The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Mind Control Stories: H

by Jukebox
Added 15 December 2018

A hypnotist helps you break your bad habit of thinking too much.

mc mf md ma
by scifiscribbler
Added 28 November 2020
Updated 09 January 2021

While Rose is unpacking in her new flat, she discovers compromising photos—of herself, in the flat. But she’s never been here before, or owned that outfit.

mc ma
by writing-feline
Added 04 November 2012

The young hacker Cyntia Romero faces the most adaptable, aggressive program she had ever seen. Will she be able to overcome it, or will the program fire back on her?

The Hacker
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 17 December 2016

Hugh is caught by a special computer program made to ensnare hackers.

Hacking Her Mind
mc mf md
by Severed Dreams
Added 03 October 2004

A man is hired to break into the government-installed control chip of a family’s daughter.

mc ff
by intarsia12
Added 26 March 2011

A fallen angel is pursued by a seductive demon.

mc mf md ft
by Tang
Added 08 May 2010
Updated 15 May 2010

Rachel meets a Korean couple at the bus stop, and becomes obsessed with them.

Haigure Fit
mc ff in ft
by MoldedMind
Added 18 June 2022
Updated 13 August 2022

Kara and her friends investigate the spread of a Haigure conspiracy across Rosedale University campus.

mc ff
by 8-bit
Added 28 September 2008
Updated 19 October 2008

A force of nature has come to the city, searching for her kidnapped sister.

Hail Mary
mc mf ff
by Lisa Teez
Added 12 September 2009

Nobody even notices Mary, but in time everyone will learn to hail her.

Hail to the Queen
mc mf ff md
by Jukebox
Added 05 August 2023

Newcomer Candi Cane takes on brainwashed legend Barbie B in an epic rap battle. No, seriously.

Hail to the Victors
mc ff mf ma
by BluejayGS
Added 22 October 2006
Updated 12 November 2006

A co-ed is eager to join a winning basketball team.

The Hair Dresser (Topper)
mc mf fd
by Topper
Added 09 January 2010

A landlord rents a barber shop to a new tenant.

Hair Salon
mc mf fd ft
by Helpless MC
Added 04 November 2017

Tim brutally dumps a girl before learning she runs the hottest new salon in town and he needs a haircut.

Hair Today
mc mf md hm
by Wandrer
Added 06 April 2019

A girl buys one of Matam’s fetishes and finds that cutting her long hair has horrifying effects on her intellect.

mc mf md sf
by ARheostat
Added 09 June 2018

When a trophy wife suffers a breakdown, a technician just happens to be in the area.

The Hairdresser
mc mf md
by David TSB
Added 30 November 2002

David’s new business venture includes hairdryers that hypnotize his customers—and his hired help too.

The Hairdresser
mc mf fd
by Rivus
Added 06 April 2024

Adam brings his friend Ben to his new hairdresser.

Haiti Vacation
mc mf fd
by jo199
Added 10 January 1999

Joey goes on vacation in Haiti and is turned into a zombie.

mc ff gr
by Autumn Oldaker
Added 30 October 2021

There’s a new, alternative, version of Halloween that’s being celebrated. One girl doesn’t quite understand what it’s all about, but soon she will learn.

mc mf fd ma ft ds gr fu hm be sc ws
by TriplemintTrish
Added 16 May 2020
Updated 23 May 2020

Hoping to strengthen her on the rocks marriage, Janet invests in “Equine Enhancement”, a questionable dietary supplement that promises to bring her husband’s mojo back. The results are indelible, body and mind.

The Half-Life of Loss
mc mm
by Julian Obedient
Added 21 June 2003

Ben copes with loss.

mc ff
by MoldedMind
Added 28 November 2020

Alina wakes in the middle of a trance, but has she really woken up?

Haller Catch
mc mf md in
by Forever-Shadow-Knight
Added 02 August 2008
Updated 21 March 2009

A high school senior who is down on his luck might have just caught his first lucky break: A bottle with the power to grant wishes. How will this power change his life? How will this power change him? Only time will tell.

Halle’s New Suit
mc ff md
by tedwar
Added 11 May 1998

Halle meets a mysterious stranger in her office building, and suddenly starts thinking about a wardrobe change... and other things.

Hallmark Holiday Hypno
mc mf md
by Hypnofur
Added 10 December 2022

Paul takes Danielle to Holiday Hollow for a Christmas getaway like the movies she loves.

Hallowed Hollows
mc ff in ft
by mourningstarsoflakes
Added 25 September 2021

A team of women uncover a ruined temple. Soon after they uncover something much, much worse.

Halloween Adventure
mc mf md
by Hypnofur
Added 03 October 2010

A man watches as his wife is taken by a magician at a Halloween party.

Halloween Faggot Training
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 29 October 2022

A homophobic Sheriff’s Deputy is kidnapped at a party.

Halloween Fertility Harvest Horror
mc mf mm
by Sissy Pip
Added 30 October 2021

A sleepy English village is this year’s target for a Demon’s annual Halloween fertility harvest.

Halloween Foot Daze
mc mf fd ft
by Bruce Hardcastle
Added 31 October 2020
Updated 01 July 2023

A man with a boot fetish takes an interest in a college student’s pirate costume.

Halloween Happenings
mc mf sf
by Robotunit8
Added 26 October 2002
Updated 14 December 2002

Hannah and Steve are working late in the shop, when they are visited by two people they presume are wearing Halloween costumes.

Halloween Harvest Contest
mc be ds
by Sissy Pip
Added 28 October 2023

Two sex demons compete on All Hallows Eve to see who can harvest the most souls to feed their carnal needs for the year ahead. But the competition rules aren’t that straight forward, and one of them has a cunning plan.

Halloween Harvest of Souls
mc mf ff mm md ma ds be gr ws
by Sissy Pip
Added 29 October 2022

Two sex demons walk into a fast food joint late on Halloween, sealing the fate of those trapped within.

Halloween Hunger
mc mf be
by Sissy Pip
Added 26 October 2024

Everyone’s two favourite sex demons are back for another All Hallows Eve of fun, debauchery, and of course grisly death. But it’s ok, they’ve decided to keep it low key this year.

Halloween Invasion
mc mf md
by RubberMan
Added 10 December 2006

Women at a kinky Halloween party are infected with nanites.

Halloween Merchandise. The New Batch
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 29 October 2022

Talbot is drugged by a couple of strangers at a Halloween party.

Halloween Night
mc mf fd
by Author Author
Added 20 January 1998

A man’s girlfriend gives him a special drink at a halloween party.

Halloween Nightmare
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 30 October 2021

Felton’s wife makes him attend his gay brother-in-law’s Halloween party.

Halloween Party
mc mf ff md
by Gray7jeans
Added 06 November 2004

A man uses his gifts to enjoy the Halloween party he is at.

Halloween Party (sleepingirl)
mc ff
by sleepingirl
Added 31 October 2015

Miranda’s best friend wants to go to a Halloween party on campus—with an very different idea for a costume.

Halloween Party Horror
mc mf md
by Hypnofur
Added 29 October 2022

Nicole isn’t acting right at the company Halloween party.

The Halloween Party That Changed Lives!
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 29 October 2022

Gustav’s life is turned upside-down at a Halloween party.

Halloween Slavery
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 26 October 2024

Sheriff Dave McDermot has a visitor on Halloween.

Halloween Sucks!
mc gr hm fu
by Volt Namazuros
Added 25 November 2012

Two girls have a great plan to get some easy grades. Surely nothing will go wrong?

Halloween Weekend Faggot Training
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 28 October 2023

A sheriff has to take a special trip over the weekend.

Hamlin: The True Story
mc mf md
by Anynom
Added 23 January 2000

At last, the truth about the Pied Piper can finally be told.

mc mf fd
by artie
Added 24 August 2002
Updated 03 May 2003

Roger struggles to understand his role as a pawn in an elaborate diabolical conspiracy.

Hand Me Down
mc mf in
by Kris P. Kreme
Added 16 January 2010

The morning after her seventeenth birthday, Dakota Trent’s hand seems to have a mind of its own. Things only get worse from there.

Hand Off
mc mf md
by Wiseguy
Added 25 May 2008
Updated 29 June 2008

Sam receives the power to control the thoughts and actions of anyone he touches, but there are rules.

Hand Off — Jenny
mc mf ff fd
by Lisa Teez
Added 21 September 2008
Updated 29 November 2008

Jenny has the ability to make other people obey her.

Hand Worship
mc ff bd ds
by Sammynona
Added 02 November 2019

Diana asked her girlfriend to give her a taste of bondage and domination, but she didn’t account for just how wonderful her girlfriend’s hands would feel teasing her

mc mf md fd
by Bad Penny
Added 18 February 2007

Jenny fully intends to win Game Night. Unfortunately, she’s working with a handicap, and a pair of new players have decided to step in.

Hands and Knees
mc mf md fd
by Jukebox
Added 21 April 2018

After reading all of Zane’s patriarchy porn, Tasha has a very different perspective on sex and domination.

Hands Behind My Back
mc mf fd
by Jukebox
Added 09 March 2024

Hypnotic bondage leads to hands-free cunnilingus.

Hands of Fate
mc fd
by Nova
Added 12 May 2018

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the saying “to be twisted around her little finger”? Have you ever felt deeply enchanted by magical gestures und motions weaving spells into your soul? Can a single finger control you body and mind? Once again, Nova will share some of her teachings with you.

The Hands That Grope, The Hands That Catch
mc mf md
by scifiscribbler
Added 08 April 2000

While visiting an ancient Roman temple, a student becomes the master of a group of women at a youth hostel.

mc mm
by T. T. Fletcher
Added 02 July 2022

Nothing was happening. Everything was innocent. Nothing going on. Completely above-board. It started with a handshake. It ended in a dungeon. A faintly creepy love story.

Handsome Boy
mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 20 February 2010

Chris’ roommate has a new boyfriend who keeps telling Chris how handsome he is.

mc mf md
by The Pen Is Mightier
Added 12 October 2024

Veronica is a handywoman who goes out to meet a new client. Something seems off about him at first, but Veronica warms up to him quickly.

mc mf md sf hu
Added 04 August 2001

Trailer-trash Jackson Davis is given mind-control powers—but with important limitations.

Hang on to Your IQ
mc ff ma
by Jukebox
Added 19 September 2020

Trinh attends the weekly presentation of her computer graphics design group, whose focus has drifted to finding the best ways to melt each other’s brain with hypnotic video sequences.

Hannah Expandah
mc ff mf fd ex gr
by HarmonyMotion
Added 11 December 2021

Hannah Michaels has always been envious of the girls around her with larger breasts. But all that changes when she goes in for a shady, off the record cosmetic surgery, and then some...

Hans and Greta
mc mf ff fd
by Chew Toy
Added 30 October 2010

A couple come upon an isolated house in the woods occupied by a witch.

Hans, Greta, Chuck, and the Hypno Witch
mc mf ff fd gr la
by Amus Cobblestone
Added 21 December 2024
Updated 08 February 2025

After getting lost in the woods, Hans, Greta, and Chuck meet an alluring woman who has plans for her new house guests.

The Hapless Intruder
mc mm bd
by Max Rank
Added 21 July 2001

A would-be burglar is captured and reprogrammed by his intended victim.

Happenings On The Universal Starship Energy Wave
mc mf ff md fd ma
by S. P. Riley
Added 21 August 2021

Not everyone woke up from hyper sleep on the Universal Starship Energy Wave, but those that did found their bodies changed, something wrong with the engine, and everyone was horny. What was going on?

The Happily
mc ff
by 8-bit
Added 23 September 2007
Updated 02 December 2007

A plot between three college girls goes incredibly awry.

Happily Ever After
mc mf fd ft
by Handson 36
Added 25 January 2004
Updated 09 January 2005

Danielle learns about her husband’s submissive nature and interest in hypnosis, and exploits them.

Happily Ever After (Modren)
mc ft sf
by Modren
Added 14 August 2021

An alien scavenger enters a bunker on a post-apocalyptic Earth, seeking fortune and glory. What she finds, though, might just change her mind about her life’s goals…

Happiness Will Get You in the End
mc ff
by Jukebox
Added 06 November 2021

Kristine gets a visit from one of her old friends in the Church of the Opened Consciousness who wants to remind her just how good it would feel to come back to the cult.

Happy 42nd
mc md
by J. Darksong
Added 14 March 2015

Shelley likes to be in charge, to know what’s going on in her life and in her household. That makes it a little tricky to plan a birthday surprise for her. Luckily, her husband does ‘tricky’ very well.

Happy and Content
mc mf md
by Agachak
Added 17 August 1997

Sharon investigates when she finds out that her missing cousin has become a prostitute.

Happy Anniversary
mc ff mf fd md
by MCaesar
Added 13 November 2010

Mitch has plans on how to spend a special occasion with his girlfriend. She has some plans of her own.

Happy Ascension Day
mc mf ff md fd in
by Chrysostomon
Added 13 November 2021

On Ascension Day Maria’s life will change forever.

Happy Birthday
mc mm
by Baralai
Added 05 September 2015

Joel keeps getting gifts from his ex-girlfriends, even though its not his birthday

Happy Birthday, Mistress!
mc ff
by Baochai Jya
Added 08 May 2010

A domme trains her new slave a little too well.

Happy Cheerleaders
mc mf md bd
by Smith Kohn
Added 19 December 2020

Two cheerleaders get fucked by their head coach and athletic trainer.

Happy Days
mc mf mm ma
by Trick
Added 30 January 2010

Four friends get caught in a scientific mishap and will never be the same again.

Happy Everafter in Your Eyes
mc mf md
by Jukebox
Added 17 April 2021

After years of being ethically brainwashed, Amber finally begins her dream life as a mindless, obedient fucktoy for her Master.

Happy Family
mc mf ff md fd in
by Baerd
Added 08 June 2019

A man is overwhelmed by his wife, daughter, and mother, and wishes he could have a more harmonious family.

A Happy Family (hypnoime)
mc mf ff md in ft
by hypnoime
Added 18 January 2020

A man finds a way to be with his girlfriend and her daughter through hypnosis.

Happy Gear
mc ff mf ma
by SlapHop
Added 19 July 2014

Cherie finds a pair of high-waisted hot pants on her bed. Then, well, some stuff happens.

Happy Girls
mc ff
by CactusJuggler
Added 24 May 2003

Gwen helps her College roommate Shannon achieve the happiness she’s alway desired. Well, maybe not exactly as she’s always desired.

Happy Holly Daze
mc mf fd
by GigglingGoblin
Added 22 July 2023

Gretel, having finally ‘escaped’ his last set of dommes, finds himself in the clutches of four beautiful solstice fauns eager to share the holiday spirit with him.

Happy Husband
mc mf md
by Hypnofun1
Added 07 July 2001

A man uses hypnosis to improve his marriage.

Happy Juice
mc mf md la ft
by Jukebox
Added 18 June 2022

Stephanie and Simone win a free vacation at a dairy farm and find out first hand what makes some cows so happy.

Happy Little Helper
mc mf md rb
by URN My Power
Added 03 October 1999

Amy lets a friend try out his new invention—The Apprehendor—on her.

Happy Mother’s Day
mc mf
by Lisa Teez
Added 09 May 2009

Kevin gives his Mom a special present for Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day (Halcyon)
mc mf md
by Halcyon
Added 18 May 2013

A young woman receives a Mother’s Day present from the father of her son’s friend.

Happy Mother’s Night
mc mf fd
by me-chan
Added 21 July 2018

A holiday celebration heats up after dusk, and beyond.

Happy New Tears
mc mf fd
by me-chan
Added 27 January 2024

A new year’s party could mark the end of a husband’s anticipation.

The Happy Place
mc mm
by Walter Ego
Added 19 September 1998

Carl visits a gay bar to try to learn if he is really gay. He meets a nice stranger who explains things to him.

Happy to Oblige
mc mf md ft
by Downing Street
Added 05 May 2001

Debbie, a teacher, is happy to do what her student, Johnny, tells her.

Happy Trails
mc mf md fu
by Lord Griffin
Added 12 August 2007

An anthropomorphic horse plots revenge against a human cheerleader.

Happy Valentine Slave
mc mf md
by MC Writer
Added 14 March 1999

Clarence goes a little overboard when he fills in for Cupid on Valentine’s day.

Happy Valentine’s Day!
mc mf
by TheWeaver
Added 26 January 2019
Updated 09 February 2019

A Valentine’s Day themed writing contest yields very special prizes.

Happy We Are
mc mf md
by Psychtales
Added 12 August 2000

What makes everyone around Tom become so happy, and what does it have to do with a UFO that crashed nearby?

Happy We Are: Mike’s Diary
mc mf ff sf
by Psychtales
Added 07 August 2004

A man travels back home after being away for two years, and find that his family, his ex-girlfriend, and anyone else at his hometown have changed.

A Hard Brexit
mc mm in ma
by Hypnothrill
Added 24 June 2017

In a time of economic crisis, Britain turns to its greatest renewable resource: fucking Englishmen.

Hard Candy
mc mf md
by kah2523
Added 30 December 2000

Candace keeps going back to the candy store for more treats, in spite of the store’s creepy owner.

Hard Candy (Nicky Noxville)
mc mm
by Nicky Noxville
Added 16 October 2010
Updated 13 September 2014

A man gives Taylor a piece of candy that he promises will help him have the best sex of his life.

A Hard Days Night (Lisa Teez)
mc mf
by Lisa Teez
Added 20 March 2010

A planet of lesbians must prepare for the arrival of a ship carrying men.

A Hard Day’s Night
mc ff
by Jukebox
Added 12 December 2009

Sandy finds a hypnosis mp3 that promises to cure her insomnia, and she’s just desperate enough to try it.

A Hard Predicament
mc mf fd
by Dominicasdevotedfollower
Added 08 November 2003

After meeting Dominica, Tom finds himself in a stiff situation.

Hard Sell
mc ff mf md ds ex ft sf
by Griz T. Orc
Added 22 June 2019

In a society where slavegirls are as common as housepets, a mistress goes to a specialist to try and get her own slavegirl to behave. She’ll find a solution, but will she end up wearing a collar herself?

Hard Slide
mc ff mf hm
by Lisa Teez
Added 26 March 2011

Tabitha’s been acting out in school but she’s about to learn who she really is.

The Hard Way
mc mf md bd
by Bad Wolf
Added 19 June 2011

A man decides to make a girl his slave the hard way.

The Hard Way II
mc mf ff md bd
by Bad Wolf
Added 21 January 2012

Life gets a little more complicated for Rani and her Master.

mc mf md
by Pan
Added 11 February 2023
Updated 12 August 2023

Dr. Zibilich diagnoses the problems a married couple is having in the bedroom.

Hardhats and Hazings
mc mm hu hm
by Mcgarguy
Added 24 October 2004

The new guy on the construction site isn’t much liked by the rest of the crew. But when the guy gets hypnotized as part of his hazing, everyone has a lot of fun.

Hardwired Holly
mc ff ma ft hm la bd ds rb sf cb
by J. F. Gargiulo
Added 08 August 2020

Who will own who when a woman accidentally gives her sex doll sentience?

mc mf ff md
by Simon bar Sinister
Added 01 August 1996

Aaron has trouble accepting how well his life is going; he visits a nice female psychologist who has trouble believing how well Aaron’s sex life is going, too, so she looks into it.

The Harem (Limerick)
mc mf ff md gr
by Limerick
Added 29 June 2024
Updated 10 August 2024

A succubus has an effect on an apartment complex int he city of Calving.

The Harem Outfit
mc mf ff md
by Mugglemaid
Added 01 December 2001

The present that a man brings home from Algiers for his girlfriend comes with a special surprise.

Harem Power — Dream Girl
mc mf ff md la gr
by Nadia Nightside
Added 20 January 2024

Ethan wakes up with his dream girl worshiping him. He can’t explain it, and he can’t seem to stop her from gathering new girls to worship him too...

Harem Scarum
mc ff mf ma fd bd ds ex gr hu sf
by Bamagan
Added 25 May 2024
Updated 10 August 2024

Cassie now has access to the ‘different kind of sex toy’ and she uses it to turn many of her softball teammates into her lesbian harem. Or at least, that’s her plan, but the device is a fickle thing, and the best laid plans of mice, men, and red-headed dog-girls can go astray!

Harlot Fever
mc mf ff md in
by Jafar
Added 03 November 2001
Updated 19 January 2002

A rabies mutation has an affinity for different neural tissues. Can we stop this disease before it spreads to every human on the planet? And do we really want to?

Harlot High
mc mf md bd ds
by BobSaggotsDad
Added 06 March 2021
Updated 04 September 2021

A young man with mind control powers wreaks havoc at a local all-female boarding school.

Harmless Wishes Between Friends
mc mf md gr
by Fidget
Added 17 July 2021

Blake wakes up with the ability to change people with his wishes.

Harmonic Conversion
mc ff mf fd
by Sara H
Added 12 August 2000
Updated 15 December 2012

Mistress Rochelle makes use of technology to recruit more new slaves.

Harmonic Conversion II — House O’ Wrist
mc ff
by Sara H
Added 30 December 2000
Updated 15 December 2012

A burglar breaks into the home of Mistress Rochelle.

Harmon’s Harem
mc mf md
by Captain Dunsel
Added 14 December 2019

Entrepreneur David Harmon has plans for his new business venture which includes a stable of beautiful, mind-controlled female assistants.

Harnessing a Fembot Army
mc mf md rb
by Robotunit8
Added 26 October 2003
Updated 16 November 2003

The insomnia treatment centre that Lucy and Stephanie visit is not all that it seems.

Harnessing Hailey
mc mf md rb
by TexTrance
Added 09 May 2020

Hailey gets away from a stalking ex by joining a team of game developers. She starts out as their administrative assistant, but George, the company CEO, suggests a more satisfying role she can take on.

Harold Davis’ First Good Day
mc mf md
by wgarvin
Added 13 September 2014

Harold’s life changes when he downloads special software from the Internet.

Harold Lee
mc mf md
by Cathy345
Added 24 October 2004

Cathy, the poor dear, meets another interesting man.

mc ff
by Chew Toy
Added 29 September 2012

Sylvia, obsessed with being controlled by something outside of herself, seeks out legendary creatures to make her fantasies come true.

Harriet Meets the MC Porn Fairy
mc mf
by Lisa Teez
Added 18 September 2011
Updated 29 October 2011

Harriet decides there are some things that need to be changed in her life and fortunately the MC Porn Fairy is there to help her.

Harriet’s Mothers Day Surprise
mc ff mf in
by Red Raven
Added 07 May 2016

Harriet’s newly-married daughter gives her mother a gift.

Harry Boobday
mc mf md gr
by Downing Street
Added 21 June 1997

Cecilia gets a birthday present that grows on her.

Harry McLaurn’s Lament, or The Leprechaun, the Teacher and Bessie Babcock
mc mf md
by Maximilian Cummings
Added 13 November 2010
Updated 27 November 2010

Harry finds a new lease of life through a chance meeting with one of the wee folk.

A Harsh Lesson
mc ff
by Neo Whyachi
Added 24 April 2004

Two college students that get hypnotized by their phyche professor after their botched attempt to hypnotize her.

Harvest Moon
mc mm
by Altoid Lover
Added 20 February 2021

It’s time for Dr. Packer’s annual scholars retreat at the lake. His students always enjoy it.

Harvest Moon High
mc mf md
by Mesmerciless
Added 08 May 2021

A city gal for life, Kim is determined to hate the rural town and school she’s been forced to move into. But with a change in outlook and diet, they’ll make a mooooodel student out of her yet!

The Harvesters
mc ff mf sf
by Zapped!
Added 20 February 2010
Updated 09 April 2016

When aliens invade a small town in Kansas, numerous Earth women begin to mysteriously vanish.

The Harvesters (Roboman127)
mc ff rb sf
by Roboman127
Added 15 December 2018
Updated 04 January 2019

Aliens Convert the Earth’s Resources into their own

The Hash
mc ma md ds ex
by Angel Raymond
Added 03 November 2018
Updated 16 March 2019

Jen likes to explore, using the chaos of a hash function to visit random places. But this game becomes more interesting than just mathematics when it leads her to meet a mysterious hypnotist on a small island.

mc mf md
by Adam Lily
Added 02 December 2017

In the fallout from a social media protest gone horribly wrong, a husband grapples with his wife’s transformation.

The Hat Shop
mc ma
by MysteriousM
Added 10 August 2013

Shannon visits a special hat shop.

mc mf mm in
by SatanKlaus
Added 28 May 2022

Jake and Scott’s Mom places a statue of an Egyptian fertility goddess on the mantle.

Haunted Hot Tub
mc ff mf md la in
by WhattaTrope
Added 01 August 2020

A man dies, but his spirit lives inside a hot tub.

A Haunting in Missouri
mc mf md bd hm in
by Mike S
Added 08 May 2010
Updated 22 May 2010

A man and his daughter buy a pre-civil war era mansion. Who’s the other occupant?

The Haunting of Crowley Manor
mc ff cb
by Soul in Shadow
Added 15 February 2014
Updated 19 July 2014

Notorious cat-burglar Esha has been tasked with retrieving a rare jewel for a mysterious client. Little does she know that her client is less interested in the jewel than she is in the beautiful jewel thief.

The Haunting of Palmer Mansion
mc mf ff in gr
by RawlyRawls
Added 01 February 2020
Updated 08 May 2021

A family moves into a cursed home.

The Haunting of the Tesseric House
mc ff mf in
by All These Roadworks
Added 12 June 2021

Two bratty sisters fall afoul of a real-estate agent when he sells them a house haunted by slutty, incestuous ghosts.

Have We Met Before?
mc mf fd
by amy riddoch
Added 17 June 2017

You don’t immediately realize it, but the woman you asked to hypnotize you over skype has already met you in real life.

mc ff
by trilby else
Added 22 December 2001

Even after she was freed from her Masters, Deborah has been hiding in plain sight in a world of predatory mind controllers. She meets a kindred spirit who cares deeply—and understands all to well—what her slave-memories have done to her.

Haven’s End
mc ff
by Cerebralgreen
Added 08 May 2004

Two powerful dommes battle it out for power over their slaves.

Haven’t Got The Legs For It
mc mf md gr
by Whyte, Colleen
Added 07 July 2001

A group of women start to wear much more revealing clothes to work.

Having a Basket “Ball”
mc mf ff md
by Rinky Dink
Added 28 July 2002
Updated 21 September 2002

An assistant coach attempts to take control of a women’s basketball team.

Having a Tennis “Ball”
mc mf ff md
by Rinky Dink
Added 16 March 2002
Updated 05 July 2003

Buxom blonde tennis pros Jenny and Tatiana find tournament volunteer Stevie has a surprise for them that changes their life.

Having a Tennis “Ball”: Agent of Destruction
mc mf ff md
by Rinky Dink
Added 28 August 2005

A rival agent tries to lure Tatiana and Jenny from their Master.

Having Fun
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 13 May 2023

Craig is kidnapped on the day of his thirtieth birthday but things are not what they seem.

Having Fun with Faith
mc ff
by mesmeri
Added 02 September 2007
Updated 08 September 2007

A demon offers a deal to April that will allow her to get in Faith’s pants.

The Haviscourt Sisters
mc ff in
by Kallie
Added 29 October 2022

In 1897, after an encounter with a vampire, Laura Haviscourt returns home to feed on her cruel, domineering sister. But can her new, unholy nature overcome a lifetime of submission?

Hawaiian Honey
mc mm
by Richard Pickman
Added 08 June 2002

While on vacation in Hawaii, a man uses a magic bracelet on a cute native boy.

Hawaiian Honeymoon
mc mf md ma hm
by Blue Kahuna and Vox Hypnotica
Added 19 August 2007
Updated 16 December 2007

Two newlyweds on a romantic getaway meet a stranger with other plans for their trip.

A Hawaiian in Time: A Tale from the Unusual Universe
mc ff
by Ramis
Added 28 December 2024

Koa is sent back in time to foil the sinister plans of a Japanese spy during World War II.

The Hazards of Hyperia Hardnox
mc mf ff bd ma hm
by Marcus
Added 12 July 2014
Updated 30 August 2014

Agent Hyperia Hardnox infiltrates a newly ascendant nefarious organization. Can she maintain her cover without becoming a pretty plaything for SLEAZO’s prurient perversions?

Hazy Daze
mc mf ff md fd
by Jukebox
Added 15 February 2020

Emma is bombarded with advertisements for her small town’s upcoming sale. But despite the townsfolk’s enthusiasm, the details on what kinds of bargains she can expect remain a bit hazy.

Hazy Delays
mc fd
by me-chan
Added 11 March 2017

A journey’s obstruction gives way to a unexpected reprieve.

Hazy Memories from my College years
mc mf ff fd
by WhiteBlur
Added 07 October 2007
Updated 11 November 2007

Nick agrees to be hypnotized at his sister’s slumber party.

A Hazy Shade of Winter
mc ff
by Jukebox and thrall
Added 28 August 2010

Carly and Abby are seduced by a stranger who’s after more than just sex.

mc ff cb
by Jypsy Jones
Added 26 November 2006

A mission for the Hot Blond Superheroines to thwart the evil Hypnotica goes as planned, only what was the supervillain’s real objective…?

HC Incorporated
mc mf md
by Trancemaster
Added 10 February 2024
Updated 24 February 2024

Victoria receives a mysterious phone call. Little does she know this call will change her life forever.

He Broke Your Memory Last Night
mc ff md fd
by Jukebox
Added 13 July 2019

A young woman in a cafe is approached by a stranger who’s very pleased with her response to last night’s hypnosis session. The one she keeps insisting never happened.

He Came from Outer Space
mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 17 March 2018

A coach sees a big, blue, penis-shaped flying saucer.

He Didn’t Say a Word
mc mf md
by Fiona69m
Added 12 April 2009

Agbagwa takes control of a beautiful woman he just met.

He Likes to Play With His Food
mc mf md ds
by The Winged Scorpion
Added 06 July 2019

Bridget moved to a small town and took a waitress job there. Rent was cheap and the job paid really well. It’s almost as if she was drawn there to be sacrificed to a vampire or something...

He Loves Mondays
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 19 August 2023

Gilbert has a hypnotic woman in his life. He just doesn’t remember it.

He Makes Me Feel Like a New Woman
mc mf md ma ex hm ft
by Invisible Harvey
Added 08 February 2025
Updated 15 February 2025

Emily confronts a couple having sex in public and walks away changed. Now she’s under a deadline to follow the commands of a man she only knows as Master if she wants her chance to have sex with him.

He Wants You
mc mm
by Jukebox
Added 14 January 2023

Neil finds out the hard way that his boyfriend has become the thrall of a sinister vampire mobster.

He Was Quite Specific
mc mf ff md
by Nineball
Added 21 August 2010

A stranger turns Judy and Lia into Roy’s personal slaves.

He Was Right
mc mf ff md
by Nineball
Added 14 October 2007

A man’s simple statements make Judy a very horny girl indeed.

He Will Be Wise
mc mf md
by BigBear
Added 04 July 2010

Will is fated to save a woman with special powers from an evil mind-controller’s harem.

Head Coach’s Tail
mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 09 January 2016

Football season has ended, but ass-hunting season has just begun. Another tale of hypnosis, athletics, and butt-fucking.

Head Game
mc ff
by MoldedMind
Added 23 January 2021

Hazel finds herself behaving strangely after she agrees to let her friend Penny play around in her head.

Head Games
mc mf fd
by Jukebox
Added 05 August 2017

Madison invites Ian over to try out a new board game, but Ian may be the one getting played.

Head Master (masterrobo)
mc mf md ft
by masterrobo
Added 04 January 2014

Joey uses his formula to add new girls to his harem.

Head Off!
mc mf hu
by Kris P. Kreme
Added 26 June 2010

A late-night infomercial tells of a revolutionary new product guaranteed to turn any woman from sixteen to sixty into a raving slut. Simply apply directly to her forehead.

mc ff ma gr
by Capt. Mortimer
Added 05 August 2007

Alicia is having headaches so she goes to the doctor with unexpected results.

The Headband of Lust
mc ff mf fd in
by Witchman
Added 09 April 2022

A professor returns from a trip to the South American jungle with a powerful artifact.

mc mf ff fd ma ft
by zorkmeister
Added 09 July 2006

Steve’s domineering new boss sets him up on a date with a friend who will transform his life forever.

mc mf md
by tamsynblackrose
Added 05 February 2012

The headmaster sees a student about her smoking.

mc fd
by Yes MyGoddess
Added 28 November 2015

A woman encourages her friend to listen to a special recording.

Heads I Win, Tails You LOSE
mc mf md
by Lisa Teez
Added 21 October 2007

When Bella says “I could never do that,” it doesn’t necessarily mean she won’t.

mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 05 January 2013

Former college roommate Ruben stops by and suggests playing a familiar game that starts with the flip of a coin.

mc mf md
by Joe Mama
Added 07 January 2007

Two reluctant coeds get their pictures taken by a photographer with some special gear.

mc mf fd ma ft rb
by Doc Flibertygibbet
Added 06 April 2024

Two stressed philosophy postgraduate students relax and obey when they encounter a corporation’s corrupting latex.

mc mf md cb
by Jukebox
Added 25 October 2009

A new super-villain is in town, one who seems to have figured out Sharpe’s secret weakness. Can WildRose save Sharp from her own desires, or will the Technophile ensnare them both?

Healing Hands and Other Things
mc mf
by Lisa Teez
Added 16 January 2010

Amanda’s masseuse is skilled at many things.

Healing Time
mc ff
by Vanderbilt
Added 22 May 2010

A hospital hypnotherapist helps with a dying patient.

mc ff
by mourningstarsoflakes
Added 18 December 2021

Sam learns her place after snapping at a teammate in Heroine Arena.

Heart of the Forest
mc mf ff md fd
by Imperator Mentus
Added 01 November 2014

When three fugitives flee into an ancient, mysterious forest, Rosalyn Emory has no choice but to follow after them. But when legends prove more than myth, will she ever make it out in one piece?

Heart of the Plan
mc ff cb ma
by mesmeri
Added 29 September 2012
Updated 04 November 2012

Mesmeri’s plan is set in motion. Can Doctor Victoria Bell spot the net closing in around her, or will she be caught?

Heart Shaped Box
mc ff
by Jukebox
Added 13 August 2011

Emily indulges her curiosity at a peep show, and see’s Krystelle’s heart shaped box.

Heart Strings
mc ff
by Lisa Jones
Added 31 December 2011

Julie’s coworker suddenly starts controlling her like a puppet.

Heart’s Desirs
mc mf md
by Pancho Lopez
Added 05 February 2006
Updated 26 February 2006

A man uses a spider amulent to hypnotize Arlene.

mc mf
by Boettger, Don
Added 08 November 1996

A scientist invents a drugs that brings out the animals instincts in women, and indirectly, in men too.

Heat Goes to the Jungle
mc ff cb
by Cerebralgreen
Added 17 April 2004

Heat continues to capture more superheroines under her hypnotic spell.

Heat of the Moment
mc mf ff
by Jukebox
Added 13 February 2010

Tom proposes to his girlfriend, and she’s inspired to new heights of passion by the excitement. Or maybe it’s not just the excitement…

Heat Snare
mc mf ff md fd
by Bad Penny
Added 29 July 2007

A routine mission ends up serving as a scientific experiment, and Porter is not happy with the results.

Heat: Betsy’s POV
mc mf ff fd ma bd
by HB5211
Added 07 January 2017

Betsy has been returned to Heather resistant to training. Heather loves a challenge and decides to make a Betsy a personal project and the changes permanent. Can Betsy resist?

HEAT: Jason’s Demise
mc mf ff fd ma bd
by HB5211
Added 21 January 2017

Jason gets exposed to HEAT while under Heather’s control. Now both Jason and Betsy have to struggle with the effects as Dr Choi’s experiment continues.

Heat? (Jodi)
mc mm mf cb
by Jodi
Added 01 February 2009
Updated 21 March 2009

A supervillain uses his DNA formula to change a superhero into a flamboyant supervillain.

mc mf md
by Utopian
Added 05 June 2005
Updated 12 June 2005

Heather is compelled to keep returning to a park bench every day, where she meets a strange man.

Heather and Hannah
mc ff sf
by JustDivine 1
Added 04 January 2004
Updated 17 April 2004

Heather and Hannah are recruited by aliens to produce eggs.

Heather Hurts Her Hand
mc mf md gr
by Downing Street
Added 08 February 2004

Heather gets a special prescription when she visits a clinic for a broken hand.

Heather’s New Start
mc ff ds
by NB
Added 16 May 2020

The flat that Heather wants to let has an elaborate application process.

mc mf md
by mastersinyourmind
Added 06 August 2022

A heatwave has a Dom activate his "heatwave" program deep inside his submissive. The hotter it gets, the more aroused she gets. But, no orgasm until the heatwave is done...

Heaven Hath No Wrath
mc mf md
by Ice Bear
Added 07 November 2015

Marcus does not take no for an answer when Cindy rejects his advances.

Heaven Health Spa
mc ff mf fd md
by Robotunit8
Added 11 June 2006

Stephanie must undergo a training programme before she begins her new employment.

Heaven Scent
mc mf md
by Mesmer Eyes
Added 20 December 1999

Raoul hypnotizes Valeria with a pendant.

Heaven Scent (Chrysostomon)
mc mf md in
by Chrysostomon
Added 16 November 2019

John sends away for a mind control spray.

Heavenly Fireflies
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 04 March 2023

Brent is visited by a swarm of strange luminescent creatures with a message to share. What are they and what do they want?

Heaven’s Chair
mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 17 February 2008

Miko is hypnotized by her dentist, with the help of a little nitrous oxide.

Heaven’s Gate
mc mf ff fd sf
by J5
Added 16 October 2010
Updated 08 May 2011

A bounty hunter, hired to find a missing woman, enters Empire territory with the hopes of finding her before the Empire discovers him.

mc mm
by Obedient Jo
Added 19 June 2010

A pushy door-to-door salesman shows up at a man’s home.

Heavy Breathing
mc ff
by Jukebox
Added 30 April 2016

Holly is waiting for an important call, but she can’t seem to get rid of an obscene caller.

Heavy Flesh
mc ff mf ma sf
by William Lee
Added 06 July 2002

An agency discovers that, for invaders, soft technologies can be more effective than hard ones.

Heavy Petting
mc mf md in hm
by Fugue
Added 10 October 2015

Someone has installed a trigger in the local females so that boob petting makes them compliant and suggestible. Our hero finds out and begins to experiment with that terrible, horrible, wonderful, glorious thing that someone did to all these ladies.

Heavy Petting: Caught!
mc mf md
by Fugue
Added 01 December 2018

Kevin gets caught doing MILFy neighbor Mrs Jordan ... by MISTER Jordan. Uh-oh, this can’t be good ...

Heavy Petting: Mom Makes Waves
mc mf md in
by Fugue
Added 23 March 2019

Barbara is concerned about her son Kevin, who is sleeping his way through every one of her MILFy friends and acquaintances. What happens when she’s the odd woman out, the only one not bedded by him, the one left out of the conversations when her friends compare sexy notes about her son, about the guy that keeps blowing every one of their sexual fuses?

Heel & Obey
mc mf md ft
by Hymiez
Added 11 August 2001

Robin is compelled to purchase a pair of high-heel shoes.

Heel Trained
mc mf md
by Bronze Mirror
Added 10 November 2018

A dog owner gets some welcome help with obedience training.

The Height of Innocence
mc mf md
by BB Zed
Added 19 December 2004

Annika years for someone who will make her feel like a little girl.

mc mf ff md
by abobst01 and Homer Vargas
Added 26 September 2010

Leigh listens to a lecture on hypnosis.

The Heist — Operation Titanic
mc mf md
by Chrysostomon
Added 09 November 2019

Murray uses his mind control abilities to rob a bank

mc ff
by trilby else
Added 03 April 2005

A police psychologist finds herself especially drawn to one of the women she helped rescue from mind-controlling slavers.

Helen and The Mouse
mc ff in
by Greyscribbler
Added 31 July 2021
Updated 10 December 2022

Helen has never thought much of her younger sister, Sarah. Sarah wants to change that.

Helenas Master
mc mf mm md ds
by Tobbos
Added 03 February 2024

Helena’s best friend and long time crush accidentally figures out the trigger words for her, but he winds up gettting more than what he asked for.

Hell Has All the Best Tunes
mc mf md
by InLeaves
Added 22 November 2014
Updated 29 November 2014

Jenny and Trisha are homely, pathetic losers and end up in Hell. But the malebolge is way different than they expected, and find themselves fated to become sexy succubi.

Hell Hath No Fury Like Mrs. Claus Scorned
mc mf fd hu
by Nymph
Added 17 December 2006

Ms. Claus has had enough of Santa’s philandering. It’s payback time.

Hell Night
mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 13 June 2015

Hell Night is always busy, what with taking control of the pledges, staging the obligatory orgy ... and dealing with the rival fraternity.

Hellfire Series
mc mf md bd ds hm in
by ReinK
Added 01 April 2023

In a world where the drug ‘hellfire’ is used by many to make others hopelessly addicted, what will happen and what will we see?

Hello Dolly
mc mf md gr
by URN My Power
Added 29 December 2001

Jennifer’s lab partner, the geeky Melvin, gives her a sample of his latest concontion, and transforms her into the submissive slut Dolly.

Hello Dolly (apollion888)
mc ft
by apollion888
Added 21 January 2012

A dolly induction script.

Hello How Are You Again and Again
mc mf md rb
by PhoenixianSirenanna
Added 15 July 2023

A mad scientists’s keeps uploading his deceased wife into newer and newer models of SexBots in hope of regaining her lost sentience.

Hello Pussy
mc mf md
by My Rubber Monkey
Added 03 January 2010

A man uses his hoticultural skills to take control of two women.

Hello World
mc ff sf
by oldjackalopeskirr
Added 13 January 2024

Cin wakes up and realizes that she has been brainwashed, and attempts to escape her captor.

Hello, Neighbor
mc mf md
by scifiscribbler
Added 14 November 2015

Alice’s new neighbor Kimmy likes to play the same music constantly.

Hello, Norma Jean
mc mf md
by nadiencendia
Added 10 May 2003

The truth about what happened to Marylin, just for MC-story readers.

Hell’s Belle
mc mf fd
by A Sinister Bent
Added 11 July 2004
Updated 18 September 2004

The succubus Lilibat, formerly the mortal Dr. Susan Jones, is unleashed on Earth again.

Hell’s Daughter
mc mf fd be
by Chrysostomon
Added 25 May 2019

A daughter of a demon is born to give torment to men on Earth.

A Helmet of Bells
mc bd ds
by Mr. Scade
Added 18 November 2012

He wakes, once more, to the sound of bells. The sound of bells control him, tell him what to do, even if he doesn’t know what the bells say. He obeys, because that is his training, that is his life. But why is he training? What is the training? And how did he got here?

mc mf fd
by Graham
Added 13 December 1998

A student makes the mistake of insulting three goth girls who happen to be witches.

Help From Star City
mc mf ff be in cb
by Mike S
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 19 June 2010

The Star City heroines go to Delta City to free their sisters.

Help Me Rhonda
mc ff
by Jukebox
Added 14 November 2009

Louise needs Rhonda’s help to break the hypnotic spell that’s turning her into a lesbian. But is there anything Rhonda can do?

Help! I’m Trapped In A Romantic Visual Novel!
mc ff
by HypnoticHarlequin
Added 23 February 2019
Updated 23 March 2019

After testing out a strange new VR game, Payton finds herself trapped in a visual novel centered around a very odd school. Can Payton escape with her mind intact?

Help! My Bimbo Erotica is Coming to Life!
mc mf md gr
by Lacey Liu
Added 16 November 2024
Updated 14 December 2024

Lucy’s porn comes to life around her as she writes it.

Help, I Love a Siren More Than My Wife
mc mf ff fd ds ex
by Sammynona
Added 10 October 2020

A couple on a cruise ship find themselves unable to sleep with each other after meeting a siren.

Helpful Hand
mc mf md
by mesmro
Added 01 July 2017

A man overhears that a co-ed is having issues with her mother, so he decides to mediate for her.

Helpful Hannah
mc mf md in
by Pan
Added 24 August 2013
Updated 02 March 2019

Hannah’s brother is unable to achieve orgasm...can Hannah help him?

Helping a New Family
mc ff mf fd md gr
by LonelyJedi
Added 12 November 2011

A nurse helps a pair of new parents in the hospital.

Helping Erin Out
mc ff
by TexTrance
Added 05 February 2005

Erin the coffee barista is uncomfortable with her own lesbian tendencies, so Pat the HypnoDomme helps her out.

Helping Hand
mc mf fd
by soccerfan1965
Added 08 October 2011

Dr. Cook enslaves a jerk who lives in her building.

Helping Hands
mc mf fd
by Mudak
Added 04 August 2012

Molly brings Sheila to visit Miss Zelda in hopes of improving her marriage.

Helping Jimmy Get Some
mc mf mm in ma
by Changeme
Added 21 September 2013
Updated 28 September 2013

Jimmy tries to convince his sister to help him get laid. Marcus helps them both.

Helping My Genius Brother
mc mf ff md in
by Archer
Added 15 June 2013
Updated 22 June 2013

A sister agrees to help her brother test his new equipment.

Helping my girlfriend sleep
mc mf md fd
by MɛtaBob
Added 25 August 2018
Updated 15 September 2018

His girlfriend has a difficult time getting to sleep. He helps her find a way through hypnotic visualizations, arousing both of them.

Helping Out the Neighbors
mc mf mm md fd
by AgainstMyWill
Added 03 October 2010

Tom agrees to help his neighbors get pregnant, but maybe they weren’t up front about every last detail...

Helping Suzy Forget Her Ex
mc ff ds
by Magister Amentia
Added 17 September 2022

Suzy has been feeling down since she was dumped by her asshole of an ex. But Amy couldn’t stay put and watch her cry. With some hypnosis Amy got more than she aimed for.

Helping to Take Out Her Blonde Side
mc ff mf fd ds
by Robert Towers
Added 24 February 2024

With her sister´s help, a man exhausts all means to convince his girlfriend to go blonde.

Helpless Addiction
mc mf md
by Evey E
Added 30 April 2011

Eve and Monica decide to watch some online hypnosis videos.

Helpless at Hogwartz — Hypnosis Log
mc mf md
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 04 May 2024

An already heavily hypnotized SleepyGirl, goes into another trance involving a power hungry professor at the school for Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Helpless Heroine
mc ff cb
by Skarlette One
Added 03 July 2021
Updated 24 July 2021

Trapped by a villainess’s evil spell, even Vibra’s super-speed can’t save her from being seduced in her own body.

Helpless Holidays — Happy Hanukkah
mc mf md ma
by scifiscribbler
Added 19 December 2020

Over the course of eight days, Aaron and Rebecca change for the new year ahead.

Helpless Holidays: New Years Eye
mc mf ff md
by scifiscribbler
Added 02 January 2021

Jordan is determined that this past year will be the last bad year for him, and it’s finally time to put plans in motion.

Helpless Holidays: Obey My Valentine
mc md ma
by scifiscribbler
Added 15 February 2025

Can a series of anonymous Valentines repair the broken heart of a college professor?

mc md ma
by Angel Raymond
Added 29 November 2014

A woman visits a hypnotist, a friend studying for his therapy qualification. He doesn’t take advantage of me on the first session, or the next, or the next. He gets there in the end, though.

The Helsin Kingdom
mc mf md
by Aggra
Added 08 August 2020

The imperator of a rival Empire summons a demon who gives him power over women.

The Henchwoman
mc ff cb
by me-chan
Added 22 September 2018

A retired hypnotic villainess is visited by an old acquaintance.

Henry the Fouler
mc mf in
by Chrysostomon
Added 21 November 2020

Maria Thýma was un-married, young and pregnant. She fled her native Greece for the United States. Her son, Henry was born with a unique physiology. Not quite human. The son of a demon called Kóprana.

The Hentai Maid
mc mf md rb
by Perseus Slade
Added 18 December 2021
Updated 01 January 2022

A reclusive programmer wins a sexbot in phoney lottery and just can’t resist re-programming its mind to make it the ideal companion, girlfriend, and wife.

mc mf fd
by Alan Smithee
Added 14 October 2023
Updated 04 November 2023

A wealthy widower meets an attractive young woman who makes sure that he can’t get her out of his head.

Her Biggest Wish
mc mf md
by Mian
Added 02 August 2008

Gloria changes from a goth to a bimbo.

Her Bimbofication
mc mf md gr ex ft
by Mistress Dyvia
Added 30 December 2023

Whimsey, a spellcrafter learns that her husband, Sam has a thing for bimbos, so she casts a spell on herself sot hat they could enjoy the weekend together.

Her Coffee Slave
mc ff ft hm
by Mana Ray
Added 15 October 2016
Updated 26 November 2016

Erin is made to serve the people she despises, but her friends seem to have it even worse.

Her Darkest Fan
mc mf ma
by Pan
Added 01 November 2014

The world’s biggest pop star has a run-in with an obsessed fan.

Her Debt to Society
mc mf
by Lisa Teez
Added 20 February 2010

After accepting a deal to get out of jail time, Penny finds the cost is be higher than she bargained for.

Her Dream Woman
mc ff
by Marcus
Added 20 July 2024

Penelope begins to have increasingly unusual dreams. Are they subconscious thoughts and desires bubbling up to the surface… or is there something else going on?

Her First Time
mc mf fd
by Lucious Lexi
Added 13 October 2001

Paul’s girlfriend Zoe decides it’s time to try being the hypnotist for a change.

Her Four O’Clock
mc mf md
by UXB57
Added 30 March 2002

Mary, a psychologist, saves her most difficult patients for the end of the day.

Her Friend’s Purse
mc mf fd
by sl3py
Added 02 December 2007

A man finds himself obsessed with his wife’s friend.

Her Hero
mc mf fd in
by CoolMind
Added 20 March 2010

After saving his sister, Mike notices that she is acting funny.

Her Husband’s Hucow
mc ff ma la gr ds
by CNP
Added 02 November 2019
Updated 21 December 2019

Mary and a few of her old college friends are invited to an almost forgotten friend’s home. What was expected to be a weekend of relaxation and reminiscing soon turns into something more expansive to the exquisite delight of everyone involved.

Her Hyp-Lip-Stick
mc mf mm fd
by Liplover
Added 15 September 1997

Kent thinks he’s using hypnosis to take advantage of Ellen, but the opposite is true.

Her Lealitas
mc ff cb
by MaddiMistress
Added 20 February 2021

Chiquita, fresh out of supervillain school, goes off in search of a minion.

Her Lover’s Eyes
mc mf md
by URN My Power
Added 30 March 2002

Marshall uses hypnosis to help Jane deal with her memories of child-abuse.

Her Magic Rings
mc ff mf fd ds ma
by Ɖjnoþi
Added 26 February 2022

Alicia recalls an encounter she had last night with a strange girl in her dorm room.

Her Manor, My Home
mc ff
by InLeaves
Added 14 June 2014
Updated 21 June 2014

Lyra is a spunky sports tomboy, but her fate changes overnight when a infinitely powerful Fae falls in love with her and claims her as her personal, devoted maid.

Her Minstrel Period
mc mf ff mm md ex
by Mudak
Added 25 October 2009

Beth really didn’t want to go to the Renaissance Faire. By the time the day is done, she really doesn’t want to leave, thanks in part to a special drink that her boyfriend bought for her.

Her Mother TOO
mc mf md
by HM Sandy
Added 02 December 2012

Rick uses drugs to enslave his girlfriend’s mother.

Her Mother’s Daughter
mc ff in
by Writer345
Added 12 January 2019
Updated 26 January 2019

A mother seeks help dealing with an abusive daughter.

Her New Subordinate
mc ff hm ft
by Mana Ray
Added 19 July 2014
Updated 15 November 2014

A spoiled woman enslaves her rival’s daughter using a pair of enchanted shoes.

Her Own Path
mc ff
by Taplay
Added 11 May 2024
Updated 15 June 2024

Sophia’s always been talented with hypnosis, but her family has restricted her ability to grow all her life. She devises a plan to get away from her family and pursue a greater understanding of hypnosis. But what awaits her in the rest of the world?

Her Place
mc mf ff md ma gr
by Gregory Michelson
Added 16 December 2023
Updated 09 March 2024

Linda’s a paralegal working at a good law firm, but a new advertising campaign will see these ladies asking a new question: What is their place? And as their bodies and minds slowly change... the answer will be one they never dreamed of giving.

Her Pleasure My Purpose
mc ff mf fd ws
by In Cognito
Added 20 May 2023

A successful female lawyer becomes a thrall to a modern day witch.

Her Position in the Industry
mc mf md
by Araman
Added 28 May 2016

Jane tries to take over the mind of a CEO, unaware of how powerful he is.

Her Sacred Oath
mc mf md
by Slider
Added 25 January 2014
Updated 17 June 2017

Courtney and John use hypnosis to improve their relationship.

Her son’s new toy
mc mf ff md fd in la
by drTaylor
Added 19 October 2024

After a magician presentation at school, Eric receives a hypnotic pendant.

Her Story
mc mf md
by XtremeCSSA
Added 11 June 2006

A young woman meets a man at a nightclub who ruins her for the rest of her life.

Her Touch
mc ff
by Autumn Oldaker
Added 10 October 2020
Updated 12 February 2022

A princess teaches an unlucky assassin the joys of love, trust and vulnerability-by force.

Her True Calling
mc ff hm
by Lisa Teez
Added 24 September 2011

When one of Hilda’s slaves misbehaves, it has the most unusual of consequences.

Her Website
mc mf fd
by soccerfan1965
Added 13 August 2011

A man learns that a coworker posted some naughty videos of herself.

Her Wednesday Lunches
mc mf md
by UXB57
Added 13 April 2002

Tami meets the mystery man who Mary is now living with.

Hera’s Throne of Shame
mc mf md ma bd in ex hm
by Illuminati Architect
Added 14 January 2023

Hera discovers that a new throne has been installed on Mount Olympus.

mc mf ff md fd in ft sf
by Homealone_447
Added 31 December 2011

Women are abducted by insectoid alien slavers.

Herd Instinct
mc ff mf
by Tabico
Added 16 November 2003
Updated 22 November 2003

Rebecca is heavily modified by her kidnappers. She does, however, have some surprises of her own.

mc mf ff mm md in la
by Adam Lily
Added 07 July 2018

A traditional American middle-class family joins the Ut-Sark Tribe of the Steppes—but not as people.

Here Be Dragons
mc mf md be hu
by Daphne
Added 03 October 1999

Sir Cedric enters the lair of the dragon to rescue Lady Urrica. The dragon, however, is more interested in bargaining with the knight than with fighting him.

Here Comes the Bride
mc ff
by Jukebox
Added 03 January 2010

On her wedding day, Abby’s wedding planner finally uses her hypnosis skills for what she really wants to do.

Here Comes the Next Contestant
mc ff
by Wiseguy
Added 27 May 2007

Frank tries to separate his girlfriend from two strange women after her waitress shift has finished.

Here Comes the Rain Again
by Jukebox
Added 28 November 2009

An induction piece using rain imagery.

Here Cums the Bride
mc md
by hypnoac
Added 14 March 2015

A woman with a hypnosis fetish marries a hypnotist.

Here Now the News
mc ff
by Nick Vegas
Added 17 February 2002

A TV news reporter’s boss helps her to relax.

Here There Be Wolfs
mc mm mf ff md fd be fu hm
by Ummagumma Burglar
Added 17 April 2010
Updated 15 May 2010

Four hikers encounter a pack of wolves.

Here, Lair, and Everywhere
mc ff ma cb
by scifiscribbler
Added 29 July 2023
Updated 24 February 2024

The new CEO of HyperCorp had a tough enough job repairing the image of a company formerly run by a supervillain BEFORE she discovered his old lair.

mc mf ff md in
by Chrysostomon
Added 24 February 2024

Bill is the result of a plan over decades to breed the perfect evil.

Here’s the Deal...
mc ff bd
by Flibinite
Added 11 June 2011

Marion finds out exactly why it’s been so difficult for her real estate agency to sell the Patterson property.

Heritage Tour
mc mf md fd ft
by Hypnofur
Added 13 February 2016

A couple’s overseas trip to learn about their history will alter their future forever.

Hero & Witch
mc mf fd cb
by me-chan
Added 06 August 2016
Updated 01 October 2016

In a city of heroism and villainy, one hero encounters a beautiful sorceress…

Hero of the Day
mc mf ff md fd cb hu in
by J. Darksong
Added 12 August 2007
Updated 30 September 2007

Parker strives the keep the citizens of River City safe in the vaccum left by Omega Girl’s departure, but the new dark threat looming in the shadows may be too much for him to face alone...

Hero or Sidekick?
mc mf md ma cb
by scifiscribbler
Added 25 March 2023
Updated 24 June 2023

Why DID PsyKick get kicked out of Justice Guard?

Herrick: Arrogant Model Take-down
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 16 November 2019

A photographer has had enough of a model’s attitude.

Hers for the Taking
mc mf fd
by authoress71
Added 17 April 2010

Mandy meets her internet friend and decides to hypnotize him.

mc ff
by Zen Archer
Added 18 April 1999

Rachel has a lust for power and a lust for her new roommate Jill.

The Hessian’s Daughter
mc mf fd
by Juni
Added 19 January 2002
Updated 07 April 2002

An American Revolutionary soldier falls in love with a Hessian spy.

mf mc
Added 15 August 1996

A couple have a great sexual relationship, but the guy seems to miss a former girlfriend’s taste for oral sex. Hester decides to develop her taste for such things using self-hypnosis and things take off.

The Hex
mc mf ff md
by Astropirate
Added 07 August 2010

Tony receives a special trinket while vacationing in India.

Hex Files 2: Ripped Lee’s Believe it or Not
mc mm
Added 24 September 2005

A blonde fratboy is transformed into a himbo.

Hex-files #1: Broan Ova Brayns
mc mm
Added 15 March 2003
Updated 30 March 2003

A bartender who delves into black magic plots revenge against a couple of jerks who came into his bar.

Hey Dummy
mc mf ff md ex hu
by Mister Arioch
Added 13 August 2011
Updated 28 April 2012

An ambitious reporter is determined to learn the secret of a ventriloquist’s sudden success. While searching for the truth, she discovers some unexpected surprises.

Hey Little Songbird
mc ff
by Kat
Added 18 March 2023
Updated 25 November 2023

Chaos, pain, suffering. These were mother’s milk to one such as her. The lifeblood on which demons feed upon. Pleasure? That was a tool to bend souls to her will. And this sweet angel, WILL bend.

Hey Mikey
mc mm
by Darr Fall
Added 20 March 2010
Updated 02 March 2013

Matt and his college jock buddies are snowed in. Can Matt’s gay little brother be persuaded to provide some entertainment?

Hey, Listen… Okay?
mc mf md
by Captain Dunsel
Added 31 August 2019

Dr. Nelson Chase develops a brand new hypnosis technique which he proceeds to test on his lovely coworker, Olivia.

He’s Back!
mc mf md
by Juni
Added 24 August 2002

Howie the evil clown returns.

He’s Better Suit Ted
mc mm
by cicero
Added 26 July 2008

Ted puts on his good suit to close a business deal with an older man.

He’s Company
mc mf md
by Ramis
Added 01 February 2025

June’s neighbor has a surprise for her on the anniversary of her husband’s death.

He’s Like a New Man
mc ma fd
by Fiona69m
Added 05 December 2009

Carrie, an abused wife, is given the gift of control.

He’s The Greatest Writer
mc mf md
by Wesley King
Added 10 December 2006

A writer of mind-control stories on the Internet gets to live his fantasies.

Hi, Mom
mc mf md in
by Some Other Guy
Added 25 July 2009

A son comes home with a special camera to show his mother.

Hi, My Name Is Jim
mc mf md
by amaranth
Added 07 July 2012
Updated 18 August 2012

A man helps Misty lose weight through intense hypnotic submission training. Her friends Susan and Sara join in the fun.

Hi, Sister Marilyn
mc mf md
by Some Other Guy
Added 12 December 2009
Updated 03 January 2010

A boy shows up at a sexual maturity and health talk with a very special camera.

Hi-Jinx at the Fair — SHR
mc mf md
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 01 May 2021

A few friends discover a magical shop at a Ren Faire, one whose goods have a unique effect on their patrons.

Hidden Desires
mc ff
by RachaelRogers
Added 24 August 2002

Rachael goes out and meets and bumps into a couple of lesbian hookers.

Hidden Desires, Awakened Powers
mc ff
by AmandasHypnoLips
Added 05 July 2003
Updated 09 July 2006

A girl in her final year of school discovers she has hidden desires, and the powers that are slowly awakening within her allow them to be to fulfilled.

Hidden Hinges—Swinging Both Ways
mc mf ff md fd bd
by Ce
Added 10 January 2004
Updated 08 February 2004

Peg agrees to help Jane become more submissive to her husband Dick, the way that Peg is submissive to her husband Bob.

Hidden Images
mc mf ff fd
by artie
Added 27 April 2002
Updated 25 September 2004

Rob accepts a job at a large, secluded mansion, and becomes part of the family that lives there.

The Hide
mc mm
by Inanimate_Transformer
Added 20 August 2011
Updated 04 January 2014

Matt regrets his decision to go to a leather bar.

mc ff ma ds cb
by Ella Enchanting
Added 11 February 2023

On her way home from celebrating a big victory, Galaxy Girl begins to sense there is something wrong.

Hierarchy of Needs
mc mf md in ex
by Pan
Added 24 August 2013
Updated 25 September 2021

Behind a small door in Jacob’s house, there’s four filing cabinets—one for each member of his family.

High Ceilings
mc ff gr
by J Swafford
Added 08 September 2007

Sally can’t resist the advances of the sexy female demons looking at her in the mirror.

The High Conclave vs. The Supreme Council
mc ff mf fd in
by DazzlingLady
Added 19 June 2021
Updated 02 October 2021

The High Conclave agrees to take on and destroy a group of rival hypnodommes who have brazenly challenged their position as the machinations of the True Hypnotism community continue.

The High Cost of Free Play
mc fd ma
by Saddle Rider
Added 16 July 2016

Amber is specially selected to help test a new slot machine. If she’d known it was created by a mind-controlling scientist, she might have thought twice.

High Energy Halloween Party
mc mf ff fd ma ft la be
by HB5211
Added 22 October 2016

Lydia was a witch and a collector of energy; it kept her young. Halloween was her favorite time of year as innocent party goers presented incredible collection opportunities. If she was lucky, she would find a virgin, maybe even two. Before the night was over, the party became one to remember and when Lydia departed, she looked years younger. Unfortunately, most of the other guests did not feel the same way.

High Mistress Charissa: Unflinching Purpose
mc ff mf fd
by DazzlingLady
Added 19 October 2024

Charissa resolves to show both her allies and enemies that they are mistaken to believe she is weak or vulnerable.

High On You
mc ma sf
by Jukebox
Added 12 January 2002

Joyce is kidnapped by telepathic aliens with an interest in her sexual pleasure.

A High School Reunion of Different Sorts
mc mf md bd hm
by Cindy Silver Eyes
Added 13 August 2011

A surprise awaits Cindy in her new job interview...

High Society Entertainment
mc mf fd ma ds ex ft
by SweetTist
Added 30 May 2020

Lady Larissa hypnotizes Greg and takes him to a ball where he is the entertainment for the evening.

High-Class Hooker
mc ff ft
by Grace Fairway
Added 16 January 2021
Updated 26 March 2022

Lady Veronica Carrington upsets a prostitute. The prostitute decides she needs to be knocked down a peg or two…

A Higher Power
mc mf fd in fu gr
by Quillow
Added 17 August 2024
Updated 07 September 2024

A hot, boring summer break gets a lot more interesting when Caroline Taylor stumbles upon a dying goddess who grants her incredible powers. And as we all know, with great power comes great... opportunities for sexy magical mind control!

mc mf md bd
by Heretic Bloodline
Added 18 November 2000
Updated 13 October 2001

Lorna behaves more and more strangely in class, and yet doesn’t seem to notice what’s wrong.

Highway Patrol
mc mm
by Good Time
Added 23 May 2020

Officer Daniel Huntly has been relegated to Highway Patrol duty once again, and he’s not too happy about it—and his attitude gets him in a bit of a pickle.

mc mm rb
by jacketrat
Added 05 September 2015

Brian is assaulted by four men with a special computer.

Hijacked and Used
mc mf md
by Penny Propofol
Added 14 April 2018

Tabitha’s mind and body are hijacked and used by Mark. She is made to help him capture more women.

Hijacking Peggy
mc ff
by Penny Propofol
Added 22 October 2016
Updated 09 April 2017

Peggy is captured at a convention at a resort location. Without her knowledge or consent, she is transformed into a mind controlled mule for a smuggling operation.

The Hike
mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 10 January 1999

A college student keeps zoning out when he goes on a hiking trip with his professor and two other students.

Hiking Toward Happiness
mc mf md
by Hokan
Added 03 June 2023

After a week of hiking, Sarah and Kate are invited to stay at a suspiciously remote estate house.

A Hill of Beans
mc mf ff md in
by Redsliver
Added 30 July 2022
Updated 15 October 2022

When Richie’s patience was being heavily tested by his girlfriend Harper, a strange witch offers a trade: his frustrating cow for a access to a fistful of beans and the promise of the best of the best of the best girls to replace Harper.

Hillbilly Dominatrix
mc mf ff fd ft rb hu
by Nick Vegas
Added 20 October 2002

On a drive through the deep South, a man encounters Kink, served Southern Style.

Himbo Maker
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 06 June 2020
Updated 07 August 2021

A man with powers tries to cope during the lock-down.

Hindsight is 2020
mc mf fd in
by Pan
Added 06 April 2024
Updated 13 April 2024

Lyla uses her new watch to make sure everything goes exactly right.

Hip Hop Whore
mc mf md
by Jinxfosure
Added 23 February 2002

Rap sensation Ginuwine decides to add beautiful coed Tammy to his vast collection of status symbols.

Hip to Be Square
mc md fd mf ff bd ds ex ma hu
by Jukebox
Added 17 May 2009

Kim’s attitude towards the nerd fraternity house begins to change.

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter’s On Its Way...
mc mf md gr
by Volt Namazuros
Added 09 April 2011

Maybe Kate shouldn’t have egged on an odd-looking she may be in for a harey situation...

A Hippy Goes Republican.
mc mf md
by Borbin
Added 09 March 2024

John wants to argue politics with Helen, but first he has a special device he wants to show her.

Hired Gun
by Jay Petto
Added 14 August 2004

The man sitting across the table from Rebecca describes how he just destroyed her life.

Hired Help
mc ff ft rb
by If I Was Not You
Added 04 June 2016

Katie gets a job working for a wealthy woman with a highly automated home.

Hiring Mom As My New Maid
mc mf md in
by Aiden
Added 12 February 2022
Updated 19 February 2022

Gabe is a hypnotist with a deep dark secret. When his hot mom decides to fire their maid, Gabe needs a new maid. A sexy one. So there is only one solution, hypnotize his mom to be his new maid.

Hiroko, or The Vanity of Desire
mc mf mm
by Julian Obedient
Added 27 September 2003

The wrong context turns Hiroko’s dream into a nightmare.

His Boss
mc mf md gr
by Wolflon
Added 08 March 2003
Updated 23 August 2003

After working late at the office Alex finds his boss becomeing far more friendlier.

His Eyes, Her Eyes
mc mf md fd
by Jukebox
Added 04 February 2017

Two hypnotists challenge each other to fall into trance.

His Fantasy
mc mf md fd
by Billy_Ray77
Added 12 August 2007

A mind-controller spots a coworker at a strip club.

His Girl
mc mm
by webb025
Added 06 November 2010
Updated 13 November 2010

An adopted son shows his older jock twin brothers a mind-bending new multimedia program that changes their lives.

His Girlfriend’s Massage
mc mf fd
by Tamedwolf
Added 16 January 2005

Kara develops an enthusiasm for giving massages after Carl drags her to a spa.

His Internet Submission
mc mf fd
by davidm
Added 30 January 2010

A man visits an online domme for stress relief.

His Lady Friends
mc mf fd
by BluejayGS
Added 05 November 2011

The Curse of the Bambino was strong for 84 years...but how much of a curse was it truly?

His Living Doll
mc mf md rb
by A Sinister Bent
Added 29 May 2005
Updated 19 June 2005

A woman is brainwashed into believing she’s a robot.

His Lucky Break
mc mf md
by dreamsofcontrol
Added 26 October 2013

Sean Dunston likes to take pictures—preferably of beautiful female models who serve as inspiration for his digital paintings. Today the hot young model “Mata Hari” is killing it in his studio doing glamour shots for him to use in creating his next work.

His Master’s Voice
mc mm
by Ian
Added 29 August 2004

Two men are hypnotized over the phone by their Master.

His Memories Make Us
mc mf md in
by OneAndTwo
Added 12 November 2016
Updated 19 December 2020

Dani tries to cope with her brother’s ability to rewrite people’s memories.

His Scent
mc mf md
by dreamer dreamz
Added 12 October 2002

There’s something about the way that Calvin smells that makes Deborah compliant with him.

His Taste
mc mf md
by artie
Added 20 September 1999

An author responds to reader requests for maledom mind-control stories.

mc ff
by Sara H
Added 11 May 2002
Updated 15 December 2012

A woman orders a new MP3 player and begins to notice certain changes...

Hit and Run
mc ff ex gr ft hu sf
by The Ethical Hypnotist
Added 21 September 2024

Dominick Vasquez has been touched by horrors beyond space and time—and they’re awfully sorry to have ruined his day! Now their “apology” has turned his best friend into a busty sex slave, and he’s desperate to change her back!

Hit Me With Your Best Shot
mc mf ff md fd
by Jukebox
Added 16 April 2011

Two telepaths duel over a pretty young college student.

Hit The Showers
mc ff gr
by BimbosAndDolls
Added 30 November 2024

Christine’s an all-star soccer player for the Garnet Hills Pumas. But, with a little help from bimbofying shampoo, Kelsey is planning to take over as team captain.

mc ff fu
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 01 April 2023

A young catgirl finds herself the target of a Gorgon for hire.

The Hitch-Hiker
mc mf in
by Pan
Added 06 August 2016
Updated 20 August 2016

One wish before, one wish after. Nicki uses hers to ensure that her father doesn’t enjoy what they’re about to do.

mc mf fd
by Glass O
Added 07 October 2000

Chris quickly realizes he made a horrible mistake when he gets picked up by a beautiful woman in a fast car.

mc ff
by trilby else
Added 10 October 2004

When no one else will help her, Tanya infiltrates a mind-controllers’ complex alone to rescue someone she loves from a diabolical conspiracy. She expected things not to be quite as they seemed, but things seem to be turning out not quite as she expected.

The Hive (nojo)
mc mf fd
by nojo
Added 19 November 2022

A sex addict visits a psychotherapist who turns out to be the Queen of a hive designed to siphon the wealth of its victims.

The Hive (Samantha N)
mc ff sf rb
by Samantha N
Added 26 November 2022

A refugee ship flees aliens trying to bring them into the Hive.

Hive Games
mc ff
by Knowing-Smile
Added 24 June 2017

Stephanie find a rather compelling room at a hypnosis convention.

Hive Mind
mc ff mf fd hu rb sf
by Deep Helix
Added 02 August 2009

As a hostile succubi invasion shatters modern civilization, a man devotes himself to a woman who is willing to go completely mental to save humankind.

The Hive: Erinn
mc mf md
by Patrick27
Added 15 February 2014

Patrick goes to visit one of his students at her job at the strip club, not being aware that she is actually a programmed drone looking for a Master.

The Hiving Nanites
mc ff mf md
by Lisa Teez
Added 20 October 2012

Lidsey, Anna, and Joanie explore a town where all the women seem to be missing.

Ho! Ho! Ho!
mc ma
by Writerzblocked
Added 24 June 2007

Santa has a present for a street whore.

Hocus Pocus
mc mf ff md
by Chrysostomon
Added 29 June 2019

Jan is not very enthusiastic when her friends drag her to a magic show.

mc ff fd hu
by Sara H
Added 30 September 2000
Updated 15 December 2012

Mistress Rochelle calls a square dance.

mc mf ff in
by Mania
Added 01 September 2018
Updated 14 June 2019

A mad scientist orchestrates the complete unraveling of normal society with his diabolical estrus virus—transforming normal people into sex crazed maniacs!

mc ff
by sara castle
Added 25 February 2007

A woman and her AI rider hunt for other AIs.

Hold Back
mc mf mm ff md
by S. P. Riley
Added 24 May 2003

Ben goes a little overboard with the using his power.

Hold Music
mc mf md
by das-747
Added 13 April 2008

Michelle is distracted by the hold music when she calls a customer complaint line.

Hold My Beer While I Screw Your Girlfriend
mc mf md
by The Worm
Added 10 September 2006

A psychic mind controller has fun with a woman he meets in a bar. Once he gets her away from her boyfriend, of course....

Hold Still
mc in
by MoldedMind
Added 01 February 2020

Two sisters are kidnapped by a slaver, and one must keep perfectly still as she is pleasured by their captor in order to secure the other’s freedom.

Hold The Line
mc md mf ff
by Heimdall
Added 15 August 1996

Our hero speaks to people, controlling them instantly with the sound of his voice. The beautiful Michelle and Anges fall under his sway and he has a few good days calling a tune for them to dance to. The piper, however, comes to collect what is due.

Holding Darkness Within
mc ff mf fd
by Sollipsist
Added 28 November 2004
Updated 12 December 2004

A group of co-eds rent out a spooky old house.

Hole In My Soul
mc mf
by Wiseguy
Added 23 February 2002

Doug is mired in depression over his failed marriage. Can Holly pull him out of it?

The Hole Left Behind — Carlito
mc mm ma
by MCBrain
Added 15 September 2018

Carlos Ramirez is a gay, Christian youth who wants to find himself; and there is no better place to explore than in college! Hopefully, the local Church can help him find his place...

The Hole Left Behind — Intermission
mc mm ma
by MCBrain
Added 22 September 2018

Two boys find themselves entranced by an up-and-cumming porn star.

Hole Lot of Revenge
mc mf fd
by Chrysostomon
Added 29 April 2023

Erin has been beaten and abused… will she give her soul to seek revenge?

Holiday Punishment for Deputy DeMandrel and two Jocks
mc mm bd
by The Slaver
Added 16 December 2017

Deputy DeMandrel walks in on the mall Santa having his way with two jocks in the bathroom.

Holiday Treats
mc mf md
by URN My Power
Added 22 December 2001
Updated 06 January 2008

Several short Christmas-themed vignettes.

Holiday Wishes
mc mf ff md in
by amaranth
Added 24 December 2006

Two sisters compete over who will get to be Kyle’s servant.

The Holidays Are Cumming
mc mf ff md
by mastersinyourmind
Added 04 December 2021

A woman has been conditioned not to have an orgasm before Christmas, and her love as lined up many, many things to take her to the brink during the Holiday season...

Hollow Choices
mc ff mf md fd
by cat_slave
Added 23 December 2000

Isis is captured by evil forces, is there no one who can save her?

Hollow Life
mc ff
by cat_slave
Added 09 December 2000

While vacationing in Africa, Bridget must pay a steep price when she receives assistance from a stranger.

Hollow Path
mc ff
by cat_slave
Added 17 December 2000

Bridget is a pawn as ancient forces prepare for the inevitable conflict.

Holly Goes to the Tower
mc mf ff
by Hot Coffee on a Cold Night
Added 26 March 2022
Updated 28 May 2022

Unemployed Holly finds a too good to be true job opportunity as an assistant at Stratford Preparatory Academy, where she’ll certainly be trained... for something.

mc mf fd
by ScriptWriter
Added 03 May 2009
Updated 03 March 2012

Two old friends get together for a double-date.

Hollywood Slave
mc mf fd
by Number 23
Added 21 March 2009

Protective of his tv star brother, Pete discovers his new sister-in-law has power over men.

Hollywood’s Not America
mc mf md ma
by BluejayGS
Added 28 November 2009

Chester starts a busines selling DVDs with subliminal messages.

Holly’s Decision
mc ff
by JRParz
Added 23 April 2006

Holly finds herself drawn to a female professor. When the professor makes her a very arousing offer, she is forced to choose between the right thing to do and the unthinkable. Her decision either way will change her life dramatically.

Holly’s Fantasy Unfortunately Comes True
mc ff mf fd ma bd
by HB5211
Added 25 April 2020
Updated 27 June 2020

Holly enjoys reading erotic material especially about an innocent woman being transformed.. Sometimes you have to be careful about what you read or secretly wish for in life. Eva is about to make Holly wish she never opened her first erotic novel.

Holly’s New Career
mc ff mf bd
by HB5211
Added 25 July 2020
Updated 19 September 2020

Holly returns to work in Financial Services as a new woman. Will people notice, will people care? One of her first decisions is to personally handle the interview and recruitment of new staff.

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible
mc ff mf fd hu
by S. B.
Added 20 October 2018

The story of Adam and Eve is not what you think it is. Are you ready to discover the truth?

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible — Moses and the Burning Pussy
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 17 August 2019

The story of Moses and the Burning Bush is what you think it is.

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible — Samson and The Lilac
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 30 May 2020

The story of Samson and Delilah is not what you think it is.

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible — Statue May Cry
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 03 October 2020

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is not the way you think it is.

Holy Hypnosis Purity
mc mf md in
by 1HypnotizedBimbo
Added 26 October 2024
Updated 16 November 2024

Jodie is a virgin dedicated to the church’s teachings. Why does the pastor’s guided meditations accidentally hypnotize her into acting so slutty? The sexy teen has no idea that her forgotten trigger word will be her damnation—corrupting not only her but making her older brother see her in a new light, too!

Holy Shit!!
mc mf ff md in ts
by Special Programmer
Added 20 January 2008
Updated 01 February 2009

Joel learns how to stop time and control his neighbor and her daughter.

Holy Smoke
mc mf ff
by Rasta Girl
Added 21 April 2001
Updated 06 May 2001

Tania travels to a Rasta commune in search of a friend.

Holy Smoke 2: The Innocents Abroad
mc mf ff
by Witchman
Added 29 April 2001

Tania travels to a Rasta commune in search of a friend.

Home by Nine
mc mf md
by mightysopor
Added 19 January 2013

After a stressful day, Harriet just wants to relax and forget about her troubles, so she visits her local massage parlour. The masseur knows exactly just what his favourite customer needs to unwind.

Home Cooked Meal
mc ff ma ds
by Sammynona
Added 10 September 2022

With the Home Cook Delivery app you will not only get a box of fresh ingredients for a lovely meal, you also get a trigger phrase to put the cute delivery girl into an obedient trance. Enjoy your meal!

Home Farm
mc ff ma la bd gr
by Writer345
Added 13 November 2021
Updated 17 December 2022

Life changes completely for a pair of young Primary School teachers when their car is diverted during a storm as they find themselves caught up in a series of events that began uring the Second World War, some sixty years before.

Home For The Holidays
mc mf ff md
by Griz T. Orc
Added 15 June 2024

Alicia is confused about ther daughter’s relationships when she brings her two companions home from college.

Home Invasion
mc mf ff md in
by txhypnodegenerate
Added 07 May 2006

Dave comes home to find his wife and daughter sucking off a stranger.

HOME MAID: A Super Pies Tale
mc mf
by Prymape Merlinswand
Added 16 May 2015
Updated 15 October 2016

Mrs. LaMode bakes pies with strange fruit from her neighbor’s garden.

Home of the Lilithbornes
mc mf ff fd ft
by blankpage
Added 26 June 2004
Updated 15 December 2012

Danny and Julie meet new friends at Chateau Aensland.

The Home Theater Store
mc mf fd ft
by Latexman
Added 04 March 2007

Tommy is captivated by a beautiful sales lady in a store where he really had not intended to buy anything, but he finds that some of the electronic equipment is just impossible to resist.

mc mf md
by Anynom
Added 18 November 2000

Julie returns to her home town, and meets an old friend.

Homecoming (Chrysostomon)
mc mf md
by Chrysostomon
Added 06 February 2021

The nerd returns to his small town, a changed man.

Homecoming (sara castle)
mc mf fd
by sara castle
Added 24 June 2007

Against her better judgement, a courier accepts a mission that will take her to a remote Chilean observatory. Then, everything goes to hell, and as her options run out, she must choose between submission or death. Because, sometimes, death is the only option that makes sense.

Homemade Villain
mc mf ff md cb
by S. P. Riley
Added 14 September 2024

Tom gives himself super powers of mind control, and becomes a villain.

mc ff
by Lisa Teez
Added 04 July 2009

Jenny thinks Mallory is too repressed, and gives her something to drink that will help her to relax and open up.

Homework (Wrestlr)
mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 20 May 2012

Jase helps a couple of friends with their problems.

Homewrecked and Hypnotized: From Vanilla to Her Virtual Control
mc mf fd
by Majesty Natalie
Added 15 June 2024

Bruce thought he had control over his life, but all it took was one hypnosis video to unravel everything. Obsessed, addicted, and completely enthralled by the alluring domme Majesty Natalie, Bruce’s descent into financial ruin and utter subservience begins. How far will he fall for a woman he’s never met?

mc fd
by Alyx Mesmer
Added 04 June 2022

A man wakes in a darkened room with only one thought; the need for honey.

Honey and the Electrician
mc mf
by Unknown-013
Added 03 November 1996

Honey hears a voice in her mind and behaves accordingly, including skipping wearing her panties to work (and hiking up her skirt for a friendly visitor).

Honey Belle
mc mf fd
by GigglingGoblin
Added 01 October 2022
Updated 08 October 2022

Weak-willed Senya has to go and ask Sylvia the Thriae some questions... but can he withstand the buxom bubbly bimbo beegirl’s flirtations and innuendos? What happens if she manages to put him under and decides to have a little fun with his captive mind?

Honey Chile
mc ff
by Libertine
Added 04 May 2008

Deep in the woods, Angel discovers a strange and wonderful new form of life.

Honey Porter and the Queerbitch Match
mc ff fd hu
by Captain Eazy
Added 19 August 2007

Honey Porter, a witchcraft student at Hotbods University of Witchery and Wizarding, plays the key position in a traditional magical game in this parody of, well—you know.

The Honey Trap
mc mf ff md ft
by sara castle
Added 25 May 2008
Updated 27 July 2019

A confection-themed supervillain kidnaps a series of young ladies.

The Honey Trap (GigglingGoblin)
mc mf fd
by GigglingGoblin
Added 24 August 2019

While completing a delivery, an adventurer finds himself waiting in the parlor with three sultry, wasp-waisted blonde bombshells for company. But are these bee-like fey as sweet and dumb as they act? And even if they are, can he resist trying a taste of their addictive, mind-melting honey?

Honey-Heavy, Pollen-Eyed
mc ff la
by GigglingGoblin
Added 03 October 2020

A wicked Thriae is lured by sugary scents toward a mysterious flower—and encounters a sugary-sweet saffron alraune. She is delighted: Surely this adorable bimbo plantgirl will be easy prey for her villainous visitor. But when the alraune’s kisses are so sweet, and make the beegirl’s head spin so nicely, she begins to wonder who’s really ‘corrupting’ who.

mc ff
by trilby else
Added 25 February 2007
Updated 17 June 2007

A girl challenged the Hive to rescue someone she loved, and it brainwashed her into one more nameless, obedient slave. Now it reawakens her—more or less—for its own diabolical purposes.

The HoneyCup Inn
mc mf ff md
by mystic sparkle
Added 06 November 2005

Two girls undergo a transformation after partaking of the ‘honeycup’, offered by a mysterious stranger in a bar.

Honeydew Heist
mc mf md fd ds la
by GigglingGoblin
Added 18 July 2020
Updated 25 July 2020

A sly, dominant herbalist with a secret submissive history goes looking for a melon dryad. Does he know what he’s getting into?

The Honeymoon Manor
mc mf fd ma hm ds
by Carol J. and GigglingGoblin
Added 12 May 2018
Updated 28 July 2018

A teasing Fairy Queen and a very sweet witch set seductive traps for two brash young adventurers.

Honeymoon Suite
mc ff
by The Pen Is Mightier
Added 01 October 2022

Caught in a blizzard on their way home from a business trip, Vanessa and Claire find themselves forced to share the honeymoon suite at a sketchy motel.

Honey’s Story
mf mc nc
by The Flying Pen
Added 31 August 1996

Our hero, a tinkerer with people’s minds, finds Honey a tempting target when he sees her at lunch one day. Rather than order her to obey him, he seduces her with the power of his mind.

Honey’s Uninvited Guest
mf mc
by Honey
Added 13 November 1996

A guest surprises Honey as she cleans up after work. Speaking directly to her thoughts, he seduces her.

Honing The Talent
mc mf md
by B Pascal
Added 04 June 2022

Tom Carter goes off to college, and works on improving his skills at influencing other people.

Honorable Service
mc mm
by any_mouse2003
Added 18 May 2008

An Army Captain demonstrates the results of his new Psy-ops procedure.

Hookah Head
mc mf ff fd la gr
by Amus Cobblestone
Added 12 December 2009

Gretchen and Julie invite a good looking stud to partake in some “shisha”.

mc ff hm
by CactusJuggler
Added 20 June 2004

Holly needs help. She has an addiction problem that she’s desperate to get over. What can it hurt for her old friend Amanda to try hypnotizing her?

Hooked and Baited
mc mm
by Jackson Stock
Added 01 July 2023

A man takes another man fishing and uses a little hypnotic language to covertly convince him to do a sexual act.

Hooker Barbie
mc ff ft
by Ryan Fill
Added 27 May 2007

Lisa picks up a streetwalker and hypnotizes her to become a doll.

mc ff
by Greyscribbler
Added 14 September 2024

Hannah has to hold on to her hope. She has to.

Hope After All: A Near-Christmas Tale
mc mf ff md
by Ramis
Added 07 December 2024

Hope and Dahlia are stranded and show up at a stranger’s farmhouse, who drugs them.

Hope and Fear
mc ff ft
by chlestdh
Added 23 May 2020

A young woman hides in a conquered city desperate for escape, but when hope beckons will it be a false hope?

Hope Desired
mc mf ff md
by blankpage
Added 12 August 2000
Updated 14 November 2004

A man with special powers wants Esperanza, and not just as another mere addition to his collection.

Hope Lost All
mc ff ds in
by Second Chair
Added 30 July 2022

Hope discovers that Rachel Sands, her girlfriend, Kallista Grant’s aunt, hypnotized Kalli and planted a trigger deep in her mind years ago, making Kalli her slave. Hope is determined to save Kalli and turn the tables on dear Aunt Rachel. At least, that’s her plan.

Hornet’s Nest
mc ff rb ft sf
by fembotheather
Added 25 July 2009
Updated 29 August 2009

The Corps attempts to rescue women who have been captured and enslaved by the Hive.

The Hornies
mc mf md gr
by Limerick
Added 31 July 2010

Abby notices that all of her female classmates have all changed since they caught the H0N1 virus.

The Hornium Compound
mc mf
by DeezNuts515
Added 15 August 2020
Updated 25 September 2021

A duo of scientists discover an extremely potent aphrodisiac which dissolves all sexual inhibitions.

The Hornometer
mc md mf
by Mudak
Added 20 August 2005
Updated 04 January 2009

For her birthday, Jason gives his girlfriend a piece of jewelry that controls her arousal level.

A Horny Dilemma
mc mf ff bd
by Marcus
Added 11 March 2007

A virtual reality experiment leaves its subject with no alternative, but one choice.

Horny Rolex
mc mf md la in
by Covert Ops
Added 02 April 2006

The gold watch that a man steals has special powers.

The Horse Girl
mc mf md
by 321
Added 12 December 2020

Karen loves her farm, and the solitude that comes with it. She’s never going back to her old life—unless someone can change her mind.

Horse Head Mask
mc mf ff fd ex fu gr be
by Nigel
Added 26 July 2014

A man crashes a party and dons a horse head mask, thinking it will get him in with the cool crowd. It does, just not the way he expected.

The Horses
mc mm ff gr sf
by latexter
Added 30 January 2016
Updated 09 April 2016

A man gets into a cab ride with Greg, and it turns out to a ride that he never wants to stop.

Horsey Business
mc mf md be
by Anarchitech
Added 16 March 2013

Marie’s boyfriend retaliates after he discovers that she has been having an affair.

Horton Hears a Ho
mc mf fd
by Mudak
Added 05 February 2011

Horton receives a strange phone call and then an unusual package from a mysterious woman. Where did she get it from and what is its real purpose?

mc ff ft
by Bounded
Added 18 February 2012

Helen is determined to bring Sarah to a very special place.

The Hose Always Wins
mc ft
by Gettoman
Added 14 April 2018
Updated 22 August 2020

Ellen tries not to become addicted to pantyhose the way her friend Sally is.

Hose for the Holidays
mc mf ft in
by jman_bigdaddy
Added 02 December 2017

Morgan returns home from college to find that her town has been infested with mind-controlling nylons.

Hose For The Holidays: Back to School
mc ff ft
by jman_bigdaddy
Added 17 March 2018

Morgan seems confused about her new roommates dressing habits.

Hose of Submission — Domina Rising
mc ff
by Penny Propofol
Added 30 September 2017

Domina is an artificial intelligence with the power to steal any mind. As she absorbs the minds of the beautiful young women that helped create her, she discovers that she also begins to take on their feelings.

The Hose Touch
mc mf md ft in
by jman_bigdaddy
Added 28 September 2013
Updated 01 March 2014

After a lab accident, a man with a hoisery fetish gets strange new powers.

The Hose Virus
mc ft
by Pantyhosed
Added 07 August 2010
Updated 15 August 2010

An alien substanced turns men and women into pantyhosed zombies.

The Hosieria Spa and Resort
mc mf ff fd md ft
by Hoselover98
Added 06 January 2001

A secret agent infiltrates a secret spa that caters to fetishists.

mc ff mf fd
by Havoc
Added 25 January 2025

James and Maya, a college couple, receive a far warmer welcome than they were expecting from their new neighbors...

The Host
mc mf in
by Chrysostomon
Added 05 March 2022

Alien parasites take over a family.

mc ff mf fd md
by 321
Added 27 April 2019
Updated 06 August 2022

Rebecca’s trip to Berlin takes an interesting turn.

mc mf fd
by Chrysostomon
Added 20 August 2022

Jerry catches up with pal George. George is now married to a stunning wife Lisa, who is very accomodating.

Hostile Take-Over (Gettoman)
mc ft
by Gettoman
Added 07 May 2016

A wife receives a free sample of pantyhose, and gets hooked on them.

Hostile Takeover
mc ff
by A Nony Mouse
Added 07 December 2002

An Australian Businesswoman seeks to take over a Thai export business with little success.

Hostile Takeover
mc ff
by BedHead
Added 28 August 2021

A startup’s team go for their acquisition interview by a big corporation—but it doesn’t go quite as they expected.

Hostile Takeover (channelpressure)
mc mf fd
by channelpressure
Added 13 December 2014

Carl falls victim to some unusual negotiating tactics.

Hostile Takeover (The Persuader)
mc mf md
by The Persuader
Added 26 September 2010

A mob boss takes on more than he can handle when he makes a gambler pay off his debts by sending his wife over for the night.

Hostile Takeover: Inheriting the Heir
mc mm mf
by tomozco
Added 04 November 2017

The son of a businessman is targeted as part of a corporate takeover scheme.

Hosting Suburbia
mc mf md
by Whyte, Colleen
Added 28 September 2002

Female guests at the Gallaghers’ housewarming party suddenly have the urge to go visit Mr Gallagher in his bedroom.

Hot Blood: Sexiness and Lust in a Silicon Valley Startup
mc mf fd
by AskJeeves
Added 23 March 2019
Updated 18 May 2019

The CEO of a startup gives a compelling presentation to investors.

Hot Blooded
mc mf md ma
by Jukebox
Added 20 March 2010

Jack and Diane are about to host a foursome with Kiki and her new girlfriend, but one of Diane’s triggers is broken. Or is it?

Hot Chocolate
mc mf md
by Psionic_X
Added 21 November 2009

Maggie has a visitor who she cannot say no to.

The Hot Cold War
mc mf fd
by Hard Determinist
Added 16 June 2012

Howard Kirk wanted to enjoy his young wife, alongside whatever other scraps he could devour, in an open relationship. He didn’t expect her to be controlled into becoming a cuckquean, and to start finding sexual partners for him.

Hot Flash Collection
by Ms_Myrrh
Added 05 March 2005

A collection of short mind-control snippets.

Hot For Teacher
mc mf fd
by The Scribe of Domina
Added 01 October 2016
Updated 02 July 2022

Miles is kidnapped by his attractive teacher, who has plans for him.

Hot Genie — Fertile Wishes
mc mf ff md la gr
by Nadia Nightside
Added 06 January 2024

Bimbo genie Zanthia can’t touch her Master’s cock, and her pent-up arousal gives him a lot more than he asked for.

Hot Haunting Hypnosis
mc mf fd
by amethystsprey
Added 31 October 2015

Mistress Amethyst bewitches more than her eager to serve male submissive.

Hot In Here
mc mf in
by mightysopor
Added 12 May 2012

A university student goes out for dinner with his younger sister and their parents, and things get weird when the live singer tells everyone “It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes”.

Hot Neighbor
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 09 April 2022

Gregory is fascinated by Brian’s neighbor, but he is afraid of her? What is her secret?

Hot Off the Press
mc mf md
by Kris P. Kreme
Added 07 June 2009

On the front page of the Krystalis Times, there’s a real ‘feel good’ story that’s creating a stir.

Hot Oil
mc ff
by Tabico
Added 24 November 2002
Updated 16 August 2003

The girls from ‘Sweet Oil’ discover the strings attached to their gift, and wind up wearing them.

Hot Pulses
mc ff ex ma
by sihghis
Added 15 January 2022

A hot romance with another woman is forced into a student’s life.

Hot Pursuit
mc mf md ma
by Mudak
Added 28 November 2009

Mary, Carrie, Cheri, Terri, and Harry all agree to test out Bruce’s latest invention, which promises to be a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Hot Summer
mc ff
by Sara H
Added 09 June 2001
Updated 15 December 2012

A woman walks into a lesbian sex toy boutique, and has a revealing conversation with the owner.

Hot Take
mc ff
by Lunar Circuit
Added 14 March 2020
Updated 11 April 2020

An esper with power over warmth gets herself into a situation a little too hot to handle.

Hot to the Touch
mc ff mf gr la
by Limerick
Added 07 September 2013

Sammy attempts to innoculate herself against the flu that’s been going around.

Hot to Trot
mc mf md bd
by scifiscribbler
Added 20 July 2024
Updated 02 November 2024

All Roxanne wanted to do was her weekly family shop, but an interrupting stranger has other ideas.

Hot Tub
mc mf fd
by soccerfan1965
Added 29 October 2011

A man is enslaved by hypnotist while in a hot tub.

Hot Tub Love Machine
mc mf ff md in
by Redsliver
Added 06 November 2021
Updated 05 February 2022

Thanks to a strange birthday gift from his, apparently, half-beautician/half-mad scientist mother, all the girls that share Lucas’s hot tub are acting more and more affectionate.

Hot Tub Wishes
mc mf md in
by gs6gs6gs6
Added 04 June 2016

A genie appears just as Randy’s step-sister starts her hot tub party.

Hot Wired
mc mf md bd
by Pellicule
Added 08 November 2003

A woman takes a sudden interest in hot, submissive sex acts with her husband.

Hotel Anteros
mc mm
by In Cognito
Added 05 November 2022

A couple takes a vacation at an exclusive hotel.

Hotel Anteros — The Return
mc mf mm
by In Cognito
Added 12 November 2022

More guests arrive at an exclusive hotel.

Hotel Hot Tub
mc mf md
by Severed Dreams
Added 21 April 2001

A businessman spies a beautiful woman at a remote hotel, and invites himself into the hot tub with her.

Hotel Receptionist
mc ff rb
by Robotunit8
Added 09 October 2005
Updated 16 April 2006

Stephanie accepts a job at a hotel with a futuristic theme.

Hotel Robotica
mc mf md rb
by Dr. Robo
Added 29 February 2004

Teresa and Holly check into a new hotel/spa complex for a bit of relaxation.

The Hotel’s Mistress: Muze Takes Control
mc mf fd
by DannysFemdomFables
Added 04 May 2024

Muze, armed with unyielding determination and irresistible allure, demands an audience with the hotel’s manager, intent on securing the presidential suite.

mc ff cb
by Prospero Nox
Added 02 July 2022

A fire-powered superheroine can’t override her mental safety limits to blast the Ice Dome slowly strangling the city. A supervillainess with psychic control powers offers to help.

The Hotter Than Hell Anthology
mc mf ff md
by Daphne; Downing Street; Farleven; ghosthostblue; J. Darksong; Jafar; JRParz; Ludmenkov, Boris; Trent Wolf; Vendatrix and Voyer
Added 02 July 2006

MD-themed anthology by some of the EMCSA’s most prominent authors.

HoT—Hypnosis or Tickling
mc ff
by Jypsy Jones
Added 29 June 2008

At a holiday camp one senior girl looks to enjoy her twin fetishes with another.

Hounds of the Bakersfield
mc mf in
by Chrysostomon
Added 26 August 2023

A long family curse reveals itself on the night of a full moon.

Hour Little Secret
mc ff
by me-chan
Added 04 June 2022

Can Tovah keep a secret long enough to uncover one she’s forgotten?

The House Always Wins
mc mf fd
by A Sinister Bent
Added 18 June 2022

A gambler with a special ability tries to win a fortune in Las Vegas, but the casino has ways of dealing with people like him.

House Bound
mc mf md ma bd gr la
by TheHandsThatLead
Added 09 January 2021
Updated 19 February 2021

Four friends are on a road trip when they’re forced to stay at a bed and breakfast.

House Bound 2 — Playing Doctor
mc mf fd ma gr
by TheHandsThatLead
Added 19 June 2021

Dr. Jill Mayer is on her way to meet with powerful Senator Dunnest in her home state on important women’s issues, will a stop over at a bed and breakfast with her daughter and a friend be a problem?

House Call
mc mf md in
by The Sympathetic Devil
Added 05 April 2014

Nurse Dahlia complies with her sister’s request to come see her 18-year old nephew in her professional capacity.

A House Fallen
mc mf md in bd
by Saddle Rider
Added 12 March 2016

A family responsible for a sinister plot against a noblewoman and her queen faces the consequences of their actions.

House Guest: The Appilication
mc mm
by Baralai
Added 02 January 2011

Neil applies for a role in a gay porn movie, even though he is straight.

House Guest: The Chest
mc mm
by Baralai
Added 22 January 2011

Chance’s guest finds a mysterious chest. What’s in the box?

House Guest: The Mirror
mc mm
by Baralai
Added 31 July 2010

Chance is a wonderful host in a house filled with weird things of unknown consequences. But a guest never leaves unhappy.

House Hunting
mc mf md
by Anynom
Added 10 January 1999

A hypnotist has fun with a real-estate agent in an empty house.

The House in the Woods
mc ff mf fd
by Witchman
Added 08 September 2002
Updated 09 May 2020

Stranded at the side of the road with two flat tires, Tara and Colin go to the home of a witch seeking help.

House Of Dolls
mc ff rb
by Robotunit8
Added 07 September 2008

Bronwyn’s car breaks down, and she winds up in a strange house.

House of Hypnosis
mc ff
by Rhea Corvos
Added 28 September 2019
Updated 23 November 2019

Alice and her realtor look at a house that might be haunted.

The House of Retreat
mc ff
by Azure Sky
Added 03 April 2005

Tannia describes what life is like in a shelter for girls.

House of Rubber
mc mf ft
by Renegadeteacup
Added 13 April 2024

Jeremiah gets revenge on Laura from beyond the grave for torching his business.

House of Sin: Taking Possession
mc mf gr
by Edward Fuggles
Added 17 March 2018

Kayla inherits an old house from her Great Aunt, and is possessed by a ghost living there.

House of the Spirits
mc mf in
by Chrysostomon
Added 28 November 2020

An ancient house contains a compelling force.

House of Wax
mc mf mm ff fd
by Chrysostomon
Added 16 May 2020

A group of teens discovers a “House of Wax” museum.

The House on Moonlight Hill
mc ff ma in
by Aurora Laurie
Added 15 October 2022

Susan and her daughters, Lilly and Bloom, take refuge after an accident in a strange manor occupied solely by Carmen Sainte Anne-Marie. Will their lives ever be the same?

The House on the Island
mc mm
by Para*Psyte and Wrestlr
Added 23 March 2003
Updated 30 March 2003

There’s someone new in town, and Andrew finds himself on the menu.

House Party
mc mf ff md
by Aerosol Kid
Added 17 September 2000

Grace and Gina try to break free of Erik’s programming and escape.

House Party (
mc mf md
Added 09 April 2016

A man uses his mental powers to influence the attendees of his party.

House Reunion
mc mm in
by Wrestlr
Added 08 September 2012

Dad, Mark, and the twins are back together again. A sequel to ‘House Rules.’

House Rules
mc ff mf ma hm
by Trystor
Added 24 January 2009
Updated 07 July 2012

A college girl can’t pass up the chance to stay at Hunt House, despite the strange behaviour of her new roommates.

House Rules (Wrestlr)
mc mm in
by Wrestlr
Added 17 October 2009

Supervising twin brothers can be a real chore without some house rules.

House-Making Perfume
mc ff ds
by Skaetlett
Added 27 March 2021
Updated 29 May 2021

A woman gets scooped up on the street by a charming, well dressed lady with an exquisite smell. She gets taken to a hotel for a few little changes…

mc mm
by AgainstMyWill
Added 28 October 2007

A man likes to rescue wayward boys, whether they like it or not.

Household Enslavement
mc mf md in
by chroyce100
Added 09 September 2017

Our narrator returns home on college break, now fully in control of his mental abilities.

Household Fortunes
mc mf ff md bd
by TheHandsThatLead
Added 13 April 2024

On the verge of losing everything can James turn it all around?

How a Bad Girl Tastes
mc mf md
by MichelleLovesTo
Added 14 August 2004

A stranger picks up ’Nadette, a Catholic school girl, on the way to school.

How Angel Stevens Got Her Brain On (And How She Gets Off)
mc mf md
by mcguy101
Added 26 September 2010

When Angel had gone from asexual Valedictorian to dumb stripper/whore, her old friend, Gene decides to intervene.

How Bad Girls Go Good
mc ff
by J. Darksong
Added 25 April 2015

Amanda Van Clythe is rich, privileged, snooty, and a real bitch. Spoiled by her parents during her formative years, she has only gotten worse with age. And no one endures it more than her servants and employees. She’s very uptight, but perhaps Miss Caitlyn’s gentle massage can loosen her up a bit...

How Badly Do You Need a Loan?
mc ff rb
by Roboman127
Added 24 November 2018
Updated 04 January 2019

Taking a High Risk Loan from Mistress Ashley is not worth the risk, is it?

How Can I Love You?
mc mf md
by mcguy101
Added 10 April 2010

Despite her sexual preference and their age difference, Lucy goes on a date with the visiting Brandon at a mutual on-line friend’s suggestion. Can Brandon give Lucy what she needs while getting what he hopelessly desires?

How did they know?
mc mm bd
by white collar
Added 15 December 2012

An office worker is suddenly kidnapped, and his captors seem to know exactly what he wants.

How Did This Happen to Me?
mc mm
by Petercbb
Added 09 June 2012

A man is kidnapped and brainwashed by a bodybuilder.

How Far We’ve Come
mc ff
by Jukebox
Added 12 April 2009

It’s Spring Cleaning time for the harem of telepathic mind controller Martine; will she decide to keep Zoe for another year?

How Fortunate Are You?
mc mf ff
by New Name Dan
Added 03 March 2012
Updated 10 March 2012

A trio of friends stop at the new Chinese place, Mr. Fu’s Luck.

How Gillian Failed to Put a Stop to It
mc md ma
by Bookman the Owner
Added 24 September 2022

A woman discovers she does not want to stop her neighbor’s control over her as much as she thought.

How I Became a Banana Slut and Lost My Two Cherries
mc mf md
by Ian Boheme
Added 17 April 2004

Jenny helps Eric complete his computer/psych project for college.

How I Became a Masochist
mc mm
by Julian Obedient
Added 19 October 2003

A routine street hassle turns into a life-changing experience.

How I Became a Panty Slave
mc mf fd
by MindBender and slave lou
Added 12 March 2000

A man answers an online ad to become a panty slave.

How I Became A Teenage Robot
mc mf md rb
by SoulBlazer
Added 05 September 2009

Mariah goes in for a paid experiment with nanites, but ends up with more than money.

How I Became a Whore
mc mf ff fd
by airman1030
Added 02 April 2011

A banker meets a stage hypnotist who leads him to a life of subjugation.

How I Became Carl’s Whore
mc mm
by Svplgsmslm
Added 20 August 2022

After Charles meets Carl at the Y, Carl steadily increases the hold he has over him.

How I Became King of a Town
mc mf md
by Hypno S
Added 23 September 2001

An engineer at a local television station inserts subliminal messages into a public access program.

How I Got Here
mc mf ff md
by The Scrivener’s Paradox
Added 21 September 2019
Updated 04 February 2023

A man describes how he suddenly became very successful with women, and how it affected his life and the world.

How I Got Under Your Skin
mc mm
by Control One
Added 16 November 2003
Updated 25 January 2004

Dominance that leads to submission often leads to real freedom..... with a little help from hypnosis and a Controller.

How I Inadvertently Became a Mind Controller
mc mf md
by notchaucer
Added 03 September 2011

A man experiments giving his wife commands to obey.

How I Learnt to Stand Still
mc mm ft
by Rubbag
Added 08 May 2004
Updated 28 November 2004

Ben learns how to become a statue.

How I Lost My Wife
mc mf ff fd ft hm sf
by Gardener1266
Added 24 June 2023
Updated 05 August 2023

A husband’s purchase of a collar costs him his wife and changes his life.

How I Met Your Earth Mother
mc be sf hu
by Glass O
Added 25 June 2022

An alien describes its mating ritual with an earthling.

How I REALLY Met Your Mother
mc mf md cb
by Dishwasher
Added 17 July 2021
Updated 24 July 2021

Anna knows the story about how her father Peter was accidentally kidnapped by the superheroine Vectress and ended up getting married to an alien princess, but her father has decided it’s time for her to hear the true story of what really happened when he met her mother.

How I Saved the World
mc ff
by Sara H
Added 04 April 2004
Updated 15 December 2012

Ann finally meets the girl next door... and it may just change her life.

How I Tamed Your Mother
mc mf md
by Twirling Thoughts
Added 18 June 2016

Mark’s father explains to him that the two of them aren’t normal humans.

How It All Began
mc mf md fd
by Jugsgrabber
Added 29 July 2000
Updated 12 August 2000

A man reflects on how he came to have his slut-slave.

How Josephine Stopped Smoking
mc mf md
by The Mother Of Invention
Added 14 February 1998

An unscrupulous therapist conspires in a plan to discredit a rival.

How Lacy Accidentally Broke the World
mc mf ff ma bd ds gr sf
by New Before Old
Added 22 June 2024
Updated 20 July 2024

When physics student Lacy’s boyfriend finds a mysterious app that seems to be able to change the entire world, she decides to be very, very cautious. Well, after this one change. And the one after that.

How Long Does a Trance Last?
mc mf md
by Quiet Hypnotist
Added 24 March 2018

She keeps thinking that she’s waking up from a trance, but she keeps getting proven wrong.

How Madelyn Became a Good Girl
mc mf md ma
by Bookman the Owner
Added 04 July 2015

Strong, businesswoman Madelyn meets an unusual man who turns her into a good girl.

How Many Easter Bunnies?
mc mf md hu
by Lisa Teez
Added 22 April 2007

A woman tells her bunny tale.

How Many Times Do I Have to Scream Your Name?
mc ff
by AskJeeves
Added 02 November 2019

Miranda, a demanding fashion magazine editor, trains a new assistant.

How Master PC Fucked Up My Life
mc mf ff md in hu
by needmofur
Added 02 July 2011

Tom runs into some technical problems with the Master PC program.

How My Day Was
mc mf md
by T.MaskedWriter
Added 02 July 2016

Susan meets Troy in the computer lab, and begins her new life.

How Not To Embellish A Resume
mc mf md
by Wesley King
Added 11 July 2010

Zoe is reassigned after her company discovers some discrepencies on her job application.

How Starting An Ecchi Review Blog Changed My Life
mc ff
by Autumn Oldaker
Added 25 June 2022
Updated 05 August 2023

An anime review blogger starts reviewing shlocky, sexual trash and gets bizarrely sucked in.

How Strong Are You Now
mc mf md
by Jukebox
Added 28 September 2024

Carly helps test out some new hypnotic patterns, and winds up yielding... some very valuable data.

How to Avoid the High Cost of Halloween
mc fd
by Milo Minderbinder
Added 27 October 2018

A sexy witch shows up on a man’s doorstep on Halloween, and she wants a little more than candy.

How to be a Dungeon Master
mc ff
by lazysatanicgoth
Added 03 September 2022

To her surprise, the spell that Coley casts in her D&D campaign actually works in real life.

How to Be Programmed Into Obeying Intellectual Women
mc fd ft
by Nova
Added 21 April 2018

Welcome to our little talk about fascination with glasses and intellectual women. Or maybe it will actually be more about the nature of fascination itself. You decide.

How To Create A Super-Slut
mc md mf ff
by Eriksson, Stefan
Added 19 April 1997
Updated 25 October 1997

A man uses his hypnotic powers on a complete stranger and molds her to his liking.

How to Deal With a Bully
mc mf md
by SleepyShamrock
Added 25 September 2021

A man’s demanding boss becomes less of a problem after he accidentally discovers a new perfume formula.

How to Get Rid of Your Fuckin’ Mob Boss Husband
mc mf
by Lisa Teez
Added 08 September 2007

Gina makes her plans to get away from her husband.

How to Get Rid of Your Fuckin’ Wife
mc mf md
by Lisa Teez
Added 02 September 2007

A mob boss finds a way to make his wife go away.

How to Hypnotise Chooks
mc mf md in la
by Chrysostomon
Added 01 August 2020

Carl has a book on hypnotism he wants to try out.

How to Make Your Cum Addictive
mc mf md fd
by Pause88
Added 03 October 2004
Updated 02 April 2006

Frustrated with his girlfriend withholding sex, Thomas takes supplements to make her addicted to semen, with increasingly disasterous results.

How To Pay Your College Loans
mc ff fd md ds bd
by Skaetlett
Added 16 November 2019
Updated 30 April 2022

Clara can’t pay her college loans, or rent, or anything. She’s stuck at a job she hates with no one around her. Her life turns around when she sees an ad on the dark web recruiting “servants”, and takes drastic measures to turn her life around.

How to Pay Your College Loans Phase 2
mc ff ds hm
by Skaetlett
Added 11 March 2023

Jasmine, Diana, and Clara rebuild the foundation of their dynamic. When Clara brings back her college ex, they discover something shocking: being a 24/7 TPE brainwashed plaything is a popular fantasy. When interest surrounds their disbanded harem, can they resist trying again?

How to Solve an Employment Crisis!
mc ff
by Robotunit8
Added 24 December 2006

Stephanie is recruited to become an elf and help out in Santa’s workshop.

How to Surrender Your Identity as a Super Heroine to Achieve Fulfillment and Financial Stability
mc ds hm
by Madam Kistulot
Added 24 April 2021

Non-binary super heroine Crimson Wind is inundated with debt. They only have one choice left: seeking out a sponsorship... but things don’t go quite like they expected.

How to Take Down a Superhero
mc mm cb
by Baralai
Added 17 May 2009
Updated 22 April 2017

An unknown villian tries to take on the heroic Super Patrol.

How to Tame Her with Slumber
mc mf ff md fd ds
by Flying Decadent
Added 23 December 2017
Updated 26 May 2018

Louise, a young suffragette, has been forcibly engaged to the odious chauvinist Mr Leashem. Little does Louise suspect that Mr Leashem can make any woman very compliant. Will Louise find herself forsaking her deepest ideals? Will she find herself fighting against them?

How to Train Your Doggy
mc ff fu
by Princess Kay
Added 02 June 2018

Megan demonstrates on her vlog how to enslave a girl who has been through a body-modification process.

How to Train Your Slave
mc mm bd
by webb025
Added 15 July 2017
Updated 26 August 2017

A jock dorm acquires some voluntary sex slaves to be trained for use during “dry” periods.

How to Train Your Stepmom
mc ff ds hm ex
by Sammynona
Added 13 May 2023
Updated 24 June 2023

Jenna plays a prank on her bitchy stepmom by tricking her into wearing a dog collar, unaware the collar is designed to subliminally train pets into obedience.

How to Win a Soul
mc ff
by Ember Black
Added 23 April 2016
Updated 28 May 2016

Two ancient beings make a bet.

How to Win Friends and Get Influenced by People
mc mf md
by Lisa Teez
Added 05 March 2011

A woman’s self-help DVD is not exactly what she expected.

How to Write a Short Story
mc fd md
by Eric Moffat
Added 09 April 2016

A family of three falls under the power of a teenage girl.

How True Loved Happened
mc mm
by webb025
Added 16 October 2010

A gay man buys a secondhand desk, and makes a provocative discovery in the bottom drawer.

How Two Best Friends Became Lovers
mc ff
by Borbin
Added 04 June 2022

After Jody is dumped by her boyfriend, her best friend Gina makes her move.

Howard and the Hooker
mc mf fd
by TexTrance
Added 20 April 2008

Howard let Jessica the hooker know that he did not respect her way of making a living, so she turned the tables.

Howdy Neighbor
mc mf md hm
by Ben Dmywill
Added 30 May 2009
Updated 14 June 2009

Barbara learns the value of being neighborly to her neighbor Carl.

Howell’s Way
mc ff ft
by Whyte, Colleen
Added 12 December 1999
Updated 21 September 2003

Miss Howell, a teacher dismissed for inappropriate advances towards her female students, plots her revenge using a hypnotic crystal.

HR Changes
mc md ma
by Julie Libídeo Griffin
Added 19 November 2022
Updated 10 December 2022

A tale from the Prideverse. The women at Veritas are about to find out that sometimes all you need is a little push to learn the truth about yourselves, and the Pride is all too willing to give that push.

HR Changes (Gregory Michelson)
mc mf ff md
by Gregory Michelson
Added 23 September 2023
Updated 07 October 2023

A new intern working for Nancy ends up taking over the whole department.

HS Reunion
mc mf fd
by soccerfan1965
Added 03 September 2011

Gene is enslaved by a woman he meets at a high school reunion.

HSV (Human Sexuality Virus)
mc ff mf fd md
by Master Gharlane
Added 10 December 2011

The intertwined lives of a group of people in a world radically changed by the Human Sexuality Virus.

mc mf fd
by Marquesa’s Obedient Thrall
Added 06 October 2001

Michelle uses the Internet to hypnotize and enslave Jon.

mc mf ff gr ft rb
by Homealone_447
Added 13 December 2014

Cassandra, a gynoid infiltrator, loses a battle and is repurposed to be a companion unit. But she can’t stop thinking about what happened to her and her companions in the alien lair...

Human Clay
mc mf md gr
by Hiker Angel
Added 28 March 2020

After an encounter with a mysterious red light, Jenny finds that her body—and her mind—are undergoing changes.

The Human Doll Program
mc mf md in
by JoeForest
Added 07 November 2020
Updated 24 April 2021

John wins his stepdaughter Kimiko in a raffle.

Human Error
mc ff
by MoldedMind
Added 08 August 2020

Rachel and her colleagues maintain a routine to guard Larissa, a dangerous captive of their organization. They have it down to a science, but even the most structured and systematic routine may not account for human error.

Human Inhabitants
mc mf md
by Chrysostomon
Added 08 June 2019

With his mothership dying, an alien who crash-landed on Earth takes up residence in a new vessel.

Human Pet
mc mf md rb
by Allister Remm
Added 04 August 2012
Updated 15 September 2012

Zerok tries to discover the reasons behind his pet Jessica’s odd behavior.

Human Reproduction
mc mf
by Fidget
Added 02 October 2021
Updated 23 October 2021

A biology professor’s well-meaning but inappropriate human reproduction lesson inadvertently programs his students to impregnate each other.

Human Resources (Dreamy Dolphin)
mc mf md
by Dreamy Dolphin
Added 25 July 2020

Undine has a meeting with Alan do discuss the way he manages his team.

Human Resources (Joe Mama)
mc mf ff md fd sf
by Joe Mama
Added 08 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011

Modern technology transforms the Human Resources department from a sleepy corporate backwater to the cutting edge.

Human Resources (MC Ellen)
mc ff
by MC Ellen
Added 30 June 2001

A group of office workers plot revenge against an evil HR director.

Human Resources: A Master PC Story
mc mf md
by Ludmenkov, Boris
Added 06 February 2000

Alice agrees to help Jerry in his search for servants for his elegant mansion.

Human to Canine
mc mm
by MCDogFun
Added 09 February 2002
Updated 17 February 2002

After showing his professor to much enthusiasm in his class, Chad’s life will be that of a dog

Human Trafficking Through Deportation
mc ff
by Penny Propofol
Added 09 April 2017

Veronica and her attorney fall victim to a human trafficking ring working with corrupt immigration officials.

The Humanitarian
mc mf md
by rutabaga72
Added 15 March 2014

A man uses his mind-control powers for the good of humanity.

mc ff rb sf
by sara castle
Added 13 January 2008

The machines have all but won, and the scattered resistance is being steadily picked apart. Siobhan has a desperate plan, for which she needs a captured ‘bot. But as the imprinting begins, the question remains; just who is using whom?

Humanity 2.0
mc mf ff in md sf
by Adrammalech
Added 19 June 2011
Updated 08 August 2015

A collection of excerpts from the thousand-year diary of a man destined to become the progenitor of a new human race.

Humiliating Barbie
mc be
by Chrissy Cravesit
Added 20 May 2007

Barbie’s rival has a change in attitude after she starts dating a man rumored to be a warlock.

Humiliation Of A Vampire Slayer
mc mf md hm
by Sonya Esperanto
Added 19 October 2008

A vampire slayer is enthralled by a vampire and turned into stripper.

The Humiliation of Jane
mc nc mf ff md fd
by DJW; Dr. Phil; DW Lust; M D James; Unknown-014 and Very Bad Man
Added 27 January 1998
Updated 08 January 2000

Jane, the snotty law student, undergoes an interesting change: She finds she cannot refuse any one’s commands. Her previous, nasty manner, comes back to haunt her.

Humiliation Transformation! Mild Mother’s Pavlov Danger!
mc ff
by HypnoticHarlequin
Added 28 August 2021

When Becky’s Mom argues with a stage hypnotist, the hypnotist decides to curse her with an extremely strange suggestion.

Humor in MC
mc mf md fd hu
by Firest
Added 07 May 2006
Updated 09 December 2007

A collection of humorous flashes.

Hump Day
mc mf md
by URN My Power
Added 08 September 2001

Steve, about to be fired from his otherwise all-female workplace, suddenly gets a new burst of confidence.

mc mf mm hm
by Fucked-Up Shit
Added 14 May 2022
Updated 21 May 2022

Scott goes to a couple’s home to buy a shelf, but they have different plans for him.

mc ff
by softi
Added 12 July 2009

Erin is tempted to use her powers on a girl she sees in a bar.

Hunger (Tentacle Boy)
mc mm
by Tentacle Boy
Added 30 June 2018

Mark wakes to find himself the subject of a bizarre sexual experiment that changes him forever.

The Hunger’s Eye
mc mm
by Wrestlr
Added 04 January 2025

Two thieves learn the Wizard’s secret.

Hungry Eyes
mc ff mf fd
by Chrysostomon
Added 17 October 2020

Hanna is a vampire. She loves humanity.

Hungry Like the Wolf
mc md mf fu
by Jukebox
Added 27 April 2008

A Victorian supernatural werewolf murder mystery.

Hunk of My Dreams
mc mm
by sb_jb_mc
Added 15 June 2013

A skinny guy wants a hunky boyfriend.

Hunny Bunny
mc ff ds ex
by Taking You Deeper
Added 14 December 2019
Updated 21 December 2019

Honey goes for a walk and gets lost in the best way.

The Hunt
mc mf fd
by crystaliss42
Added 31 October 2004

Heath finally works up the nerve to ask Gwen out for coffee, unaware that she is a vampire.

The Hunt (Endlessinkz)
mc mf md fu
by Endlessinkz
Added 02 May 2010

On a remote planet, a hunter stalks his prey.

Hunt (Mistress LOVE)
mc ff mf fd
by Mistress LOVE
Added 30 July 2016

Tamara uses her unique magical gifts to take control of the ones that are hunting her, while she hunts her own prey.

mc mf md gr
by Chrystal Wynd
Added 13 November 2010
Updated 26 December 2010

A man with great power and no mental, moral or ethical restraints escapes from the Chrystal Heights Mental Health Clinic.

Hunter (TelePhoto)
mc ff
by TelePhoto
Added 12 January 2013

Kara is recruited to become a vampire hunter.

Hunter and Doctor Peel
mc mm
by Hunter c. Wolf and The Slaver
Added 26 October 2013

Dr. Peel escapes shortly after being commited for life to an insane asylum.

The Hunter Chronicles
mc mf ff fd
by Shain Devroux
Added 12 December 2004

A boy finds out that he is a Hunter and his Foster Mother, who is only twenty, is a Slayer.

Hunter of the Damned
mc mf fd
by huntatknight
Added 19 June 2005

A vampire hunter meets his match and becomes the prey.

Hunter: Slave of Dr. Peel
mc mm
by Hunter c. Wolf and The Slaver
Added 10 August 2013

Coach Hunter wonders why several of the other coaches on campus have gone missing.

Hunter: The Last Mission
mc mf md
by Billy_Ray77
Added 31 May 2014
Updated 23 May 2015

Hunter tracks down and eliminates evil mind controlling bastards and there are none better. But his latest enemy may be more than he bargained for. Can Hunter protect those he cares about and take out this threat while struggling against inner demons of his own making?

Hunter’s Trip: The Milking Barn.
mc mm bd ft
by The Slaver
Added 14 December 2013

Hunter discovers something unbelievable at a farm in the English countryside.

mc mf md
by URN My Power
Added 11 June 2006

An agent tracks down a rogue telepath.

Hunting Day
mc mf md
by Farleven
Added 20 October 2002
Updated 29 December 2018

Emily is captured and drugged by legalized slave-hunters.

Hunting Hound
mc ff sf
by Kallie
Added 18 November 2023
Updated 22 June 2024

Leinth Aritimis, a rebel pilot, is captured by the enemy. Her personal hero, Sartha Thrace, is there to be a lifeline—but she’s a changed woman. Can Leinth set Sartha free? Or is Sartha so lost to Handler’s brainwashing, she’ll betray a woman who trusts her above everything else?

Hunting Season
mc mf ff md cb
by Kmaster3000
Added 10 February 2024

A supervillain uses his hypnotic powers to hunt a flock of superheroines.

Hunting the Erotimancer
mc mf ff md fd
by Lisa Teez
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 28 May 2011

Monique hunts a dangerous mage, or is it she who is the prey?

Husband Revenge
mc mm
by The Slaver
Added 04 April 2020

A man gets revenge on the man who’s having an affair with his partner.

Hyp, Hyp, Hooray Again! or, Monkeying Around
mc mf md fd
by A Sinister Bent
Added 13 July 2003

When Cindy’s changed behavior leads to a violent confrontation between her and her football-jock boyfriend Biff, Marvin takes action. But things don’t work out quite the way the young hypnotist intended....

Hyp, Hyp, Hooray!
mc mf md
by A Sinister Bent
Added 05 July 2003

A beautiful but snobbish cheerleader is hypnotically programmed for extracurricular activities.

Hyp, Hyp, Hooray! III: Nerd Science Run Amok
mc mf md fd
by A Sinister Bent
Added 19 July 2003

Marvin’s decision to allow Cindy to use his hypnotic pendant to get revenge on her boyfriend Biff has let the genie out of the bottle, with chaotic results.

mc mm sf
by Colo Hypno
Added 14 March 1999

While travelling in hyperspace, Raven and Randy’s ship is infiltrated by a space monster with hypnotic powers.

mc mf md ft
by Superman2280
Added 14 September 2002

A high school student uses his newfound mind-control powers to take over his math teacher.

Hyphosetized II
mc mf md ft
by Superman2280
Added 07 June 2003

A woman who works for a pantyhose fetish web site gets a call from an admirer.

HypHoseTized III
mc mf md ft
by Superman2280
Added 30 May 2004

A man tries to get his wife to indulge in his secret fetish.

Hypknotic Robotic
mc mf md
by Hypknot Eyes
Added 05 January 2002

A hypnotic induction session.

HypNelly at the Beach
mc mf ff fd ft
by Grafton Savannah
Added 06 January 2024

HypNelly convinces a couple at the beach to give her a foot massage.

HypNelly at the County Fair
mc ff mf fd
by Grafton Savannah
Added 07 October 2023

A group of fairgoers aren’t very interested in the hypnotist act, but they soon learn they have no choice but to participate.

HypNelly on the Street
mc mf ff fd
by Grafton Savannah
Added 09 September 2023
Updated 27 July 2024

Mark and his girlfriend visit a very enthusiastic hypnotist.

Hypno Air
mc ff bd ds
by Playright
Added 23 October 2021

The Head Flight Mistress speaks to her passengers as they are bound, hypnotized and enslaved.

Hypno Bella
mc mf md
by Bella La Vie
Added 11 January 2014

A stranger comes to visit Bella at night.

Hypno Bikini Fad
mc ff in ft
by Autumn Oldaker
Added 25 February 2023
Updated 27 July 2024

Maddison makes a drastic wardrobe change after watching a streaming advertisement.

Hypno Birthday to Master!
mc mf md ft
by Ramis
Added 16 November 2024

Scott’s friend agrees to let herself be hypnotized for his birthday.

Hypno Convention
mc mf fd ex ds
by TranceMistress
Added 28 December 2024

A lonely man goes to an Erotic Hypnosis convention.

Hypno Dude
mc mf md
by Hypnobubbles
Added 06 July 2013

Hypno Dude tries to score with a hot chick.

Hypno Fantasy Dark
mc fd
by Hypno Witch Shiri
Added 07 January 2017

An editorial article from now gone Hypno Fetish Yahoo Group.

Hypno Haunted House
mc mf md
by Weisman
Added 07 January 2023

Gabby is excited to visit the haunted house attraction. Her date, not so much.

Hypno Heaven
mc mf md
by D.Fried
Added 23 May 2020

Jeff uses hypnosis to get his girlfriend to be a little more enthusastic about sex.

Hypno Heroine
mc ff cb
by Anynom
Added 20 May 2000

The superheroine Amazonia convinces the cat burglar Panthra to switch sides.

Hypno High
mc mm
by webb025
Added 24 October 2010

A transfer student learns about his future at his new school.

Hypno Highway
mc mf ff fd
by Zen Archer
Added 27 December 1998

Denise uses hypnosis when she tries to talk her way out of a speeding ticket.

Hypno Hips
mc ff
by hypnoololook
Added 08 November 2003

Jenny takes a keen interest in another woman’s posterior.

Hypno Hit
mc ff
by Anynom
Added 22 July 2000

A hired killer targets a woman who has been stealing corporate secrets.

Hypno Mask Mother
mc mf md in
by 1HypnotizedBimbo
Added 06 July 2024
Updated 10 August 2024

Brock’s mom discovers a mask in his room that he’d forgotten about—one that is meant to brainwash girls into giving into perverse, sexual desires. When he won’t tell his mom what the mask is for, she puts it on, not knowing that his darkest fantasies are turning her into a cumslut, bang-maid.

Hypno Mind Party
mc mf ff md
by Hypno S
Added 25 May 2002

A society reporter starts to wonder what a reclusive millionaire is doing throwing Hypno Parties and decides to do some research.

Hypno Pumpkin
mc ff
by Hypno Witch Shiri
Added 01 October 2016

A blackout, and a visitor, help Shiri get in the mood for Halloween.

Hypno Script for Women
mc mf md
by b4uweremine
Added 19 June 2011

Some actual induction scripts used by the author.

Hypno Sex
mc mf md in
by JAX
Added 25 November 2000

A young man hypnotizes his sister.

The Hypno Shop
mc mf md
by Just Joe
Added 17 February 2001
Updated 31 March 2001

A hypnotherapist helps a patient with her sexual problems.

The Hypno Show (Zulu Warrior)
mc mf md
by Zulu Warrior
Added 22 July 2007

A man watches while is wife is taken advantage of by a stage hypnotist.

Hypno Slave (airman1030)
mc mf ff fd
by airman1030
Added 08 October 2011

A bored young man becomes a hypnotized and brainwashed slave.

Hypno Slavers: The Dr. Emily Group
mc mf ff fd
by Noe7viv
Added 11 November 2007
Updated 20 April 2008

A sex clinic is a cover for an elaborate slavery conspiracy.

Hypno Sluts
mc ff
by Graphic Paul
Added 26 August 2000

When a fax machine keeps calling on their phone, Trish and Tammy decide to let the computer answer the phone so that they can read the fax.

Hypno Submission Training
mc mf md in
by 1HypnotizedBimbo
Added 29 April 2023
Updated 20 May 2023

Sadie needs to get a job or get out of the house, according to her dad. But is the modeling contract he gets her art or porn? She’s always wanted to model, and her dad insists that it’s a great opportunity....

Hypno T.V.
mc mf md bd
by Mesmerr
Added 16 August 2003

Evie agrees to let herself be hypnotized, just like she saw on TV.

Hypno Therapy (Revisiting the Unethical (?) Therapist)
by b4uweremine
Added 23 November 2013

Malinda visits a hypnotherapist to help with her childhood trauma.

mc mf fd
by December Maverick
Added 29 June 2008

In the year 2032, the President of the United States falls under the spell of his beautiful young security advisor.

mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 03 February 2008

A ‘Dear John’ letter to the unexpected from the unexpected.

A Hypno-Christmas Gift
mc mm
by Mcgarguy
Added 24 December 2006

For your Christmas gift, you allow yourself to be hypnotized.

mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 09 February 2008

A hypnotist has a special payment plan for the shirt he purchased from a young shopgirl.

mc mf md
by Antoni
Added 27 February 2000

Tony hypnotizes Shana on their third date.

The Hypno-Domme Next Door
mc mf ff fd
by The Flying Pen
Added 01 February 2009

Dr. Christie Black helps Michelle date her new neighbor Kenny.

Hypno-Harold: The Wildest Hypnotist on Earth
mc mm
by stageshow27
Added 04 May 2019

Joey, a closet hypno-fetishist, attends his very first live stage hypnosis show.

mc mf md fd
by Spearo
Added 09 April 2006

Phil works for an organization that rights wrongs using hypnosis.

mc ff mf fd
by Neo Whyachi
Added 16 January 2005
Updated 03 April 2005

A collection of Short stories about hypnotic going ons in a local hospital.

The Hypno-Light
mc mf md
by S. P. Riley
Added 17 December 2022

A young man’s hypnotic invention helps solidify a relationship with a woman he’s known for years.

mc ff fd
by RBA
Added 13 May 1997

A teacher uses hypnosis on her students.

mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 03 February 2008

Julie does not believe that a person can be hypnotized without their being aware of it, until a neighbor recites a poem for her.

mc mf md
by Anynom
Added 13 January 2001

Henry transforms a woman selling flowers on the street into a lady.

mc mf
by Mesmerr
Added 03 February 2008

A man uses hypnosis to get a woman. Or does she get him?

mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 16 March 2008

A man is very amused when he hypnotizes his victim.

The Hypno-Seduction of Lana
mc mf md bd
by Loraspa6
Added 12 February 2011

A man uses hypnosis to court a younger woman into a relationship, and encourage her into his fetishes.

mc mf md fd
by Robotdoll
Added 28 May 1999

Amy drags Mike to a hypnosis show, which turns out to be far stranger than either imagined.

mc mf ff md
by SleepKnight
Added 09 February 2003

A stranger shows up on Kate’s front door and hypnotizes her.

mc mf md
by Boratus
Added 13 June 2020
Updated 03 July 2021

Katie and Brenda discover a “Hypno-slave Induction for Women” video on the Internet. The comments on the video seem to indicate that women really enjoy watching it.

mc mf fd
by Anynom
Added 14 April 2001

Lindsey has an innovative solution for her fertility problem.

The Hypno-Talker of Zlar
mc mf ff md
by Doctor MC, Mad Scientist
Added 15 June 2013
Updated 06 July 2013

A Vietnam veteran sees the young women next door get kidnapped by aliens.

mc ff
by Playright
Added 06 November 2021

A hypno-therapist can’t keep from touching herself during her sessions with patients.

mc mf md
by Michael McMann
Added 04 October 2003
Updated 18 September 2005

Rachel bets her boyfriend that he can’t hypnotize her.

mc mf md
by Glaedr
Added 12 July 2014
Updated 19 July 2014

Sascha is recruited to demonstrate his hypnosis skills at a party.

mc mf fd
by Neo Whyachi
Added 21 July 2002
Updated 07 June 2003

Jeff visits a town where all the single men are repeatedly hypnotized by the women.

mc mf ff md
by Dingus Guy
Added 31 October 2015

Logan creates an Halloween-themed interactive game that lets him remotely hypnotize the players.

Hypno-Wheel of Fortune
mc mf fd
by S. B.
Added 23 December 2017

Brenda Sullivan has reinvented America’s favorite game show and the results are positively enthralling. Want to play?

mc ff fd md
by 30Kerotica
Added 09 June 2018

Marguerite has a crush on her best friend Allie, and no way to act upon it. Surely that stupid hypno gun is not going to help her. Or is it?

mc mf fd
by Vysotskyfan
Added 25 June 2006

A hypnotic organization attempts to influence the outcome of an election.

mc mf md hu
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 30 March 2024
Updated 20 April 2024

Yeah... it’s pretty much exactly what you’re thinking. Enjoy!

HypnoCorp: Executive Recruits
mc ff mf fd
by DazzlingLady
Added 26 March 2022
Updated 16 April 2022

A pair of young, ambitious women interview for positions at a new company specializing in true hypnotism.

mf mc md ds
by Slider
Added 24 November 1996

Our hero meets a woman who wants to surrender to him completely; fortuitously he has a drug which enhances hypnotic trances and puts her under.

mc md
by Interstitial
Added 03 October 2015

Synopsis: The slightly demented yet legendary EMC author Lupa Proseda is preparing some early chapters of her diaries for publication. At the same time, she is wrestling with her new magnum opus, Hypnogeddon!—wherein much of the world becomes mind-controlled in the far-flung future. As things gradually come together, we learn via a series of email exchanges that the story in her head is not quite what her editor bargained for…

Hypnogirls of Suburbia
mc mf ff md
by b4uweremine
Added 17 November 2007
Updated 14 November 2009

Joe has a plan for making money after he is laid off from work.

The Hypnohelper
mc mf md
by Hypnofur
Added 09 August 2014

A husband meets up with an online friend to help him with his marriage.

mc mm
by autodream
Added 11 May 2019

Jese, a bi-curious freshman, stumbles across the secret Hypnohole. Randomly appearing on campus from time to time, a mysterious voice seduces young students into trance to have some fun with them.

Hypnohottie Episode I. Birth of the Wolf Women
mc ff
by Nico
Added 08 June 2002

Two college students meet Nico, who shows them what’s possible with hypnosis.

mc mf md ex
by BDantes
Added 23 April 2016

Brian visits a web site that makes customized hypnosis videos—very customized.

mc mm
by TopLegal
Added 23 March 2002

Warren goes to a specialist in relaxation techniques to help him with his migranes.

mc ma fd
by William Lee
Added 29 December 2018

A group of hypnonauts are hijacked by a new member of their party.

mc mf md in
by John Smith
Added 27 May 2007

Eric takes a very special vacation as part of his hypnophilia treatment.

Hypnos Univeristy
mc mf md
by Pancho Lopez
Added 12 March 2006
Updated 30 April 2006

A recollection of sexual adventures that are the hallmark of the prestigious Hypnos University.

mc mf ff fd
by Jones, Perry
Added 16 March 1998
Updated 19 November 2016

Miss Lang is a teacher who hypnotizes high school boys using her feminine wiles and special hypnotic jewelry.

Hypnoscript For Women—Sleep Script
by b4uweremine
Added 26 October 2013

A hyponosis script to help you sleep.

Hypnosis & the Circle of Pleasure
mc mf md
by Master KC
Added 31 December 2016
Updated 24 March 2018

A friend calls KC to help him with his sexually inhibited partner, Pam.

Hypnosis Alternate
mc ff
by Valasania the Pale
Added 01 July 2017
Updated 22 July 2017

Lynn has a plan to enslave her best friend Rose.

Hypnosis Beneath Hypnosis
mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 09 February 2008

A therapist who gives seminars on hypnosis engages in a little extra-cirricular activity.

“Hypnosis Does Not Work!—Does it?”
mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 17 February 2008

Julie doesn’t believe that Alan can hypnotize her.

Hypnosis for a Sister
mc mf md
by Coltonmille
Added 22 January 2022

Morris uses his hypnosis necklace on a nun he is crushing on.

Hypnosis Game
mc mf ff md ma
by softi
Added 15 July 2017

Kaylee wonders why her friend Suma has changed since meeting Caden.

Hypnosis Gone Wild
mc mf ff md ex hm ft rb ts
by Xban
Added 19 December 2020
Updated 26 December 2020

A fetish producer uses real hypnotic device on his models.

Hypnosis Homework
mf mc
by HypnoFan
Added 14 August 1996

Our hero is taking a mail-order course on hypnosis and needs to find three willing subjects to hone his skills upon. Denise, the copy girl, is a perfect first subject.

Hypnosis in the Snow
mc mf fd
by Neo Whyachi
Added 21 September 2003

Steve agrees to let Kiera hypnotize him in order to improve his snowboarding.

Hypnosis Is a Double-edged Sword
by Fiery Lion
Added 08 April 2017

Aria’s new life in college is suddenly interrupted by kidnappers, but a song taught to her by her long-lost mother could help her.

Hypnosis Is A Joke
mc mf ff md fd gr ft
by S. P. Riley
Added 17 August 2024

A guy wants to control women, and does. What he doesn’t use, is hypnosis.

Hypnosis is nothing to Laugh About!
mc mf ff md bd
by Kent Allard
Added 10 December 2022

A Renaissance Faire has always attracted a playful crowd. What happens when a hypnotist ‘turns up’ experience for a small group of attendees?

The Hypnosis Non-Believers Club
mc mf md
by HypnoKlyph
Added 05 July 2003

Sutton and Makenna set out to prove that hypnosis doesn’t exist.

Hypnosis Spell
mc mm
by Thom21
Added 14 October 2000

Timothy uses an ancient spell to adjust the attitude of the lawnboy.

The Hypnosis War
mc ff mf fd md
by DazzlingLady
Added 29 January 2022
Updated 05 November 2022

The Master and his enemies make their first moves in the war for control of the New York True Hypnotism Community.

HypnoSissy: Becoming a Cocksucker
mc mm mf fd
by silkstockingslover
Added 30 September 2017

A straight guy watches porn tapes that are not what they seem.

mc mf fd
by Ertcdrm
Added 17 October 1997

Richard enjoys his sessions with the beautiful hypnotherapist Rachel Green.

mc mf md
by Anynom
Added 26 March 2000

Claudia, an astronaut, is hypnotized by Julian while they are in orbit.

mc mf md ds
by Hypnopup666
Added 25 May 2008

A hypnotist brings his lover one step into submission.

mc mf fd
by le Duc de Kavaliere
Added 01 February 2009
Updated 05 April 2009

A man seeks a hypnotherapist for his drinking problem and meets the enchanting Mina.

The Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty
mc mf md ds
by BlackNight99
Added 05 December 2015
Updated 19 December 2015

An innocent beauty finds herself attracted to a manly beast.

The Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella
mc ff mf fd md
by BlackNight99
Added 20 November 2010
Updated 04 December 2010

Cindy answers an advertisement to become a sex-slave.

Hypnotic Affairs Division
mc mf ff fd
by DazzlingLady
Added 26 December 2020
Updated 02 October 2021

The United States and British governments join forces on a secret program to try and police the True Hypnotism community.

Hypnotic Affairs: Goodspeed and Chen
mc ff mf fd
by DazzlingLady
Added 11 December 2021

Special-Agent-In-Charge Angela Bailey continues to build the Hypnotic Affairs Division with carefully chosen recruits; two of them, Megan Goodspeed and Amelia Chen, embark on their first assignment as partners.

Hypnotic Bonds
mc mf md in
by Layna Lingam
Added 30 December 2023

Maddy comes home early to find his mother being hypnotically fucked by his best friend’s father. Years later, he will discover the secret of the mind-control serum that was used.

The Hypnotic Cab Ride
mc mf md
by Witchman
Added 10 June 2000

Beth takes a ride with a cab company that provides extra services.

The Hypnotic Cab Ride 2012
mc mf md
by Witchman
Added 15 December 2012

A DHS agent investigates a small nightclub.

Hypnotic Cab Ride 3: Seducing the Law
mc ff
by Witchman
Added 29 April 2001

Two female police officers investigate a suspicious taxi cab.

The Hypnotic Cab Ride 4: Deeper and Deeper
mc ff
by Witchman
Added 21 September 2002

Ever since policewoman Gail and her partner Lydia had paid a visit to the mysterious owners of Sublime Cab Rides, she finds herself consumed with thoughts and dreams of lust and desire.

Hypnotic Cab Ride 7—Silken Submission
mc mf ff md fd
by Witchman
Added 06 April 2003

Debbie is taken to the next level of submission.

The Hypnotic Cab Ride—Deeper Still
mc mf ff md fd
by Witchman
Added 30 March 2003

Debbie falls deeper into Miro and Mara’s thrall.

The Hypnotic Cab Ride—Descent Into Pleasure
mc mf ff md fd
by Witchman
Added 15 March 2003

Miro and Mara seduce a lesbian couple at their dance club.

Hypnotic Cab Ride—The Final Seduction
mc ff
by Witchman
Added 15 June 2003

As Miro and Mara prepare to leave the country, they give one last set of instructions to their hypnotic slaves.

Hypnotic Caresses
mc mf fd
by Eyeofnewt
Added 29 August 2004
Updated 20 January 2005

A wife finally figures out how to hypnotize her husband.

Hypnotic Chat
mc mf fd
by Hypno Witch Shiri
Added 18 February 2017

A chat session on Yahoo takes an unexpected turn.

Hypnotic Cinderella (a Love Story)
mc mf fd
by Hypnofur
Added 22 January 2011
Updated 05 February 2011

Susan hooks up with an old acquaintance from college on Facebook.

Hypnotic Citation
mc mf
by Hypno Witch Shiri
Added 04 February 2017

Christy has big plans for two officers who pull her over on night.

Hypnotic Date — Hypnosis Log
mc mf md
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 18 February 2023

The girls are taken on a little hypnotic adventure, where they are on a date with an individual that seems to have some very seductive hypnotic abilities.

Hypnotic Devices and Clothes Pins
mc mf md
by AmazonTrancer
Added 29 July 2023

Dr. B senses an opportunity to take advantage of his patient’s trust for him.

Hypnotic Doll
mc mf fd sf rb
by Hypno Witch Shiri
Added 15 October 2016

A counselor has an interview with the “victim” of a malfuncitoning sex doll.

Hypnotic Dreams
mc ff
by Sleeping Beauty
Added 21 September 2003

A women succumbs to a hypnotic voice she hears.

Hypnotic Duel
mc mf ff fd
by Sammynona
Added 22 October 2016
Updated 09 June 2019

Peter and Alexandra discover that they’re both after the same girl. But when they each possess mind control powers only one person will be able to come out on top in this love triangle.

Hypnotic Earrings — SHR
mc mf md
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 27 January 2024

Sleepygirl emails about a dream she had where she was “given” a pair of mind altering earrings.

Hypnotic Embrace
mc ff
by Serene Cherry
Added 27 January 2001

The high school guidance councellor insists on making a special meeting with Alexis.

Hypnotic Encounter
mc mf fd
by Blue Eyes
Added 26 October 2002

A submissive male finally gets a chance to meet in person a woman he met over the Internet.

Hypnotic Encounters
mc mf md
by Lucky Guy
Added 19 August 2000
Updated 30 December 2000

Lucky recounts his life’s hypnoerotic experiences.

Hypnotic Enslavement
mc mf md
by delicioussteph and drTaylor
Added 18 November 2017

Steph finds herself on an elevator with a stranger, but after a few words, she begins to remember who the stranger is.

Hypnotic Exhibitionism Script
mc ma ex
by Synaptic Virus
Added 29 May 2021
Updated 12 June 2021

A hypnotic induction script with powerful suggestions designed to encourage exhibitionism.

Hypnotic Eye Beams
mc mf ff md fd
by The Flying Pen
Added 21 December 2003
Updated 13 June 2004

Terry hypnotizes his girlfriend Susie while having his eyes on their best friend Carrie.

Hypnotic Fetish Therapy, The Saga of Dr. Samantha Dominique—Part One
mc mf fd ft
by Latexman
Added 09 November 2002

Keith Russell seeks help from an unusual source for an unusual problem.

Hypnotic Heresy
mc mf md
by Cara B. Witching
Added 31 August 2024

Desperate for a job, Cara takes a position as an assistant at an evil magic shop.

Hypnotic Job Interview
mc mf fd
by Neo Whyachi
Added 10 April 2004

Zatana has some unusual requirements when she hires a magican’s assistant.

Hypnotic Lap Dance
mc ff
by Jypsy Jones
Added 04 September 2005

A young girl learns all about life in the big city.

A Hypnotic Legacy
mc ff mf fd hm
by DazzlingLady
Added 25 June 2022

A young woman prepares to receive the title of “Mistress” and be recognized as a True Hypnotist by her family.

Hypnotic Love Teachings
mc mf md
by Mesmerr
Added 03 February 2008

A neighbor uses hypnosis to help Chrissie with her sleeping problem.

A Hypnotic Night
mc mm
by sb_jb_mc
Added 01 February 2014

Aaron, the football player, has learned hypnosis and must test his skills on his two friends.

Hypnotic Pheromones
mc mf md
by HypnoZorro
Added 16 November 2003

A man develops a power potion which elevates his male essence to hypnotic levels.

Hypnotic Prelude and Initiation
mc mm
by Submit1950
Added 23 April 2006

A man experiments with hypnosis, and hypnotizes his friend.

Hypnotic Revelations and Miracles
mc ff mf fd
by DazzlingLady
Added 30 October 2021

Domina Peggy and High Mistress Jing-Mei each have spiritual experiences as they continue to learn about themselves.

Hypnotic Roommates
ff mc
by Anonymous-010
Added 18 August 1996

A psych coed completes her assignment in video class: a tape which sucks her roomate into it, turning the girl into a slave.

Hypnotic Roommates Return
mc ff
by Schoonergonda
Added 31 October 2020

Reneé sneaks into a dorm room and watches as Andrea hypnotizes Susan.

Hypnotic School
mc mf mm md fd
by Shade139
Added 05 January 2002

A group of students experiment with hypnosis and mind-control.

Hypnotic Seduction
mc mf md
by Julian D’Angelos
Added 03 April 2004
Updated 18 September 2004

A man decides to try to find out if it is possible to hypnotize someone without their knowing it.

Hypnotic Sessions
mf mc bd
by Mountain Man
Added 13 December 1998

The Mountain Man records his living out of his fantasy of hypnotizing a beautiful woman with Leslie, Melissa, and minx.

Hypnotic Shine
mc mm
by MTL Bear
Added 12 March 2000

A fireman orders a product through a catalog that allows him to hypnotize everyone in the firehouse.

The Hypnotic Shop
mc mf ff md fd
by diana_singleton; dozygirl1966; focus_blue; goodgirltammy; new_alchemy; Sacrip; sw_card44 and Wendy Slippers
Added 28 July 2002

An interactive fiction written by a handful of authors.

A Hypnotic Shoppe Christmas
mc ft
by Wendy Slippers
Added 25 November 2007

Uninvited guests drop in on the shoppe during the holiday season.

Hypnotic Shorts
mc mf md
by BraveNewWorld
Added 14 March 1999
Updated 01 April 2000

Six hypnotic short stories

Hypnotic Snippets
mc mm
by WolfTotem
Added 25 November 2017

Some (very) short stories based on pictures, photos and manips online.

Hypnotic Spellcraft
mc fd
by Nova
Added 13 October 2018

In this new lesson, Nova will tell you a bit about the intricate connections between magical fantasies and erotic hypnosis. About how one can help to make the other more powerful. And vice versa.

Hypnotic Teddy Bear
mc mf md
by Hypnotic Teddy Bear
Added 07 October 2000

A psychology student recounts his origins as a mind-control story author.

Hypnotic Turnabout
mc mm
by Submit1950
Added 14 May 2006

A man experiments some more with hypnosis on his friends.

Hypnotic Zombie Attack — Hypnosis Log
mc mf md
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 06 April 2024

Sleepygirl volunteers to help me write a hypnosis script… about being attacked by a zombie that hypnotizes her into being a zombie herself. I might have left that part out.

mc ff
by Neo Whyachi
Added 21 November 2004

The superheroine Hypnotica enforces justice for co-eds on campus.

Hypnotism in a Japanese Senior High School
mc mf md nc
by tenshixoni
Added 29 March 2009
Updated 05 April 2009

Mitsuki Tohru, a 3rd year student in Ryoshi Senior High School is a beautiful girl who has been in the eyes of guys for quite awhile. She had always shunned the attention of boys. However, a group of 4 boys have fantasies of enslaving her and putting her under their control. They thus initiate their plan to do so.

Hypnotism With a Vengeance
mc ff mf fd
by DazzlingLady
Added 15 April 2023

High Mistress Charissa learns about her Thrall’s background.

Hypnotism, Hose, and High Heels
mc mf md in
by Anonymous-014
Added 30 May 1998

A man uses hypnosis to get various maternal figures in his life to adhere to a strict dress code.

Hypnotism—A Teacher’s Revenge
mc mf ff md
by Benny the Jetter
Added 01 August 1996

A teacher learns from a friend how to hypnotize his class and take advantage of the sexy young things in the room.

The Hypnotist
mc mf md fd
by Redfriar
Added 24 May 1997

What happens when a married couple visit a hypnotist, from both the husband’s and the wife’s point of view.

Hypnotist Academy
mc ff
by Neo Whyachi
Added 24 April 2005

Women attend the Montana Female Academy of Hypnotist Training and Ceritification.

Hypnotist at the Bijou
mc mf md
by HypAndy
Added 01 March 2014
Updated 28 March 2015

Cherie returns to her home town for the holidays. Little did she realize there would be a hypnotist in her future!

Hypnotist from Outer Space: Uncut Reaction
mc mf fd ma
by S. B.
Added 09 January 2021

A man watches an old sci-fi movie for the first time during a livestream with his community.

Hypnotist from Outer Space: Unrated Version
mc mf ff fd ma
by S. B.
Added 12 June 2021
Updated 14 August 2021

An online content creator reacts to an hypnotic movie of old in front of his live audience but this time he’s not the only one affected by it.

The Hypnotist In The Iron Collar
mc ff mf fd
by DazzlingLady
Added 27 July 2024

The Three Musketeers become involved in the Chicago True Hypnotists’ community as a new threat emerges.

The Hypnotist Musician
mc mf md
by Lefty
Added 06 June 1999
Updated 02 January 2000

A man is able to hypnotize a woman in a bar without her being aware of it.

The Hypnotist Next Door
mc mf ff md fd
by SoVeryFascinated
Added 01 June 2024

A screenplay, written in the style of a certain cable network’s thrillers, about a single mother who finds a hypnotist only to realize that the hypnotist has sinister ulterior motives.

Hypnotist Review
mc mm hm
by StageShowMM
Added 06 February 2021

A student newspaper review of a college hypnotist show.

The Hypnotist Show
mc mm
by Agachak
Added 10 June 1997

A man feels compelled to go see a hypnotist show.

A Hypnotist Walks into a Bar
mc mf md
by kiwibat
Added 13 April 2024

Brenda meets a professional hypnotist who offers to give her a demonstration.

Hypnotist’s Apprentice — Hypnosis Session Log
mc md
by Sleepy Hypno
Added 25 May 2024

The girls find themselves as a rather cocky apprentice to a master hypnotist, wherever could go wrong with overestimating your abilities?

Hypnotist’s Assistant
mc mf ff md fd in
by Hypno S
Added 11 May 2002

Nina finds herself leaving college after interviewing a stage hypnotist for the school newspaper. Pretty soon she’s set out to do her own stage show, and find her own assistant.

The Hypnotist’s Cursed Mask
mc ma ft
by redjackstock
Added 28 May 2022

A man is drawn to an antique shop, where he eyes an old rubber mask. The shopkeeper tells him it’s been cursed by a very powerful hypnotist. He doesn’t believe in all of that superstition. But he is definitely drawn to it....

Hypnotist’s Holiday
mc mf md
by mandala
Added 10 June 1997

A stage hypnotist invites a couple of women up to his hotel room.

Hypnotist’s Son
mc mf ff md
by Anynom
Added 10 September 2000
Updated 29 April 2001

Noah discovers his father’s records, containing detailed information abouth is former hypnotic subjects.

The Hypnotist’s Stage Show
mc mf md hm
by Lady Mango
Added 03 September 2016

Jessica goes to a hypnosis show with a creepy coworker.

A Hypnotist’s Tale
mc mf md
by HypnoFant
Added 13 July 2002

A hypnotist recounts his life’s experiences.

Hypnotits (Chrysostomon)
mc ff la
by Chrysostomon
Added 15 April 2023

A sensual massage may trigger a few hidden emotions.

mc ff mf fd
by RC
Added 22 August 1996

A man watches as Tracy shows off her hypnosis skills to him.

Hypnotized at Ikea
mc mf md
by Hypnofur
Added 29 December 2018

It’s the day after Christmas, and John and Shelly are trying to get into Ikea before it closes.

Hypnotized Bimbo’s Saturday Vignettes
mc mf md
by 1HypnotizedBimbo
Added 06 January 2024

A collection of hypnotic short stories: (1) Tina loves being an office drone for her boss—mindlessly satisfying his every need. (2) Becca is sick of being anxious and agoraphobic; an online course reprograms the teen into a loving, carefree, free-use city slut. (3) Carol has been a selfish bitch all year, but decides to be a brainless bimbo for Christmas, letting her roommates use her mind-dropped body for stress relief....

Hypnotized by Jonathan
mc mf md
by FantasyWhispers
Added 27 May 2023

Eric learns that his new stepmom is being hypnotized by their mutual friend Jonathan.

Hypnotized Christmas Mother
mc mf md in
by 1HypnotizedBimbo
Added 24 December 2022

Robert doesn’t want to take a Christmas photo with his sexy, narcissistic mom and a mall Santa—especially because he’s not a little kid anymore. Unfortunately, his mother always gets her way. What happens when Santa asks him what he wants for Christmas, and he jokingly answers that he wishes for the loving mother he deserves? And what does a hypnotizing vending machine have to do with granting it?

Hypnotized Ex Girlfriend
mc mf md
by johndoe7881
Added 27 April 2013

Daphne wants to stay friends with Marc after they broke up. Marc seems to misinterpret the gesture.

Hypnotized Heather
mc mf
by Hypnofur
Added 18 July 2015

A husband and wife’s sex life is turned upside down by a stage hypnotist.

Hypnotized Hero
mc mf md cb ds
by CalamityBrain
Added 08 February 2020

A sidekick is kidnapped by a hypnotic supervillain.

Hypnotized Hockey Player
mc mm
by stimle
Added 25 July 2004

A hockey player hypnotizes a hot teammate.

The Hypnotized Jock
mc mm
by Westpalm
Added 31 October 1998

A football player is given special tapes that he believes will help him with his studies.

Hypnotized Submissives
mf mc bd
by Slider
Added 01 August 1996

A husband uses hypnosis on his wife to improve their relationship; a friend sees the results and agrees his wife needs similar treatment.

Hypnotizing Cora
mc mf md
by Ramis
Added 02 November 2024
Updated 16 November 2024

A Taipan shopowner takes advantage of a Canadian tourist.

Hypnotizing Daddy To Whip Me
mc mf md fd bd ds
by 1BrainwashedBareback
Added 14 September 2024

A teenager wants her Dad to smack her, and she has to go to extreme lengths to make it happen.

Hypnotizing Mom
mc mf md in
by Hypnos248
Added 06 March 2021

Justin hypnotizes his mom.

Hypnotizing Mom to Be My Sex Slave
mc mf mm md fd in sf
by 1BrainwashedBareback
Added 19 October 2024
Updated 08 February 2025

Matty hypnotizes his mom to be his sex slave.

Hypnotizing my Big Sis to be my Fuck Doll
mc mf mm md in sf
by 1BrainwashedBareback
Added 20 July 2024
Updated 10 August 2024

Ned lacks self-esteem. His successful, supermodel big sister has undermined him all his life. When Ned’s favorite science teacher leaves him a sunbed reprogrammed to alter the human body, his size-zero sister insists on a tan and Ned turns her into the chunky fuck doll of his dreams. Saskia screams blue murder but she’s going to have to submit to Ned’s demands if she wants her supermodel body back.

Hypnotizing My Bratty Daughter To Be My Sex Slave
mc mf md in
by 1HypnotizedBimbo
Added 28 December 2024

Kirsten has a bad, bratty attitude and her daddy is forced to re-educate her with a hypnosis pendant—making her into the perfect blowjob toy.

Hypnotizing the Babysitter
mc mf md ds
by BlackNight99
Added 11 July 2015
Updated 01 August 2015

A lonely man introduces his submissive babysitter to sex and then begins to wonder if she has any limits.

mc mm
by T. T. Fletcher
Added 06 March 2021

A man convinces his friend that a discarded art project is actually a powerful hypnotic tool.

mc in mf ff md
by Chili Peeler
Added 01 August 1996

Dr. Alec Thorton returns from Europe with a new clinical tool, the power of deep hypnosis. It seems strange to him but he has the urge to use it not for therapy but for his own sexual gratification. So he uses it with his secretary, wife, step-daughter, daughter, etc.

Hypo Submission of Jennifer
mc mf md hm
by emma_sub
Added 09 February 2003

When Jennifer is hypnotized by her boss, her submissive side is revealed.

mc mf md
by Jukebox
Added 23 August 2008

Alice visits Dr. Faschen to treat the imbalance of magnetic fluids in her womb.

mc mm in
by Baralai
Added 15 August 2015
Updated 02 December 2017

A group of friends play a board game that grants wishes.