The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Category: bd - bondage and/or discipline

Absolute Control (Friday Night Fights) mc ff bd mf fd
Absolute Power (Warlord) mc mf ff md bd in
Accidental Inheritance mc mf md fd bd
Accidentally Kinky mc ff mf fd ma hm bd ds ex ft
Adam’s Change mc mm bd
Addicted To Love mc md fd bd hu
Addictive Sub Stances mc mm bd
Admirer411 mc mf md bd
Advantage System mc mm ft bd
The Adventures of Eggy Remixed — BOOK 2 — A WEEK LATER mc mf ff hu hm gr la ex bd
The Adventures Of Eggy Remixed — Book 3 — New Experiences, Interludes and Distractions mc mf ff md fd hu hm gr ex la bd ft
The Adventures of Eggy Remixed — Book 4 — Vicky’s Week mc mf ff md fd hu hm gr la bd rb
The Adventures of Eggy Remixed — Book 5 — Annette’s Harem mc mf ff md fd hu hm gr la bd
The Adventures of Freedom Chick: Trials of Dr. X mc mf ff md bd cb
Adventures of Pinky mc mf ff md bd sf
The Adventures of Rania mc mf ff md fd in bd
Against the Wall mc mf fd ds bd
Agents Transformed mc mf ff fd bd
Ah. Dick. Shun. mc mf fd md bd ft
Akira Imports mc mm bd
All Cocks Are Daddy’s Cock mc mf fd bd ds
All Wrapped Up (Madam Kistulot) mc ff cb bd
Altered Mistress mc ff bd ds ft sf
Amareth Falls mc ff bd ft sf
Amazing Woman mc mf ff md fd cb bd
Anal Submission Universe: Emma and Claudia mc ff bd ds
The Analyst mc mf md bd
Android Academy mc mf bd md fd ft
Anxious Housewives mc mf ff md bd
Anything for a Price mc mf ff md in bd
Apex Predator mc ff bd ds hm ft
Appearance Is Everything mc mf ff md bd ft gr in
Arabian Night mc mm in hm bd ex
Arachne’s Weaving mc ff bd ft
The Art of Control mc mf ff md fd bd hu
The Art of Submission mc mf md fd bd ds
The Arts mc bd mf ff md
Ashley’s Mistake mc mf md bd hm
An Attachment Is Made mc mf md ma ts bd
Auction mc md fd ds bd hm
Augur mc mf ff md ma bd ds ex
Auto mc ff bd
Ava The Astronaut Submits mc mf md bd ds gr sf
Awaken My Slave mc mf md bd
The Awakening of Stacy mc ff ma hm bd ds ex
Awakening: A Superheroine’s Escape from Mental Domination mc ff cb bd
The Awakenings mc mm bd
Awe Of Predators mc ff bd ds hm ft
Backlash (Bad Kitty) mc mf md cb bd sf
The Baker’s Wager mc mf ff md fd bd
A Bargain With The Devil mc ff mf fd bd cb
The Bartender mc mf ff md fd gr in bd
Be Careful What You Imprint mc ff bd
Beautification mc ff bd
Becoming Amber mc ff ma bd ex
Becoming His Pet mc mm ds bd ex hm hu ma sf
Bella’s Pastoral Life mc md gr la bd ds ft ex
Belle The Cat mc ff bd
The Benefits of a Good Massage mc ff bd
Beth in Stocks mf md mc bd ds
Betsy and Emily Train Together mc ff bd ft ex
Betsy Is Playing With Fire mc ff mf hm bd
Betsy Visits River City mc mf ff mm md fd ds bd gr be rb ts sc cb hu
Betsy: Anxiety In Latex mc ff mf ma bd
Betsy: Collar and Cuffs Party mc ff mf bd ma
Betsy’s Becoming A Bitch mc ff mf fd bd
Beware the Yorakal Plane mc ff ma bd ws sf
Beware: Do Not Go Into The Forest Alone mc mm bd
Big Red’s Little Amsterdam: Target Acquired mc mm ft gr bd
Bimbo Backfire mc mf md ma gr bd ex hm
The Bimbo Ballet mc ff bd
Binding the Dark Spirit mc md bd
The Birthday Cake mc mf fd bd
Birthday Curse mc mf md ma bd ds gr
The Black Queen: Principles of Obedience mc mf ff fd bd hm
The Black Queen: Unexpected Resistance mc mf fd bd hm
Blank Belt: A Dojo Discipline Story mc mf md ma bd
Blind Date mc mf md bd ds
Blink mc mm bd ds
The Blonde Warrior from Scythia mc mf md bd hm
The Blue Bottle mc mf ff md bd
Blue Familiars mc ff ft gr bd la
The Blue Viper Files mc mf ff fd ma bd ds hm
Blue-Lit Room mc mf md bd ft rb
Bondage Jane mc mf md bd
BOOF 2: Turnabout Is Fair (And Fun) Play mc ff ma ft bd ds ex la hu
Booty School mc mf md bd
Border Crossing mc ff bd
The Boss Lady’s New Toy mc mf fd bd
Boss Man mc mf md bd sc
Bottled mc ff ft bd
Bound By More Than Bondage mc mf md bd ds
Bound Together mc mf md bd
The Box mc ff bd
Brain-Body Conditioning mc ff ma bd
Breaking Aurora Flight mc ff bd ds hm in sf cb
Bridging Minds mc mm bd ds
Button Pusher mc ff cb bd
Bypass The Subconscious mc mf md rb bd
Camera. Flash. Action mc mf fd bd ds hm sf
The Canadian Guardsman mc mm bd ft
Canary mc ff bd ds ex in hm
Candace Falls 3: Fantasy mc ff bd
Cannibal Cain mc mf ff md bd ca
Capes and Crepes mc mf md ft ex ds hm bd cb
Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger: Dark Wedding mc ff mf fd bd cb
Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger: Fate of the Stars mc ff bd cb
Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger: Pleasure Trap of the Catwomen mc ff mf fd cb bd
Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger: Slaves of the Suzerain mc ff bd cb
Captive Audience mc ff bd ft
The Capture of Flame Boy mc mm in bd cb
Captured (Skaetlett) mc ff bd ds hm
Capturing the Spies mc ff bd ds gr ft
Caress Curse mc mf md ma bd
Cassandra’s Gift mc mf ff md bd
Cassie Lee’s New Attitude mc mf md bd
Cat Bites mc mf ff md fd ft fu gr la bd
The Cat that Got the Cream mc ff in la bd hm cb
Catalogue Shopping mc ff mf md fd ma bd
Catch Her in the Rye mc mf md bd
Cat’s Paw mc ff bd sf
Caught in a Fishnet mc ff mf md fd ft bd
Caught Up in Costumes mc mf ff md fd ft ma gr bd ds ex la
Celeb Land mc ff ma hm bd gr sf
Cellular mc mf ff mm in bd ma ex
The Centipede’s Dilemma mc ff bd
A Change in Destiny mc ff bd ft
Change of Life mc mf ff fd bd
Changing Dreams mc ff bd
Charity Starts At Home mc mf md bd gr
A Charleston Tale mc ff mf mm fd md ma bd
Chastity Enforced Slavery mc mf fd bd
Child’s Play mc mf md bd
Choices mc mf md hm ds bd
The Church of Bliss mc bd ds ft sf
Clara’s Mind-Controlling Tweets mc mf bd ds ex gr ws
Cleopatrix Undone mc ff hm ft bd
Clowning Around mc ff ma ft hm in la bd ex hu
Club Lust mc ma fd md bd
Clucked-Up mc mf ff fd ma hm bd ds be sc ws
The Coach mc mm bd
Coffee Break mc ff ts gr bd ma
Collection: Kingdom Cum mc mf md bd ds
Collectors Edition mc mf md bd
College Antics mc mf md bd
Come, As You Are (Flibinite) mc ff bd
Comeback mc ff bd la
Community Outreach mc mf md bd
Community Property mc ff bd ft
Compelling Truth mc ff bd
The Conditioners mc bd mf ff md
Confessions of a Robo-Hottie mc ff rb sf bd ds
Control Geek mc mm ds bd hm
Control Of Women mf md ff mc bd
The Conversion mc mf md bd
Corporate Restructuring mc mf md bd ds
The Countess’ Conquest mc ff cb bd
Couples Counseling mc mf md bd sf
Cowed mc ff bd ft gr la
Crazy mc ff mf fd bd
Cream This Thick mc ff bd ds hm la
Crescent City Stories: What the Villains Did Next mc ff mf bd cb rb
Crimson Contact mc mf ff md in bd
Cropped mc mf fd bd ft
Cruel Dominatrix Alexis mc mf ff bd hm
Cruise Cabin Conundrum mc mf md bd
The Cruise You Can’t Lose mc mf ff md bd
Cult of the Goddess mc ff gr bd ft
Cumming Home mc mf ff md fd bd ds gr in hm
Curing Mary mc mf md in bd
The Cutler Chronicles: Devotee 15 mc mf mm fd bd gr hm rb
Daddy’s Little Girl (Starcrossed) mc mf md bd
Dancing Daze mc ff bd
Dancing Queen mc ff bd hu cb
Danielle’s Demise mc ff bd hm
The Dark mc ff bd
Dark Ride mc ff bd ft sf
The Darkling War mc mf md fd bd
David’s Revenge mc mf md ft bd
Dawn of the Machine — Katie’s Rebirth mc bd rb sf
Declined Payment mc mf md fd bd ds sf
Deep in the Heart mc ff bd
Demeaned mc ff mf bd la
Demoted mc mf md bd ds
Depra/ived mc mf fd bd ds ft
A Descent (Zaq123edcxsw) mc mf ff mm md fd ma hm ds bd ft in
The Destruction of Hugh mc mm bd
Devil Hunter Lace mc mf ff md fd cb bd
Diadem Climbing mc ff bd sf
Diana’s Silver Cord mc ff mf mm fd bd cb
Diaries I Wrote in My Head When Alone and in Chains and Loving Every Moment of It mc mf md bd
A Different Kind of Sex Toy mc ff mf fd ma bd ds ex in hm la ft fu gr
Digital Dreams mc mf fd bd hm sf
Discipline and Reward mc mf md ma bd cb sf ds hm ex
The District Six Feminine Obedience Policy mc mf md bd ds sf
Do Bounty Hunter’s Dream of Electric Whips? mc mf ff md fd bd hm sf
Doctored Into a Cage mc ff mf fd md bd hm
Dog and Pony Show mc mf md bd
Dog Days of Summer mc mf ff fd md ma bd ex gr fu sf
Doggy Mommy For The School Bully mc mm mf md hm be bd
Doggy Mommy in Texas mc mm mf md hm be bd
Doggy Mommy’s First On-line Contact mc mm mf md hm be bd
Dollyworld mc ff mf fd ma bd
Domestic Doll Services: Domestic Doll Fantasies mc mf ff md bd ds ex gr ft rb sf
Domination Dreams mc ff ds bd
Dominion of the Mind (Hypnotist) mc mf ff md fd in hm bd ds ex
Don’t Disturb the Warden mc ff bd la
Don’t Mess With Raging Rodents mc mf md hm be bd
The Dorm Girls mc mf md bd ds hm sf
Double Jeopardy Turn-About: The Biker’s Revenge 5. mc mm bd
Dr. Coolidge, the Sutton Sluts, and Guest. mc mf ff md ma in bd ds ft
Dream Girl mc mf md fd bd
Drone Metastasis mc mf ff fd bd ft
Drug Slaves mc mf ff md bd
The Dungeon of Deviancy mc ff mf fd bd hm ft ds hu
Dweomers & Domination: Droit du Seigneur mc mf ff bd
Edict mc ff ft in bd
Eleanor Asher in: Fetish Fabrication mc ff ma bd hm rb sf
Eleanor Asher in: the Sex Ninjas of the Forest Planet mc ff bd hm rb sf
Election Night mc mf md bd mm ts gr hu
Electric Net mc mf ff md bd sf
Em and Ella: The Portfolio mc mf ff fd ma bd
Embrace of the Goddess mc ff bd ds
The Emerald City Trilogy Book 1: Corruption mc ff mf ma fd bd cb ds
The Emerald City Trilogy Book 2: The World According to Paul mc mf ff md bd cb ds
Emerald’s Service mc mf md bd ds gr ft sf
An Emerging Mind mc mf md fd bd
Emilia’s Exorcism mc mf ff md fd ma bd ex
Emily: The Weekend Retreat mc ff bd ex
Emma and the Celestial Gynarchy mc ff ft bd rb
Enchanter mc mf ff md fd bd la in
Enciphered mc ff bd rb
The English Writer mc ff ma bd
Entertaining the Opposition mc mf ff md fd bd
Enticing mc ff mf bd
Escape or Submit mc mf md bd
Eternal Slave mc mf fd ma bd ds ft hm hu sf
The Evil Dr. Coffey mc mf md bd
The Evolution of Emily mc mf md ma bd hm
The Ex Shop mc mf ff md fd bd
The Ex-Girlfriend Collection mc mf ff md bd ds
Ex-Girlfriend Under Mind Control mc mf md hm bd
The Executive Executive Assistant mc mf md bd ds ex ft hm
An Executive Replaced mc ff bd hm sf
Executive Stress Relief mc mm bd
The Exhibit mc mm bd
Exploring the Opportunity mc ff md cb bd
The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ft ex hm in
Faggot Training mc mm bd
Fall of a Devout Boy mc mf fd hm bd ft
Fall of the Anti-Amerikaners mc mf mm md bd
Fallen Future mc mf ff md ds hm in ma bd
Family Ties mc ff bd in
Farm Boy mc mm in bd
Fascination Uniformed mc ff mf fd ma ft ds bd
A Father’s Duty mc mm mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft hm in rb
Fealty mc ff bd
Femdom Motorcycle Club mc mf fd bd
Ficta mf md bd mc
Fighting Words mc ff bd
Finding Their Way mc mf ff md fd bd
First Week of Work mc mf md bd ds hm sf
A Fistful of Sand 3—Resurrection mc mf ff md fd bd hm
Five mc ff bd
Fleeting Control mc mf ff md bd
Fluid Fixation mc ff ds bd cb
Fly Fishing — A Three Fingers Companion Volume mc ff ma bd ds hm
Follow My Leader mc ff bd
Fond Memories mc ff bd
Football Team Trance mc mm bd
Frank & Jessy — Collar Play mc mf md fd bd ft sf
Frank & Jessy — Pussy Time for You mc mf fd bd ft sf
Fuck Toy mc mf md bd
Fuck You mc mm bd hm
Future Bimbo Actress mc ff mf fd bd
Future’s Past mc ff ma gr la bd sf
Gallantrix in the Gestalt mc ff cb bd
Galley Slave mc mf fd bd
Gene, Jean, and the Go-Between mc mf md fd bd
Generative Change mc mf md bd ds ft
Generous Natures mc mf ff md bd ds
German Slaves mc mf fd bd hm
A Gilded Cage mc mf ma bd ft gr cb
The Girl from Darjeeling mc mf md bd
A Girl Named Slave mc mf md fd bd ds ft
Give Me Thirty Days mc mf ff md ma bd
Golddigger mc mf md bd
Good Ending mc mf fd bd ft
The Great Debate mc mf md ft bd ds ex rb sf ts
Greater Life Hath No Evil mc ff mf fd md bd
Gypsy Style Vengeance mc mf fd hm bd
Hand Worship mc ff bd ds
The Hapless Intruder mc mm bd
Happy Cheerleaders mc mf md bd
The Hard Way mc mf md bd
The Hard Way II mc mf ff md bd
Hardwired Holly mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds rb sf cb
Harem Scarum mc ff mf ma fd bd ds ex gr hu sf
Harlot High mc mf md bd ds
A Haunting in Missouri mc mf md bd hm in
The Hazards of Hyperia Hardnox mc mf ff bd ma hm
Heat: Betsy’s POV mc mf ff fd ma bd
HEAT: Jason’s Demise mc mf ff fd ma bd
Hellfire Series mc mf md bd ds hm in
A Helmet of Bells mc bd ds
Hera’s Throne of Shame mc mf md ma bd in ex hm
Here’s the Deal... mc ff bd
Hidden Hinges—Swinging Both Ways mc mf ff md fd bd
A High School Reunion of Different Sorts mc mf md bd hm
Highschool mc mf md bd
Hip to Be Square mc md fd mf ff bd ds ex ma hu
Holiday Punishment for Deputy DeMandrel and two Jocks mc mm bd
Holly’s Fantasy Unfortunately Comes True mc ff mf fd ma bd
Holly’s New Career mc ff mf bd
Home Farm mc ff ma la bd gr
A Horny Dilemma mc mf ff bd
Hot to Trot mc mf md bd
Hot Wired mc mf md bd
House Bound mc mf md ma bd gr la
A House Fallen mc mf md in bd
Household Fortunes mc mf ff md bd
How did they know? mc mm bd
How Lacy Accidentally Broke the World mc mf ff ma bd ds gr sf
How To Pay Your College Loans mc ff fd md ds bd
How to Train Your Slave mc mm bd
Hunter’s Trip: The Milking Barn. mc mm bd ft
Hypno Air mc ff bd ds
Hypno T.V. mc mf md bd
The Hypno-Seduction of Lana mc mf md bd
Hypnosis is nothing to Laugh About! mc mf ff md bd
Hypnotic Sessions mf mc bd
Hypnotized Submissives mf mc bd
Hypnotizing Daddy To Whip Me mc mf md fd bd ds
I Love Candi mc ff bd
Ice Blue mc mm bd hm
In My Mind a Horror mc mf ff md fd bd in nc
In My Mind, a River mc ff mf fd md bd nc
In My Mind, A Serpent mc ff bd ds nc
In the Clutches of Baroness Blackleather mc ff bd cb
In Your Eyes mc ff bd
Incest Quest (An ADMIN Tale) mc mf md ma in bd ds ex ft
Incubus (Hypno-Eretica) mc mf md fd bd ds gr
Incursion (Pornomancy) mc mf ff mm md bd
Indentured Servant Welfare mc mf md bd hm ma
Initiation (Tim Tom Tastic) mc mf md bd
The Initiation of Patty Ferguson mc mf ff md bd
Inner Strength mc mf mm md fd bd ds ft
Instant-On mc mf mm md in sc bd gr
The Institute of Apotheosis 5: Submissive Incest Mind Control mc mf ff bd in
Instructions mc mf md bd ds ex
Insurance mc mf ff md fd ma bd in
An interesting visit to Mistress R mc mf fd bd rb
Invisible Bonds, Gentle Discipline mc mf fd bd
Is It Any Better? mc mf md bd sf
Itty Bitty mc ff bd
It’s a Dog’s Life mc mf md hm bd be
It’s All In The Mynd mc ff bd cb
It’s All In The Mynd — Part II mc ff bd cb
It’s Better Being Bambi mc mf md bd gr
I’ve Always Hated Needles mc mf ff fd bd sf
Jaclyn’s Slide to Submission mc ff ft hm bd
Jasmine’s Last Stand mc mf md bd ds
Jenn and Sarah mc ff bd
Jewels of the Gods mc ff ft bd
Jock Enslavement mc mm bd
Journal mc mf md ma hm ds bd
The Journal of Juliet Samson mc mf md ma hm ds bd
Judas Goat mc mf md fd hm bd ds
Just Relax and Look at the Light mc mf ff md bd
Just Say No mc mf md ds bd
Keep It in the Family mc mm in bd
Kiara’s Submission mc mf md bd
Kidnapping, Torture and Pleasure mc mf ff md bd gr
A Kiss So Deadly mc ff bd ds
Lady Luck mc mf ff md fd bd hm
Lara Swift Is Colonized mc ff ft hm bd ds
Laser Brains mc ff bd sf
Learning the Dos and Don’ts mc mf fd ma hm ds bd
Liberation mc mf bd sf
The Librarian’s Pet mc mm bd ds gr
Libyan Girl Bully’s Slave mc ff bd hm rb
Life Skills mc mf ff bd hm
Light and Shadows 8: Dark Dungeon’s Depths mc mf ff md fd bd hm cb
Lightstorm in a Bottle mc ff cb bd ex ma ds
List of Rules mc mf md hm ds bd
Literal Learning — Lesson 1: Reproductive Anatomy mc mf gr la bd
A Little Night Music mc mf ff fd bd
Long Haul mc bd ds ft sf
The Long Road Goodbye mc mf md ma bd ds ex
Loss Of Control mc mf md bd
Lost and Found: Annika and Lexi mc ff bd ex ft gr
Lost on a Mission mc hm ds bd sf
Love Is The Strongest Bond mc mf ff md fd bd
Love Leech mc mf ff fd md bd ds
Lulu II mc ff mf bd
Lulu III mc ff mf bd
The Lustful Codex mc mf ff md fd bd ds ex ft
Lyra mc ff bd
The Machine mc mm ds bd
Made to Order (HB5211) mc mf ff md fd ma bd
Magic Lessons mc mf ff bd ft
Maid In Heaven mc ff bd ds hm
Making a Good Thing Better mc mf ff md bd gr la
Making Ends Meet mc mf ff md fd bd
Making Memories mc mf md hm ds bd
The Making of (c)F-7985-656-882 mc mm bd ft
The Making of Virgine mc mf ff mm fd md ma bd
Making the Perfect Girlfriend mc ff bd
The Manager mc ff ma ds bd ex
Manufacturing Bliss mc mf ff md ma bd ds ex hm ft
Margie mc mf ff bd
Masked mc ff ft bd gr
Master and Commander mc mf md bd
Master of Puppets (Tang) mc mf md ff ft gr bd
Master PC: Answering Service mc mf ff md fd gr bd in
Master Telepath: The Proper Rules Of Bridge mc mf ff md bd
Master Turnabout mc mm bd
Matriarch mc ff bd
The Mayor’s Ambitions mc mf ff md hm bd
Meadows of Asphodel mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft
Meena mc mf ff fd bd
Meena IV mc ff mf bd
Meena Part II, Gina mc ff mf bd
Meena Part III, Tammy mc ff mf bd
Meeting Charlotte mc mf fd bd ds ft
Melissa’s Journal mc mf md bd
Memories of Her Boyfriend mc mf md ma bd ds ft
Mental Bondage mc mf md fd bd ds ex
Mental Security Guaranteed mc ff ma ft bd ds
Meteor Maid Remade mc ff cb bd ft
Methoden der Extraktion (Methods of Extraction) mc ff bd
Midsummer Knight’s Dream mc ff mf fd md bd
Milk Bar mc mm bd gr
The Milk Society mc mf ft gr la sf bd
Million Dollar Cherry mc ff bd
Mind Control Bimbo Slut mc md fd mf bd
Mind Fuck mc mf ff md bd
Mind Games mc md mf bd
Mind Games (Gingerxxx) mc mf ff md fd ma ds bd ft hm
Mind Virus mc ff ft bd sf
Mindtrap Manor mc mf ff md fd ma in gr la hu nc bd sf
Mirror Mirror (DJ Pynchon) mc mf fd bd
The Misadventures of The Bear and Spanky mc mm mf cb md fd bd
Miss Manhattan mc mf md bd gr cb
Mistress Dyvia’s The Interview mc mf ff fd md bd ds ex ft
Mistress Fatale: A Tale of Two Masques mc mf md bd cb
Model Maker mc ff mf fd ma bd
Mommy’s Hypnotic Discipline mc mf fd md in bd
Mona’s Makeover mc mf ff md bd gr in
Mongol Whored mc mf ff bd
Monica’s Master Plan mc mf ff md fd ma in bd ds ex ft gr hm
Mooed Ring mc ff ma bd ds ex gr hm la ex ft fu
A More Permanent Position mc ff ft hm bd
Ms Americana Fallen mc mf md hm cb bd
Ms. Calypso and the Vanishing Act mc ff bd
The Mummy Mistress mc ff bd ex ft
Mundane Application mc mm bd
Muse mc ff sf bd
Must Be the Season… mc ff bd
My First Rape mc mf md bd
My Girlfriend’s a Catgirl! mc mf ff md fd ma fu ft gr hm la bd ex
The Naughty List (Sally Blair) mc mf md bd ft
Needle Blinding: Mrs. Jesby mc ff bd
Neon Dream mc mf fd bd ds ft sf
New America mc mf md hm ds bd sf
9 Mages mc mf md bd gr ex cb
Nine to Hive mc ff mf fd ft ma gr sf bd
The Nineteenth Hole mc mf md ma bd gr
No Bra mc mf md bd hm gr
A Novel Approach mc mf ff fd ma gr bd
Nu Thought mc ff bd ds
Nurse mc mf fd bd
Obedient Mommy mc mf md in be bd hm
Observation mc mf ff bd sf
Obsession (HB5211) mc mf ff md ma bd
Of Cabbages and Kings mc mf md bd
Of Myths and Monsters mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds fu sf
Omega Girl 4 mc mf ff md fd bd ft cb
The OmniDress mc mf ff md fd bd ds
On the Three Days of Birthday… mc ff bd
The Onyx Falcon mc ff bd
Oral Hypnosis mc mf md bd
The Ordeal mc mm bd
Owned by Olivia mc ff bd
A Pacifier for a Cheerleader mc ff bd
Packback mc mf ff fd in ft bd
The Pact (Mistress Dyvia) mc ff mf fd md bd ds ex ft gr hm in
Pain For Power mc mf ff md in bd
Path of Least Resistance mc ff cb bd ds hm
Payback Time mc md mf ff bd hm ma
Pearla mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft la gr
Peking Fuck mc ff bd
Persian Bitch For An Arab Master mc mf md bd
A Persian Princess Falls mc mf md bd hm
Pet Teachers mc ff ma bd ds hm sc
Pet Teachers 2: Purring Pussy mc ff ma bd ds ft hm la sc
Pet Teachers 3: Submissive Simian mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds
Petal Kiss mc ff bd
Peter and Wendy mc md ft bd
PH Factor mc mf md bd
The Pheromones Wars mc mf ff md fd bd
Physical Hypno-Therapy mc mf fd md ft bd ds
Pieces mc mf ff ma in bd ds ex ft la gr hm sf
The Pill Man mc mf md gr bd
The Pink Sakura mc ff bd
The Pirate of Chrystal Bay mc ff mf fd gr bd ma
Planted (Half Shim) mc ff gr bd sf
Pleasure Knight mc mf fd bd ft hm hu
Pop! (TheHandsThatLead) mc mf md bd gr
A Practical Joke…In Spaaacccceee mc mf md bd hu sf
Precognition mc mf md bd cb
Predator mc mf md in bd
Prey to the Void mc ff ma bd ds ex ft sf
The Princess Slave mc mf md bd
Prison Bitches mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds cb
Prison Reform mc ff bd
The Prisoner mc mm bd
The Process (Anna Dixon) mc mf md bd ds
A Professional Dilemma mc mf ff md ma hm bd
The Program mc mf ff bd
Project Red Eye mc mf md in bd ws
Prosecutor Transformed mc mf ff md fd ma bd gr
Proxy Plaything mc ff cb bd
Pull Over! mc mm bd
Pumping It Out mc mm ft bd
Pussy-Piling mc ff bd
Questions & Answers mc ff bd ds cb
The Race to Erase Lace with a Mace in the Face of Grace mc mf md bd sf
Raindrops Keep Falling mc ff bd
Rape Suzette mc mf md bd nc
Rawley Academy mc mm bd
Re-Genisis ff mc sf bd
Rebirth mc ff mf bd
Rebuilding the Herd mc mf ff bd gr la
Recycled mc mf fd sf bd
Redemption of the Demoniac Ass mc md bd
Release (Maenads) mc mf ff mm fd bd ds ft
Religious Conversion mc ff ma bd ds hm la ft
Remind Me Who I Am Again mc ff ft bd
The Reprogramming Sticker mc mf md in bd hm rb
Rescue mc ff in ft bd
Researching the Role mc ff bd ft
Resolve mc mf md bd
The Retraining mc mm bd
The Retraining Retreat mc mf ff md fd ft hm la bd
The Return of the Confectioner mc mf ff md fd bd cb
Return of the Ultimate LoveDolls mc mf md bd gr rb
Returning to the Family Farm mc mm bd
Reunion (Allister Remm) mc mf md bd
Revenge Is Sweet mc mf mm md bd be
Reverse Polarity (An ADMIN Tale) mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft hm
Rewired (Madam Kistulot) mc ff ma cb ex bd hm la rb
Rhona’s Collar Training mc mf md bd ma sf
The Rise and Fall of the Hellpyre Club mc mf ff md bd hm
Rita Moves to Paradise mc ff mf fd sc bd
Rogue State mc mf md bd hm
A Room with A View Into A Kinkier Life mc ff bd ft in
Roommate Surprise mc ff md bd
Roulette (sara castle) mc ff bd sf
The Royal Fall mc ff bd ds in
Rubberslut mc mm bd ft
Rush to Surrender mc ff bd
Russian Slave for an American Master mc mf md hm bd
The S(t)imulator mc mm bd
The S-Hero League mc mf md bd cb la
Sadism mc ff bd ds
Samantha’s Dreams mc mf md bd hm ft
Sara, Across the Street mc mf md bd nc
Sasha mc mf fd bd
Sasha’s Obsession mc mf md hm in bd ex
Scott’s Mission mc mm bd
Scrumptious Harlot mc mf md bd
The Secret Life of Dr Malcolm Phillips mc mf ff bd
Secret Provocante mc ff bd cb ft
Senioritis mc mf ff fd ds bd ft hm
Shadow Doctor mc mf md bd
Shall We Play a Game mc mf ff ma ex bd hm ft gr
The Shape of Victory mc mf md bd gr ma cb
Sharon, Helena, and Monica mc ff in bd rb
Sheriff Jan mc mm bd
The Ship mc bd sf
Sidetracked on Memory Lane mc ff cb bd
The Signal mc mf ff mc md in bd ds ex ft
Signed First Edition mc mf md bd ds
Silly Love Songs mc mf ff ma md fd bd ds ft hu la
A Simple Procedure mc mf ff fd bd
Simplify Your Life — Trading Up mc mf ff md fd ma in bd ds ex hm gr ft
Sinful Revenge mc mm bd sc
Single Sight mc ff bd
Sink mc ff mf fd ft bd
Sins of the Mother mc ff mf bd
The Sisters of Andalusia mc ff bd
Slave 24 mc mf fd bd
Slave Chain mc ff bd
Slave Wife for the Loan Sharks mc mf md hm bd be
Sleeping Dogs mc ff bd
Slut Coffee mc mf ff md fd bd hm gr
Smoke and Drums: The Scout mc mm ma hm bd ds ex sf
Snapped mc mf ff in bd md
So Night Follows Day mc mf ff fd bd
Something Old Something New mc mf md fd bd in
Sorority War 2 — The Fantasy Fetish Festival mc mf ma bd ex gr hm
Soul Mates mc mf bd
Spa Getaway mc bd ft sf
Space Academy Bimbofication Conspiracy mc mf md bd ds ex ft
The Spanish Inquisition mc mf md gr bd
Spare the Rod mc mm in bd
Split Steve mc mf gr la bd
The Spreading Darkness mc fd bd ds ft
The Stable Master mc mf ff md bd ds hm in
The Stables of Mistress Claire mc mf mm ff bd la
Starlite Cabins mc mf ff md fd bd
Sticky Mess mc mf md fd bd
Stolen Trust mc mf ff md bd
Stone and Oak mc ff ma bd
A Story for Wentworth: The Biker’s Revenge 2 mc mm bd
The Story of Iz mc mf ma ex ds bd hm
Strange Games mc ff mf fd md ma gr ex bd ds ft
The Strong Man mc mm bd ds gr
Student Project mc mf ff fd bd
Subconscious Reality mc mf md gr bd ft
Subliminal mc mf md bd
Subliminal Messages mc mf fd bd
Subliminal Submissives mf ff md mc bd
Sumana’s Deal mc mf ff md fd bd ex hm ws
A Super Woman’s Place mc mf md bd ft sf cb
Superior mc mf fd bd
Surprise Oral Fixation mc mf md bd ds ft
Surprise! mc mf md bd
Suzanne’s New Career mc mf md bd
Sweet Kisses mc ff bd cb
The Sweet Smell of Lust mc mf ff md in bd
Sybarielle’s Sumbission Scheme mc ff cb bd
Tabitha’s Revenge mc mf fd bd hm
Tabitha’s Tick-Tock Brain Block mc mf md bd ds ex ft hm
Taking Down the League mc mm cb bd
The Taking of Julia mc mf ff md bd
Taking Them With Me mc mf md bd ds
Tammy II mc ff mf bd
Teach That Girl A Lesson mc mf ff md in bd ds hm
Teacher’s Mind-Controlled Sluts mc mf ff md bd
Teaching Her a Lesson: In the Dungeon of the Dragon mc mf ff md fd bd ds ex ft hm hu
Tender Loving Control mc ff ma in ex ds bd rb hm ft
Terran Guard mc mm bd sf
Test of Five III: Truth and Consequences mc mf md cb bd hm
Test Program mc mf md bd
Theraputic Discovery! mc mf md hm bd
Therapy with Belinda mc ff bd ds
This Could Get Complicated mc mf md ma bd
This Wasn’t Supposed to Happen! mc ff bd ft
A Thousand Lords And One mc mf ff md fd bd ds in ft hm sf
Thundering mc ft bd
Ticklish mc ff bd
Tim and Nita mc mf fd bd hm
Tit-Slave mc mm bd
To Know You, Is to Enslave You... mc ff bd
To Sleep Perchance to Cream mc md mf ff bd ds
Total Control Protocol mc mf md bd
Total Domination mc mf ff md bd
Total Package Dentistry mc mf fd bd ft la
Total Submission mc ff mf fd ft bd
Tour the Facility mc mf md ma bd hm
Tracing Patterns: Heather Loves Horses mc mf md bd
Traditional Views mc md hu bd
Trained (maslyfe) mc mm bd
Training Collar mc mf ff md bd
Transforming Cassandra mc mf ff fd ma bd
Trapped mc mf ff fd ma bd
Trick or Trope mc mf ff md fd bd
Trick Pony mc ff bd
Trisha’s Memorable Weekend mc mf md bd
Trixie Treat mc mf md ma bd ex ft
Trojan Tiara mc ff bd
Trophy Acres — A Walking Tour mc mf ff md fd in hm bd ex
A True and Proper Slave mc mf ff md bd
Trust me, I’m a Doctor mc mf md fd bd
Try to Remember mc ff bd cb
Twins mc ff mf bd ma
Twins Taken mc mf fd bd
Twisted Concepts: The Curse of the Animated Anomaly mc mf ff md fu hu bd sf in
The Ultimate Lovedoll mc mf ff md bd rb
The Under the Hill Franchise — Alicia’s First Visit mc md fd bd ds ex
Undercover Transformation: POV mc mf ff md ma bd
The Undertow (Trixie Adara) mc ff mf fd bd la
Unearthing the Lesbian Goddess mc ff bd ds
Uniform mc mf ff mm md fd gr ft ma bd
Union Mechanique mc mf md bd
Unruly Women Reform Academy mc mf md ds bd gr rb
Unsolicited mc mf ff md ma bd
Valentine Gift mc mf md bd
A Variation on a Theme mc mf fd bd
Venezuelan College Student with Two Blonde Danish Slaves mc mf md hm be bd
The Vengeful Spirit mc mf md bd
The Vengence Factor mc mf md sf bd
Victoria’s Mansion mc ff ma bd ds ex ft
Video Vixen II mc mf ff md bd
Villain Tamer mc mf md bd ds ft hu cb
A Virtual Dungeon mc mf ff md bd
The Voices mc mf md fd bd
The Wager mc mf fd bd
Waif mc mf ff md fd bd ds
A War Dawning mc mf ff md fd bd
Wares mc bd ds rb
Water, Water Everywhere... mc mf md bd
The Week Ahead mc mf md bd ts gr
Welcome to the Fish Tank mc ff bd gr sf
The Wellington House mc mf md gr bd
What Does Miss Fox Say? mc mf md bd gr la
What’s in a Name? (Flibinite) mc ff bd
What’s New is Old Again mc mf ff md in ds bd
When Betsy Meets Emily mc ff ma la gr ex bd ft
When the Cows Come Home mc mf ff la gr bd ds
Where is Jessica? mc mf fd bd ds ft
Where is She Taking Me? mc mf ff bd
Whip It mc mf fd bd
White Knight and Titmouse mc mf ff md fd sf bd cb hu
White Shadow mc mf fd bd
Whoring in Manila mc ff mf fd md hm bd
Who’s Hypnoing Who mc mf fd bd ft
Why Buy the Cow When You Can Make Your Own? mc ff bd gr hm la cb
The Wi-Fi Doll mc mf md ma bd ds ft
Wife Swap mc mf ff md fd in bd
A Willing Submission (Michelle) mc ff bd
Window Shopping mc mf fd hm bd ft
Winning the Duel mc mf md fd bd
Wiped Clean mc mf ff bd sf
The Wives De-Programming Club mc mf ff ma bd
Women’s Studies mc mf md bd
Work-Life Balance mc mm bd ds
Xanadu mc mf ff md fd bd ds
Xmas Mind-control, Bondage & Jock Training For the Sheriff’s Department mc mm bd
XXX4 mc ff bd
XYZ Comes Again! mc mf md bd
You Better Watch Out mc ff bd ds ft hm hu