines you will move to the next youngest. Whichever one accepts, will become your mistress and you will do whatever they tell you to do, you will also believe as true any truth they instruct you to believe. You will also do whatever any of us tell you to do and believe as true anything any one of us tells you. When Janice returns home you will not talk to her or acknowledge that she is there and continue with your feminization. Now count down from fifty to zero and wake when you reach zero and then go and change your clothes without saying anything.” Jeffery turned off the watch and Colin said, “I am glad I persuaded you to come I would never have thought of that.”
Michelle awoke and went straight up stairs without acknowledging Jeffery and his colleagues Andy waited looking out of the front window and after forty minutes said, “She coming” as a small sports car drove into the drive.
Soon the door opened and Janice came into a face full of chemicals from Andy’s atomiser and as she stopped Andy said, “Keep on going into the sitting room, your future waits.”
As she walked in Colin pressed the trigger on his toy gun and said, “Your name is now cat you will only ever answer to that name and will always think of yourself as cat. You can only make the sounds of a cat with your voice, you are forbidden from trying to form words with your lips except that of an emotionless meow. You can no longer hold a pen or pencil with you paws and you will lose the ability to write over the next twenty-four hours. The only clothing you will ever wear in the future is a cat suit made of latex. I will give you your first one in a moment and you will go up stairs and change, while you are up stairs you will not notice anyone else and leave your clothes tidily on the bed before putting on your cat suit and then coming back down to us. When you come back you will bring your birth certificate, passport and driving licence and give them to me.” Colin then handed her a cat suit and turned off the neural transmitter. Cat took the suit and walked up stairs. Returning several minutes later carrying the personal papers Colin had requested. The suit was very shinny black and had attached gloves and sock, on her head was an open faced hood with cat’s ears and attached on the back was a long cat like tail.
Jeffery said, “Are we done here.” Colin said, “Yes let’s all go back to my place come along cat.” They locked Michelle’s front door on the way out and walked back to the next street, cat was mortified to be walking along the street dressed in a latex cat suit but could not find any words to complain. Colin opened the back passenger door and told her to get in; he then closed the door and got in the front behind the wheel. Jeffery and Andy got into Jeffery’s car and they all set off to Colin’s home.
When they arrived Colin parked on the drive and Jeffery parked behind Andy’s car. Andy got our and Jeffery said, “I’ll go now you can tell what happens tomorrow, tell Colin he can have the day off.” Andy got out of the car and Jeffery drove away. Andy joined Colin as he led Cat into the house. Colin gave Andy the key to the cage and asked him to release the ladies. As Andy went up the stairs Colin said, “Cat your responsibilities here in this house is to keep it clean and to do all the laundry. The only time you can open the bottom zip on your cat suit is when you are in the bathroom and just before you need to use the toilet. The zip must be fully closed before you leave the bathroom. You will sleep in your cat bed in the box room and you will also do whatever Sandra tells you to do.” Colin returned with Sandra and said, “Heather is totally zonked out.” Sandra said, “She is some slutty person, but a fantastic lover, I have never had that many orgasms in my whole seven years of marriage.”
Colin said, “Sandra this is Cat and she will be your domestic servant to help keep this house clean. She is not allowed to leave the property so you will have to do all the shopping. Now the sandwiches are in the fridge, who is hungry?”
Meanwhile Jeffery had arrived back at home and had found Nancy sitting on the door step crying. Jeffery asked, “What is wrong with Nancy.” Nancy replied, “Nancy really needs to prepare for tomorrow but she cannot leave.” Jeffery felt a little compassion for Nancy and said, “If you perform three more oral sex acts on Isabella and me, I will see about you going back to Oxford before teatime.” Nancy squealed with delight and pulled Jeffery’s zip down. Jeffery reached the chair in the hall and Nancy went to work on his penis. As he came, his said, “Where is Isabella?” Nancy said, “She wanted to try the vacuum bed.” Jeffery continued, “If you want to go home you had better release her.”
Nancy ran to the basement stairs and disappeared down them. Jeffery stood up and closed his zip before moving into the kitchen to start making lunch. He prepared three tuna salads and opened a bottle of chilled white wine from the refrigerator. He was just laying the table in the dining room when Isabella came in with Nancy saying “That bed is fantastic being released to three orgasms from Nancy is heaven.”