The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Category: ds - dominance and/or submission

Abduction mc mf mm fd ds nc
Abduction Seduction mc ff ds hu sf
Aberrant Futures mc mf ff md in ds ex sf
About A Notebook That Imposes Magical Rules, But It Keeps Making Them Sexy mc mf md fd ds ex
The Abyss 2: New Prey mc mf ff md fd ds
Accidental Incest mc mf ff md ds in ws
Accidentally Kinky mc ff mf fd ma hm bd ds ex ft
Active Listening mc mf md ds hm
An Ad for a Doll mc ds
Adjustment Study mc fd ma hm ds
Adjustment, Amazon-style mc mf fd hm ds gr
Adoring My Robot Overlord mc ff ds sf
Adoring My Robot Overlord 2: Supersoldiers Subdued mc ff ds sf
Adventures of Admiral Columbia: Reunion mc mm ds hm ws sf cb
The Adventures of Strobe mc ff ds cb
Against the Wall mc mf fd ds bd
Agreed mc mm ds hu
Alex’s College Life mc mf md ds
Alex’s Downfall: The Making of Sexy Lexy mc mm ma ft hm ws ds ex
Alice in Broad Street? mc mf fd ds
Alien to Ambition mc mf md gr ds la sf
All About the Hamiltons mc mf ff md fd be ds ex ws
All Cocks Are Daddy’s Cock mc mf fd bd ds
All Relationships Are About Power mc ff ds hm ft
All Your Filth Corrupted Pure [Volume 1] mc mf fd ds gr sf
Alpha Male’s Paradise mc mf ff md ds ex ft
Altered Mistress mc ff bd ds ft sf
Am I Your New Addi(c)tion? [Volume 1] mc ff ds hu
Am I Your New Addi(c)tion? [Volume 2] mc ff ma ds
Anal Submission Universe: Emma and Claudia mc ff bd ds
Anatomy of an Invasion mc ff mf fd ma ds la ex sf
And the Award for Best Blacked Pop Slut goes to.... mc mf md ds
And... Freeze mc fd ds ex
Anna and Bill: Party Crashers mc ff md fd in ex gr hm ds
Anything You Want mc mf fd ds
AO Serum mc mf fd md ds gr sf
Apex mc mf ff md in gr ds
Apex Predator mc ff bd ds hm ft
Aria mc ff ds in
The Art of Submission mc mf md fd bd ds
Ass You Wish : Building Our Own Families mc ff ds ft hm hu
Atonement mc fd ds
Auction mc md fd ds bd hm
Augur mc mf ff md ma bd ds ex
Ava The Astronaut Submits mc mf md bd ds gr sf
Awakening at College mc mf ff mm md ma ds ex
The Awakening of Stacy mc ff ma hm bd ds ex
Awe Of Predators mc ff bd ds hm ft
The Ballad of Molly Saunders mc mf ff md fd ds in
BBW takeover mc mf fd ds
Because I Can (Writer345) mc ff mm fd ds gr hm ft ws
Becoming Her Maid (Skaetlett) mc ff ft ds
Becoming His Pet mc mm ds bd ex hm hu ma sf
The Bed mc ma ds
Behavior Modification mc mf md hm bd ds
Bella’s Pastoral Life mc md gr la bd ds ft ex
Beth in Stocks mf md mc bd ds
Betsy Visits River City mc mf ff mm md fd ds bd gr be rb ts sc cb hu
Bimbo Lacy is a Daddy’s Girl mc mf ff fd md ds ex in
Bimbo or Billionaire: Seeking Approval mc mf ff ds ft ex gr la
Bimbo Outbreak mc mf md fd gr la ds
Bimbo Queen mc ff ma gr ds
The Bimbo System mc mf ff md ds la gr
The Bimbofication of CatGPT mc mf md ds rb sf hu
Birth of a Bimbear mc mm ds ex ft gr hu
Birthday Curse mc mf md ma bd ds gr
The Black New World Order mc mm mf ds
Black Tiger — The Hypnotrap mc mm ma ds cb
Blake’s Magic Ring mc mf mm md ds
Blind Date mc mf md bd ds
Blink mc mm bd ds
The Blue Viper Files mc mf ff fd ma bd ds hm
Bluepilled mc mf md in ds sf
Bluetoothed mc mf md ds be
BNWO Cruise mc mm mf ds
Bodhisattva mc mf md ds
Body Language mc mf ff fd ma ds
Bondage Farm mc ma md fd ds gr la
Bonus Pairing: Hearthside Haze mc mf fd md ds
Bonus Pairing: Mommy’s Master mc mf ff fd md la hm ds
Bonus Pairing: The Milkmaid’s Well mc ff mf fd md la fu ds
BOOF 2: Turnabout Is Fair (And Fun) Play mc ff ma ft bd ds ex la hu
Born to Make You Happy mc mf md ma ds hm
Born To Make You Happy II mc mf ff md ds
Bound By More Than Bondage mc mf md bd ds
The Bracelet mc ff ds
Brain Steam mc ff ds
Brandi, the Protector of the Gateway: Season 2 mc mf mm ff gr ds ex
Breaking Aurora Flight mc ff bd ds hm in sf cb
Bred by the Divine mc mf md ds
Breezing By mc mf md fd rb ds
Bridging Minds mc mm bd ds
Bunbun the Bunny mc ff ft ds hm
Bus Boi mc mm ds
Business and Pleasure (sex-obsessed-lesbian) mc ff ds
By Any Other Name mc ff ds hm
Caffeinated Quickies: Best in Breed mc mf md gr ds sf
Caffeinated Quickies: Mothers MILF Club mc mf fd in gr ds
Caitlyn’s mc mf md ma ds hm
Call and Response mc mf md ds
Camera. Flash. Action mc mf fd bd ds hm sf
A Campaign of the Mind mc mf ff md fd ds gr
Canary mc ff bd ds ex in hm
Candy Pink Rosé mc ff ds hm
Capes and Crepes mc mf md ft ex ds hm bd cb
Captured (Skaetlett) mc ff bd ds hm
Captured and Defiled mc ff md ma ds ex ft hm la in ws
Captured by Orcs — Elven Desires mc mf md ds ex gr la hm
Capturing the Spies mc ff bd ds gr ft
Cashmere and Steam mc ff ds ft hm ws
Cassie’s Conundrum mc mf ff md fd ma hm be ex ds
Cassie’s Curse mc mf ff md fd in ds hm
Caught Up in Costumes mc mf ff md fd ft ma gr bd ds ex la
Center Stage mc mf fd ma hu ex ds
The ChameleonBand mc mf md ds gr
Change of Heart (Etherealust) mc ff ds ft hm cb
Cheating mc mf fd ds
Choices mc mf md hm ds bd
Choose Your Own Transformation: Prisoner of the Master mc mf md ds gr
The Church of Bliss mc bd ds ft sf
Clara’s Mind-Controlling Tweets mc mf bd ds ex gr ws
Clauses mc ma ds
Cliché Chronicles: Pet Sitting mc mf md ma ds
Cliché Chronicles: Practical Demonstration mc mf ff md fd ma ds
Cliché Chronicles: Recruitment Process mc mf md ds
Cliché Chronicles: The Family That Obeys Together... mc mf ff md ds in
Clown Flu mc mf fd ft ds hu
Clucked-Up mc mf ff fd ma hm bd ds be sc ws
Coffeehouse Slave mc mf md ds
The Collaboration mc mf ds
Collection: Kingdom Cum mc mf md bd ds
A College Submits mc mm mf ff ds
Comfortable mc ff ds
The Company Dolls mc mf ff md fd ds
Completion & Commencement mc mf ff fd ds hm
Confessions of a Robo-Hottie mc ff rb sf bd ds
Consensual Non-Consent mc mf md ds
The Contract mc mf md ds
Contract Review mc md ds ma
Control Geek mc mm ds bd hm
Cora mc mf md fd ds sf
Corporate Restructuring mc mf md bd ds
Corrupting the Innocent mc ff ds
Cosmic Odyssey 1: When the Hourglass Runs Out mc ff ma ds ex sf
Cosmic Odyssey 2: The Chain of Ice mc ff ds ex hu sf
Cosmic Odyssey 3: Open Source mc ff ds ex rb hu sf
The Cottonwood Stud Ranch mc mf fd ds gr
Countermove mc ff ds gr
Covert Hypnosis mc mf md ds
Crafting Submission: A Tale of Dominance and Desire mc ff ds
Cream This Thick mc ff bd ds hm la
The Creed mc mf md ds
The Critic mc mf md ds hm
Cruel to Be Kind mc mf md ds
Cumming Home mc mf ff md fd bd ds gr in hm
A Cure for Depression mc mf mm fd md in la ds ws
Daddy’s Deposits mc mm ds
Dark Whispers mc mf ff md fd ma ds ex hm ws in
The Dawn Of A New Order: A “Fall Of Women” Christmas Special mc mf md ds ft hm sf
A Day mc mf ff fd in be hm ds gr
Decisive mc md ds hm
Declined Payment mc mf md fd bd ds sf
Deepa and the Cursed Milk of Castle Doomstrom mc ff md ma la ds ex ft
The Demon and the Knight mc mf fd ds
Demoted mc mf md bd ds
Demoted To Footgirl mc ff ds hm ft
Depra/ived mc mf fd bd ds ft
A Descent (Zaq123edcxsw) mc mf ff mm md fd ma hm ds bd ft in
The Devil Goes Black mc mf mm ds
The Devil’s Toys mc ff ds ft hm
A Different Kind of Sex Toy mc ff mf fd ma bd ds ex in hm la ft fu gr
Digitized Submission mc ff hm ft ds sf
Discipline and Reward mc mf md ma bd cb sf ds hm ex
Distortionized mc ff ds sf
The District Six Feminine Obedience Policy mc mf md bd ds sf
Doctor Is Always Right (Archer Stories) mc mf md ds
Doll mc mf md ft ds
Doll Catcher mc mf md ds gr la
The Doll House’s New Dolls mc ff ma ds
Domestic Doll Services: Bimbo Casino mc mf md gr in ds rb
Domestic Doll Services: Domestic Doll Fantasies mc mf ff md bd ds ex gr ft rb sf
Domestic Doll Services: Domestic Relations mc mf md ds ft rb sf
Domestic Doll Services: Guilt Alleviation mc mf md ds ft gr rb sf
Domestic Doll Services: Project Daffodil Rose mc mf md ds rb ft sf
Domestic Doll Services: Public Relations mc mf ff md ds gr ft hm rb
Domestic Doll Services: The Billionaire & The Bimbos mc mf md ds ex ft gr hm rb
Domestic Doll Soldiers mc mf md ds rb sf
Domination Dreams mc ff ds bd
Dominion of the Mind (Hypnotist) mc mf ff md fd in hm bd ds ex
Donna’s Trance Trigger mc mf md ds ex ft hm hu
The Dorm Girls mc mf md bd ds hm sf
Dr. Coolidge, the Sutton Sluts, and Guest. mc mf ff md ma in bd ds ft
Dr. Joseph’s Dentist Office mc mf ff md fd gr la ds
Dr. Vivian Thorper PsyD mc ff mf fd ds ma
Dream a Little Dream With Me mc mf md ds ft ma hm
Dream Machine mc mf ff ds
Drone 101 mc ff ma ds ex ft sf
A Drone Date mc ff ds ft cb
The Dryad’s Garden mc ff ds
The Dungeon of Deviancy mc ff mf fd bd hm ft ds hu
Eden mc ff ds ma
Eleanor Asher in: The Telepathically Irresistible Lesbian Queen of the Alien Planet mc ff ds ex hm sf
Elven Mundanity mc ff ds
Embrace of the Goddess mc ff bd ds
The Emerald City Trilogy Book 1: Corruption mc ff mf ma fd bd cb ds
The Emerald City Trilogy Book 2: The World According to Paul mc mf ff md bd cb ds
Emerald Dreams mc mf ff md fd ds hm sf
Emerald’s Service mc mf md bd ds gr ft sf
Emily’s Last Bus Ride mc mf md ds sf
Enjoy the Silence mc ds
Enslave All Cheerleaders mc ff ma hm ds
Enslaved by Tirala’s Satin mc mf fd ds ft
Establishing Dommenance mc ma ds
Eternal Slave mc mf fd ma bd ds ft hm hu sf
Euphrates Pharmaceuticals: Dilemma mc mm ds hm ft sf
Everything Changed mc ff ds fu
An Evil Genie Mistress mc ff ma ds ft hu
The Ex-Girlfriend Collection mc mf ff md bd ds
Excessive Shorts mc mf md ds gr
The Executive Executive Assistant mc mf md bd ds ex ft hm
The Expedition (A.K.A. — To Bee or Not to Bee) mc mf ff mm ma ds ex ft gr la
Expert Card Technique mc mf md fd ds
Eye Contact mc md ma ds ex
The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ft ex hm in
Face to Face (hypnoserve2001) mc mm ds ft
A Faerie Tale mc ds
The Fall Of Women mc mf md ds ft hm sf
Fallen Future mc mf ff md ds hm in ma bd
Fascination Uniformed mc ff mf fd ma ft ds bd
A Father’s Duty mc mm mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft hm in rb
Fear Itself mc mf fd ds hm
Feminine Obedience Academy: April mc mf ff md ds ft gr rb sf
Feminine Obedience Academy: Yoshiko mc mf ff md ds ft gr rb sf
Festival Special Sauce mc mm ds
Filthy Daddy mc mf md in ft hm ds
Final Flight of the Swift Flight mc mf md rb ds ft sf
First Week of Work mc mf md bd ds hm sf
Fit for a Queen mc ff ds
Flash (Lisa Teez) mc mf md hm ds
Flavor Text mc mf ds sf
Flowers of Submission mc mf md ma gr ds
Fluid Fixation mc ff ds bd cb
Fly Fishing — A Three Fingers Companion Volume mc ff ma bd ds hm
Flying Business mc mf ds hm
Football Training mc mm mf md fd ma ds hm
Forged in the Foundry mc ff ds ft ex
The Foundling mc mf ff fd ds in ex
From Fantasy to Reality: Diana and Danielle mc ff in ds
A Future For Hope mc ff mf fd md in ds
Gay the Straight Away mc ff ds ft
Generative Change mc mf md bd ds ft
Generous Natures mc mf ff md bd ds
The Ghost Dancer mc mf fd ds
A Girl Called Seagull mc mf md ds gr hm
A Girl Named Slave mc mf md fd bd ds ft
The Girl with the Man with a Plan mc mf md ds
God’s Gaze mc mf mm md ds in
Goth Mommy Madness mc ff in ds gr hm
Graded and Served mc mf fd ds ft hm
Grayscale: A Whiteout Anthology mc ff cb ds fu gr
Grayscale: Violet to Violent mc ff ma ds ft hm cb
The Great Debate mc mf md ft bd ds ex rb sf ts
The Great Trial: A “Fall Of Women” Story mc mf md ds ft hm sf
Grouchy Grace & Her Magical Grool mc ff mf fd ma ds ex ft gr hm la fu
The Guard mc mf ff md fd ds cb
Half-Assed mc mf fd ma ft ds gr fu hm be sc ws
Halloween Harvest Contest mc be ds
Halloween Harvest of Souls mc mf ff mm md ma ds be gr ws
Hand Worship mc ff bd ds
Hard Sell mc ff mf md ds ex ft sf
Hardwired Holly mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds rb sf cb
Harem Scarum mc ff mf ma fd bd ds ex gr hu sf
Harlot High mc mf md bd ds
The Hash mc ma md ds ex
He Likes to Play With His Food mc mf md ds
Heather’s New Start mc ff ds
Helenas Master mc mf mm md ds
Hellfire Series mc mf md bd ds hm in
A Helmet of Bells mc bd ds
Help, I Love a Siren More Than My Wife mc mf ff fd ds ex
Helping Suzy Forget Her Ex mc ff ds
Helping to Take Out Her Blonde Side mc ff mf fd ds
Her Husband’s Hucow mc ff ma la gr ds
Her Magic Rings mc ff mf fd ds ma
Hideout mc ff ma ds cb
High Society Entertainment mc mf fd ma ds ex ft
Hip to Be Square mc md fd mf ff bd ds ex ma hu
Home Cooked Meal mc ff ma ds
Honeydew Heist mc mf md fd ds la
The Honeymoon Manor mc mf fd ma hm ds
Hope Lost All mc ff ds in
House-Making Perfume mc ff ds
How Lacy Accidentally Broke the World mc mf ff ma bd ds gr sf
How To Pay Your College Loans mc ff fd md ds bd
How to Pay Your College Loans Phase 2 mc ff ds hm
How to Surrender Your Identity as a Super Heroine to Achieve Fulfillment and Financial Stability mc ds hm
How to Tame Her with Slumber mc mf ff md fd ds
How to Train Your Stepmom mc ff ds hm ex
Hunny Bunny mc ff ds ex
Hypno Air mc ff bd ds
Hypnoerotica mf mc md ds
Hypnostroke mc mf md ds
The Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty mc mf md ds
Hypnotized Hero mc mf md cb ds
Hypnotizing Daddy To Whip Me mc mf md fd bd ds
Hypnotizing the Babysitter mc mf md ds
I Hate Luke mc mf ff md ma in ft gr hm ds ex ex
I Just Can’t Say No mc mf ff md in ds rb
I Know You’re A Drone! mc ff ma ds rb sf
Illuminata’s Garden mc ff ds ft hm
Impostor Syndrome mc mf ff md ds
In My Mind, A Serpent mc ff bd ds nc
In The Darkest Hour — A “Fall Of Women” Story mc mf md ds ft hm sf
In the Doghouse mc mf fd ds hm be
In Too Deep: A Reyna Story mc mf ff ds hm
Incest Quest (An ADMIN Tale) mc mf md ma in bd ds ex ft
Incubus (Hypno-Eretica) mc mf md fd bd ds gr
Independent Female Syndrome mc mf md ds ft gr
Indonesian Transformation mc mf md ds hm ft
Infinity Cube mc mf ff md fd ma gr ds hm
Inner Strength mc mf mm md fd bd ds ft
Instructions mc mf md bd ds ex
Intermission mc mf fd ds ex
Interpretation of Dreams mc mf fd ds la
Interview With the Hypnotist (Modren) mc ff ds
Intrepid Pawns mc ff mf fd hm ds la
Invasion of the Wynford Wives mc mf ff fd ds
IRF Halloween Special: Curse of the Contessa! mc ff in ds ex hm hu
It Was a Dark N Stormy Night mc ma fd ft ds hm
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now mc mf fd ds
Jailbreak (Skaetlett) mc ff ds hm
Jasmine’s Last Stand mc mf md bd ds
Jay’s Accidental Hypno-Harem mc mf md ds
Jillian’s Tale mc ff mf ds
Job Hunting mc mf md ds
Journal mc mf md ma hm ds bd
The Journal of Juliet Samson mc mf md ma hm ds bd
Judas Goat mc mf md fd hm bd ds
Jungle Babe — In the Clutches of Cernunnos mc mf ff md fd ds cb
Just Kidding, I Promise mc mf ff md fd ex hm ds
Just Say No mc mf md ds bd
Kink City Bimbos mc mf ff md fd ma la gr ft fu ds ex sf cb
A Kiss So Deadly mc ff bd ds
Krampusnacht mc mf md ds
A Lady in the Streets mc mf ff md fd ds
Lady Lorelei mc ff ds hm
Lady of Spirals mc mf ff fd ma ds
Laney’s Turn-Off mc mf md ds
Lara Swift Is Colonized mc ff ft hm bd ds
Latex Sentience mc ma ft ds sf
Learning the Dos and Don’ts mc mf fd ma hm ds bd
Learning to Ride the Arab Stallion mc mm ds
A Leashed Tiger mc mf ff fd md ds ft hm
Leaving Life’s Riddles Unsolved mc mf ff ds
The Librarian’s Pet mc mm bd ds gr
Lightstorm in a Bottle mc ff cb bd ex ma ds
Like Mother, Like Daughter (Second Chair) mc mf md ds in
Lingerie Model mc ff ds hm
List of Rules mc mf md hm ds bd
Living Art mc ff ds ex
Long Haul mc bd ds ft sf
The Long Road Goodbye mc mf md ma bd ds ex
Lost and Found (Cerebral Tenure) mc mf ff md ma ds ft rb sf
Lost on a Mission mc hm ds bd sf
Love Leech mc mf ff fd md bd ds
Love, Honor, & Obey: A Spellbound Medieval Tale mc mf ff md ds
The Loyal Servants of NILE mc mf md ds gr
Lubyanka mc ff ds
Lubyanka — Diana’s Return mc ff ds
The Lustful Codex mc mf ff md fd bd ds ex ft
Lyra’s Choice mc mf md ds gr ft
The Machine mc mm ds bd
Mage & Apprentice: Lady to Toy mc ff mf md ds gr
Magic Cock mc mm mf md in ds
Maid In Heaven mc ff bd ds hm
Make Yourself Useful mc ff ds
Makeover Studio mc ff ds ex
Making Introductions mc mf ff mc ds ft
Making Memories mc mf md hm ds bd
Malaking Suso Resort and Spa mc mf ff ma la gr ds
The Man in the Smiling Mask mc mf md ds
Man of the House (Second Chair) mc mf md ds in
The Manager mc ff ma ds bd ex
Mandate Of Heaven mc ff ds hm ft
Manufacturing Bliss mc mf ff md ma bd ds ex hm ft
Master of the Leather Festival mc mm ft ds
Master PC — Selfcest mc ff ds ex gr hu sf
Master’s Marks mc mf mm md ma hm ds ex ft
McDOMald’s mc ff ds hm
Meadows of Asphodel mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft
Meeting Charlotte mc mf fd bd ds ft
Meeting Dr. George mc mf md ds ex
Meeting The New Boyfriend mc mf ff mm md fd ma ds ex ft hm in ts
Memories of Her Boyfriend mc mf md ma bd ds ft
Mental Bondage mc mf md fd bd ds ex
Mental Security Guaranteed mc ff ma ft bd ds
Meredith Doyle mc ff mf fd md ds
Midnight in Vegas mc mf ds hm
Mike’s Story mc mf md be ds
Mile High Club mc ff hm ds
Mind Games (Gingerxxx) mc mf ff md fd ma ds bd ft hm
Mindful Mindless App mc md ds ex
The Miracles of Dr Moreau mc mf fd ds hm ws
Miss Americana vs The Horned God mc ff md fd ds cb be
Mistress Dyvia’s The Interview mc mf ff fd md bd ds ex ft
Mistress Jennifer mc mf fd ds
The Mistress of Mankind mc mf md ds
The Mistress of Vallenberg mc ff ds ft in
Miwaku-Tekina: Whatever You Wish mc md md ds
Modeling Clay mc mf fd ds
The Modern Office mc mf md ds ft hm
Mommy’s Hypno Princess mc ff ma ft ds
Mommy’s Withdrawals mc mf fd ma ds
Monica’s Master Plan mc mf ff md fd ma in bd ds ex ft gr hm
Mooed Ring mc ff ma bd ds ex gr hm la ex ft fu
Moonlight Key for a Red Box mc ma ds ft
The Morning After mc mf fd ds
Mother Christmas mc mf ds
A Mother’s Fall mc ff ds in ft hm
Moulding a Model Student mc ff ds
Mrs. Claus and the FemDom Contingence mc mf fd md ds ft
Mummy Knows Best mc fd ma hm ds in
Murder of Oakwater mc mf ff fd ds
My Hand to My Conqueror mc ff ds
My Sister’s Tits ff mc la ds nc
Nani the Fuck mc ff ds hm hu
Neon Dream mc mf fd bd ds ft sf
New America mc mf md hm ds bd sf
New Discoveries mc ff ds hm ex ft
New Friends and Instant Slaves mc mf ff md ds in
A New Kind of Therapy mc ff ds hm
New Neighbor mc ff ds
New Neighbors (Second Chair) mc ff ds
New Queen of the Drones mc md fd ds rb sf
New Toy mc mf ff md ds ft
A New World mc mm ff ex ft ds
Nice Day for a Blacked Wedding mc mf mm ds
A Night in with Mistress mc ff ds
A Night Worth Begging For mc ff ds hm
Nu Thought mc ff bd ds
The Obedience Frequency mc mf ff md ds in
Obedient Dog mc ff ds
Obsession-Compulsion mc mf ff mm md fd ds
An Odd Day mc mf md ma ds
Of Myths and Monsters mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds fu sf
The Offer (br0adband) mc mf md ds
The Offer — A Counteroffer mc mf ff md fd ds
The Offer — A Hypno-House Party mc mf ff mm ds
Olivia’s House mc mf ff md ma ds
The OmniDress mc mf ff md fd bd ds
On the Road to Hyperbole mc mf ff md ma ds in ft
One Fine Day mc mf ff in ds
The Online Misadventures of GoodGuyGrey mc mf md ex ds hu
The Only Way is Down mc mf fd ma ds
Open Season mc mf ff md fd ma ds
Open Wide! (Mistress Dyvia) mc fd ds
Oral Skills mc ff ds
Out of My Lane mc mm ds
The Pact (Mistress Dyvia) mc ff mf fd md bd ds ex ft gr hm in
Party Favor mc ff ds in
Path of Least Resistance mc ff cb bd ds hm
Payback Is a Dog mc mf fd hm ds
Payment Is Due mc ff ds
Pearla mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft la gr
The Pendant (Skaetlett) mc ff ds hm
Perhaps We Can All Fly mc ff ds hm ft
Pet Teachers mc ff ma bd ds hm sc
Pet Teachers 2: Purring Pussy mc ff ma bd ds ft hm la sc
Pet Teachers 3: Submissive Simian mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds
Physical Hypno-Therapy mc mf fd md ft bd ds
Pieces mc mf ff ma in bd ds ex ft la gr hm sf
A Pile of Gold mc ff ds
The Plants mc ff mf fd ds
Please, Please, Sir, Put Me in My Place mc mf ff md fd ds
Pleasure Time mc mf fd ft ds
A Plethora of Heathers mc fd ds hm
Pool Toy mc ff ds
Possessed by the Hypno Hat mc ff ds
Pretty Little Things mc mf ff md ma ds
Prey to the Void mc ff ma bd ds ex ft sf
Prison Bitches mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds cb
The Process (Anna Dixon) mc mf md bd ds
The Production mc mf md ex ds
A Productive Use of Quarantine Time mc ff ft hm ds rb
Project Alpha mc mm ft ds
The Psychology of Bimbofication mc mf ff md ma in ds
Pull My Hair mc ds
Pump up the Fam: A Taboo Breeding Remix mc mf md gr in ds la
Puppy Farm mc mf md ds
Puppytime: Amber’s Puppy Day mc mf md ds ft
Pure Feelings From Impure Places mc ff ma hm ds
Queen Sabina & The Kingdom of Hershin mc mf md ds gr
Queen Valborga & The Kingdom of Neushin mc mf md ds ft
Queen Valborga and the Academy of Feminine Improvement mc mf md ds ft
Questions & Answers mc ff bd ds cb
Reaching Across The Aisle mc fd ma ds
Ready to Please mc mf md ds sf
Realignment mc mf ff md fd be ds gr in ma la
The Reality Schism mc mf md gr ds
The Reality You Know mc ff fd md ds in cb
Reined In mc ff ds hm ft
Relaxation Therapy mc mf md ds gr
Relaxation Therapy — Expanded Functions mc mf md ds gr
Release (Maenads) mc mf ff mm fd bd ds ft
Religious Conversion mc ff ma bd ds hm la ft
Rent-A-Domme mc ff hm ds
Research and Development mc ff ds
Research Notes From The Fall Of Women mc mf md ds ft hm sf
The Resort mc mf ff md fd ds
The Retcon mc mf md ma ds sf in
Reunion: From Anita to Zoey mc ff in ds
Reverse Polarity (An ADMIN Tale) mc mf ff md fd ma bd ds ex ft hm
The Rise of the Veritas mc md ds ft hm sf
Risk and Reward mc mf md be ds
Roaming Canvas mc fd ma ft ex ds rb
Rock Bottom mc ff ds hm
Role of a Lifetime (bw) mc mf md ds
Roommate Revenge mc mm ma ft ds
The Royal Fall mc ff bd ds in
Royal Voluntary Service mc mm ds
The Ruby Of Femininity mc mf md ds ft hm
Rugby Tryouts mc ff ds hm
Sadism mc ff bd ds
Sara Is Educated at College mc ff ma hm ds ex
Screensaver (Chew Toy) mc mm ds ma
Sea Slimes mc mf ff fd md ds
Second Hand Heart mc mf mm fd md ma ds
Self-Improvement mc ff ex ds hm
Senioritis mc mf ff fd ds bd ft hm
Serpentine mc ff ds
Serving Mistress Kayleigh mc mf fd ds
Seven Girls mc ff mf fd ma ds ft
Seven Minutes in Devin mc mm ds hm
Sexual Harassment Troubleshooting mc mf md ds hm
Sharing His Toys mc mf md ds ex
She Convinced Me I Had a Dirty Mouth mc mm mf fd md ds ft
Shelly Submits mc mf md ma hm ds
Shifting Realities mc mf md ds hm
The Shoe On The Other Foot mc ff ds hm ft
Shop of Unearthly Delights mc mf ff md ds hu
Sienna’s Bimbo Limbo mc mf md ma ds ex ft hm sf
Sigil Stories mc ds hm
The Signal mc mf ff mc md in bd ds ex ft
Signed First Edition mc mf md bd ds
Silly Love Songs mc mf ff ma md fd bd ds ft hu la
Simplify Your Life mc mf ff md in ft gr ds
Simplify Your Life — Problem-Solving mc mf ff md fd ma ds in gr ex
Simplify Your Life — Trading Up mc mf ff md fd ma in bd ds ex hm gr ft
Sippin’ on Sunshine: A Bouquet Bound Story mc ff ds hm hu
The Siren’s Symphony mc mf ff md fd ma ds ft la be ws
Sister’s Magical Whoopsie mc md gr in ma ds hu
Skype Session mc mf md ma ds
Sleepers mc mf ff md fd ds hm in
Slut Note mc mf ff md ds ex gr in ma
Smoke and Drums: The Scout mc mm ma hm bd ds ex sf
Snap Unseen mc mf fd ma ds
So Many Commands 2 mc mf ff md fd ma ds ft gr
Soft Girl mc ff ds
Solanum Somnum mc mf fd md ma ds ft
Someone Your Own Size mc ff ds hm ft
Space Academy Bimbofication Conspiracy mc mf md bd ds ex ft
Spanked by my Boss mc mf md ds ex hu
Speeding Fines mc mf ds be ws
The Spreading Darkness mc fd bd ds ft
The Stable Master mc mf ff md bd ds hm in
Star Power mc ff ds ex gr la
Stardust mc ff ds ft hm
Stockholm Syndrome mc mm ds
Stop Standing There: A Bouquet Bound Story mc ff ds hu hm
The Story of Iz mc mf ma ex ds bd hm
Strange Games mc ff mf fd md ma gr ex bd ds ft
Streetside Pornographic: An Ode to Addiction mc mf mm ft md fd ds ma
Stress Relief (Skaetlett) mc ff ds hm
The Strong Man mc mm bd ds gr
Sub-Way Trainer mc mm ft ds ex
Subconscious Curiosity mc mf md ds ex
Subroutine Manager mc ff ds hm rb sf ex
Subterraneans mc mf md ds sf
Summer’s Eve Key for a Red Box mc mf ft ds
Super Play Party mc ff ds hm
Surprise Oral Fixation mc mf md bd ds ft
Susan’s Marriage Counselling mc mf ff md ds hm
Sweetener mc mf md ds
Switching Services mc ff hm ds
Tabitha’s Tick-Tock Brain Block mc mf md bd ds ex ft hm
Tabloid Confessions mc mm mf ds
Taking Advantage mc ff ds
Taking Laura: A Gothic Mind Control Erotica mc mf md ds in
Taking Them With Me mc mf md bd ds
Tales of an Unethical Hypnotist mc mf md in ds
Tales of Belle’s Beast: A Halloween Anthology from the MCGarden mc mf ff md fd ds be fu
The Tattoo Parlour mc fd ds
Tattooed for Obedience mc ff ds
Teach That Girl A Lesson mc mf ff md in bd ds hm
Teaching Her a Lesson: In the Dungeon of the Dragon mc mf ff md fd bd ds ex ft hm hu
Temp Units mc ff ma ds ex sf
Tender Loving Control mc ff ma in ex ds bd rb hm ft
Tendrils in my Mind mc mf md ds
Thanks For The Sub! mc ff ds ft
That Is An Order mc ff ds
Theater Slut mc ff ma ds ex hm
Therapy with Belinda mc ff bd ds
Thesis Defense mc ff ds hm
Thinking of Nothing mc ma fd ds
This Is What You Really Want mc mf ff fd ma ds hm
Thou Ensorcelling Witch mc ff ds
A Thousand Lords And One mc mf ff md fd bd ds in ft hm sf
Three Fingers mc mf md fd ds
Tiffany Red Vs. Sonya Green—Spy on Spy mc ff hu ds rb sf
Tiger Tails: SissElixer mc mm ft ds ex sf hu
Time and Energy mc mf ff md ma ds ex ts cb
To Sleep Perchance to Cream mc md mf ff bd ds
To the Stables mc mf md ds
Too Stupid to Leave mc ff ds
A Town Submits mc mm mf ff md fd ds gr in
Training Day for Eros mc mf md fd ds gr
Trance Thief mc ff ds
Trophy Champion mc mf ff md fd ds ft
Truth and Reconciliation mc mf md in ds
A TV That Only Plays Spirals mc ff ds
Two Head-Fucks Are Better Than One! mc fd md ds ex
The Ultimate Price mc ff mf fd ds hm
Under A Rest mc mf fd ds
Under the Hill mc md fd ds hm
The Under the Hill Franchise — Alicia’s First Visit mc md fd bd ds ex
The Under the Hill Franchise — Alicia’s Second Visit mc md fd ma ds hm
Unearthing the Lesbian Goddess mc ff bd ds
Uniform Obedience mc ff ft ds
Uniforms Control Your Mind mc ff mf fd in rb ma ds ft
Unit 345 mc ff ds
Unruly Women Reform Academy mc mf md ds bd gr rb
Valley City Tales: A New Career mc ff ds cb
Valley City Tales: Who Rescues the Hero? mc ff ds in cb
The Valor Force mc mf ff md fd ds cb
The Valor Force 2 mc ff ds cb
Victoria’s Mansion mc ff ma bd ds ex ft
Villain Tamer mc mf md bd ds ft hu cb
Villains and Damsels mc mf md ma ds sf
Vinyl mc ff ds hm
Viral Video mc mf ff md ds
A Visit from A Fertility Goddess mc ff ds hm
Waif mc mf ff md fd bd ds
Wanna Bet? (Second Chair) mc ff ds hm
Wares mc bd ds rb
We Have Ways of Making You Talk mc ff ds hu
Weak as a Kitten mc mf md hm ds
Welcome to Rothlord Academy mc mf ff md ma ds ex ft in rb
Welcome to the Family mc mf ff ds ex in ft fu hu
Well-Worn Pumps mc ff ft hm ds
Werewolf Butches mc ff ds
What Girl Is This? mc mf md rb ds
What Happened When Paige Lost mc mf md ft hm ds
Whatever It Takes mc ff ds ft hm
What’s New is Old Again mc mf ff md in ds bd
When the Cows Come Home mc mf ff la gr bd ds
Where is Jessica? mc mf fd bd ds ft
Whiteout mc ff md fd ma ds cb
Who is Victoria Jardine? mc mf md ma ds hm
Why Did Freud Abandon Hypnotism, Anyway? mc mf md ds
Why Jacqueline Changed Her Mind mc mf md hm ds
The Wi-Fi Doll mc mf md ma bd ds ft
Will to Power mc mf ff md fd ma ds hm in ft
Winter’s Tale mc ff ds
The Witch and the Watch mc mf md ds gr
The Witch, The Whip, His Wife and Her Lover mc ff mf fd ds
Wolf in the Nursery mc mm ds ft
A Woman’s Place mc mf md ds ft hm
Women Only mc mf md ma in ds gr
Work-Life Balance mc mm bd ds
Worn Out mc mf ff ds ft
Would You Rather: A Quality of Mercy mc mf ff md fd hm ds ex gr
Wrath of the Goddess mc mf ff fd hm ds cb
The Wrong Dress mc be ds
The Wynford Wives mc ff ds
Xanadu mc mf ff md fd bd ds
You Better Watch Out mc ff bd ds ft hm hu
You Should Beware of the Quiet Ones mc mf ff fd ma hm ds
You! Play Like a Girl! mc ds hm